Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley Severus Snape
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/03/2003
Updated: 04/02/2004
Words: 139,056
Chapters: 15
Hits: 28,435

The Brethren of Tyr

Sleepy Sheep

Story Summary:
Harry is mourning the loss of his godfather, Sirius Black, but the sorting of his affairs raises even more questions about his past. In this, his sixth year at Hogwarts, Harry has to face an increasingly odd Draco, an entirely different slant on Quidditch, yet another new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, his destiny as the wizarding world's last hope against Voldemort, and possibly worse than all of these combined- the arrival of his O.W.L. results. The Ministry of``Magic's palpable struggle against Voldemort's increasing war efforts``offer little comfort, nor does Luna Lovegood's new obsession with the``myth of the Brethren of Tyr. And who thought they would ever see the``day that Hermione refuses to enter the library?

Chapter 29: The Future’s Bright… - Chapter 30: Things Can Only Get Better

Chapter Summary:
The last two chapters! Dumbledore and Alex make a deal that may prove difficult to implement, Persephone angers the Minister for Magic and Harry gets the joy of going back to Privet Drive for the summer holidays.
Author's Note:
Thanks once again to my beta-reader Rose Black, for sticking with this long story and still doing an ace job. And thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed, too! Feel free to leave reviews even though it's finished- I'll still happily read them, and they'll give me something to write in the Author's Notes of the first chapter of the sequel.

Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Future's Bright...

It took a while for Harry's body to readjust to the sudden shift twenty-two years in time and over two hundred miles in space. However, once his stomach had found its rightful place in his body, and had stopped squirming uncomfortably, he became aware of a rather heated argument going on around him.

"...I tried to stop them, Alex..." Dumbledore was pacing a little, and occasionally shot angry glances towards the two new members of the congregation in Faith's workshop.

"Well, they're here, aren't they?" Alex huffed, looking beyond fury, her sword drawn. Harry followed her cold glare, and found that Cornelius Fudge was standing in the workshop, looking rather officious in his pinstriped suit and green bowler hat. Next to him stood a woman that Harry had hoped never to see again in his entire life.

"Umbridge?" he exclaimed, involuntarily. She looked up at him, but said nothing, though her eyes were clouded with malice.

Persephone took one look at the woman and burst out laughing.

"She taught you Defence Against the Dark Arts?" she asked, once she had suppressed her giggles. Harry nodded.

"Dear oh dear, what a shambles that turned out to be," she remarked, haughtily. Umbridge surveyed her coolly, her toad like features enhanced as she swallowed, and the flabby skin around her neck convulsed with the movement.

"A shambles?" she snorted. "I can see only one 'shambles' around here, and it certainly isn't the Ministry!" She fixed her disdainful glare on the members of the Brethren who were gathered around, shuddered when Augustine raised an eyebrow at her, and looked even more disgusted at the two werewolves currently padding around the floor. One of them had sat by Faith, and pawed her leg gently. She smiled and began to stroke the top of his head, whilst beckoning for the other one to come across, who stubbornly refused to do so. Harry watched the scene with some interest, as Faith continued in her attempts to get the other werewolf to come and sit near her by any means possible- clapping her hands, slapping her legs with her palms, whistling and beckoning... In the end, the werewolf sitting by her lap got up, stalked around the other werewolf until he was behind him, and began to nudge his back gently with his nose, the action becoming more and more insistent the longer the other one refused to move. Eventually, the stubborn werewolf was sliding across the floor as though he were a curling stone, until he bumped straight into Faith's knee, upon which she hugged him around the neck and rested her head on his. The werewolf looked most displeased, and it took Harry very little time to figure out he was Lupin, and the other, more compliant one, was Sam.

Suddenly, Faith met Umbridge's horrified gaze and, inexplicably, burst into loud, fearful sobs.

"Faith, what's the matter?" Alex coaxed, looking concerned.

"They're coming to take me away, they're coming to take me away!" Faith repeated, between her tears, over and over again as though she were a record that had stuck.

Umbridge and Fudge were staring at the girl in utter horror.

"Hamilton?" they cried, simultaneously. Alex stared back at them, and brandished her sword threateningly.

"You so much as try to take her, I'll gut you both like catfish before you move two paces forward," she sneered, not taking her eyes off either of them. From the look on her face, Harry firmly believed she would carry out her threat in an instant.

"I wouldn't expect anything else from a Brethrenite," Fudge said, scornfully, though he made no move towards Faith.

"We look after our own here," Alex spat back.

Persephone was glaring at Umbridge with a look of utter loathing that surpassed anything Harry had ever seen from her father.

"Dolores Umbridge," she snarled. The woman looked a little perturbed.

"Yes, that's right," she replied, sweetly.

"You..." Persephone had balled her fists up, and looked rigid with fury.

"Percy, what's..." Augustine began to ask, but was cut off by Persephone.

"You put her in there!" she screamed, "you..."

Whatever Persephone had said, Harry was fairly certain it wasn't the kind of thing you repeated in polite company. Not that he had heard it, for the struggle that ensued was loud enough to drown out her words. Persephone had tried to launch herself at a now terrified Umbridge, and was only stopped by Augustine grabbing hold of her arms and dragging her away. She tried to pull out of his grip, and kicked and wriggled in an attempt to do so, but Augustine didn't so much as flinch.

"Percy... Percy.... Persephone! Calm down, woman!" he ordered, so loudly that the rest of the congregation jumped in shock.

Persephone struggled in Augustine's grip for a short while, before eventually calming down, though her expression was still malicious.

"You put her away, because it was easy," she spat, viciously, "far easier than to accept the truth; accept you'd made a mistake about Macnair all those years ago."

Fudge looked at her haughtily.

"There was concrete evidence- Miss. Hamilton killed Ryan Mitchell... you... you just refused to believe it!" he blustered. Alex raised an eyebrow at him, her expression cool.

"Or rather, you refused to believe that Macnair was capable of putting the Malleable Statue curse on a nineteen year old girl, and framing her for his murder of Ryan. Believing that would prove you were wrong about accepting he had become a Death Eater whilst under Imperius; it would prove that you, Mr. Fudge, had made a mistake." She looked at her nails for a moment, before meeting his flustered gaze once more. "And if I'm not mistaken, the last thing you will admit is that you ever make mistakes," she ended, her eyes still fixed on his.

