Tom Riddle
Angst Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/28/2001
Updated: 08/07/2002
Words: 35,675
Chapters: 9
Hits: 16,816

Crimson Ink


Story Summary:
Alternate Universe - Ginny has vanished into thin air, what if something different had happened down in Slytherin’s lair?

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Alternate Universe – Ginny has vanished into thin air, what if something different had happened down in Slytherin’s lair?

Dear Charlie,

Thank you so much for the books! I’m so glad you sent them over, there’s no way Mum and Dad would’ve approved. Mum would have a fit! Just because they think that a subject that dark is something a little girl like me shouldn’t know about.

But I’m not a little girl anymore. In September, I’m going to be starting at Hogwarts. And I’m just so excited about going there. I can just imagine all the wonderful things they do there! I know how you and Bill, and everyone else who’s gone there complain about the teachers, the homework, the lessons, everything, but for someone like me, it’s a whole new world out there!

Especially since I’m rarely let out of the house. It drives me absolutely crazy when I hear you all rant and rave about it. I’m so tired of staying home and doing practically nothing. At least the books will give me something new to read. Something that’s a nice change from all those dusty Ministry manuals and old Muggle novels.

I could almost see the look that must have been on your face when you read that letter I sent you. I know you think it’s a rather odd topic I’m interested in, but the grown-ups always talk about it, and they don’t let me know a thing. Not fit for such delicate ears, they always say.

But it must’ve been something big; something horrible that happened, if they’re being so secretive about it. I know the basic things about the reign of You-Know-Who, but I’ve never really found out exactly what sort of things he did. They would never delve deeper into the matter. I’m finally going to find out! You’re the most wonderful brother in the world!



Dear Charlie,

It’s just as fascinating as I thought it would have been! I know he did terrible things to good people, but still… I can’t believe there’s such a large bit of history that I didn’t know a thing about.

It all sounds like something right out of a book. I can’t believe that it all actually happened, in the world I live in, only a few years before I was born. It’s mind-boggling.

I am glad that he’s no longer in power. The sort of torture he put on some people…it makes me shiver all over. It must have been horrible for you, even, since you were growing up when he was still ruling.

I’m sure you didn’t want me to know about all this either, but I’m so glad you got me all this. It’s just something I need to know.

It’s rather annoying with everyone home though. I don’t have a single moment when I can read in peace. Every time I tried to sit down with it, there’s always someone barging in and asking questions I don’t want to answer. So now I have to read under the covers. I’m so grateful for that mini-light I got last Christmas.

There’s one thing I don’t quite understand. Why isn’t there ever anything about You-Know-Who’s childhood? I’ve looked through most of the books, and they always start from the time he started taking over. It doesn’t even say anything about where he went to school.

I suppose he must have gone to Hogwarts though. It’s the only school in the United Kingdom, from what I’ve heard. And it would be rather silly of him to take over a country he hasn’t even lived in.

There’s so much about what he did, but never a why. I want to know why he chose to take the path of power, instead of living in peace with all the other people. But I suppose you can’t exactly answer that. Especially since I haven’t even sent any of these yet.

It’s just that I’m so forgetful. And Percy refuses to let me borrow his owl, and I really don’t think Errol can make a journey that long. I suppose I’ll just have to keep all these until I get to Hogwarts. Ron says you can send letters from there, with the school owls.

Oh, wait, listen to this! I found it in one of the books.

Voldemort was a great and powerful wizard, and was said to be one of the most brilliant people in the world, regardless of the terrible things he brought upon us. It is said that he is the true heir of Salazar Slytherin, one of the Four Founders, and has acquired his ancestor’s talent of being able to converse with snakes. He suddenly appeared in this world in the late 1960s, and began his ascent to power. No one knows where he had resided before that.

Isn’t that shivery? The original was much better, I paraphrased it a bit and I’m not much of a writer. But still. Imagine not having anyone know where you came from…



Dear Charlie,

I can’t believe this. Ron’s brought Harry over to stay! I knew he was going to, he’s been bugging Mum all summer, but he’s finally gone and done it. He and the twins took Dad’s car and flew to Harry’s.

Mum was so mad, she was ranting at them for what seemed like hours. I don’t see how they could stand being yelled at for so long.

I really can’t believe them. They didn’t tell me or anything. I was going downstairs to eat breakfast, and he was sitting at the table, calmly eating his sausages. He saw me in my nightgown! I was so mortified, I hope he doesn’t remember this.

