Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter
General Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/04/2004
Updated: 02/04/2004
Words: 3,475
Chapters: 1
Hits: 596

Birthday Revelations


Story Summary:
It's Harry's sixteenth birthday and Harry gets a visitor he has never met before. Remus is in love.


Birthday Revelations

"Professor Dumbledore, please let me take him! Petunia will never let me see him again if you give him to her!"

"Iris, calm down. There are rules that I cannot break, even if I want to. Under ministry regulations, an underage wizard cannot claim custody of an infant. I'm afraid I have no other choice but to give Harry to Petunia."

Iris awoke in a panic.

"How long have I been sleeping?" she wondered. It had taken her almost two days to get to the drop off point before Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. As the Night Bus came to an abrupt halt, Iris gathered her bags and prepared to exit the bus. She paid the man at the front and stepped out into the English morning's fog.

Navigating a path through the mist, Iris spotted a man with graying shaggy hair sporting a shaggy wizard robe.

"Oy! Remus, I'm over here!" yelled Iris. The man turned and smiled before breaking into a jog towards Iris.

"If you don't mind, I thought we would walk back to the house," Remus said.

"That's fine with me. I'm not the one carrying the luggage," Iris giggled.

After Sirius's death, Harry was reluctant to return to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. Everything about the miserable house reminded Harry of Sirius. From the retched painting of Sirius' mother to the room that held Buckbeak, it was a constant reminder of his dead Godfather. Usually Harry came to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place to hear news from the Order or to visit Remus, but today was different. Today, Harry was having his first real birthday party to his recollection.

The entire Order of the Phoenix was called to Sirius' old house to celebrate Harry's birthday. While Mad-Eye Moody and Hermione hung a banner over the doorway, Ron and Harry made party favors.

"So mate, you're sixteen. Feel any different?" asked Ron.

"Not really Ron, I... no, I don't know. I guess," Harry said, shrugging.

"Mum says you're getting a visitor tonight that you've never met before."

"Yeah, that's what Remus said."

As Harry put the last of the wizard crackers in a party favor bag, he wondered whom this mystery guest could be.

"Well, I guess I'll find out at seven just like everyone else," Harry thought.

At seven o'clock, Remus and the mystery guest still had not arrived at the headquarters. Ron and Harry had decided to play Wizard's Chess until the guest arrived.

"I over-heard Dumbledore talking with your dad, Ron. He seems really excited to see this person. I heard them saying something about him being American," Hermione said.

"How sure are you that it's a man, Hermione? I heard Bill say that he went to school with her," argued Ginny.

"Why don't you two go gossip somewhere else? Look at Harry. He can hardly concentrate. Poor Harry's queen just got decapitated!"

"What? Oh..." Harry said. Just as Harry wondered how he could possibly miss such a blatant attack on his queen, the door to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place opened.

What seemed to be a young woman entered, followed by a man. They both wore long hooded cloaks and were soaked from the rain outside. After the man took off his hood, it was revealed that he was Remus. As Remus helped remove the young woman's cloak, Harry caught a glimpse of red hair-the exact shade he had only seen on one other person. The woman was laughing at something Remus had said to her and as she turned around, Harry was presented with a vision that made the breath catch in his throat.

"This is a dream," Harry breathed.

"Wow Harry, she looks an awful lot like your mum," Ron whispered.

Without hesitation, the members of the Order began hugging and greeting the mystery woman.

"Oh Iris, you must be famished! Was it a long trip?" Molly asked.

"It wasn't too long. I had an interesting conversation with Remus on the walk here," Iris teased.

"You walked from the train station in the rain?" Molly asked.

"It was safer that way, Molly," Dumbledore explained.

"Well, I suppose... Let's go eat before dinner gets cold, shall we?" Molly said while gently nudging the twins out of the room with her.

Harry finally caught Iris' eye as she was about to follow Molly out of the room. Iris froze and stared at Harry as if she was looking at an apparition.

"Merlin's beard, he looks just like James," Iris said softly. The entire room froze.

"It is quite remarkable, isn't it?" Remus smiled.

"Happy Birthday, Harry. I um... I'm your Aunt Iris, Harry," Iris said, walking towards Harry. Her words were careful and her steps were even more so, as though she were approaching a wild animal. "The last time I saw you, you were just a baby." Iris was close enough now that Harry could see the tears threatening to spill out of her bright green eyes.

"It's nice to meet you, err... Aunt Iris," Harry offered, cautiously.