Fudge had turned crimson with either embarrassment or fury- Harry couldn't quite tell.

"Well!" he huffed, "I... I..."

"How dare you say such slanderous things about our good Minister, you silly little girl!" Umbridge hissed. Alex turned her cool glare upon her.

"I am in my mid-thirties, Ms. Umbridge; I'm not a child. Besides, I was under the impression- correct me if I'm wrong, Albus- that a remark is only slanderous, if it is not the truth," she replied, casually. Dumbledore looked across at her.

"You are quite right, Alex," he replied, serenely, and Harry thought he was trying not to laugh. Alex pulled out a cigarette, lit it with her wand, and took a drag. She fixed her piercing glare back onto Fudge, who looked positively disgusted by her smoking alone.

"The fact that Faith forgets this entire scenario, no matter how many times it is explained to her, is a common side-effect of an excessively strong Malleable Statue curse, I think you'll find. That should really have been proof enough..." She left the suggestion hanging in the air for effect. Fudge brushed down his suit and appeared disgruntled.

"Humph," he snorted, "you're a fine lot to talk about mistakes- I had no idea that going around on random killing sprees on pure-bloods was a good policy for combating You-Know-Who and his armies!"

Umbridge smirked in approval.

Meanwhile, Persephone appeared to have calmed down. She turned towards Augustine, and looked down at her feet.

"Augustine, I'm sorry. I feel awful for losing my temper like that," she said. Augustine smiled.

"It's alright, Persephone. We know how close you and Faith have always been, and how difficult her incarceration- and it's aftermath- has been for you," he replied, loosening his grip on her arm. She smiled.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to apologise to Ms. Umbridge for scaring her so," she said, in a small voice. Augustine let go of her arm entirely.

"Be my guest," he said, beaming up at her.

It took Augustine about five seconds to realise he had been swindled, which was long enough for Persephone to roll her sleeves up, run towards Umbridge and pin her to the floor.

"You stupid old harridan!" she seethed, her voice dripping with hatred of a kind Harry had never heard her express before. "You have got no clue of the damage your procrastination has done, have you! And you!" At this, she stood up and grabbed Fudge's lapels roughly, bunching up the fabric in each fist. "Our methods may have been zealous, but we've had no choice! If you hadn't gone and sulked in your little ivory tower because Voldemort had ruined your precious, cushy stint in office, we wouldn't be in this mess now!"

Umbridge was coughing violently and struggling to pull herself up into a sitting position upon the floor. The scene reminded Harry of watching a turtle that had fallen onto its back. Fudge looked absolutely outraged, and a vein in his neck had begun to throb violently.

"Unhand me, you mad woman!" Fudge bellowed, in an attempt to intimidate Persephone. It worked about as well as Snape's efforts earlier in the school year had, Harry thought to himself, as he watched his sister simply bare her teeth and grab more of his lapels in her fists.

"In case you haven't been bothering to count, you're currently being outnumbered by Voldemort's- flinch again and I'll give you something to effing well flinch about- Voldemort's forces. He's got the werewolves, the dementors, the vampires, the giants and some of the goblins on his side. That means more brute force, more bloodthirsty adversaries and a loss of your own weapons, not to mention a huge drain on your finances- the goblins who are currently watching over the Ministry funds have put most of it into Death Eater accounts across Europe. You are going to lose if you don't swallow your pride and accept help! The Order are a boon, yes- and indeed, we know all about them- but it's not going to be enough. Why do you think there have been relatively few attacks? Voldemort has still been gathering his forces, and let me tell you, it's going to get very, very nasty in the coming months. We need to band together, or we are going to lose this war!" she raged.

"Persephone," Alex said, quietly, tapping her cigarette ash into an ashtray she had conjured. At her words, Persephone finally let go of Fudge. She patted his lapels down, before turning her back on him and walking towards Augustine.

Alex tried to hide a cheeky smile.

"Tell me, Albus, does Persephone take after her father in terms of temperament?" she asked. Dumbledore looked at her and coughed.

"They have both had their moments," he replied. Fudge looked baffled, but a quick glance from Dumbledore soon made it clear that he would get no clarification on the matter.

Alex looked across neutrally at Fudge.

"She's right, you know," she said, calmly. "Voldemort has you at a disadvantage. Thanks to Albus' efforts, and our own- forgive me for blowing my own trumpet- that disadvantage is not a great as it could have been. But the time you wasted last year has had devastating effects. You've lost the support of many species, and most of those have turned to Voldemort, for he has offered them what you have so far failed to deliver- freedom and equal rights."

Fudge opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Alex.

"I know as well as you do that he won't adhere to his promises," she replied, smoothly, "however, neither have you. We have managed to keep alive some of those links- as you can see, we do have some renegade vampires and werewolves amongst our number. We have managed to secure a semblance of trust with the Goblins, too. We would be happy to offer our assistance..."

"Over my dead body!" Fudge retorted. Alex raised her palms in mild rebuke.

"You may well get your wish," she replied, caustically. "It certainly wouldn't bother me. What would bother me is if we lost."

She began to pace the floor slowly, her head held high, as though she were a general addressing her army.

"This war is going to have far-reaching consequences," she announced, "and not just for the wizards, or indeed the Muggles. This war will affect everyone- the centaurs, the house-elves, the werewolves, the vampires, the dementors; every species, every culture you can think of, will be touched by this war, good or bad. First time around," she laughed. "That was just a taster of what Voldemort could achieve. This time, it's for real, and on top of it all, he's almost immortal. His concerns about what we might do are minimal- and not surprisingly, for he has witnessed the slow, uphill struggle the Ministry have had with combating his forces. However, I am certain with time, he will change this viewpoint, and it will be to our advantage. Perhaps we might even help quash his minor fear of this small sixteen year old boy who's been watching our entire debate with some interest."

She looked across at Harry, who felt himself grow uncomfortable under her gaze. Nevertheless, he decided to speak up.

