The Dragon Games


Story Summary:
Something dark and mysterious ends up dragging Harry and his friends back to Hogwarts for their last year; the people in Harry's life are changing, traditions are being torn apart, and the friends he could once depend on are suddenly vanishing. Harry ends up in a twisted game of the Dragon; a game that tests his abilities, friendships, and causes him to trust a once formidable enemy. The game has high stakes, and it's all or nothing for both Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter as they seek to win what they're both searching for; testing how far each will go to get the prize for themselves.

Chapter 05 - Secrets and Letters

Author's Note:
Thanks to my Beta Priscilla.

"Ginny," Dean said breathlessly. "How are you?"

"Oh, erm, pretty good. Yourself?" Ginny answered.

"I'm good," Dean smiled brightly. "You sure you're good?"

Ginny laughed a bit before saying, "Yes, I'm sure, Dean. Why?"

"You look a little upset about something."

About you talking to me, maybe. Or maybe the fact that I cannot read your thoughts right now.

"Oh, not upset here. I'm great."

"Great." Dean nodded. "And how's Luna?"

"She's fine," Ginny said. "What's going on, Dean?"

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to chat with you," Dean said, avoiding her eyes.

"I see," Ginny said, not believing a word.

"Where were you going?"

"I was going to, ah, get a book."

"Oh. Are you still going to be on the Quidditch team?"

"Probably," Ginny answered.

Stop asking me stupid questions, please.

"That's cool."

"Okay...well..." Ginny started awkwardly, searching for something to say.

"I'm rooming with Harry," Dean said quickly.

"Oh." Ginny blinked. "That wasn't an off the wall question at all."

Dean ignored her comment and continued, "I just wanted to tell you that I'm not mad at you."

"Mad at me?" Ginny asked, bewildered.

"For dating Harry," Dean said. "In fact, he and I are getting along fine."

Ginny tried to keep a straight face while the thought boys can be so stupid at times ran through her head.

"And I know that we had a little tiff over everything that happened and all..."

"Yeah." Ginny nodded.

Your point, Dean?

"But, what would you say to going out with me again?"

Ginny's mouth fell open, disbelieving what she heard.


"I love you, Ginny. I don't want to lose you to someone else again."

"Dean!" Ginny yelled angrily. "No! I won't go out with you!"


"And you don't love me," Ginny assured him.

"Yes, I do," Dean said, taking a hold of her shoulders. "Look at me. I know how I feel, and I feel this way about you."

"Let go of me," Ginny said, moving away. "Dean, you're my friend if you want to be, but we need to move on. There's not going to be an 'us' anymore, because I don't feel that way about you. I'm sorry if I hurt you, but no, I won't go out with you."

"Ginny...I don't think I can handle 'just friends'."

"Then I guess you can't be anything to me," Ginny said with finality before she started to walk away.

I'm sorry, Dean.

"Gin, wait!"

Ginny paused and slowly turned around.

"Just answer me this. Is it because you still love Harry?"

There was a pregnant pause as Dean awaited her answer.

"No, I don't still love Harry," Ginny said softly. "I'm in love with him."

Dean's face was blank as he said, "He's a lost cause, Ginny."

"I know that." Ginny gave a small smile, then turned on her heel and left towards the Room of Requirement.



-Leaky Cauldron-

-Two days before the wedding-

Percy opened his mouth to answer, and just as he did, a popping sound came from in front of the table, and Hermione appeared.

Percy groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me, Hermione. We're in the middle of a family thing. Go away."

"Don't talk to her like that!" Ron yelled, upset.

"Then you make her go away," Percy muttered.

"What is it, Hermione?" Charlie asked.

"Well, Harry is calling for a meeting to take place," Hermione explained.

"What sort of meeting?" Ron questioned.

"It's about the news in the daily prophet."

"Well, we're already discussing that, so go," Percy shot at her. Then at Ron's look, he added only a bit more nicely, "Please go."

"Well, if you don't want to join in on the meeting, that's all right, I think," Hermione said quickly. "I mean, if you guys are talking about something much more important, then I'm sure Harry will understand."