"Just call me Iris, dear; after all, I'm only fifteen years older than you... Not a day went by in our fifteen years apart that I didn't think about you, Harry. I've missed you so much!" Iris pulled Harry into a hug that could rival that of Hagrid's.

"You must be my mother's sister then?" Harry asked, still grasped in Iris' clutches. Iris released Harry.

"Yes, that's right, Lily and Petunia. I'm going to be your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year, too."

"But why haven't I heard of you until now?" Harry asked interestedly. But then Molly stormed into the room.

"I didn't make this meal for it to only sit there looking pretty..." Molly said annoyed, but then saw what everyone was still looking at: Iris and Harry. Ron seemed utterly confused.

"Well," Iris said, "I suppose this will have to wait."

Everyone had found their seats and was chattering softly when Dumbledore stood and began to lightly tap his glass with his butter knife.

"I would like to propose a toast. To Iris and Harry- may your next fifteen years and beyond be filled with happiness that has alluded you thus far. We are living in a time of uncertainty. We have many enemies and tomorrow could be any of our last. So, my advice to you is to forgive where forgiveness is needed," he said, meeting Percy's and Molly's eyes, "love with abandon," he said glancing at Remus, "and live a life free of regret," Dumbledore finished, smiling at Harry.

"Hear, hear! I'll toast to that!" Moody growled, raising his hipflask.

"Life free of regret... that sounds familiar," drawled Snape.

"Do you have something to add, Severus?" Remus asked.

"No, of course not, Remus. Living life without regretting one's actions would be James' and Sirius' department now wouldn't it?" Snape slurred.

"Now Severus, you've had too much to drink. Don't say something you're going to regret," Moody warned.

"It's common knowledge that Potter and Black were irresponsible, selfish, and rash. If they didn't always have to be the hero, they'd still be alive!" Snape laughed.

Remus slammed his glass down and stood. "Severus, why can't you just leave the past behind you? Please excuse me everyone, I've lost my appetite," Remus said as he stormed out of the dining room.

An awkward silence fell over the room, only to be broken by Tonks scolding Snape.

"Merlin, Severus! Why do you always have to be so mean?" Tonks shouted. Snape tried to respond but only managed to burp before he fell sideways out of his chair, obviously intoxicated.

All at once, Tonks, Iris, Harry, Arthur, and Professor McGonagal made to find Remus.

"Harry, why don't you go ahead and see if Remus is alright?" Arthur suggested. Harry nodded.

Harry walked as quickly as he could without waking Sirius' mother's portrait.

"Where would he be?" Harry thought. After climbing the stairs, Harry noticed light from the library illuminating the end of the darkened hallway. "I should have known," Harry thought, laughing to himself. He walked down the hall and tentatively knocked on the door.

"Err, Professor, can I come in?" Harry asked.

"Harry, of course you can come in. And if you don't mind, my name is Remus," Lupin said softly.

Harry entered the room. The only light was from the stone fireplace. Remus sat close by in a wingback chair, hunched over what seemed to be a very old book. Light played upon his face, making him look even more sad and tired.

"You know, Harry, I never thought it would turn out like this. When we were your age, we were naïve and thought that death could never touch us. And now look at us..." Remus said, staring at a fat old book lying on his lap.

"What is that book you have there, Remus?" Harry asked.

"This, Harry, is the Official Marauder Book," Remus laughed, "Like true criminals, we documented our exploits meticulously. Every prank, every story, every picture; its all here. Would you like to see it?" Remus offered.

"You wouldn't mind?" Harry asked.

"Of course not, Harry. Especially after what you saw in Severus' Pensieve last year, I want you to see what your father was really like. Just think of this as your birthday present," Remus said offering the book to Harry.

"Thank you, Remus. I..." Harry stammered as he hugged Remus who timidly hugged him back.

"Um, Remus, may I ask you- why didn't anyone tell me that my mother had another sister?" Harry asked.

"That's very complicated..." Remus said, looking at the fire. Harry only stood, gazing at Remus patiently.

"Well, I suppose Iris wouldn't mind if I told you... You might want to sit down and make yourself comfortable though," Remus suggested. Harry sat down at once. "Well, your mother's parents died before you were born, the same year your parents married. So, Iris moved in with Lily and James and she lived with them for a few years. You were born. Then Lily and James were killed. Iris wasn't on good terms with Petunia..."

"Understandable..." Harry interjected.

"But unfortunate. She couldn't live with Petunia because of it. Dumbledore thought it would be best for her to receive her education at Salem School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in America, where it was safer. Besides... she had more than enough money left from her parents. So, Iris studied abroad in Salem where they teach ancient magic," Remus explained.

