Hour of Grace

Strega Brava

Story Summary:
A child forced into a life of evil servitude by his scheming father. A wizard at the crossroads and the witch who will risk anything to save him. A Draco-Hermione story.

Chapter 11

Author's Note:
Dedicated with much love to my own personal Potions Master and our two wee apprentices


by Strega Brava

Chapter Eleven: Crescendo

"Miss Granger. A watched cauldron never boils."

Hermione turned to Professor Snape with a smirk on her face. "Interesting variation of a muggle expression."

Now it was Professor Snape's turn to smirk. "How do you know that it wasn't a wizard who came up with the expression first?"

She had to laugh at that and turned her attention back to the cauldron as it bubbled, rather ominously in her opinion.

"Is it almost ready, Professor Snape?"

"You already know the answer to that, Miss Granger," came his silken reply.

She sighed. He was such a study in opposites. Intelligent and savvy and capable of helping immensely…when he felt like it.

"Tomorrow night," she replied quietly as she added a fifth of a measure of powdered hippogriff talon.

*******************The following evening***************

Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table, staring blankly at her dinner. She had not had much appetite that day and, truth be told, the very sight of the mashed turnips that adorned her plate were threatening to make her very ill.

"Hey, you've got to eat something," Harry whispered, handing her a roll.

"I feel like I am going to throw up," she whispered back, taking a hesitant bite out of the roll.

"That's because you haven't eaten anything all day." Ron spooned some rice into her plate and removed the offensive turnips, giving them to Seamus who glared furiously.

"You're not going to be much use to anyone if you faint during the spell," Harry whispered. "That wouldn't be particularly helpful."

Hermione sighed as she took another bite out of the roll. "You're right, of course. I'm being awfully stupid about this. It's just that the smallest bite of anything feels like it is choking me."

"Just take it one bite at a time," Ron remarked sagely as he stuffed his mouth with a rather overlarge bite of steak and kidney pie.

She began eating some of the rice, pleasantly surprised that it did not make her stomach churn.

"I just wish I could talk to him before we go in tonight. He has been so terrible lately. Even the other Slytherins are terrified of making him angry," she said quietly as she slowly ate.

"Crabbe and Goyle jump when he so much as looks at him," Ron smirked at how twitchy the two troll-like bodyguards had become lately.

"Too bad they don't fall and land on their heads," Harry grinned as he filled his plate with shepherd's pie.

The three friends ate their meal quietly, taking out a couple of textbooks to give the impression that they were discussing school matters. Ginny joined them for a while but quickly became bored with their conversation on Ancient Troll transfiguration potions and their relevance to the Animagus spell. Harry did not like to snub her like this but had little choice. He only hoped he would have a chance to explain it all to her later.

As agreed, they all went into the Common Room to relax. Harry and Ron quickly became engrossed in a few games of Wizard Chess while Hermione went to her room to get her copy of "Hogwarts: A History" and, upon returning to the Common Room, proceeded to sit upon one of the really comfortable wing chairs by the fireplace and read.

The Common Room became more and more quiet as, one by one, the Gryffindor students left to go to bed. As Harry and Ron continued playing Wizard Chess, Harry grumbled that they would keep on playing until he actually won a game. Hermione smirked at that…it was the perfect ruse. Harry couldn't beat Ron at Wizard Chess even if he were under the Imperius Curse.

"Not that that would work on him, of course,"

she thought vaguely, remembering the events of fourth year.

She stretched and got up, walking over to where the two boys were both frowning over the chessboard. Fragments of chess pieces littered the floor. It was a particularly violent game…the pieces were becoming very tired and that made them rather fanatical.

"What time is it?" She asked, sitting down next to Harry.

"It's almost midnight. Perhaps we should go down to the laboratory and get the potion ready?" Harry whispered.

"I'm staying here to make sure no one suspects that you are gone," Ron repeated automatically. "If anyone asks, you have gone to talk to Dumbledore about a dream you've been having. If anyone asks about Hermione, I'm to tell them she has gone to talk to McGonagall about some extra courses in the summer."

