Action Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/18/2004
Updated: 02/02/2005
Words: 19,304
Chapters: 4
Hits: 2,748

Darkened Waters


Story Summary:
There is a legendary cauldron that can bring the newly dead back to Life, binding them to serve the one who summons them. In a world where necromancy has long been banned, the one who wields the cauldron is virtually unstoppable, and none in Harry Potter's world have the knowledge to oppose it. When Lord Voldemort finds a way to repair and recreate the cauldron, Albus Dumbledore summons the person who can bind the Dead anew: the Abhorsen. HP/Abhorsen crossover.

There is a legendary cauldron that can bring the newly dead back to Life, binding them to serve the one who summons them. In a world where necromancy has long been banned, the one who wields the cauldron is virtually unstoppable, and none in Harry Potter's world have the knowledge to oppose it. When Lord Voldemort finds a way to repair and recreate the cauldron, Albus Dumbledore summons the person who can bind the Dead anew: the Abhorsen. HP/Abhorsen crossover. Prologue: post OoTP, after Sirius falls through the Veil, into Death, and encounters the Abhorsen and her daughter.

Words: 5,834
Hits: 915
Chapter 01

There is a legendary cauldron that can bring the newly dead back to Life, binding them to serve the one who summons them. In a world where necromancy has long been banned, the one who wields the cauldron is virtually unstoppable, and none in Harry Potter's world have the knowledge to oppose it. When Lord Voldemort finds a way to repair and recreate the cauldron, Albus Dumbledore summons the person who can bind the Dead anew: the Abhorsen. HP/Abhorsen crossover. Chapter One: two years after Sirius's death, Harry starts having dreams, and the Order grows very, very nervous.

Words: 4,829
Hits: 703
Chapter 02

There is a legendary cauldron that can bring the newly dead back to Life, binding them to serve the one who summons them. In a world where necromancy has long been banned, the one who wields the cauldron is virtually unstoppable, and none in Harry Potter's world have the knowledge to oppose it. When Lord Voldemort finds a way to repair and recreate the cauldron, Albus Dumbledore summons the person who can bind the Dead anew: the Abhorsen. HP/Abhorsen crossover. Chapter Two: Lirael is called away to handle some broken Stones, Dumbledore attempts the summoning, and two very different worlds collide.

Words: 4,684
Hits: 570
Chapter 03

There is a legendary cauldron that can bring the newly dead back to Life, binding them to serve the one who summons them. In a world where necromancy has long been banned, the one who wields the cauldron is virtually unstoppable, and none in Harry Potter's world have the knowledge to oppose it. When Lord Voldemort finds a way to repair and recreate the cauldron, Albus Dumbledore summons the person who can bind the Dead anew: the Abhorsen. HP/Abhorsen crossover. Chapter Two: Harry, Ron, and Hermione become worried, pieces of the puzzle are revealed, and an old menace resurfaces.

Words: 3,957
Hits: 560