Astronomy Tower
Cho Chang Draco Malfoy
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 05/18/2003
Updated: 09/24/2003
Words: 10,607
Chapters: 10
Hits: 4,046

Acidic Sugar

souki malfoy

Story Summary:
Was he dreaming? Maybe. But when he looked into her eyes that night he knew what happened. He was so stupid not to have seen it before. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see it. It was because he didn’t believe in it. He wasn’t supposed to believe in it. But she came along and she changed everything. She made it for him…and he wanted to make it for her. It was all going to be okay…or was he dreaming that, too?

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
Was he dreaming? Maybe. But when he looked into her eyes that night he knew what had happened. He was so stupid not to have seen it before. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see it. It was because he didn’t believe in it. He wasn’t supposed to believe in it. But she came along and she changed everything. She made it for him... and he wanted to make it for her. It was all going to be okay... or was he dreaming that, too? [before OotP]
Author's Note:
Hey! please read and review, i'd appreciate thanks! Constructive criticism is highly approved.


Chapter Eight: Jealousy Comes in Green

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Draco rose while flinging his arms into the air with rage. Harry stood there, just before him, with his arms crossed and his eyes burning with a dark flame. Draco knew this flame. It'd burned inside him before. This flame was a little something called jealousy. For the first time, it wasn't burning inside Draco but brewing itself in Harry. Draco could only grin at this.


"The one and only," said Draco, dryly, as he began to pick up his books that were all over the floor.

"Shut up."

"Eat dung." Draco didn't hide his eye roll. He picked up the last of his books, ignoring Harry's enraged eyes. Draco, feeling arrogant stepped past Harry, bumping into him as he walked towards the library door. Draco heard no feet bothering to follow him so he set off in direction of the Slytherin Common.

No one stopped him on his way there and he was happy for it. He slung his strap over his shoulder and looked both ways before taking the left crossing down to the corridors that led to the Slytherin Common. But as he looked down the right corridor he noticed an angel sweet Cho and an honest-looking sandy-haired boy in front of her. Draco dropped his book bag on the ground, just to the left of his feet and started walking towards the two figures. The sandy-haired boy was beginning to look familiar with his every step closer until he finally realized it was the Irish bloke from Gryffindor.

Draco slowed down slightly as he noticed the boy putting his hand upon Cho's cheek and brushing his thumb lightly at the apple of it. Cho smiled her sweet smile. Draco's heart shattered when he watched the two of them come together, lips matching perfectly onto the other's. Draco couldn't move and every part inside his body froze. He blinked a couple of times to make sure the sight being played in front of him was truly happening. With every blink, he was opening his eyes to the exact same thing and every time he did, his heart broke a little more and more.

When they finally pulled apart, Cho's eyes were glistening at their brightest. Seamus Finnigan, the sandy-haired boy, was smiling genuinely. Draco had finally figured out what the boy's name was and now that he had, he wanted nothing more than to kill the sucker and punch his lights out for good. But his feet wouldn't move and his eyes were locked, glaring at the two figures standing in front of him.

They parted, with a last touching of their fingertips and Draco almost gagged. When they finally left each other and headed down to their rightful corridors, Draco looked straightforward and saw jade eyes looming back at him. They were giving him the most odd expression he'd ever seen in his life. But there was a moment of understanding flowing between the both of them. Draco knew Harry wanted Cho and Draco knew that Harry knew that he wanted Cho as well. And they both knew that the other wanted Seamus out of the picture.

"Potter," muttered Draco, as they both walked forward to greet each other at the center.

"Malfoy," muttered Harry in return.

There was a pause.

"Fuck this shit." Draco's eyes got wider as he looked at Harry before him. "We both want Cho and Seamus has her."

Draco nodded, beginning to finally understand.

"We just got to get him out of the picture," started Harry. "And then, I'm in."

"Only in your dreams, Potty."

Harry looked up and shot Draco a venomous glare. His arms were crossed and his left foot pattered gently with the hard floor. Draco grimly smiled, his eyes narrowing and his arms crossing just the same.

"We got a deal?"

"Pardon?" Draco stumbled, uncrossing his arms and taking to Harry, confused. Harry turned and looked at him but not directly at him but in another sense - through him. Draco waited and then Harry's lips parted.

"Let's get Seamus out of the picture."

Draco thought this over for a moment. He was then looking Harry up and down, trying to figure out what was different about him. He didn't know of a Harry Potter who wanted to take a boy out for an object of affection. Then again, he didn't know the boy at all. He waited and then waited. Harry was seemingly getting impatient. Draco didn't and couldn't see where this plan could go wrong. He extended his hand, awaiting Harry's shake of agreement.

Harry shook Draco's hand and for one moment, there was a spark of electricity where both boys knew that they were making the deal of their life. When they finally let go, Draco stepped back and brushed his hand slightly on the abdomen of his robe.

"Strange, Potter. I didn't know you had it in you."

"Had what? You're not the only one with the right to be evil."

"C'mon Potter. You? Being evil? Over a girl?" Draco paused for a quick smirk. "Honestly, yeah right."

"We just made a deal didn't we?" Harry stated. He gave Draco one last moment to digest the Harry now and then turned and walked away. Draco watched as Harry walked away, feeling quite confused but intrigued all the same. What was it about Cho that was so fascinating that even Harry Potter would pick a leaf off the evil tree just to get to her? Draco took a moment to think about this deal. Once he was finished he turned around and walked back to his bag on the floor. Lifting it up and placing it just around his shoulder, he let out a small laugh and walked down the corridor to his common room.

This was going to be interesting.