They all got up and looked at one another quietly. Hermione rushed around the table and hugged Ron hard.

"Hey…what are you trying to do? Strangle me?" He asked, squirming somewhat.

"You prat…I just wanted to thank you," Hermione whispered with strangely shining eyes.

"You could have picked a less violent way of showing your thanks…I think you dislocated something."

Hermione laughed and let him go. He grinned back at her.

"This is worth it, right? I mean…saving Malfoy…it is worth it, isn't it?" Ron asked, suddenly serious.

"Yes," Hermione affirmed.

"You're right. I mean, I know you're right…it's…well…sometimes I get the awful feeling that this is all a plot to get to you and Harry," Ron fidgeted with the fastenings of his cloak.

"Do you think Professor Snape would be involved if that were the case?" Harry asked.

"I guess you're right," Ron grudgingly agreed.

"I am pleased that I have earned your trust, Mister Weasley," a quiet voice spoke from the shadows and Professor Snape suddenly stepped into the light.

The three youths jumped at the Potions Master's abrupt appearance. Ron blushed furiously as Professor Snape smirked, not unkindly.

"How did you…" Harry started.

"Mister Potter, while knowing the password to the Gryffindor Common Room is not normally in my repertoire, Headmaster Dumbledore felt it necessary to ensure that both you and Miss Granger arrived at my laboratory in one piece."

"I really don't like the sound of that," Ron shook his head.

"Neither do I," Harry agreed.

"Professor Snape…is everything ready?" Hermione walked up to the pale man and looked up at him earnestly.

He looked down at her with a surprisingly gentle expression. "Yes, everything is ready. The question is, Miss Granger, are you ready?"


"Then I would suggest that we go. Mister Potter, please retrieve your Invisibility Cloak."

Harry hurried up to his room and returned very quickly with the cloak draped over his arm.

"Mister Weasley, I would suggest you begin reading Miss Granger's copy of 'Hogwarts: A History.' By the time you have finished, we should be done." Professor Snape took out his wand and summoned the book, handing it to the surprised redhead who nodded, sat down in a nearby chair and began reading.

Hermione goggled at Ron. She had been trying to get him to read the book for years.

Harry chuckled as he and Hermione followed Professor Snape out of the Common Room, The Fat Lady still grousing over the fact that the Head of Slytherin had the password, special dispensation or not.

"And I am sworn to secrecy," she sighed as Hermione stepped through the portrait door. "If I tell anyone, Sir Cadogan will take this spot permanently."

Hermione hid her grin behind her hand. If anything could keep the Fat Lady from gossiping, it was the fear of losing her beloved station. Dumbledore knew what he was doing.

Harry quickly threw the Invisibility Cloak over himself and held it up for Hermione to get underneath as well.

"Professor Snape," Harry whispered, causing the older man to turn around quickly. "Are we completely covered? You can't see our feet, can you?"

"You're completely invisible," the Potions Master answered with a smirk. "Pity it doesn't render you silent, Mister Potter."

Harry stuck his tongue out at the older man and Hermione gave him a quick jab to the ribs, causing him to gasp.

"Thank you, Miss Granger. Now let us proceed to the laboratory." And with that Professor Snape resumed his brisk walk, his robes billowing dramatically.

Harry and Hermione looked at one another in shock for the briefest of moments before hurrying after the dark figure.

"I wonder if he can see us underneath this cloak,"

she suddenly thought.

They arrived at the laboratory in minutes. Professor Snape performed the requisite unlocking spells in order to open the door. Hermione and Harry stepped in and, as the Potions Master closed the door, they took off the cloak, appearing in full view once again.

Hermione hurried over to the cauldron, where the potion simmered. It had changed colour overnight and was now almost completely colourless…almost like Veritaserum.

"You may now add the final ingredient, Miss Granger," Professor Snape approached the cauldron, Harry close behind him.