"Didn't my mum save me with ancient magic?" Harry asked.

"Yes, she did. Anyway, Iris lived there until very recently."

"But, you still didn't answer my question. Why didn't anyone tell me about her?" Harry persisted.

"I was just getting to that. The same time Dumbledore sent Iris to America was when he sent you to live with Petunia. Petunia felt obligated to bring you up the right way, without magic, because you were only a baby and had 'a chance'. Her only stipulation was that you never have any contact or ever even hear about Iris for fear Iris would corrupt you. Dumbledore allowed Petunia to believe she was capable of keeping magic out of your life only because he wanted you to stay in England where he could keep a close watch on you. Their contract was until your sixteenth birthday. So, today you met Iris: the first day you were allowed," Remus finished. There was silence for a few seconds. Harry still had questions.

"Then how did I get to go to Hogwarts at all? If she thought she could keep magic out of my life?" Harry asked.

"You could go because Dumbledore is actually your legal guardian; Petunia only provided temporary residence. As such, she was not responsible for your education. Dumbledore alone is responsible for your education."

"Professor Dumbledore is my legal guardian?" Harry asked astonished.

"Yes... but I cannot go into further detail about that," Remus said, reluctantly. Harry's mind was swimming with thoughts.

"Well, do you think Molly saved us any dessert?" Remus asked.

"I don't know. Why don't we go find out?" Harry proposed, slinging the rather large Marauder Book under his arm. Harry tried to put all of this from his mind, but found it rather difficult to do so.

Downstairs, Harry was greeted with an enormous birthday cake and more than a few intoxicated Order members. After a rendition of "Happy Birthday" that Harry was not soon to forget, he saw Remus talking to Iris in the corner of the room. She was shaking her head as Remus spoke to her. Harry thought this probably meant Remus was asking her if she minded that he told Harry what he did.

Harry opened more presents than he could ever remember. Besides the Marauder's Book, Harry's favorite gift was the Pensieve from Professor Dumbledore. Dumbledore even added in some memories of Lily, James, and Sirius that Harry could keep. Another one of Harry's favorite gifts was pictures from Iris.

"I took these out of Lily and James' photo album since you weren't allowed to know about me," Iris explained, "These will fill in the empty spaces in the album Hagrid gave you awhile ago."

"I'll run up and get the album for you, Harry," Hermione said, and hurried out of the room.

"Was that photo album my parents'?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, didn't anyone ever tell you?" Iris asked, slightly confused.

"No. But that's nothing new. People tend to forget to tell me things a lot, it seems..." Harry said, looking at each new picture in turn. There was a picture from Lily and James' wedding with the entire wedding party, including Iris. The next picture was of Iris holding Harry with Sirius standing next to her.

"That's from your christening," Iris offered.

"You're my Godmother?" Harry asked.

"Yep," Iris said.

Harry stared at Sirius' smile awhile longer before looking at the next picture. The next was of a woman and a man and three young girls.

"Your grandparents, Lily, Petunia and me when we were young," Iris narrated. Harry turned to a picture of Iris and Remus.

"Back before I left Hogwarts for Salem."

"Thank you so much Iris. This means a lot to me," Harry said, smiling at Iris.

"I'm just happy to finally return them to you," Iris said simply. Hermione returned with the album. After Harry put all the pictures in, there was still one picture space empty. Iris could not think of what picture was missing, nor could she explain why it wasn't there.

"It's alright. I'm happy just to have these pictures," Harry resigned.

After the party was over, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape left for Hogwarts; however, they did not leave before giving Harry, Ron and Hermione their letters for start-of-term and their Ordinary Wizarding Level results. Professor McGonagall gave them each an envelope. Ron managed to pass all of his subjects except for Potions, which he failed.

"Oh well, won't ever need that away," was Ron's only comment on the subject. Molly wasn't very pleased but no one else seemed to care much. Harry passed all of his subjects and even managed to get an "outstanding" on Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, and surprisingly enough, Divination. Hermione received Outstanding in every subject.

"Second only to Professor Dumbledore, Miss Granger. You aught to be very proud," McGonagall said sincerely. Hermione's mouth dropped open.

"Thank you, Professor," Hermione managed.

It was getting late, and Molly had almost finished cleaning the kitchen and dining room up with the help of Tonks and Percy. Hermione, Ron and Harry sat in the den looking through the Marauder's Book.

"I got to go to the loo," Ron said and got up.

"Thank you for that information, Ron," Hermione said, slightly exasperated.