Stop laughing, Charlie, because I know you’re going to when you read this. Just look at it from my perspective. Wouldn’t you be embarrassed too, if you were a teenage girl and Harry Potter saw you in your nightgown?

Sorry about the ink spills, I just couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of you as a teenage girl.

Anyhow, I hope Ron doesn’t mention how much I’ve been talking about Harry, he’s such a blabbermouth. Probably thinks it’s funny.

Oh, shut up Charlie. You know, I don’t think I’ll send this one after all, just because I know you’re going to find it hysterical. Which means I’ve been spending all this time talking to myself. How wonderfully smart I am.



Dear Charlie,

Yes, I know I never write this often, it’s only been a bit over a week, but the most amazing thing happened today. I’ll go through it all one by one, just so my thoughts don’t muddle me all up.

Our letters came a while ago. The morning they did, I knocked over another bowl at breakfast when Harry walked into the room. That’s the fifth one this week. And then I put my elbow in the butter dish. But that’s not the important thing, I’m beginning to ramble and complain about things that don’t matter.

For some reason, practically all the books that we needed were written by Gilderoy Lockhart. You know how Mum likes him…

And then today, we went shopping for school things at Diagon Alley. We were travelling by Floo powder. I really hate the stuff; it makes me all sneezy and coughy. Anyway, when I popped into the fireplace, Harry wasn’t there! He wasn’t anywhere around, and Ron and the twins all said they hadn’t seen him come in. Mum got terribly worried, she started pacing and mumbling to herself, and then she grabbed me and started looking for him.

Hagrid found us minutes later, Harry by his side. Do you where he went? Knockturn Alley! I just can’t believe it, I don’t know whether it was accidental, or whether he did it on purpose. He says it was an accident, and part of me believes him, but the other part thinks he did it on purpose, since it is the dream of all wizard boys to venture into that place. I don’t know why they would. It seems awfully creepy to me.

Then we went off to get some money. Harry’s rich! There was so much stuff in his vault; I’ve never seen so much money in my life! Not that I’m jealous or anything, I suppose his parents had been paid well, seeing the sort of work they did.

Mum took me to get some robes, everything we got was second hand and the lady at the store kept giving us these funny looks. I felt so bad, for her and everyone else. I know you’re probably going to say I’m too compassionate for my own good, but that’s the truth, Charlie. It’s not like I can change the way I am.

When we got to Flourish and Blotts, there was an absolutely huge crowd. It turned out Gilderoy Lockhart was there, signing books. Mum got all flustered and red-faced, and I stopped myself from teasing her about it just in time.

Harry, Ron and Hermione rushed up just about then. And then Lockhart saw Harry and made a big fuss, taking pictures and everything…I decided then and there that he was a total idiot, just because of the way he acted. I don’t see how he’s got so many fans. They probably haven’t ever seen the real him.

Then, a boy that could have only been Malfoy (Ron’s been complaining about him the whole summer too) came up and started taunting Harry. I know I probably shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t stop myself. The words just burst out of my mouth, and the next thing I knew, I was defending him. And all I got for my troubles was more taunts. That Draco Malfoy really is as every bit as horrible as Ron said.

And then Mr. Malfoy walked over, and he and Dad started fighting. I sort of wish Hagrid hadn’t broken it up, as much as I hate to see anyone get hurt. That Mr. Malfoy really needs to be taught a lesson. Someone needs to stop him from thinking he’s the ruler of the world.

But now, for the really big thing I was going to tell you in the first place. I get sidetracked much too easily.

I got a diary!

I don’t know where it came from, it was just in the cauldron along with all my other books, so I figure Mum or Dad probably got it for me. It’s just the thing I need.

And then, when I was trying it out today, when we got home, it talked to me! I was writing in it, and the ink just sort of got soaked into the page, and then words started appearing, and I didn’t write them. I started having this conversation with the diary before I got anxious and told him I had to go. And then I checked through all the pages, and it turned out that the diary used to belong to someone named T.M. Riddle. But he never wrote in it, it’s completely blank.

Riddle…what a fascinating name. I wonder, is he the one talking to me? Don’t tell Mum or Dad, ever, they’d have a fit.



