The Dark Arts
Sirius Black
Angst Darkfic
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/05/2006
Updated: 05/05/2006
Words: 524
Chapters: 1
Hits: 367

Dear Sirius

Sara Myles

Story Summary:
Harry and Remus write to Sirius after his death. Slightly AU? The two most important people in Sirius's life try to gain some closure that might not come. Story starts strange but a plot soon emerges.

Chapter 01


Dear Sirius,

You've been gone more than a year. Do you know how long it's been? Do you have any concept of time? I still think of you everyday and it hurts. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I pull out two teacups and then I remember you aren't there to use the second one. Then the dull ache in my chest turns sharp and I cry again. I keep the tears hidden because I have to be strong for Harry and Molly.

I keep your picture where nobody can see it. I look at it every night before I go to bed. It still looks the same every sing day and that hurts. Everyone says I should let go of you but I can't. I can't let go of the last of my best mates. I never got along well with Peter. I'm not sure why James kept Peter around. I wish he wouldn't have everday.

You'd be so proud of Harry if you were here. He finally stood up to Dumbledore. He's not going to go to his seventh year of Hogwarts. He's going to kill Lord Voldemort but it won't change everything that I need it to change. I need you to come back, Padfoot. It's dark and quiet in this house and I can't stand it all alone. They don't want me to do my part going underground with the werewolves anymore. We had about seven come over to our side and they help but it didn't have the impact that Dumbledore thought it would.

Dumbledore died last year. Do you know? I suppose you do. He was killed by Snape. Snape! Nobody really liked him, the greasy git, but we all trusted him because Dumbledore did and now we know. He was a quadruple-crosser and he was good at it! That hurt Harry, I think. I wish you were here for him. I try but you gave him hope. He needs that hope right now more that ever. The ministry won't let me take him in. They would've let you. They are going to give you a public pardon today on the anniversery of your death. They finally discovered that you weren't a muderer. Harry is making them admit what they did. He threatened to go to the press.

Sirius, come back. Please, come back. I still need you.



Dear Sirius,

I'm so sorry. I should have learned Occlumency like they told me to. I should have worked harder at everything. If I hadn't been so gullible or if I hadn't hated Professor Snape so much you could still be alive. I'm sorry, Sirius.

I have to kill Voldemort, you know. There was-is-a prophecy. Neither can live while the other survives. I think you knew that before I did. Did you know that, Sirius? Is that why you came to the ministry? Some good came out of the ministry, you know. They finally admitted you were innocent and they finally realized that Malfoy was a real Death Eater. They finally admitted he was back.

Come back, Sirius. I need you. Remus needs you.