"Anytime, Herm-own-ninny," Ron said on his way out of the room. As Ron headed down the hallway, he noticed that Mad-eye Moody had beaten him to the loo. Slightly annoyed, Ron began to head back to the den when he heard hushed speaking from behind the door closest to him. The door was open about an inch; the room was lit only by candles. Warm light peeked through the crack in the door.

"Iris," Ron was sure it was Remus' voice, "I missed you so much. I'm so happy you're back..."

"I missed you too, Remus..."

"Marry me," Remus said abruptly.

"What?" Iris laughed.

"You heard me Iris Evans, will you marry me?" Remus said seriously. "Iris, I've loved you for as long as I can remember and I don't want you to get away!" Iris started laughing, and yet, Ron was sure he also heard sobs at the same time.

"Yes," Iris whispered. Ron ran back to the den, forgetting all about the loo.

Meanwhile, Hermione listened to Harry read her an account in the Marauder's Book. Harry read:

Date: November 16th, 1979

Marauder: Padfoot

Account: Today Prongs married Lily Evans. This was a very sad day for the Marauders because we had to let go of one of our own. I'm happy for my dear friend of course, because this means he has grown up... unlike the rest of us. Ha, ha.

The reception was pleasant enough. Wormtail accidentally broke a champagne flute and started bleeding everywhere. Thankfully, Dumbledore mended it all up right away.

Moony danced with Lily's sister Iris the whole night! The two of them always got along nicely since they're both real intellectuals and all. Sort of cute, really, especially since she's pretty out-going and he's shy as hell.

"Harry!" Ron exclaimed, catching his breath.

"What is it Ron?" Harry asked, looking up from the Marauder's Book.

"Iris and Remus..." Ron began. Harry jumped up from his seat.

"What's wrong?"

"They're getting married!" Ron spat out.

"But they barely know each other..." Hermione began.

"No, they were talking about how much they missed each other..." Ron said.

"This is great!" Harry yelled happily, accidentally dropping the Marauder's Book on the ground. "This is the best birthday that I've ever had!" Harry said as he hugged Hermione.

About a month later, the Order of the Phoenix met again, this time at the Burrow. The occasion was not for a birthday and not for a secret meeting. Dumbledore married Remus Lupin and Iris Evans. There was to be another Professor Lupin at Hogwarts this year.

The wedding was outdoors; there were candles floating everywhere to provide light. Music magically resonated throughout the burrow. Harry couldn't remember ever being happier- one of his father's best friends and his mother's sister getting married.

Harry sat alone, reflecting on the past couple of months and how much his life had changed during that time. He watched Ron and Hermione dance together along side Remus and Iris. He loved how happy they looked and wished he saw happiness more often on their faces. Dumbledore noticed Harry sitting alone and meandered over. Dumbledore sat and began watching the dancers as well. After a few moments, Harry spoke to Dumbledore.

"Why didn't you ever tell me that you are my legal guardian?" Harry asked him.

"Well, I already show a little favoritism towards you... I thought that'd be a bit much," Dumbledore explained. Harry turned his head and looked pleasantly at the old wizard that sat next to him.

"I found something that would be of interest to you," Dumbledore said, reaching into his robe pocket. He pulled out a photograph and handed it to Harry. The photograph was of Dumbledore, two men Harry had never met before, James Potter, and held by James was a baby who resembled Harry.

"Is the baby me?" Harry asked.

"Yes, that's you," Dumbledore said.

"Is this from the Order of the Phoenix?" Harry wondered aloud.

"No, that's not why the picture was taken."

"Then, why..."

"This is a family portrait," Dumbledore said simply.

"What?" Harry said, surprised.

"I am your great, great grandfather, Harry. The other men are your great grandfather: Wulfric Abraham Dumbledore, and your grandfather: Harry James Potter," Dumbledore clarified, pointing to each of the men Harry hadn't recognized.

"Why don't we have the same last name?" Harry inquired.

"Dumbledore isn't even our original last name. We're actually Gryffindors. We changed it for safety reasons. Gryffindor isn't exactly a safe last name. Your children will probably have to change their last name as well. It's just something the family has tolerated due to our... popularity." Dumbledore grinned at Harry over his half-moon spectacles.

"Yeah, that's true," Harry was still watching everyone dance. Dumbledore continued.

"Remember when you pulled Godric Gryffindor sword out of the Sorting Hat your second year? It really did take a true Gryffindor to pull that out of the hat, now didn't it?" Dumbledore laid the photograph down on the table and stood up.

"And to think, I had been under the impression I had hardly any family..." Harry murmured.

Author notes: Hope you liked it.