The End of the Beginning


Story Summary:
Neville has finally stopped the second war of Voldemort, but as the Wizarding World starts to rebuild, the survivors must deal with the fall out of war. Life is tough for a hero who never wanted to be. Between his boyfriend turning on him, his best friend being a temperamental dark``wizard and his comrades going insane, Neville must deal with life as it is, and life as it will be. And with a new Dark Lord rising, life only looks like it's getting more hellish.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Neville is the Wizarding World's new hero, but is he ready to face those that betrayed him?

Chapter Two: Rebuilding

The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.-- Ivy Baker Priest

Neville laid back on his cot, stairing at the ceiling of his tent, blinking in the hazy gloom of midnight. After waking from his all too short nap, he had lay there, listening to the silence surrounding the Resistance camp. It was something of a heart lifting moment to listening to the silence, to know that the war was over. He smiled, the first smile in a long time and let the silence sink into him, feeling it heal his emotional wounds. All too soon the silence was interrupted when Draco pushed open the tent flap and peered into the dark. "Neville?"

"I'm awake," he said softly, sighing. He swung his feet over the edge of the cot and sat up, massaging his temples. He finally looked up at Draco, curious by the older boy's silence. He was nearly struck down when he saw the expression on the Slytherin's face. "What..what is it? Please don't tell me they've started it all over again.."

Draco shook his head wordlessly, unsure how to say what he needed to. "We..They.." He licked his lips and decided to just say it. "He's been found Neville..alive."


Neville stroke quickly through the camp, nearly running in his haste. Alive. He couldn't have ever hoped to hear those words uttered. Alive. So sweet to hear, but heartbreaking just the same. So few precious moments to spend with the man that had shaped his world. He pushed the tend flap forcibly aside and hurried in, ignoring the guards that watched over the captured Death Eaters. He sat on the hard floor next to a cot and took the pale hand that lay over the edge into his own, kissing it gently. The prisoner groaned, his eyes slowly opening, stairing above him.

"Percy, can you hear me?"

The figure was still for a moment before nodding, barley a movement really, but Neville saw it and he pressed on.

"Percy, I love you." He whispered.


3 Years ago...

The Yule Ball was in full swing. Neville lead Ginny over to a table and sat down with her, wincing as she immediately took off her shoes and started massaging her feet, watching Harry and Ron talk. Neville gave her and apologetic smile and turned to glance around the room. He watched Dumbledore dance with Sprout, smiling shyly when Dumbledore waved at him. He raised his hand in a half hearted wave back, his attention drifting soon after and he watched the various teachers dancing with their various partners. Some, looking thrilled and others, like Snape, looking down right murderous.

His eyes drifted over the judges as well, wondering how Harry was going to do in the next task. He hoped he did well, it was such fun watching him trounce the other school's champions. He secretly wished he was brave enough to do the tasks himself, but seeing as how that would only happen if Draco grew a heart and soul..well, at least someone from Gryffindor was competing.

His roaming gaze soon rested on a young red haired boy and he smiled to himself. Percy Weasley. He could find that boy blindfolded in a dark room. Percy exuded an air of ridgedness and stuffiness that everyone picked up on, but underneath, hidden behind the rules and protocol was a self-consciousness that Neville could identify with.

A need to prove yourself to others that no one else could understand. While Percy tried to be perfect in a family that he thought expected it, Neville just tried to survive in a world that threatened to drown him. But tonight, tonight was different. Tonight there was something else that drew his wandering eye to the older boy. Tonight there was something that made him stand and ask the red-haired man to take a walk with him.



Neville smiled to himself as he remembered that walk they had shared. A simple walk that had ended in a not so simple kiss. That memory had kept him going through the long periods of no owls. Through the long nights of studying, through the long days of fighting against Voldemort for the simple truths he believed in. There were other walks of course. Other times that he had shared with the man that now lay injured before him. Other precious moments that he kept safe inside, locked in a box in his mind marked, Precious and Safe. But the one memory, that first kiss, was what he treasured most. In a world falling down around him, it was the only thing that kept him sane. And now, it was the one thing, likely to destroy him. He kissed Percy's hand again before kneeling and kissing Percy's lips. He stood and strode briskly out of the tent, wiping his eyes with his sleeve before heading into the smaller tend next to it and looking at Draco who waited. "Kill him." He whispered before heading out again, towards his own tent, tears flowing faster down his face.

Two months had passed and the remaining students put away their Resistance robes, threw away their battle spell books, and returned to their civilian lives at Hogwarts. Everything seemed normal again, but the emotional and physical scars were still fresh, the seats of missing students still a reminder of what they had been through, what they had lost. It was finally, at Hermione's suggestion, that they combined all four houses together, making one complete house. The empty chairs and beds in the Gryffindor Tower were finally filled, save for one.

