Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 12/31/2001
Updated: 12/31/2001
Words: 711
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,584

Remember Me


Story Summary:
Remembrances of a long long since ended

Chapter Summary:
Remembrances of a love long since ended.
Author's Note:
Read and review please.

Time, sometimes the time just slips away
And you’re left with yesterday
Left with the memories
I, I'll always think of you and smile
And be happy for the time I had you with me
Though we go our separate ways
I wont forget so don’t forget
The memories we made

Draco stared out at the waves as they crashed against the beach, rolling in over his feet, threatening to pull him out with them. He smiled as two young teenagers walked across the sand in front of him, hand in hand, love shinning for everyone to see. He turned away from then, picking up a stick and throwing it out into the waves, voices from the past flowing in around him.

Please remember, please remember
I was there for you and you were there for me
Please remember our time together
The time was yours and mine
While we were wild and free
Please remember, please remember me

Harry laughed as Draco danced a crab up the beach blanket towards him, reaching out to seize a few of the crab’s legs and ripping them off. Draco looked at him, shocked before coddling the poor, cooked crab, ignoring Harry as he suckled on the butter dipped meat. "That was just…mean."

"Draco, the crab snuffed it a long time before you met him, I swear, he didn’t feel a thing, now come on and eat so we can go swimming again."

"Don’t want to swim." Draco said, picking up a piece of meat and dipping it into the butter, running it lightly over Harry’s lips. "Want to do other things." He said with a smirk before eating the meat just as Harry opened his mouth for it.

"Tough, I want to swim, other things we can do at home."

"But it’s cold, and salty…"

"And it’s fun." Harry said with a smirk. "Live a little Malfoy, you’ll find you’re a better person."

Draco rolled his eyes and went back to playing with the crab while being fed by his boyfriend.

Goodbye, there’s just no sadder word to say
And it’s sad to walk away
With nothing but memories
Who’s to know what might have been
We’ll leave behind a life and time
I'll never know again

Harry stared down at the pool from his balcony, watching children splash. A couple caught his eyes and he stared as the man and woman kissed each other tenderly in between bites of take out, their children clamoring around them for more food and more swim time. He sighed softly; turning away and picking up a photo from the table next to him, running his finger lightly over the face that smiled up at him.

And how we laughed and how we smiled
And how this heart was yours and mine
And how no dream was out of reach
I stood by you, you stood by me
We took each day and made it shine
We wrote our names across the sky
We ride so fast we ride so free
I had you and you had me
Please remember, please remember

"Harry, come down here now!" Draco yelled, stairing up at the fleck of gold against the sky. The fleck looped before spiraling down towards the earth, landing lightly in front of him. Harry grinned at his boyfriend, shouldering his broom. "You’re mean you know that?"

Draco smiled and kissed Harry’s cheek, taking his hand. "I know, come on, they're waiting for you."

"I don’t want to go to another victory celebration, it’s annoying and these robes itch." He said, adjusting his Quiddich robes.

Draco smiled, pulling him close. "Then let’s not go, let’s skive off and pretend we know nothing about the party."

Harry grinned. "Gladly." He said softly, his head buried in Draco’s shoulder. "What shall we do instead?"

"Anything you want my love…the night is yours."

Harry grinned and mounted his broom, holding out a hand for Draco who joined him. Soon the two young lovers were soaring through the air, high above the Quiddich pitch, soon soaring over London proper, enjoying the sights below them and the private moment alone together.

Please remember, please remember
I was there for you and you were there for me
And remember, please remember me


Author notes: I hope you enjoyed this small ficlet.