The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Tom Riddle
Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/02/2003
Updated: 11/24/2003
Words: 14,622
Chapters: 18
Hits: 15,073

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Merlin

sherlock holmes

Story Summary:
Harry is sad, and is bugged by a voice in his head. Shocking revelations about his ancestors. Harry gains his powers. A new prophecy.

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
an abduction...a rescue...more secrets revealed...hermione impresses voldemort with her knowledge of something even he doesn't know...

Chapter 8

The Big Four

Harry stared at her for a minute or so. Then he nodded quietly.

"Good," said Hermione, "Let's go. We've to Apparate to Ginny, got it?"

"Can you?" Harry whispered.

She nodded.

They appeared at the Death Eaters' camp. Hermione looked around with interest. Harry was wondering why he and Hermione were there. And he wondered where she'd learnt to Apparate. Harry had taught himself Apparition from a book. He decided Hermione must have done the same. After all, she was a renowned bookworm! He looked around the camp as well. Suddenly, Hermione caught his arm. "Have you any idea why they took Ginny?" she asked.

Harry shook his head.

"I think they wanted to lure you to this camp. I wonder why they picked Ginny though. Do you fancy her, by any chance?"

Harry shook his head again.

"We need to find where they're keeping her. Can you see her anywhere?"

Harry shook his head yet again.

"Close your eyes and concentrate, Harry. Try to learn her location from Voldemort. If he knows where she is, you'll learn it as well."

"You're asking me to perform Legilimency? But then he'll know I'm here!"

"Yes. But that's why he abducted Ginny in the first place."

"Ok," said Harry and did as he was told.

Thirty seconds later he nodded to Hermione. "You leave. I know where she is. I'll go to Voldemort. You go back and inform the others that she's safe."

"I'm not leaving you alone."

"You have to."



"No. Lead the way now without wasting time."

Harry walked with sure steps to the tent in the centre, Hermione right behind him. There were Death Eaters all around, but none of them attacked them. They merely stood in their places and looked at them with a great deal of curiosity.

When they entered the tent, Voldemort rose to greet them. "Ah, Harry, my child. Who's this pretty young lady?" he asked, turning to Hermione.

"I am Hermione Granger."

"I should have known. Welcome, Hermione, to my camp. You have been a good friend to Harry and I am very thankful to you for that. I presume both of you are here to fetch Virginia?"

"Yes," said Harry coldly.

"I know you don't approve of my ways, Harry, but I did so want to meet you."

"You could have sent an owl."

"But you wouldn't have come. Dumbledore would not have allowed you."

Hermione suddenly ran towards one of the chairs whose back they were facing. Ginny was on the chair, unconscious, but safe. "I'll be back in a minute," she said to Harry and Disapparated with Ginny. True enough, she appeared as soon she could, which was less than a minute. Harry marvelled at her strength. Double Apparition was very difficult and draining, and Apparating again so soon could have been dangerous for her. Yet here she was, back as she'd promised. For him. He felt a sudden surge of warmth for her.

"Are you done talking with Voldemort?" she asked him.

Harry nodded, but Voldemort shook his head. "We've several things to discuss, Harry. I had thought I would tell you later, when all of us were present, but that seems impossible, as I still do not know who the fourth one is. And I think you ought to know as well."

"Dumbledore would have told me," said Harry.

"I don't think so. Tell me Hermione," Voldemort turned to her, "Have you ever heard of the Big Four?"

"Oh yes," she said happily, "I have read both the Muggle and the magical book. Which one are you talking about?"

"The magical one, of course, you stupid girl."

Harry stared at both of them. "Is that book something special?"

"Oh yes," said Hermione, "It says that at any given period of time, there are four great wizards on earth, mostly near to each other, though there has been a case in the 14th century when the fourth witch was in America while the rest were in Australia. In the late 16th century, two wizards were in India, while one was in France and the fourth was in England. So it is not really a rule, but still, it is generally true. This time, however, all the four are in Britain."

"What do these people do?"

"These four are the most powerful magical people on earth. Other than that, there is no special function for them. They may be friends or enemies. When the four are friends and live together, they usually do something great, like the Hogwarts four. When one dies, another is born within a month. That's it."

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Everything," came a booming voice. All three of them turned around to see Dumbledore walk in. "You're one of the Four, Harry. So is Voldemort. So am I."

"Who is the fourth one?"

"It is not known, Harry," said Voldemort.

"It is," said Dumbledore quietly, "Your senses seem to have weakened, Tom. The fourth is right here, in front of you."

"Hermione?" said Harry. She nodded shyly. Harry couldn't help giving her a big hug. "I knew it," he whispered, "I knew it the moment you said everyone was in Britain that you had to be one of them!" Hermione blushed prettily.

Voldemort stared at her in shock. "Isn't she a Muggle-born?"

"That doesn't matter, Tom. Let's go, children. The Weasleys are waiting for you two."

Harry, Hermione and Dumbledore Disapparated immediately, leaving Lord Voldemort open mouthed.

Author notes: thanks to everyone for the lovely reviews! why don't you all tell me who you think the death eater is?