"Is his fear of me a concern?" he asked, feeling a semblance of sarcasm edge his voice. Alex appeared to ignore it.

"It is a great concern," she replied, simply. "One who fears without striving to overcome such fear does not usually set about to dominate an entire continent. He intends to overcome his fear- and by that, I mean he intends to overcome you, Harry." She looked at him not with sympathy, or with pride, but simply as an equal, and Harry felt himself swell with a mixture of feelings upon this realisation. Alex paid no heed to his reaction, as she continued with her soliloquy.

"We have to unite as one and fight. We need to cast off our prejudices, our mistrust; because if he wins, all is lost. If we don't stop this ridiculous hatred," she declared, "we will destroy each other. Maybe not now, maybe not even in the foreseeable future, but our children, and our childrens' children, will have to face the consequences of centuries of hatred spilling out into both our worlds. The wizards will attack the Muggles, and the Muggles will attack the wizards. Now I know you don't believe them to be much of a threat, Fudge," she spat, glaring in then Minister for Magic's direction. "But in place of magic, they have science- most of which is channelled into producing weapons of war. Nuclear warheads, dirty bombs- if this escalates, as we believe it will, between us, we will destroy the entire Earth and all that lives in it. I personally think we have no right to stand back and let that happen."

Dumbledore strode across the workshop until he stood face to face with Alex Ridley. He put out his hand and looked at her, benignly.

"Miss Ridley," he said, respectfully, "I believe I speak for all the members of the Order when I beseech you to offer your assistance to us; having seen what you have achieved, and how you command the respect of many different cultures and races- why, you even command the respect of an ex Death Eater," he chuckled.

Harry looked around at the different members of the Brethren of Tyr that were assembled in the workshop- Muggle-borns, a newly discovered half-blood, a werewolf, a vampire- and was reminded how they represented many of the known wizarding races he could think of, and how they worked together as one with efficiency and camaraderie. He also couldn't help but notice how skilfully Dumbledore appeared to be buttering Alex up.

"We would be most honoured to have you as allies," Dumbledore finished. Alex met his gaze, and looked across at the other members.

"If I have your consent, I would happily accept," she replied, and on hearing no murmur of disapproval, promptly shook Dumbledore's hand.

"What say you, Cornelius?" Dumbledore asked, looking across at the enraged Fudge.

"I do not like the idea of working with such people, especially those who employ someone so young to run their entire organisation!" he spluttered. Alex raised an eyebrow at him.

"I may be young, but this is not a job that suits those who are weary of spirit- and believe me, many of the members grew weary after Voldemort's first defeat. One has to work with what one has, and recruit what one does not. I can assure you, I've rather a gift for tapping into people's potential. Just look at Persephone..."

"You assigned a twenty year old to head a whole department?" Fudge snorted, looking askance at Persephone.

"A twenty-two year old, who co-heads a department with a man eight years her senior," Alex corrected. "You have to admit, it is much easier to get someone to open up to a striking young woman, than a jaded old man. I told you I have an ability to see potential- I must say I'm rather proud of Persephone. She may make mistakes- who doesn't? But she's an expert in improvisation; I have yet to see any of her mistakes cost us a mission- and that I believe to be very important...."

Dumbledore raised his hand.

"If I may add something, Alex- Persephone has enough sense to know when she is being spied on herself," he pointed out. "Plus, she has enough guile to have managed to throw me off the scent once or twice; and I am a man whom it is very difficult to deceive."

Harry thought Dumbledore sounded almost impressed. One look at Fudge's furious countenance suggested that the Minister for Magic did not agree.

"Indeed," Alex replied, still keeping her eyes on Fudge. "Besides; the department she co-heads is just one out of many..."

"Let's not forget the fact that you've just let a lunatic girl torture a Hogwarts Professor and go heaven knows where with a schoolgirl as a hostage!" Fudge ranted. Alex looked at Hermione, then back at Fudge.

"Apologies, but we were also trying to deal with a gigantic breach of our security, which did take precedence," she retorted, glancing at some of the Order members, who appeared entirely unrepentant.

"Anyway, does she look harmed to you?" Alex asked, gesturing towards Hermione, who if anything looked intrigued by the whole situation. Harry had to admit he felt relieved that Fudge seemed to know nothing of the Brethren's time-and-place machine.

Fudge clammed up.

"Well.... I suppose not," he admitted, before rounding on Alex once more. "That hardly makes it right!"

Alex sighed.

"I admit we have a soft spot when it comes to Faith," she said. "Today, that got us into trouble. However, lunatic or not, she is still very much a genius, and I for one would be loath to give up such a valuable mind to the four walls of a St. Mungo's hospital ward..."

Fudge sighed dejectedly.

"Much as I disagree with your methods, Miss Ridley, I do believe we have little choice. The Brethren and the Ministry were somewhat at odds during the last War; this time around our efforts together would be greater than if we worked apart," he admitted. Alex smiled.

"Well, welcome aboard, Minister," she said, with a smile. Fudge did not return it.

"Welcome aboard, indeed- if you are working with us, you shall work for us!" he demanded. "You shall be part of the Ministry!"

Alex widened her eyes and smirked humourlessly.

"Oh, not on your life, Fudge," she replied, cynically. "We work with you, or the deal's off!"

"No, Alex," Persephone piped up, her back to the congregation. Alex looked aghast.

"Persephone, what are you suggesting?" she asked, her eyes having narrowed to the point of almost being shut.

"Let us join the Ministry of Magic," Persephone replied, still not facing any of them.

"What, and capitulate our whole organisation for the sake of one man's ego?" she gasped. "I thought you above that, Persephone."

Fudge had puffed out his chest at this remark.

"No, I think she sees the benefits of such compliance. It is you, Miss Ridley, who is allowing her ego to stand in the way of progress!" he announced, gleefully.

"You misunderstand me, both of you." Persephone had turned around at this point, and wore an ugly expression that was a mix of triumph and vindication. "I mean for the Brethren to join the ranks of the Ministry only for a short while- say, a month or so..." She trailed off, and left the half-statement hanging in the air.

