Stranger to Destiny


Story Summary:
Her mother is a Death Eater...was a Death Eater, and heaven knows who her good-for-nothing father is. Will joining Hogwarts at the beginning of sixth year give her a chance to make her own destiny, or is she doomed to follow in her family's footsteps?

Chapter 01

Introduction to our mystery main character. ;)

Words: 558
Hits: 270
Chapter 02

Our still mystery main character arrives at the platform in Hogsmeade, met by our favorite professor...

Words: 523
Hits: 226
Chapter 03

How often do you get to choose which house you're in?

Words: 799
Hits: 203
Chapter 04

I'm changing the rules here slightly. The Malfoys and the Lestranges are not, I repeat, NOT related in any way, shape, or form. Merely fellow Death Eaters and, thus, "close" friends. You can probably guess what happens then...

Words: 699
Hits: 173