Dear Charlie,

His name is Riddle! Well, actually it’s Tom. And he has the most delightful middle name: Marvolo. Doesn’t that just sound like something out of a fairy tale? A haunted, eerie sort of fairy tale, but one just the same. Even though it does sound more like a villain’s name than a hero’s.

I really don’t know what to say about him. His personality…it’s indescribable. Even though we’ve been talking practically every night now, and I still haven’t found out all that much about him. All I know is that he grew up in an orphanage. He won’t say anything else.

How can I get him to reveal more about himself? Shut up Charlie, I know I’m being all psychiatrical again, but that’s just me, you know? I want to help people. I’m guessing he went through something painful while he was there; that’s why he refuses to talk about it.

But he’s such a good listener. I can just pour my heart out to him, and he’s actually listening and everything. He evens gives me advice on how to solve my problems. Really, I can’t believe I ever managed without him. He makes my life so much easier. And it’s so convenient too, like a friend I can carry around in my pocket.

I haven’t told him all this yet. He doesn’t really seem the affectionate type, like I am. Even though he does call me "sweetie" occasionally.

Charlie, I’m scared. I’ve only known him for a week or so, and I don’t even truly know him, but I already trust him with all my heart. I’ve told him absolutely everything about myself, and yet he’s still so secretive. I know it’s not really possible, since he lives in that diary and we’re worlds away, but I really wish I could see him, just once.

I’m making a complete fool of myself again, aren’t I?



Dear Charlie,

I’m worried, I’m at Hogwarts already and I haven’t seen Ron anywhere. I couldn’t find him on the train either, but I met his friend Hermione, she’s awfully nice, as studious as she is. I met someone else too; a boy named Colin Creevey. He seems even more obsessed about Harry than I am, which is almost scary, if you think about it.

I was talking to Tom all the while we were travelling to Hogwarts, since I sat with Hermione and she was reading her spell books the whole way there. I thought it best not to make any friends just yet; what if we got sorted into different houses and never saw each other again? I don’t really like the way they do things there, you hardly ever see anyone that’s not in your own house.

Tom did seem rather excited when I told him I was travelling to Hogwarts. And I had the most marvelous experience.

I haven’t the slightest clue how he did it, but it was amazing. I was sitting there in the train and he said he’d tell me what went on at his Sorting. He started writing to me, and I was reading what he wrote, and then, all of a sudden, I was in what I knew had to be the Great Hall at Hogwarts, and there was a black-haired boy sitting on a stool, with a ratty black hat on his head. It was so real, like I was actually there when it had all happened. Like a magic more magical than our ordinary magic. I think his words took me inside his memory

It was so beautiful there; the ceiling was utterly enchanting. It was a mirror image of the night sky. And there was candles floating all over the place, lighting up the Hall with little flashes of light.

Tom was sorted into Slytherin, and I couldn’t believe my ears. When I spiralled back into the train, I conveyed my amazement to him, and I could almost hear his amused chuckle. Though I might have been imagining things; I tend to do that a lot.

He said Slytherin wasn’t completely filled with Dark Wizards, and I suppose he’s right, I mean, he seems to be perfectly nice and he was in Slytherin…

I’m sitting in the Common Room now and Ron’s still nowhere to be seen! Though there have been rumors that he and Harry arrived by a flying car and they crashed into the Whomping Willow (What is that? I haven’t heard of it) when they landed.

You’ll probably be proud to know that I’m in Gryffindor.

Oh wait, there he is now. With Harry. And Hermione too, when did she go off to meet them? He seems rather happy, though his wand looks completely trashed. And Percy’s walking towards them with a cross expression on his face…and Ron and Harry have seen him. Now they’re rushing upstairs.

I won’t be surprised if Mum comes tomorrow and personally murders him alive for doing such a foolish thing. Though in my opinion, it isn’t that foolish at all. Why can’t I be daring like the rest of you?

What a funny phrase, "murder you alive". I mean, if you get murdered, you’re not very alive anymore, are you? Oh dear, I’m babbling again. You know, I’m much too wishful for my own good. I’d be a lot more the way I wanted to be if I just got up and did it. Like crashing a car into a tree.

Who am I kidding? I’m not brave enough for that.