Harry looked at Hermione, who had paled for a moment, before grinning broadly; an odd look of both admiration and envy on her face.

"What is it?" Harry asked. Hermione looked at him, her eyes shining.

"I do believe Professor Beauchamp has something up her sleeve," she whispered.

"Indeed I have, Hermione," Persephone announced, and Hermione blushed at having been heard.

"Perce..." Alex began to speak, but was cut off by Persephone.

"I think we'd do well at the Ministry. I think we could orchestrate a few changes." She wandered around the room, and ran her finger along a bookshelf, looking vaguely critically at the dust she removed. "Such as putting forward a vote of no-confidence," she said, smiling, looking directly at Fudge, who had turned ashen.

"No... no... what you're suggesting... it wouldn't work, people want me in power!" he stammered. Persephone looked at him.

"I've looked deep into your eyes; you don't even believe the words you are saying yourself!" she replied, harshly.

Hermione looked at Fudge.

"So, if you force them to join the Ministry's ranks, they will usurp you from power?" she asked, appearing to Harry as though she wanted clarification on her own thoughts.

"I think that is precisely what Professor Beauchamp is implying, Miss Granger," Dumbledore replied, and for a brief moment, Harry thought he saw the old headmaster attempt to hide a smile.

Alex grinned from ear to ear.

"You have to admit, Fudge," she added, "she's a wily old sod, is our Perce."

Fudge sighed.

"Very well, have it your way," he said, wearily. Persephone beamed.

"Well, thank you very much for letting us keep our own..."

Her sarcastic response was cut off by three very surprising words uttered by Fudge.

"Join the Ministry," he said, finally.

The congregation gaped in shock at his words. Harry, who had observed Lupin and Sam's reaction, was gobsmacked himself to discover that transformed werewolves could even show an expression of astonishment.

"Hold on, I don't think I heard that right," Alex said, tapping her ear. "Did you say 'Join the Ministry'?"

Fudge nodded.

"I did. Do what you think is right, Miss Ridley." He walked towards her and, for the first time that afternoon, faced her as an equal. "The coming months are indeed going to be tough- tougher than I suppose I ever really considered. Perhaps I really am not up to it. Perhaps," he sighed heavily. "Perhaps such a burden ought to rest on someone else's shoulders."

Persephone looked stunned.

"Wow," she said, and pushed her gaping mouth shut with her hand. Dumbledore rushed to take Fudge's arm.

"Cornelius," he said, softly, "are you sure about this?"

"I am sure that I should at least find out if the rest of the Ministry share the Brethren's opinion of my work," he replied, simply, before walking towards the exit.

"Wait," Persephone shouted, before running over to Fudge.

"You're more of a wizard that I ever gave you credit for," she said, touching his arm gently. He smiled weakly.

"It's time I trusted the opinions of the many, and not the few," he replied, before turning away to leave, accompanied by Umbridge, and Augustine, who blindfolded them both and led them away.

Alex brushed her hands together.

"You lot had ought to be getting back to school!" she announced, looking at Harry and Hermione.

"What about Ron?" Harry asked.

"We'll pick him up on the way," she replied.

"What about Malfoy?" Hermione asked. Harry looked at her- why did she care?

"Why do you care?" he asked, suspiciously. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I care that he knows the existence of this place, that he knows Professor Snape and Professor Beauchamp are related, that..."

"Alright, you've made your point," Harry replied, cutting her off before she could launch into a full-blown list. Alex smiled.

"You do think ahead, don't you, Hermione? I got Ron to pass on a message to our chief Healer," she explained, with a conspiratorial wink.

"Which would be?" Harry asked. Alex rolled her eyes.

"To modify his memory, perchance?" she reported, although in good humour.

"What about ours?" Dumbledore asked. Alex raised her eyebrows.

"You're offering to have your memory modified? That's very noble of you, Albus, but if we are working together, it would be silly not to know how to contact one another," she replied. Dumbledore smiled.

"Does that include Severus?" he asked.

"Of course," Alex replied.

"You two have a lot to talk about, I suppose?" Dumbledore questioned, gently. Harry felt sure he saw a tinge of pink flush Alex's cheeks, though it was difficult to tell.

"I suppose we do have a history, of sorts," she replied, edgily. Dumbledore smiled.

"Well, I suppose my next job is to introduce you to our numbers."

Alex smiled back at him.

"Then perhaps I shall confer the same privilege onto you," she replied.

Harry was shocked.

"Introduce Dumbledore to your numbers?" he asked, confused as to why she had suggested doing something she had already done. Alex laughed.

"Harry; Persephone, Faith, Augustine and Sam are only a few of our number. We have over a thousand members."

Harry felt his jaw drop. A thousand members?

"How else do you think we've managed to do the work we have, Harry?"

Harry shrugged, embarrassed that he hadn't even considered the Brethren to be so huge. Alex bent down slightly to look him in the eye.

"There are a lot of people who either care about you, or care about what you might achieve. You would do well to remember that," she said, mussing up his hair before striding off to the exit of Faith's workshop.

Harry couldn't believe it. He watched Dumbledore and Alex fall into step with each other, and Persephone followed them, giving Harry a smile that conveyed sympathy and solidarity. Sam and Lupin walked along, nudging Harry in their own display of faith. Tonks walked alongside him.

"It'll all work out, Harry," she whispered.

Even Faith, who skipped along a bit, staring at the ground with interest, had something to say.

"Do you know, they say when you see a star, you're actually seeing the imprint it made on the world three million years ago?" she asked. Harry shook his head.

"No, I didn't," he replied. Faith hummed a little before looking up at him, beaming with pride.

"Make your imprint," she replied, in a rare moment of sanity. She looked at both Harry and Hermione with interest, before skipping away.

"See, everyone cares, Harry. We really stand a chance to beat Voldemort," Hermione chided, as she linked arms with his.

Harry smiled. Perhaps... well, he really wasn't alone in this war, after all.

Chapter Thirty: Things Can Only Get Better

The train carriage shuddered as the Hogwarts train went across a particularly bumpy area of railroad track. Harry sighed and looked anxiously across at the door to their carriage, where he could see two students having a heated discussion. Hermione's copy of the Daily Prophet lay in his hands, the headline 'Fudge Ousted! Vote of No-Confidence Given Go-Ahead!', and the sub-headline 'Who Will Be Next Minister of Magic?' only partially obscured.