Dumbledore sighed as he pushed open the door to the West Tower. This was the only tower in the whole of Hogwarts that had a window facing the battle sight. He had often found students up here, stairing dismally at the wreckage, often crying. He made a mental note to talk to Pomfrey and McGonagall about getting more medi wizards to help with the student counseling for those that had lost loved ones. He followed the weak beam of light to the window sill. Seated on the large ledge was a small blond boy, stairing out the window silently.

Dumbledore moved closer, wondering what to say when suddenly Neville spoke.

"I've lost them all now."

Dumbledore sat on the ledge with him, feet dangling in the cool breeze. "Not yet you haven't, he can still recover."

"Only if he wants to."

"He does."

"I wanted so badly to kill him....does that make me as evil as him?"

"No, it makes you human."

"I'm sorry I missed Defense Against the Dark Arts,"

"It's alright, it was quite boring anyway, just a history of the Kelpie."


"Potions next?"

Neville nodded. "Yup."

"You should hurry, I hear Snape is making a special potion today, a favorite of mine, you won't want to miss it."

Neville looked up at Dumbledore. "Will things ever be the same?"

"Oh I hope not, otherwise what's the point of a year long battle? Hurry to class young Neville."

Neville nodded and slid off the ledge, hurrying from the room to make it to class on time. Dumbledore sighed again and looked out the window silently before pushing himself up and heading towards the door. Maybe he should get some help for the teachers as well.


Draco stared at the curtained ceiling of his bed, listening to the other 7th year boys sleep, well, most of them. The absence of Neville's familiar snoring indicated he was also lying awake. Tears flowed slowly down Draco's face as he raised his wand, and added another bit of green to the painting on the curtained ceiling of his bed. He had been working on the painting secretly at night, ever since his return to Hogwarts, hoping have it completed before the graduation feast. Harry's smiling face looked down at the former Slytherin and Draco had to smile back. Harry was going to be the best guardian Gryffindor Tower had seen in a great long while.


St. Mungo's-

Neville sighed, placing his hands flat on the table in front of him, trying to keep them from shaking. He stared at his fingers, noticing that they were stained from his potions homework and his quill. He stared harder at them, trying to find something, anything on them that would keep him from looking up at the boy, the man sitting across from him.

Percy watched Neville carefully, though his face betrayed no emotion, his long red hair flowing down over his shoulders, blowing softly in the faint breeze from the hall.

Neville felt Percy's eyes on him and finally he looked up, stairing hard into those brown orbs that once held so much love, and now held nothing. "Why won't you talk to me Percy? I can't help you if you won't open your mouth."

Percy remained silent, stoic, refusing to back down from the challenge, but refusing to speak either. It was the way these visits always went, and had gone since Neville retracted Percy's sentence of death and sent him here. The same silence was broken only by Neville's voice, the same looks, the same tears, and the same heartache. Neville had had enough of it.

"I'm leaving Percy. Our time is up." Neville stood, pulling on his cloak, his back to his lover. "Only, I'm not coming back. I can't, not again." He bit his lip before squaring his shoulders and walking to the door, hand grasping the knob firmly.

"It's not over." The voice was harsh, weak with disuse, but it echoed in the silent room. "This is only the eye of the storm."

Neville turned and looked at Percy, still sitting in his seat, shoulders hunched slightly. Neville turned and walked out the door calmly, letting it shut before he took off in a run.



"Uncle Peter?" A soft voice called, breaking Peter Pettigrew from his thoughts. He looked up to find his young niece standing in the doorway, framed by the fading sun.

"Come in Monica, there is someone I wish you to meet."

Monica walked carefully into the library of her Uncle's home, stepping gingerly over the volumes of books littering the floor. Seated in a chair next to her uncle was a tall, pale man with silver blonde hair that shone in the last few rays of the sun.

"Monica, this is Mr. Lucius Malfoy."

The 15-year-old curtseyed to the man and gasped when he seized her wrist. A burning pain shot up her arm, closing her throat till near the point of suffocation before surging into her heart, stopping it, freezing the moment in her mind as she sunk to her knees. Lucius released her arm, letting the girl fall away to the floor, gasping and clutching at her forearm. She slowly, weakly raised it to her sight and stared at the skull looking back at her, mocking her.


Draco sat on his bed, putting his head in his hands, taking a deep breath, pushing his finger back into his hair, gripping the strands before slowly exhaling. He reached down under his bed and pulled out a small chest, running a finger over the top before flipping the latch, smiling as he took out a small black pin. He ran a thumb over the glowing words. "Potter Stinks," he whispered, smiling a bit more at the memories that floated back to him.

