The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Tom Riddle
Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/02/2003
Updated: 11/24/2003
Words: 14,622
Chapters: 18
Hits: 15,073

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Merlin

sherlock holmes

Story Summary:
Harry is sad, and is bugged by a voice in his head. Shocking revelations about his ancestors. Harry gains his powers. A new prophecy.

Chapter 18

Chapter Summary:
the story continues! and it completes!
Author's Note:
thanks for the reviews! and lots of you guessed right! oh yes, i'm very pro h/hr.

Chapter 18

Towards Zero

When Harry woke up, he felt someone holding his hand. He turned his head to see Hermione fast asleep on a chair next to him, his hand clasped in her own. As he tried to disentangle himself, she stirred. She was awake in a few seconds. She flung herself at Harry, sobbing.

"Never do that again!" she said. Harry smiled at her.

"Where's Ginny?" he asked.

"She disappeared with the other Death Eaters. It had to happen, Harry. We couldn't turn her back. She chose the easy path..."

"How's Ron?"

"He's taken it very badly. All the Weasleys have been shocked badly. Even Fred and George lost their heads when they learnt what their little sister had done. But they'll come around, Harry. It's been only two days."

"I've been out for two days?"

Hermione nodded. "I'd better call the others, though. Everyone's been so worried. I'll tell you a secret if you promise not to laugh."


"Draco Malfoy has been pacing outside your door for the past two days. I heard him sobbing at night, too."

"You've been here the whole time?"

"I couldn't leave you," said Hermione and blushed. "I'll send him in and get the others, and some breakfast." She stood up to go. Harry caught her arm.

"Just get the others. Dobby'll get the breakfast," he said. Dobby the house-elf had appeared at the foot of the bed unnoticed by Hermione. She smiled at both of them and left. Harry heard her speak to Draco.

"You can go in, Draco, he's awake," came her voice.

"Really? Is he ok?" came Draco's excited voice.

"See for yourself," said Hermione and almost pushed him in.

Harry smiled at Draco as he entered. He had been touched by what Hermione had told him. As Draco sat down next to him, Harry extended his hand and said, "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Malfoy. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there," his voice full of mirth.

Draco took his hand shyly and grinned. Another loyal friend, Harry thought to himself.

Dobby returned with a huge amount of breakfast, followed by Hermione. The three of them started eating. Between mouthfuls, Hermione said that people would start coming an hour later, as Dumbledore wanted them to eat first.

Ron and Lupin were the first to come, followed by Hagrid. One by one, almost the entire school visited him. Dumbledore was the last to come. He asked Harry if he would like to spend his summer at the Burrow. Harry shook his head. Dumbledore understood. He wouldn't have asked if Molly hadn't suggested it.

"You will have to stay with your Aunt and Uncle for a few days, Harry. I shall start putting wards around Hermione's house in the meanwhile. You can go there after that."

"What about Draco? Voldemort must be using Malfoy Manor. He can't go back there. Can he come with me?"

"I doubt if your Aunt and Uncle will have him."

"I'll manage."

"As you wish, then. Hermione?"

"Draco is welcome to my house."

Draco Malfoy looked at them, a bubble of happiness building inside him.


A silver-blonde head had joined the exclusive group of red, brown and black. They had a compartment to themselves and spent their time playing Exploding Snap.

"I'm missing cursing you, Malfoy," said Ron, grinning.

"I'm not missing making fun of you. I had always wanted to have proper friends, not morons like Crabbe and Goyle."

Ron fell silent at this confession. He put a hand on Draco's shoulder and said, "I'm glad we're friends."

Harry and Hermione grinned at them.

"I hope the wards are set up soon," said Hermione, "Ron, why don't you come down to my place for sometime, too? We can have lots of fun together!"

Ron became quiet. "I don't know if Mom will let me go."

Harry winced, guilt stabbing him. "Ron, I'm sorry this happened. Tell Mrs. Weasley that I'm really sorry," he said, his voice very quiet and miserable.

"Sorry for what, Harry? It wasn't your ruddy fault!"

"I feel responsible, Ron. Your mother is the closest thing to a mother I've ever known. And I was unable to save her daughter..."

"Stop taking all the blame on your head, Harry," said Hermione sharply.

"Yeah. Mom wanted you to come down for summer. Why don't all of you come down in the last week? I'll see if we can pick you up. And I'll try to come to Hermione's place before that."

The train stopped. They got down, dragging their heavy trunks behind them. Harry spotted his relatives as soon as they crossed the barrier. "Come on," he muttered to Draco.

"Who's this?" Uncle Vernon asked, pointing at Draco.

"He's Draco Malfoy, my friend. He will be staying with me this summer."

"You forget, boy, that you're going to my house. I'm not having another freak in there!"

"You forget, Uncle Vernon, that I..." Harry was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder. Moody, Lupin, Tonks, Hagrid, Snape, McGonagall and all had come up behind him.

"Is there a problem?" Lupin asked pleasantly.

Uncle Vernon paled. "No," he said. He turned to Harry, "Come on boy, and take your friend as well."

"Ah yes, Harry, remember, a letter every three days, or we'll all turn up at your house. And if they don't treat you properly, you know where to call us," Lupin said. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia flushed. Harry smiled at all of them and went over to the car with Draco. Maybe this summer wouldn't be so bad after all.