Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger Seamus Finnigan
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/21/2002
Updated: 08/21/2002
Words: 1,411
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,786

The Dance

Sabrina Weasley

Story Summary:
Have you ever felt an unexplained attraction? Felt drawn to someone you've never taken much notice of before? Hermione has. The story of what happened inside the Yule Ball.

Chapter Summary:
Have you ever felt an unexplained attraction? Felt drawn to someone you've never taken much notice of before? Hermione has.
Author's Note:
This is my response for a Seamus/Hermione story. Please don't judge me for the silly things my brain does when I'm not watching.

The Dance.

Hermione tried very hard not to sigh as she watched Ron and Harry leave the Great Hall. After all, it was a beautiful night, the Hall looked lovely, the band was great, and she was on a date with Viktor.

'I am not going to let Ron Weasley get the better of me,' she muttered, twirling slowly to try to catch sight of Viktor - ah! There he was, talking to Professors Karkaroff and Dumbledore, with another Durmstrang girl. She smiled, then continued her turn, looking for Ginny. Damn. She was dancing with Dean. Next option... Neville. Nope. Dancing with Hannah Abbott. Hmph.

It wasn't that Hermione didn't like her own company, it was just that sometimes - now - she didn't really want to be alone. Or to look like she was alone.

She did sigh this time, and was beginning to make her way to the drinks table when she was intercepted by a sandy-haired blur.

'Miss Granger, would you care to dance?' it asked, bowing formally.

'Certainly, Mr. Finnegan,' she answered, allowing him to take her hand and lead her to the floor. 'So where's Lavender?' she asked, shifting comfortably into a dancing stance.

'Giggling with Parvati, Padma and Mandy. Where's Viktor?'

'Talking to the professors. And thank you for not calling him 'Krum' or 'that Bulgarian git.' Her eyes flashed as Ron's words came back to her.

Seamus' hand tightened on her back as he said 'Hey, hey, now. It's okay. Ron's just being a jealous prat. He'll get over it.'

Trying desperately to ignore the tingles shooting up and down her spine, Hermione looked up at him (hazel eyes are beautiful - NO! ) and asked softly, 'You already know about that, then?'

'Hard not to notice you and Ron yelling at each other in the middle of the Hall, I'm afraid. Plus, Padma's as much a gossip as her sister. And, speaking of, they're rather upset you didn't tell them about Viktor. Seems you violated, and this is a quote, the "girl code of conduct", but not telling your room mates about, next quote, "an amazing date".'

'Oh, God,' Hermione groaned, leaning her forehead on Seamus' shoulder, as much in desire as in disgust. 'Girls are so dumb.'

'Ah, Hermione?' Seamus looked down at the top of her head. He'd never imagined she could feel so good. 'You're a girl.'

'Well, I know that,' she murmured, wanting to pull back, but somehow unable to. 'I meant girls when they're being all giggly and girly. Like Lavender and Parvati,' she trailed off. 'Oh. Sorry.'

'What for?' Seamus tried to keep his head clear. This was just Hermione. It didn't help that her hair smelled wonderful or that she was now looking up at him with such a pitiful, forsaken expression that made him want to...to...do things that he shouldn't want to do with someone he classed as 'Ron's girl.'

'For insulting Lavender. I mean, obviously, you like her.'

That's right, he likes her.

That's right, I like her.

'It's okay. I think Lavender and Parvati know that they don't come across as the deepest, most philosophical witches.'

He drew Hermione back into his arms as the song changed to a slower one, and they both surreptiously checked that their partners were still occupied. Without letting the other see, they both also checked for Ron, Hermione telling herself she was worried about Harry, and Seamus refusing to admit he was worried about Ron's jealousy.

'Seamus? Not all boys like that dumb girl act, do they?'

'God, no,' he answered without thinking. 'Can you imagine being giggled at for the rest of your life? I'd rather have someone I can actually talk to. Someone with a bit of substance.' He closed his eyes as he waited for her reaction. Had he been too obvious?

She smiled as she let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. 'Good.'

They swayed in silence for a few seconds, Hermione's hand itching to stroke the soft hair at Seamus' neck. She resisted, though, not fully understanding this feeling, but not wanting to give it up, either.

