Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/27/2005
Updated: 07/25/2006
Words: 4,360
Chapters: 5
Hits: 643


Sara Myles

Story Summary:
Hermione is ready to face searching for Horcruxes. She just needs some time alone. In that time, her world may change forever.

Chapter 01

Hermione is ready to face searching for Horcruxes. She just needs some time alone. In that time, her world may change forever.

Words: 657
Hits: 266

After being saved by Hermione, Draco is annoying. Very annoying. Will Hermione put up with him or will this ship sink before it sets sail?

Words: 1,141
Hits: 93

This chapter sets up the rest of the story and shows the difference between "going" and "using". Also a quiet moment for Hermione.

Words: 527
Hits: 90

Hermione and Draco board the Knight Bus. Ron and Harry are in for a big surprise, and Harry decided that Godric's Hollow isn't the destination yet. He's going to wait until after the wedding.

Words: 1,160
Hits: 94

Someone else arrives at camp. The apparant relationships aren't what they seem, and even canon can't help you with this one.

Words: 875
Hits: 100