Deliberately, Hermione plucked a hair from her head and threw it into the cauldron. There was a brilliant violet spark which magnified and reached the very ceiling of the lab. It quickly dissipated into wisps of smoke, which soon disappeared. This had all happened without a single sound.

"I took the liberty of performing a silencing spell on the room, specifically directed at the cauldron," Professor Snape replied to their unasked question.

Harry shook his head in disbelief and he peered into the cauldron.

"Take care that you do not contaminate it, Mister Potter. It is a precise potion…the least impurity could have tragic ramifications," Professor Snape warned as he placed a hand on Harry's shoulder and gently pulled him back. "Miss Granger, collect the quantity that you require."

Hermione walked to a side shelf upon which were a number of potions bottles. She found one made of clear glass with a simple silver stopper, picked it up and walked back to the cauldron. Picking up a glass ladle, she scooped a small amount of the potion and carefully poured it into the bottle. The potion was now completely colourless and looked as if it had been made from liquid glass. She set the ladle down and fastened the stopper to the bottle, pausing to look at it carefully.

"It seems the right colour and consistency, Professor," she said as she held it up the light of one of the torches flickering on the walls.

Professor Snape proceeded to ladle the remainder of the potion into a large glass container and sealed it with a red crystal, which seemed to melt into place before hardening. He placed the container up in a small cabinet, locking it with a quiet spell.

"Now we must get you to the Slytherin Common Room. Come along. There is no time to waste."

Harry and Hermione scrambled to cover themselves with the Invisibility Cloak and followed Professor Snape out of the laboratory and into the corridor. They soon found themselves in front of a stone wall.

"Basilisk," whispered Professor Snape and the hidden door that Harry had passed through once before (disguised as Goyle at the time, thanks to a batch of Polyjuice Potion) opened reluctantly. The professor stepped through first and waited to the side of the entrance for the two students.

For Hermione, this was the very first time she had been inside the Slytherin Common Room. It was a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and ceiling, from which round greenish lamps were hanging on chains. The light was rather dim, considering the time of night and she found herself wondering how on earth they got their assignments done in such miserable lighting. The fireplace was lit and the flickering flames caused rather evil-looking shadows to dance along the intricate carving of the mantelpiece. It was all very elaborate and posh and rich but, Hermione thought with a frown, it lacked true character. It was all very cold. She could not imagine that there was a whole lot of fun to be had here.

Professor Snape closed the entrance and looked around the entire Common Room, using his wand as a light. He quickly returned to where Harry and Hermione were standing, shivering somewhat.

"There is no one here. It would appear that they have all gone to bed," Professor Snape whispered.

"What should we do?" Harry asked, eyeing a portrait of a rather malevolent-looking serpent with not a small degree of trepidation.

"I suggest you wait quietly in a corner. Sit down near the fire so that you do not catch your death of cold. I am not completely certain how this spell is being conducted but I can tell you that the concealing wards are strong enough to hide a herd of Hippogriffs," Professor Snape replied with a sneer. Hermione could tell that he did not like this situation one whit.

"Where will you be, Professor?" She asked, peeking her head out of the cloak for a moment.

"I will wait outside the Common Room entrance. There is a small room immediately opposite where I keep some of my textbooks and extra laboratory supplies. If anyone should try to get in, I will know about it."

Hermione could feel Harry pushing her towards the fireplace and she quickly moved with him to a cozy spot that afforded a view of the entire Common Room. Before she retreated under the cloak again, she turned back to Professor Snape.

"Thank you," she said quietly.

His gaze softened somewhat. "It is I who must thank you."

"For what?" Hermione was rather surprised.

"For restoring my long lost faith in the courage of Gryffindors."

Hermione smiled and soon her face disappeared from view. Professor Snape, who almost appeared to be smiling himself, returned to the entrance and was soon gone.

"At least we won't freeze," Harry whispered as he settled himself as comfortably as possible.

"Not another word…you don't know that you have the only Invisibility Cloak in Hogwarts," Hermione remonstrated in a low voice.

