The Ransom of Albus Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 6,211
Hits: 849

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 6,422
Hits: 533

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 3,875
Hits: 382

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 2,963
Hits: 357

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 3,011
Hits: 360

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 6,639
Hits: 320

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 3,941
Hits: 302

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 3,829
Hits: 266

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 4,644
Hits: 203

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 4,673
Hits: 189

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 7,176
Hits: 213

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 5,876
Hits: 212

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 3,116
Hits: 188

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 5,864
Hits: 150

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 3,969
Hits: 135

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 4,187
Hits: 130

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 2,864
Hits: 115

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 5,411
Hits: 130

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 2,916
Hits: 150

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 4,287
Hits: 107

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 6,155
Hits: 146

Dumbledore is dead, and Hermione has stayed at Hogwarts to research spells that will help the Trio in their quest for the Horcruxes. There, she has a most unlikely visitor, who informs her that there is a more important task, even more important than defeating the Dark Lord, awaiting a person brave enough enough to undertake it.

Words: 7,982
Hits: 123