"I'm just going to check on Pigwidgeon," Ron announced, before getting up and walking towards the carriage door where the two arguing students were. Ginny tugged at his sleeve.

"Ron, didn't you put Pigwidgeon in the carriage behind us?" she asked, trying to hide a smile. Ron huffed and adjusted his tie.

"Oh... yes, I did, didn't I?" he replied, in a curious voice, before walking reluctantly towards the back of their carriage. Harry got the distinct impression that he had definitely wanted to check on someone; only it wasn't Pigwidgeon.

Ginny craned her neck to look at the door in front of her.

"Do you think Hermione's okay?" she asked. Harry shrugged.

"Whether she is or not, we can't exactly go blundering in to find out- that'd just make things worse. Remember, as far as Malfoy knows, the only person who knows about his, ahem..." Harry struggled to find a polite way of phrasing his thoughts. "Indiscretion with Hermione, is Hermione," he replied. Ginny giggled.

"I still can't believe it," she said, "but I would have though the whole thing with that Faith Hamilton woman taking polyjuice, disguising herself as Hermione and almost killing him might have dampened his..."

"Don't finish that sentence, I get the picture," Harry interrupted, quickly, before Ginny had a chance to embellish upon Draco's...rebellion, as Persephone had so decently put it.

"Does Ron know?" he asked, suddenly realising he had the perfect opportunity to find out courtesy of Ginny. She laughed out loud.

"Harry, Hermione is the cleverest witch in the school. What do you think?" she replied, rhetorically. A brief mental image of what Ron would probably do to Draco if he ever found out invaded Harry's brain, and he remained silent. He knew Hermione to be a compassionate person, anyway.

"So, are you going back to your Aunt and Uncle's?" Ginny asked. Harry nodded.

"Sadly, yes," he replied, tapping his fingers on the table in front of him.

"What about Persephone?" she asked, gently. Harry was at first stunned that Ginny had any inkling about his relationship with their current Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, until he remembered the conversation they had last week where he told her just that.

"Well, she says she's staying on as our teacher next year as well, so she says," Harry replied. Ginny laughed.

"Wow, someone's broken the Defence Against the Dark Arts curse!" she joked. Harry nodded.

"It appears so... you don't suppose that means someone else will go?" he asked, only half in jest. Ginny shrugged.

"Don't know. Hope not," she replied. She glanced at the window for a moment before turning her attention to Harry again.

"Why is she staying? Surely her work with, you know, would be more important than teaching us?" she asked, quietly. Harry coughed, and lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.

"She says it's mainly to keep an eye on us all- both the Brethren and the Order seem to think Hogwarts could be one of Voldemort's prime targets." He raised his voice a little. "Oh, and she did say that she had something planned for my birthday..."

Ginny giggled.

"Has she told you what? Or is it going to be a surprise?" she asked, enthusiastically. Harry slumped his head on the table.

"I'm a bit concerned as to what a surprise from Persephone will entail," he replied, in mock weariness. Ginny giggled more loudly.

"Maybe she's going to take you to Transylvania- show you how to defend yourself against some real vampires," she replied, chuckling. Harry pulled a face at her.

"Yeah, thanks for that," he replied, with a groan.

The carriage door opened, and Hermione entered. She walked towards them, sat down opposite Harry and Ginny, and smiled with a mixture of joy and serenity.

"Well, what happened?" Ginny asked eagerly. Hermione's expression did not falter.

"Oh, Malfoy said he hates me, and I'd better watch out, because Voldemort's going after the filthy little Mudbloods and he hopes I'm next," she replied, before leaning her head back and sighing happily.

"So, he's gone back to hating you unequivocally?" Harry asked, hopefully. Hermione nodded.

"Yes... yes I rather think he has," she replied, stretching out her arms and flicking through her copy of the Daily Prophet, which she pulled lightly out of Harry's hands.

Ron clambered through the carriage, with an excitable Pigwidgeon flapping in a cage under his arm.

"Oh, so you're back," he said, on glimpsing Hermione. "What did Malfoy want?"

"Oh, the usual," Hermione replied, breezily. "He doesn't remember a whole lot of what happened last month, thank goodness. However, he appears to remember being tricked by someone pretending to be me and thinks it was my idea of a practical joke, so I reckon we can all breathe easily."

Ron cast her an odd glance, then shook his head quickly.

"So, Malfoy doesn't remember anything about the Brethren?" Harry asked, quietly. Hermione nodded.

"Not a thing. Their Healers are evidently skilled in memory charms as well," she replied.

Ron gazed out of the window.

"I hope they sort out a new Minister soon," he said, whilst still staring through the glass. "I don't like the idea of being without a leader at the moment."

"Who's in the running?" Harry asked. Hermione flicked through her paper.

"Basically everyone with a long-standing position in the Ministry- Amelia Bones, Amos Diggory... Ron, did you know your dad was in the running?"

Ron jumped in his seat.

"What?" he asked, clearly shocked by the news. Ginny was already craning over the table and reading the upside-down list of candidates.

"It's true, Ron," she added, by way of confirmation. Ron turned to face her

"Blimey!" he exclaimed, before laughing hysterically.

"What on earth is it, Ron?" Hermione asked. Ron tried to answer, but couldn't produce any audible words. He eventually calmed down and was able to speak.

"I was just thinking- what if, by some miracle of randomness, Dad did get voted in? Malfoy would have a fit!" He laughed again. "Oh, it'd be worth it, if only to see his face!"

"I don't see why you think it so odd, your dad becoming Minister for Magic," a lilting voice said. Harry looked up to see Luna standing at their table. Hermione budged up the seat, and motioned for Luna to join them. Ron looked as though someone had just announced his dad had, in fact, become the Minister of Magic, judging from the stunned expression on his face.

"Dad seems to think he's got a good chance- he's run an article in the Quibbler on it this month," Luna explained, oblivious to Ron's reaction.

