Sajasma Lee

Sex Ed 101 by Sajasma Lee

It’s almost approaching the end of Harry’s time at Hogwarts as he enters his seventh year and Dumbledore feels that no Hogwarts student’s education is complete without the requisite Sex Education course. Naturally, Dumbledore’s choice for teaching the class is one (very) unwilling Severus Snape, though it is obviously not for any meaningful reason, save for Dumbledore’s own supreme amusement. Voldemort has been defeated in one dismissing and vague reference. Harry has repressed his issues, but now they are coming to a very convenient breaking point. Hermione has an existential dilemma between choosing to be a modern feminist and wanting to marry a supposed chauvinist, Ron Weasley. Will Neville ever get laid? ...

Words: 19,127
Chapters: 4
Hits: 6,260