He latched the box and slid it back under the bed, before falling back onto his mattress, fingers running over and over the badge, allowing the memories to wash over him, tears sliding slowly down his cheeks as he let the past play before him. He stiffened as his bed dipped before glancing at the blond next to him.

Neville pulled his own badge from his pocket, activating it, the words Potter Really Stinks casting a glow across his face. Draco raised an eyebrow before shifting, laying his head on Neville's chest. "I miss him," He said softly.

Neville ran his fingers through the silken strands on his chest absently, nodding. He bit his lip before looking down at Draco's tear stained face. "He misses you too,"

Draco shifted, not looking at Neville as he curled up more. "You know I can't.."

Neville sighed. "I know, but it would make things much easier."

"That it would most definitely not." Draco said. "How could seeing him again make things easier? He's dead Neville, and no matter what comes out of his mouth, I can't love him as a ghost."

"I know that, Draco." Neville said softly. "But closure would help,"

Draco moved closer to the warmth of Neville's body, curling around him. "I just can't face him, Nev. He's a ghost, a beautiful, charming, loving, but still very dead ghost. And it would hurt too much to even attempt it."

Neville set his badge on the bed, wiping the tears from Draco's cheek. "I know, belive me, I know," he said softly. "And I won't force you to see him." He kissed Draco's cheek softly. "I just want you to smile again. I love you, you know."

"I know." Draco said and smiled at Neville, holding him close, tears still falling.

Neville held Draco close as the other boy slowly exhausted himself, falling into a dreamless slumber. He yawned himself and felt his eyes drift closed, hoping they would both smile again.


"Albus?" Snape called softly, stepping slowly into the Headmaster's office, leaning heavily on his cane.

Hands soon grabbed his arm and he found himself being lead to the couch, a worried Remus Lupin leading him. He let out a weary sigh as he sank into the familiar cushions, looking up at the werewolf. "Where is he?"

"He'll be back in a moment, he went to chase down a house-elf."

Snape nodded, his eyes closing as he sank back into the seat, exhaustion overcoming him. This was getting far too hard. He had barley made it up from the dungeons.

The door opened and Snape didn't bother opening his eyes, listening as Dumbledore gave soft orders to what was probably the house-elf. He waited until he heard silence and slowly blinked, letting the worried face of his friend come into focus. "Albus,"

Dumbledore moved closer and inspected Snape with a worried glance before shaking his head. "I told you to go back,"

Snape shook his head. "I'd rather die here then trapped in a hospital." He said and gave a weak smile.

Remus growled and sat next to Snape. "That's not cute,"

"I rarely am," Snape awnsered, allowing Remus to pull him into an embrace. "I rarely am." He looked at the Headmaster again, gripping the handle of his cane tighter to stop the shaking in his hand. "I came to speak to you of the potions class, I can't..the fumes are getting to be too much."

Dumbledore nodded, sitting at his desk. "I had planned for this. While we have no one of your..experience I do belive I have someone who can cover for you for the younger students."

Snape thought for a long moment, turning the students over in his head before nodding. "And for the seventh years?"

"Do you really think they need Potions anymore, or any of their current classes?" Remus asked, raising an eyebrow. "Most of them are far beyond caring about their studies anymore. They show up to class just to pretend that they never stopped. They long since learned anything they needed to know and what they didn't, they could find in the library when they need it."

Snape nodded slowly, recognizing the truth. "It's rather foolish, but I do wish it had never come to this."

"We all do," Dumbledore said. "But what's done is done. I have made a decision."

Both men looked up at him, waiting for him to continue, wondering if he was talking about what they had been discussing recently.

"Times are different then they were before. Hogwarts has lost it's place in the world as a school. I think it's time to close her doors." He held up a hand as both men opened their mouths in furious outrage. "Hogwarts is done as a school, but not as a place of learning. I am expanding her use, and Minnie agrees with me. We only have a handful of students left, and many fewer to join her ranks. Our current students are survivors of a war with no where left to go, especially the seventh years. I will announce this tomorrow but I am opening us to anyone who wishes to come here. And anyone who wishes to live here. Young Malfoy and Longbottom have already agreed to stay on, for they have no where left to go and nothing left to do. Several families have also already contacted me, those who lost everything but themselves in the war. They will be arriving soon, and with them come children who need to be taught, and wounds that need to be healed. It's time to start rebuilding, and I think that Hogwarts is the best place to start."

Both men nodded slowly, turning the idea over in their heads. It was a new time, a new world. The wizarding world was in shreds and not as hidden as it once was. There would be Muggles who needed protecting, young children whose powers had awakened to early. People needed shelter as they rebuilt their lives. With the Ministry gone, Hogwarts would once again need to stand. Besides, healing would be easier, when people had someone to share their pain with.