"No offence, Luna," Hermione said, "but isn't your dad the only one who thinks Arthur Weasley might be a favourite for the job?"

Luna shrugged.

"Yeah, but who would have thought that Fudge would be ousted from the position?" she countered, twiddling a section of her straggly blonde hair around her left index finger.

"Good point," Hermione replied. Luna sighed.

"We'd better start swimming, or we'll sink like a stone, for the times, they are a changin'," she sang, somewhat pensively. Hermione looked at her.

"Bob Dylan," she commented. Luna shrugged.

"Don't know anyone by that name, is he in your year?" she asked. Hermione struggled with her expression for a few moments, before settling on a friendly smile.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it," she said, quickly.

The train zipped past hills and valleys, and Pigwidgeon fluttered helplessly in his cage, whilst the five students fell silent. Harry sighed in irritation. The times they had been a bleeding well changing all year. He was feeling restless, and almost wanted Voldemort to come out and start attacking- at least then he'd know where he stood.

"Do you think Voldemort will begin attacking soon?" he asked, before he even registered the words that had come out of his mouth. The others stared at him in horror.

"Don't know, but I for one can hardly wait!" Ron exclaimed, sarcastically. Harry looked at him.

"You know what I mean," he retorted. Ron shrugged.

"Who knows," he replied.

"Perhaps the Ministry will take the fight to him," Ginny suggested. Luna nodded in agreement.

"It's possible," she explained, "with the Brethren working for them, it might really get the ball rolling. I just hope it's over soon," she finished, in a small voice.

Harry couldn't help it, and squeezed her hand in a gesture of comfort.

"And so say all of us," he added.

Neville walked into their carriage at that point.

"Hey, guys," he said, as he reached their table.

"Hi, Neville," they replied, in a slightly shambolic chorus. Neville spotted Hermione's copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Can I have a look?" he asked. Hermione nodded, and handed it over. He flicked through the pages of the newspaper deftly, evidently looking for something that had nothing to do with the new Minister of Magic. Harry though he had a tough job ahead of him- the story about the Minister of Magic was on practically every page.

"I've just noticed something," Ron said.

"Hmm?" Neville asked.

"You've been like this all year- checking up on the 'Prophet, what are you looking for?" Ron asked. Neville didn't take his eyes off the paper.

"I want to see if they've caught her yet," he said, at which Ron looked confused for exactly seven seconds, before a change in his facial features indicated he had suddenly clicked. Harry felt guilty that he had been so wrapped up in his own issues, he hadn't even considered how Neville must have been feeling.

"There's nothing on Bellatrix, mate," Ron replied, quietly. Hermione nodded in agreement.

"I've read it all, and there's nothing. There's been nothing since last June. I'm sorry, Neville," she said, sympathetically.

"Look on the bright side," Luna commented, breezily. "The Brethren have joined the Ministry. They'll most likely find her, and slice her open from the navel to the chin when they do."

Neville's expression was grim.

"If she dies, I want to see it," he replied, simply, but forcefully.

"Wow," Ginny breathed. Neville's face softened.

"I can't help the way I feel- I've tried not to think about it this year, but it's getting hard," he replied.

"Is that why you're here, and not with Dean and Seamus?" Hermione asked, though not in an accusatory way. Neville nodded.

"They don't know about it," he said, before sitting down next to Ron. "I just wish I could do something, you know?" he commented. Harry nodded. He knew exactly how Neville felt. To think it was just one scar that separated their destinies; it seemed wrong, somehow.

"We leave school next year," Harry replied. "We'll be able to fight then, won't we?"

"Of course," Neville replied.

"If it isn't all over by then," Hermione added. Ron looked at her.

"Don't be daft!" he exclaimed, almost amused by her words. "We're at war! Wars take ages! As if it'll be over by this time next year!"

Hermione blushed crimson.

"It isn't that stupid an idea," she mumbled.

There was silence for a short while, which was eventually broken by Neville.

"The Brethren? You mean the people who have forced this vote of no-confidence?" he asked. Harry nodded.

"The same."

Neville's face broke into a broad smile.

"If I ever met one of them, you know, I'd shake their hand," he announced. Harry smiled in agreement, but deliberately made no eye contact with anyone sitting around him.

"Maybe you will, one day," he replied. Neville smiled.

"Yeah, maybe," he said, before turning to face Ron. "Here, I see your dad's in the running for..."

"New Ministry for Magic, it's bonkers, isn't it?" Ron finished, laughing. Neville shrugged.

"He loves Muggles, though- he could be just what we need. Fudge was a bit too much of a pure-blood sympathiser to be much cop in the situation we've been thrust into at the moment, so Gran says," he added.

"Well, whoever we get must be better than Fudge," Harry replied, "I'm sure the Brethren will see to that."

Neville raised his eyebrows at him.

"You seem very confident of their judgement," he replied. Harry smiled.

"Let's just say I've got an idea as to their current working methods," he replied. Neville looked nonplussed.

"We did a bit of research about them in the library," Hermione explained, at which point Luna interrupted her to give Neville a thorough account of the Brethren's 'one thousand year old vendetta' against the Death Eaters.

"Well, as long as whatever they do to Bellatrix Lestrange is slow and painful, I'll be satisfied," he replied, with a hint of venom in his voice. Hermione looked across at Harry and Ron with concern in her eyes, but said nothing.

The train juddered to a halt outside platform nine and three quarters in Kings Cross station, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna gathered their things and began to disembark from the train. Except once they had their belongings in hand, they didn't seem to be getting particularly close to any train exits. Crowds of students blocked their way, and it appeared that they weren't moving anywhere, either.

"What's taking so long?" Ginny asked, craning her neck to see what the hold up was. Hermione sighed heavily, and pointed out of the window. Harry leant over to see what she was referring to, and saw at least a score of wizards, all dressed in what appeared to be regulation navy-blue robes with a gold insignia of some sort printed upon the shoulder epaulets. They were running their wands over each student and their possessions, and then escorting them in small groups to their waiting parents, who were being kept from the train by some sort of colourful magical barrier that was glowing a bluish-purple colour. Among the groups of parents, Harry spotted Mrs. Weasley looking anxious, tugging on the sleeve of one of the nearby guards, who appeared to be reassuring her of something. What he couldn't spot, though, was any sign of the Dursleys. The whole thing was strange, though- normally the parents would wait on the other side of the platform portal, anyway.