Dear Charlie,

Classes are…all right, I suppose. It’s pretty much the same boring things Mum tried to teach me at home, except I discovered I’ve a passion for Charms. I was the first one in my class to make the feather float! I was so happy afterwards, I went looking for someone to tell, but Percy wasn’t around and the rest of them would have just made fun of me, so I told Hermione. She said was the first in her class to do that too. Though she was the first to a lot of things. She’s so brilliant that it scares me sometimes.

Well, I told Tom too. At least he was happy for me. I mean, I know Ron and the twins well enough by now. Percy too. Ron would’ve just waved me off; the twins would have started teasing me about being a miniature Percy or something. Percy, he would probably be happy, but then he’d start lecturing me on this or that, probably something about how one little feather isn’t enough, I have to do a lot more if I want to be prefect like him.

Has he ever thought that I might not want to be a prefect like him? Honestly, it’s all he’s been telling me lately. "Now Ginny, if you want to be a prefect like me…" I can’t stand it. I’m not him! But then again, he’s probably only doing this because Ron and the twins have been such failures in his eyes; he wants me to go and be all intelligent or something.


Hermione, I suppose she meant well, she did congratulate me. But then she started going on about how she was the first in her Charms class to levitate a feather, how she was the first in her class to change a something into a needle, and so on. Everything was about her, and there wasn’t another word about what I did.

Am I being selfish again? I can’t tell; I mean, I try not to be, but sometimes the words just slip out of me.

But Tom, he’s just so different. He’s happy for me, and he lets me talk about myself. That doesn’t sound very good does it? But he doesn’t really go and try to change the subject, he lets me lead the conversation. Which is a nice change; I hardly ever get to do that.

Charlie, I’m so very fond of him. He’s not ugly either, though you would think that someone so understanding would have to be. You know that theory, about how pretty people are mean, and not-so-pretty ones are nice, because there has to be something nice about them. Don’t think I’m being shallow, I read all this in a book.

Why is he so nice? People aren’t just nice; there’s a reason for everything. Well most people aren’t anyway. And he doesn’t seem like he would be an outcast…does he? Maybe it’s because he’s nice. He was in Slytherin after all. Maybe they don’t appreciate having someone nice around.

Anyway, to continue where I left off, Potions is horrid. Professor Snape seems to absolutely detest me, for some reason. Maybe it’s the red hair, since Fred and George have always caused so much trouble in his classes, from what I’ve heard. Or maybe it’s just the fact that I’m a Gryffindor. It’s not like I’m bad in his classes. I can make a pretty decent potion.

Transfiguration is…tiring. So far, all we’ve done is read books and take notes. I thought this was supposed to be an interesting class. We haven’t done a single bit of magic yet.

History of Magic is just as boring as you’ve all said. Professor Binns just drones on and on about nothing in particular. Well, he is droning on about something, but nobody ever bothers to listen, so none of us know. Mum really would have a fit if she knew I was behaving like this.

Astronomy is also tiring, considering the classes are all in the middle of the night. I think I’m beginning to be sleep deprived. That’s the one thing I miss about home, not being able to sleep until noon like I used to.

I know you’re probably going to scold, but I just don’t recall ever having any pleasant memories about the place. It was always cleaning and yelling, as much hugging as there was involved. And every time, I was treated like such a child.

I’m laughing right now, because of the way I sound. It’s like I’m talking to myself, instead of writing to you. I never realized I was such a schizophrenic.

Gilderoy Lockhart’s classes are just plain stupid. He’s so conceited; it’s absolutely hilarious. Except that it makes me want to kill myself, or him, while he goes on and on. The first test of the year, was completely about him: his favourite colour, his ambition, what he wants for a Christmas present…It’s bloody tiresome.

So basically, the classes haven’t been as wonderful as I thought they would be. But still, it’s thrilling to finally live away from home.






Why are you so nice?

You think I’m nice?

Well, yes. You’re always so willing to listen to me complain about this and that, when anyone else would have just told me to shut up.

It is rather boring in here, you know. I just like to hear some news about the outside world.

So that’s all I am to you? A news report?

Sweetie, what’s with the questions all of a sudden?

I don’t know. It’s kind of the way I’ve always been. But now, my head hurts and I’m aching all over, and there’s so much I don’t understand and I want to know.

Do you trust me?

Well, yes…I supposed.

You suppose? This isn’t really one of those questions when you can just suppose. Do you trust me?


Then you’ll know that you’re not just a newspaper to me. I’m nice to you because, well, it’s you. I like you.

Thanks Tom.

Any time.