James Potter Lily Evans Tom Riddle
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 01/31/2003
Updated: 03/12/2003
Words: 8,126
Chapters: 2
Hits: 1,340

The Dangers of Magic


Story Summary:
Lily suddenly disappears and James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter have been put into a frenzy. She hasn't been anywhere, and they have no idea where she could have gone. Lily's suddenly coasting along the roller coaster of fear and she's got no sense of right from wrong, black or white and everything in-between. How long does it take to hit bottom when you fall nonstop? And will you ever be able to get back on top?

Chapter 01

Lily suddenly disappears and James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter have been put into a frenzy. She hasn’t been anywhere, and they have no idea where she could have gone. Lily’s suddenly coasting along the roller coaster of fear and she’s got no sense of right from wrong, black or white and everything in-between. How long does it take to hit bottom when you fall nonstop? And will you ever be able to get back on top?

Words: 3,881
Hits: 866
Chapter 02

Lily suddenly disappears and James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter have been put into a frenzy. She hasn't been anywhere, and they have no idea where she could have gone. Lily's suddenly coasting along the roller coaster of fear and she's got no sense of right from wrong, black or white and everything in-between. How long does it take to hit bottom when you fall nonstop? And will you ever be able to get back on top?

Words: 4,245
Hits: 474