Eventually, they got to the exit of the train, and Harry found himself being subjected to a humming gold light that emanated from one of the navy robed wizards' wand.

"Okay, if you could just hold out your luggage," the wizard, who Harry could see from his gold insignia, was a member of the 'Ministry Protection Unit'. Harry did as he was told, and the gold humming light was cast onto his baggage as well. Hedwig was most displeased with the proceedings, and hooted angrily in her cage when the gold light hit her. The guard ignored her, and ticked a small box on a parchment he had hovering in front of him.

"Right, now if you'd just enter that group there..." He pointed his wand at a small group of students, of which Ginny and Luna were members. "Then you'll be directed to your guardians."

"But," Harry said, "I can't see them anywhere."

The guard shook his head.

"Then you'll remain with the group until they turn up."

"Can't I just wait for them outside the station?" Harry asked. The guard chuckled.

"On your own? Not likely, sonny- with You-Know-Who on the prowl? And Harry Potter on this train? I don't want to cause alarm, but security has to be tight, know what I'm saying?"

Harry nodded, and tried to swallow away a dry throat, whilst subconsciously patting the hair lying over his forehead that obscured his scar.

He found himself being ushered towards that small group of students where Ginny and Luna were. Ginny waved at him.

"Fun this, isn't it? You know it's partly your fault," she joked. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," he replied, in mock irritation, before examining the groups of parents and guardians behind the barrier.

"I don't suppose you can see the Dursleys, can you?" he asked. Ginny shrugged.

"I don't know what they look like," she replied.

"The man and boy are fat, the woman's skinny. They'll look like they've been forced to share breathing space with a group of criminals," he said. Ginny giggled.

"Nice family you've got there," she replied. Harry raised his eyebrows at her.

"You know what they say- you can choose your friends, but not your relatives," he replied. This caused Ginny to giggle even more.

"I suppose that really is true," she whispered, "considering you're related to Snape."

"Oi!" Harry retorted, "I'm not related to him at all! I just happen to be related to his daughter- it's a completely different thing!"

Ginny grinned cheekily.

"I know, but you look so cute when you're angry," she whispered back.

"Yeah, funny," Harry retorted, though he felt himself grow uncomfortably red at her remarks.

"Anyway," she continued, "I can't see the Dursleys, but I can see Lupin."

She pointed across at a shabby, worn figure, who upon seeing Harry, raised his hand in a relaxed wave. Harry waved back, and noticed Tonks was standing nearby, the shock of pink hair made him surprised he hadn't spotted her before.

The guard eventually escorted the group towards their respective parents. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw Luna exuberantly hug a tallish man with wispy blonde hair, who hugged her back with equal liveliness.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Lupin asked, gently. Harry smiled.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good," he replied, as they were instructed by the ticket guard to pass through the portal into Kings Cross station. Tonks eyed him sympathetically.

"Glad you weren't too shook up about the whole 'Brethren' thing, you know..."

"It's fine, Tonks. I knew about Persephone before that. We're fine- she says she's got a surprise for my birthday," Harry explained. Tonks laughed.

"I dread to think what she's got in mind. She's bonkers, isn't she?" she replied, giggling. Lupin frowned.

"From seeing that Pensieve of hers, Sirius didn't seem to think she was bonkers- and according to Dumbledore, he was rather concerned about her intentions," he replied, darkly. Tonks waved her hand dismissively.

"Come on, she's on the level- Dumbledore knows all about her. Besides, I can tell that, deep down, you just love the idea of keeping it in the family- now we have the Snapes onside as well as the Weasleys..." Tonks grinned broadly, and from that action, Harry could tell she had been goading Lupin about the whole situation for weeks. Lupin did not look amused.

"We have two of the Snapes onside," he replied, calmly, "and I can't say I'm exactly relishing the prospect of working with the both of them. Or the Brethren, but we'll have to see how it goes."

"The Brethren are all right," Harry said, quietly. "Besides, I don't really know what's going on between Persephone and Snape anyway," he added, looking up at Lupin, who sighed, and pressed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.

"Neither do we, but I get the impression it's a little strained, to say the least. They do stick up for each other a lot, though," he replied. Tonks nudged him.

"Cheer up! It's quite sweet, really. And she really does look like him..."

"Don't say that in front of Fred, he'll do his nut!" a familiar voice interrupted. It was Ron, who had walked over to them, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and Ginny, who giggled loudly at Ron's words. Harry laughed too. Tonks and Lupin looked puzzled.

"What on earth do you mean?" Lupin asked. Ron sniggered.

"Never mind, sir," he laughed, prompting Lupin to gently remind him that he was no longer their teacher.

Mr. Weasley patted Lupin on the back.

"All's well, Remus?" he asked. Lupin nodded.

"All's well, Arthur," he replied. Harry was confused for a moment- what were they on about? Then he noticed something else.

"Erm, Mr. Weasley?" he asked. "Where are the Dursleys?"

Arthur Weasley grimaced slightly, as though he were working up to telling Harry something none too pleasant.

"Well, we've had to keep the Dursleys at home- we certainly couldn't have them wandering about platform nine and three-quarters. What with," he lowered his voice, "Voldemort gathering his forces, we think it best they're kept under... observation," he explained. Lupin nodded.

"They're quite fine; they are being watched over by Kingsley and some of his team of Aurors. Not that they're fully aware of this, I just explained to them about Sirius' will, and how he left me as your legal guardian..."

"But you're not my legal guardian, are you?" Harry asked. "I thought he made you my trustee?"

Lupin smiled.

"Well, yes, but they don't have to know that, do they? I think your Uncle was positively relieved he didn't have to venture here again this year," he replied. Harry exhaled sharply.

"So, it's getting more serious, then?" he asked. Lupin shook his head.

"It's got more serious," he replied, simply.

"Which is why I, for one, are relieved we now have the help of the Brethren," Mr. Weasley said. "The two women I met were simply charming..."

