Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/22/2004
Updated: 04/22/2004
Words: 712
Chapters: 1
Hits: 711

Unexpected Ties


Story Summary:
What is the assumption that Malfoy was an only child was wrong? When danger approaches, Hogwarts finds itself with many more Malfoys than it cares to have.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
This is already 20 chapters through. It is in no way finished. I'm just going through and double checking spelling and grammar and such. See end author notes for more details.

The platform was the busiest she had seen it all year. Hermione Granger stood looking over heads trying to see if she could spot her friends. She was Head Girl this year and wouldn't be able to see them as much. With her bushy hair and crooked teeth gone, she was really quite beautiful. She had already gotten stares from half of the guys on the platform and that just encouraged her more.

"'Mione! Oy! Over here!" The red head sea came blowing through the crowd. The Weasley's all had their luggage ready, or at least the two that were going. Ron and Ginny Weasley walked over to Hermione. Ron was going to be a seventh year like herself where as Ginny was a sixth year. Before she even reached them another voice stuck out against the shouting and other deafening noises.

"Ron! Hermione! Ginny! Wait up!" Harry Potter ran up to the gang and everyone started to exchange stories when Harry suddenly was knocked forward a bit.

"Oh God. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't see you there." Harry and Ron stood gaping at the girl in front of them. She had shoulder length blonde hair and fair skin. Her eyes were a bright blue, almost a purple. She had on jeans and a baby blue tub top. A white button up shirt hung loosely on her shoulders. Her smile was amazing.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have been just standing here." Hermione thought she was going to puke. She didn't like Harry like THAT, but he was going head over heels and he didn't even know her name.

"I'm Allie." thought Hermione.

"Harry Potter. Nice to meet you Allie." They shook hands and suddenly Allie went flying into Harry. He managed to catch her before she fell. Allie turned around to see two little eleven year olds with the looks of a two year old spoiled brat. A girl and a boy, who looked a lot alike stared back with wide, blue eyes. The girl's hair was blonde and put into braids. The boy's hair was also blonde but hung over his eyes. Allie just stared at them.

"You two are impossible you know that! I have been looking for you everywhere!"

"But Allie, we've been right here." The girl broke into giggles at her brother's statement. They both had the perfected look of innocence on their faces. Allie just rolled her eyes.

"Just be happy that ... "

" ... I didn't see?" Everyone turned to see Draco Malfoy, their number one enemy.

"JAYDEN AND JEWELIA MALFOY! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO WATCH YOU IF KEEP RUNNING AWAY?" It was weird. Hermione could sense that he wasn't really angry. In fact, she thought she saw amusement in his eyes, like he had done this before.

"If you curse in front of the children again, I will hex you into the next century. So do shut up!" Everyone stood eyes wide and mouths open looking at Allie. Hermione saw the same thing she saw in Allie's eyes that she saw in Draco's.

"Ah yes. And where were you just a minute ago?"

"Looking for Ellie, which is your responsibility, so don't even get me started." Allie stood arms crossed and a smirk on her face. If you didn't know better, you would have said that she was Draco's family.

"My dear sister, did you not agree to help me with the younger siblings in return for... "

Her hand officially silence him. He glared at her and then got the most smug look on his face. Allie got the most disgusted look on her face and started to wipe her hand on her pants. Draco made a small face and spit to the side.

"You are one sick bastard you know that." She groaned inwardly as soon as she let the words slip from her mouth.

"If you curse in front of the children again, I will hex you into the next century. So do shut up!" Draco said it in a falsetto voice and did the expressions just like she did. Ron and Harry snickered. Allie looked around and became wide-eyed.

"Speaking of children, where are the twins?" Draco looked around and groaned.


Author notes: From about chapter three on, ennui took over the fic, but since I've kinda abandoned it, we've lost base. If anyone wants to help, please email me. You can either choose to totally take over the fic and just send to me for overview or we can work out a deal of co-author.

I'm hoping to get feedback on this so I can maybe get my muses into gear.