Seamus was having similar thoughts. He didn't know what impulse had made him ask her to dance. Possibly the same one that made him ask Lavender to the Ball.

And he didn't understand that. Asking Lavender, he understood. He'd missed her last summer - more than he'd missed Dean. He'd missed the way she would laugh at his jokes when no one else did, the way she'd lean over slightly when they were studying together. Yeah, these feelings had crept up on him for about a year, and although he wasn't the introspective type, like Dean, he'd analysed it enough to know he liked Lavender.

But Hermione - these feelings had slammed into him like a Bludger when she walked into the room tonight. Lavender looked pretty, and he'd said and done all the right things, but when he saw Hermione, he had the strange sensation of never wanting to leave her side.

And then fate had intervened and left them both dateless at the same time. What was he supposed to do?

And although he knew he should relinquish her back to Krum (he had no problems thinking it), and go back to Lavender himself, he couldn't. Physically couldn't walk away.

He figured they even looked better together. His royal blue robes complemented Hermione's periwinkle better than Lavender's mint green or Krum's steel gray.

He shook his head, trying to get rid of these thoughts.

Hermione sensed the movement, and looked up at him, and their eyes caught. The words she was about to speak faltered on her lips as she tried to tear her eyes away, yelling silently at herself. Victor! You're on a date with Viktor! And what would Ron say? On a date with one boy and making eyes at another? This is bad, very bad.

The spell broke suddenly with an 'Oof! Sorry, Hermione, Seamus, must have lost balance.' Ginny. She glanced from one to the other, taking in the quick breaths and flushed faces. Her eyes narrowed.

'Hey, what say we change partners?' she suggested, pushing Neville towards Hermione and twirling Seamus away.

Hermione smiled softly at Neville, feeling oddly lost. They finished the dance, then she went back to Viktor, not failing to notice the reappearence of Ron and Harry. But the odd feeling didn't leave her.

Seamus excused himself from Ginny, and went to find Lavender, intending to take her for a walk. Instead, he found her regaling Parvati, Dean, Padma and Padma's Ravenclaw friends with her Professor McGonagall impressions.

He smiled and sat down to watch, absent mindedly rubbing the back of his neck.


Hermione woke early the next day, having slept rather fitfully. Creeping out before Parvati or Lavender could wake, she grabbed Crookshanks and went to the common room. It was, thankfully empty.

What had happened? Ron? She didn't want to think about that yet. Seamus? She was quite sure she didn't harbour any secret feelings for Seamus. He was just her friend. Like Neville. Or Dean. So why on earth had she felt a strange pull towards him all night?

Hermione took a deep breath and resolved to look at this logically. If she still felt the same way this morning when she saw him, then she would try talking to him, try to understand it.


Seamus woke slowly, savoring every last second of sleep. What had made his dreams so pleasant? ...Oh. Right. Hermione. Now, that was unexpected. Was it just the magic of the Ball, or was there something there? He didn't think they'd shared any special connection before, she was just... Hermione. A friend. Like Parvati. Or Padma. He sat up and pulled the curtains back. The room was empty. He got up, resolving to ignore Hermione. If he admitted nothing, then it was nothing, right?


Hermione was chatting to Harry when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Seamus descend the boys' staircase. She tensed slightly, waiting for the tingle. Nothing. She smiled and focused back on Harry, enjoying the flutter a few minutes later when she saw Ron.


Seamus saw Hermione right away, talking to Harry in front of the fire. He paused, waiting for a sign. Anything. He caught her eye. Nothing. No pull, no connection. He smiled and went to find Lavender, wanting a pre-breakfast walk.

[a/n I've realised perhaps people who don't have access to my brain need an explanation for this. Have you ever felt, at a party or whatever, when people are acting differently, a strange pull towards somebody? Desire for someone you've never thought of like that, only to find the feeling disapear in the cold light of day? I have, and it's very disconcerting. That's what this is about. I figured Hermione and Seamus would be cute together, but there's no way it could be a long term thing. I also figured Hermione could have gotten up to quite a lot while the boys were out spying on Hagrid, and it's just not likely that she spent the whole time with Viktor. After all, they both have other friends to dance with.]