Astronomy Tower
Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/27/2003
Updated: 09/27/2003
Words: 749
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,559

I Can Never Get Enough


Story Summary:
Just a little bit of fluff to warm the Femmeslash heart! Viva la Revolucion! My experiment in first-person perspective. Hr/G.

Author's Note:
Here's to the love of my life, may you never tire of my face nor my soul, which I give freely and gladly to you. Thanks, Crys, for putting up with my silly poetic moods, too.

I Can Never Get Enough

There she is, walking by, talking to my brother and Harry. She looks so irritated. She's so cute when she gets irritated. They don't see her face, but I do. She rolls her eyes at almost every other word. She tuts inaudibly every sentence or two. They drive her crazy, but what can you do with boys?

Her eyes roll and happen to fall on me. I can feel my face heat up; a smile inches its way onto my face. Her face gets so red. A sound escapes her that is somewhere between choking and gasping. The boys don't hear, though. Exploding Snap seems to have their attention rather than her. She smiles weakly at me. I wonder what she's thinking about.

She shoots the briefest glance at Harry, who happens to be the closest to her. She looks back at me and winks.

"Oi, Harry, Ron. I'll catch you up. I'm going to the bathroom."

She said it loud enough so that I could hear. Ron grunts or mumbles or something as Hermione falls out of step with them. She waits for me, and then turns around and follows me into the bathroom. I don't really know what to say, and, judging from the deep blush on Hermione's cheeks, she doesn't either. I notice for the first time that she is a couple of inches taller than I am.

"Hermione, I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have kissed you. I didn't mean to kiss you. I was just trying to say goodnight, and..."

A finger pressed against my lips. It was her finger. I looked up and saw that she was smiling. She leaned forward. Her lips were getting closer to mine. I couldn't breathe normally. I was gasping for air. Each breath brought the scent of her. There must be some sort of flower extract in the potion she used on her hair. It was intoxicating.

My eyes closed by themselves. Our lips were about to touch. Her finger was still pressed against my mouth. I held my breath, waiting. Waiting.

I opened my eyes when her lips didn't touch mine. Our faces were almost touching, but she was not moving towards my lips. She was moving towards my ear. Her cheek brushed against mine. Fire spread through my body. This time I know I gasped. Her skin was so soft.

Now her breath was on my ear. A chill ran from my earlobe down the left side of my body. I couldn't feel a thing while she was so close to me.

She was speaking, her bottom lip brushing my earlobe. "Ginny," she whispered. "Do you know how long I have been waiting to kiss you?"

I didn't really trust myself to speak. Then I realized that I had nothing to say.

I could feel her smile.

Her face brushed against mine again. This time it was more purposeful, more direct. Her face rubbed across my lips and suddenly it was not her face rubbing against my lips. It was her mouth.

Smooth, full lips pressed into mine. Her tongue slid through and touched my own. I had never felt so alive. We didn't move much, just enjoyed the feel of our lips pressed against each other. She was so soft, her tongue so wet. I am always so good at describing what I feel and see, but not this time. My mind, for once, was utterly, blissfully blank. Far too soon it was over.

I didn't want it to end. It couldn't end. I had loved her from afar for so long. I had been dreaming of this kiss for two years. I couldn't be seperated from her this quickly.

I followed her as she pulled her body away. Making involuntary pleading noises in my throat. She did not stop, but I needed her to come back into my arms. That was not enough.

"Hermione, please don't..."

Her finger was on my lips again. A warm smile spread across her mouth.

"Don't worry, Gin, there's more to come."

Then she turned and walked away.

She walked away that once, but never again. She was right. There was plenty more to come. Still, years later, when I cannot even count the number of times she has kissed me, I beg for more. The fire of her body warms my soul. The moisture of her mouth keeps me alive. I never want her to stop. I can never get enough.