The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Tom Riddle
Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/02/2003
Updated: 11/24/2003
Words: 14,622
Chapters: 18
Hits: 15,073

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Merlin

sherlock holmes

Story Summary:
Harry is sad, and is bugged by a voice in his head. Shocking revelations about his ancestors. Harry gains his powers. A new prophecy.

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
the story continues! and it completes!
Author's Note:
thanks for the reviews! and lots of you guessed right! oh yes, i'm very pro h/hr.

Chapter 14

Ordeal by Innocence

It was 10th of September before Harry and Hermione could join classes. Luckily, they hadn't missed out too much, as the teachers and the students had all been too sad to actually teach properly. And being good students, they caught up soon enough.

Ron had escorted them to the Great Hall on their first day. Students had pounded their tables to welcome them, and even the teachers had applauded. Later, Harry had felt guilty; he didn't think he deserved to be applauded because he had caused Hermione's condition merely due to a nightmare.

He had discussed what had happened that day with the ring holders. After a lot of brainwork, they came to the conclusion that someone had forced him into the nightmare, taking advantage of his momentary weakness caused by Ron's frustration. They all came to the conclusion that it was the student Death Eater's job using an old spell given by Voldemort. Dumbledore immediately performed the counter curse on Harry, and he felt a great relief.

Professor Quinn was a good teacher, nearly as good as Lupin. The class loved him. Harry enjoyed his extra classes with him immensely. His Quidditch ban had also been lifted, and they were practising hard at that as well. And perhaps the best thing was that Ron was no longer poor. The twins' business was roaring.

Potions had improved, but not by much. Snape didn't bully Harry anymore, but that didn't stop him from favouring the Slytherins and bullying Neville.

Another strange thing was the behaviour of Draco Malfoy. Not once had he made fun of Harry or chaffed him in any manner. Harry found him looking thoroughly unhappy about something, but whenever he looked at Malfoy, he would notice Malfoy's eyes on him and he pretended not to see.

One evening, Harry was sitting alone near the lake. Ron and Hermione had gone to a Gryffindor Prefects' meeting. Suddenly, Harry saw Draco Malfoy approaching him. He was shocked further when Malfoy sat down next to him and started speaking.

"Potter, I...I..."

Harry cocked an eyebrow. He had never seen a nervous Malfoy.

"Potter...I needed...Harry...I wanted to...I want to say..."

"Yes?" Harry prompted, his voice gentle.

"I'm sorry for all I did to you," said Draco quietly.

"Why this sudden change of heart?"

"My father...my mother...Voldemort...he - he killed them!"

"What? When was this?"

"Yesterday. Voldemort said that my father had set a Death Eater on you to harm you...I know he hadn't. Voldemort did it himself. But he had to find a scapegoat to convince Dumbledore and you, so that you would join him..."

"I'm sorry, Draco," said Harry softly, putting a gentle hand on his one-time rival's shoulder, "I can understand, perhaps far better than anyone else. I assume you want revenge?"

Draco nodded. "But I can't kill Voldemort myself, the prophecy says it has to be you."

"True. What do you plan to do now?"

"I don't know. The Slytherins are avoiding me. Some because they are loyal to Voldemort, and most because I made enemies everywhere. I have nowhere to go. No friends to go to. And some think I am a Death Eater!"

Harry stood up. He had found another ring holder. He knew that Draco Malfoy was capable of loyalty; he had been loyal to his family. It was not his fault that he'd been brought up on the wrong ideas.

Draco watched in awe as Harry stood imperially and glowing with power. He could feel Harry's strength. Then suddenly, he realised who Harry was. Draco bowed and kissed Harry's hand.

"Give me a chance to serve you, My Lord."

Harry produced the needle and pricked his fingers again. Draco Malfoy walked away ten minutes later with a ring on his finger, and a new friend to talk about. He stopped midway, turned about and waved at Harry. Harry waved back, feeling happy and proud.

When Harry related this incident to the others, everyone except Dumbledore blanched. Then Harry explained his reasons and brought in Draco, who seemed very nervous on meeting this assortment of students and Professors.

"Welcome to the group, Draco," said Hermione, the first to recover.

"Don't you have a group name?" Draco asked.

"Not yet."

"We can be the 'Ringed Mages' or something like that."

"I think we'll continue with Dumbledore's Army," said Harry quietly.

Everyone nodded, and Dumbledore turned pink.