Harry sighed and looked across at the Grangers, who were busy greeting their daughter with an affection Harry hadn't ever noticed displayed in public before. Mrs. Granger in particular appeared to be examining her daughter with an expression that suggested to Harry she was amazed she had got through a whole year at school without sustaining any serious injuries.

Draco walked past, holding the arm of his mother in a way that made Harry think he was supporting her weight. A quick glance at Narcissa Malfoy's black walking cane confirmed his suspicions. Harry watched as Draco glared at an oblivious Hermione with a hatred he had never seen him express before, until he turned his attention to Harry. He glowered, and pointed at Harry, before running his finger cross his throat in a mime of slashing his neck. Harry glared back at him and bit his knuckles, pulling a face that was clearly a parody of fear, before rolling his eyes contemptuously. Draco glared back as he walked away with his mother.

"Is everything okay, Harry?" Tonks asked, genially. Harry nodded.

"Yeah, fine," he replied.

Tonks exhaled loudly.

"Shall we go?" she asked. Harry looked at Lupin, who nodded.

"Of course, if you're ready, Harry," he said. Harry nodded.

"Yeah, I just want to say goodbye first," he replied, before walking over with Ron to Hermione.

"Are you two off now?" Hermione asked. Harry nodded.

"Yeah, we just wanted to say goodbye," he said. Hermione smiled, and drew him into a hug.

"You take care of yourself, and I'll see you soon," she whispered into the crook of his shoulder.

"I will, and you take care too," he whispered back, before letting her go. She smiled at Ron.

"I'll see you soon," she said. Ron nodded, and stepped closer to her. Harry thought he faltered for a moment, but he stayed standing near her.

"Yeah, see you later," he replied. Hermione grinned, and flung her arms around him. Harry couldn't help but stifle a laugh as he saw Ron gasp for breath from the pressure of the hug. He gingerly put his arms around her, and looked to Harry as though he was thoroughly uncomfortable about the whole affair.

Harry caught Lupin's eye, and tapped his two friends on the shoulder.

"I've got to go," he said. Ron let go of Hermione as though she were made of live current.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you soon, mate," he said, with a smile.

"Write to us, won't you!" Hermione more ordered than requested. Harry grinned.

"I'll do my best!" he replied, before catching up with Lupin and Tonks, who were carrying his luggage for him. He took Hedwig from them, and one end of his trunk.

"It's okay, I can manage," he said. Lupin smiled, but didn't let go of the other end of the trunk.

"I don't mind," he said, as the three of them walked alongside each other in the direction of the station exit.

Now the war has really been set in motion, what's in store for Harry and his friends next school year? Will the Order, the Ministry and the Brethren triumph as one? Who will be the new Ministry for Magic? Will Harry survive to the end of his final year? Find out in 'The Man of the Moment', where the pieces have been set, and the war is in motion, including staff shuffles at Hogwarts, some close to home reminders of the battle ahead, mistrust and prophesies, the horror of the N.E.W.T.s and Ron's personal epiphany- whilst discovering that Viktor Krum is nothing compared to what he is about to find out about Hermione's capacity for making friends with all kinds of students...

Author notes: Okay, this is my final Author's comments section of this story- wow, I'm betting all misty eyed... or is that a vision of the future I'm about to have?

Wait, yes it is! I forsee... I forsee a new story... a sequel... I'm getting a time period... I think it might be a month? Six weeks? Oops, it's gone. Never mind :-).

Oh, first of all- the 'why is Snape in Ravenclaw?' question that Sapnish and Lizzy brought up- my explanation got far too long, so I have put it here Ravenclaw?. Hopefully this should answer all your questions as to why I picked this house for the cantankerous professor as a schoolboy.

Anyway, here we go:

6934 (Laura)- Yes, it was. I couldn't resist. Glad you're enjoying it!

Sapnish- Ooh, you've asked some very good questions there that I can't answer now; I assure you I will answer them in the sequel, and at great length, no doubt. As for Hermione crushing on Snape... well, she's just doing her job, isn't she? You've got to admit, she can be really devious when she wants to be. Thanks for the review!

Lizzy- Thanks. Yeah, Sirius was a bit of a prat, but you know, I kind of liked him that way :) I'm pleased I was able to come up with a time-travel scene you enjoyed, too!

Hogwarts Hag- Thank you for the long review (and the email- sorry I haven't replied yet; I will do!). Concerning Severus and Sirius remembering Hermione- they haven't. They've remembered Florence Branimir, a Durmstrang student of their own age. If you look back at the chapter on Sirius' reading, Hermione points out that the person performing the reading can trace whoever a scroll is meant for, even if they don't know the person's real name. Sirius didn't associate Hermione with that altercation; he associated it with Florence Branimir, who doesn't exist. So, the person conducting the reading was somehow able to trace Sirius' message to Hermione, knowing that she was the Florence Sirius was thinking about (phew, time-travel is a nightmare!). Also, if Severus has a very lucid memory of what Florence looks like, the most logical conclusion to him would be that Hermione just happens to look like her, not that she went back twenty years in time to act as his bodyguard under a pseudonym- remember he has no idea that a time-machine that goes back years has even been invented, much less that the Brethren have one. And if you've been watchful enough to read between the lines of the last two chapters, you'll realise that Snape is unlikely ever to be told the truth, for his own sake... As for the pregnancy- well, my lips are sealed...

Japonica- Thanks for the review; I'm glad you liked my characterisations!

Malicean- Don't worry; Faith is also quite mad. Loud noises scare her half to death, for starters. All it would take to distract her would be a squeal, and the place is rather crowded with noisy students...

Celtic Ducky- Oh, we are, aren't we! :) Hope you enjoy these last chapters.

Sterling Ag- Thanks for the review, and also for your con crit points; hopefully I've gone some way to sorting those out in this chapter. However, there is still a lot about the Brethren that we don't yet know...

Ceana Libertas- Thanks for the review; I think you have reviewed an earlier chapter, but then my brain can't handle anything outside of biological concepts right now :) Well, congratulations- you were right!

So long, fare thee well, Pip! Pip! Cheerio! I'll be back soon...