Harry sighed but realized that Hermione was right and so became quiet.

The minutes passed slowly and Hermione found herself looking around at the Common Room out of curiosity. She wondered which chair was Draco's favourite…the leather wing chair looked to be the most likely candidate. She didn't see any Wizard Chessboards or other amusements. Everything looked so clean and proper…certainly not the sort of place that the Weasley twins would inhabit.

Just as she thought she might fall asleep there was the sound of voices. She nudged Harry silently.

"I will be more than pleased when this is done and over with," Draco's cold voice sounded from a doorway.

"How much longer, Draco?" Goyle asked.

"Not long…and then I will fulfill my father's great purpose and become a servant to the Dark Lord himself," Draco's voice sounded triumphant.

"What about us?" Crabbe wondered.

The three youths entered the Common Room.

"What about you? Your role is to serve me…don't start thinking for yourselves…it is hardly worth the effort you have to put into it," Draco sneered as he led the other two towards a wall. Hermione and Harry got up and followed silently.

"Perform the opening spell, Crabbe. It still amazes me that you have enough magical ability to do this," Draco crossed his arms over his chest impatiently as Crabbe slowly and methodically recited a spell, causing the bricks in the wall to fold backwards, revealing a small doorway.

"Goyle," Draco ordered. Goyle hurried forward and took a large silver key out of his robes. He quickly inserted the key into the lock and opened the door, stepping aside to let Draco into the chamber first. Goyle and Crabbe quickly followed and, silently, Harry and Hermione stepped in and moved to the very back of the chamber.

The chamber itself was rather large, perhaps ten feet square. It was lit by a huge chandelier upon which were many candles. The only piece of furniture was a grotesque silver chair with hideous carvings of a variety of monstrosities. Hermione shuddered as she looked at it and Harry patted her arm in support. She could imagine that he did not like looking at a such a lifelike rendition of a basilisk.

Draco walked over to the chair and sat down upon it. Crabbe and Goyle pulled out a number of leather bindings and began tying the silver-haired youth's arms and legs to the chair. One binding went around his waist and another around his neck. He was completely restrained.

"We will be back in just over an hour, Draco…the concealing spells will make sure no one hears you," Goyle said as he began to exit the chamber.

"I am well aware of that, you dolt!" Draco replied harshly.

"Good night, Draco," Crabbe followed Goyle out of the room and shut the door.

Hermione watched Draco as he sat patiently in his chair. He was not frightened or nervous, only pausing to check the bindings every so often to ensure their strength.

The clock struck and Hermione gripped Harry's hand. Draco began to moan quietly…beads of sweat appearing on his forehead as he pulled against the bindings and struggled to free himself.

"There is so little time left," he cried out in defeat, slumping forward with tears dripping from his face.

Hermione took a step forward but Harry stopped her, holding up a hand as if to say 'wait a minute…we have to be sure.'

"I love her and soon she will be lost to me forever. How could she possibly love a follower of the Dark Lord? If only I could break free of this horrible curse…this fate that my father forced upon me. I am little more than the hollow shell of a man, which my father is willing to fill with all the hatred and corruption that Voldemort is capable of. How can a father do that to his only child?"

Tears streamed down his face as he pulled at the bindings.

"She is the only spark of goodness I have left and soon…I will not even have that…I will become a soulless creature…a Death Eater…my life will end before it has had a chance to begin."

Hermione was crying as well as Harry continued to hold her back.

"Hermione, I wish I could tell you that I love you just one more time. I will always love you…no matter what my father does to me."

Hermione was about to step forward when she heard shouting from outside the doorway. She and Harry looked at one another in horror and flattened themselves against the wall…hoping that no one would be able to hear their pounding hearts.

The shouting became louder and there was the unmistakable sound of a spell being cast at the door, which reluctantly opened.

"Well, dear boy, I thought you might like some company."

Hermione stifled a gasp. There, outlined in the firelight, was Lucius Malfoy!!