The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Tom Riddle
Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/02/2003
Updated: 11/24/2003
Words: 14,622
Chapters: 18
Hits: 15,073

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Merlin

sherlock holmes

Story Summary:
Harry is sad, and is bugged by a voice in his head. Shocking revelations about his ancestors. Harry gains his powers. A new prophecy.

Chapter 16

Chapter Summary:
the story continues! and it completes!
Author's Note:
thanks for the reviews! and lots of you guessed right! oh yes, i'm very pro h/hr.

Chapter 16

The Last Dinner

School reopened, and the word of Harry and Hermione going steady spread like wildfire. Ron smirked when they told him.

"Maybe Rita Skreeter is a Seer after all!" he chuckled.

Both Harry and Hermione lunged at him. They were very thankful that he'd taken it so well. They'd been half afraid that he'd overreact.

A week later, Ron announced that he and Luna Lovegood were going steady. Harry and Hermione were shocked out of their skins, but felt happy for their friend. They, however, remained the "trio". Dating meant nothing more than occasional Hogsmeade walks together, or a kiss shared on Valentine's Day to them.

Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup under Ron's able captaincy, and Harry's exceptional skills. Ginny had turned out to be a good Chaser as well.

Harry's health had also improved significantly, thanks to Hermione's monitoring. He had gained a little weight and some colour had started to appear on his cheeks. He didn't wince at loud sounds any more, nor did he faint when people shouted at him. Or maybe it was that no one had shouted at him for a long time.

For the first time in Hogwarts, Harry found the exams rather easy, and was sure that he'd get marks nearer to Hermione's than Ron's this time. Two days after the exam, however, he forgot all about exams and marks. Dumbledore had organised a lunch which all the eminent magicians from all over the world were expected to attend.

That very night, Dumbledore arranged a private dinner in his office with only the thirteen members of the Army, to discuss his dealings with the magicians and what plans the Order of the Phoenix was thinking over.

When they sat down to eat, however, Hermione gave a sudden shiver. "Thirteen at dinner," she murmured.

"The night of betrayal," Harry whispered in her ear. Hermione stared at him, wide-eyed. She resolved to stick to his side, so that if he ran into danger, which her instincts screamed he would, he would not be alone.

They all listened to Dumbledore's plans. When he finished, Ginny stood up.

"It's all useless now, Professor," she said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Ron asked her.

"Harry won't live to complete his training, Ron. He will die tonight."

"What are you saying?"

"The truth, my brother. I am the Death Eater you've all been wondering about. And Hermione, I think your Inner Eye needs testing."

"No," said Hermione quietly, "It doesn't. Harry and I knew what you were up to even before we left the Burrow."

Ginny looked shocked.

"You - you - knew? And you still let me enter DA? You still told me all your plans? You still treated me as a friend?" she suddenly burst out laughing. "I've had enough of your heroism, Harry Potter, I'll be glad when you die. I'll be..."

She couldn't finish her sentence. Ron had walked over to her and slapped her with all his might. He was white with rage. Everyone else was shaking with anger as well, except Dumbledore. He looked at her calmly.

"Miss Weasley, it may be better if you told us what Voldemort plans to do."

"Of course not!"

"There won't be any time for that, sir," said Harry quietly. He's already here."

They suddenly heard a loud crash. All of them ran to the main gate, where Voldemort was standing with his Death Eaters.

Harry walked up to his grandfather and glared at him. "Leave," he said, his voice very soft, and yet the whole school heard the power in his voice. Voldemort looked surprised as well.

"I came to meet you, my child," he said to Harry.

"Well, you've met me. Now go away."

"Not so fast, my boy."

"What do you want?" Harry hissed.

"I want Hogwarts, of course. Think of it, Harry, this will be your birthday gift. I'll need to replace that old fool and do a bit of remodelling before that, of course."

"What do you want?"

"You know that already, Harry. Join me, and Hogwarts will be saved. If you refuse, many will die, and the guilt shall be yours."


"Ah, why are you so stubborn, my boy? Haven't you been taught to listen to your elders? Maybe I should teach you..." Voldemort waved his wand, and ropes shot out and engulfed Harry. The whole school gasped.

"Leave him alone!" Hermione screamed, running towards Harry.

"Ah, Hermione. Now, Harry, you wouldn't want anything to happen to her, would you?" Voldemort smiled broadly. Suddenly, he raised his wand and yelled, "Avada Kedavra!"