"We are," Percy assured.

The others thought for a moment, and silently concurred that they'd rather hear what the Prophecy was about.

"We'll catch up later, Hermione," Bill said.

"All right." Hermione nodded.

"Wait, could you send Ginny up here?" Charlie asked.

"Oh, sure." Hermione thought for a moment. "How's she going to get up here?"

"Floo-Powder," Charlie explained with a smile.

Hermione nodded, slightly embarrassed that she hadn't thought of that.

"Okay, I'll send her," Hermione said before apparating.

"Let's wait till Ginny gets here," Charlie suggested.

"If you must insist," Percy said impatiently.

"Don't be such a git, Percy," Ron said with an air of annoyance.

And the other boys smiled in agreement.


Breakfast was finished and the plates had been cleared. Hermione and Ron were going over their new class schedules.

"Do we have any classes together?" Ron asked, taking Hermione's schedule and comparing it. "Oh, Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Who's teaching it?" Hermione asked.

"No clue." Ron shrugged. "At least we don't have to worry about Snape anymore. Oh, and fancy that, we have double potions."

"Together?" Hermione asked hopefully, peering over.

"Yep," Ron said, giving her a smile. Hermione smiled back.

"Where is Harry?" Ron asked, finally realizing he wasn't there.

"Oh, um, he said something about looking for someone earlier. I'm not really sure where he went."

"Figures." Ron shrugged. "He's always so secretive lately. I don't get it."

"He's got a lot on his mind is all, Ron."

"But we could help him though it," Ron sighed. "Well, he'd better show up sometime to get his schedule."

"I'm sure he will."

Ron was about to say something else when Hermione shushed him with a finger.

"Professor Aiyana's about to speak."

The Headmistress was standing from the staff table.

"Good morning. I hope you all enjoyed your breakfast," Aiyana said. The hall fell into a hush. "Now, a few announcements. The Forbidden Forest is still off limits to all students. No magic in the corridors. All the basics are still in effect. However, I know you are all quite curious about the Quidditch situation." She paused as many of the students nodded in agreement. "Well, I've discussed it with Madam Hooch, and we have both concluded that we will have five teams instead of four. Anyone interested in being a Captain should see Madam Hooch within this week. Try-outs will start when the Captain of the team decides, and then the team will decide on a decent name." Aiyana smiled at the students. "And with that, I leave you to go start your education. Have a wonderful rest of the day."

"I wonder if Harry's going to go out for Captain this year," Hermione marveled.

"Doubtful," Ron said. "He didn't seem that interested when I talked to him about it this morning."

"I don't think he should give up Quidditch. It's a good way for him to get his mind off things," Hermione said, thoughtfully.

"I don't think he believes he can take that kind of break."

Hermione nodded, then spotted Pig flying into the room with a green envelope.

"You have mail, Ron."


Ginny exited the Room of Requirement and headed back towards the Great Hall. She had to pick up her schedule from Luna.

As she went, she tried hard to concentrate on the thoughts of students she passed, but it wasn't working. Nothing was coming to her. She was getting so aggravated as she entered the Hall, that she ran face first into a barn owl.

"Ouch!" Ginny cried, and then realized the owl had brought her a letter. "Oh."

The owl nipped her as she started to take a green envelope off its leg.

"Sorry," she told the bird, which took off the moment she untied the letter. She began to open it as Luna approached her.

"Mail?" Luna asked.

"Uh-huh," Ginny answered, distracted.

"Your brother got a letter exactly like that," Luna said, handing Ginny her schedule.

"Thanks." Ginny took her schedule, and then began to read the letter.


I have something important to discuss with you and Ron. Meet me tomorrow an hour before your classes start in the Entrance Hall at Hogwarts.


Ginny gulped.

Oh no. I think he knows.


Ron handed the letter from Percy to Hermione.

"I don't get it. He couldn't have found out more about the Prophecy, could he?" Ron asked.

"I don't know, but it sounds important," Hermione said. "Are you going to meet him?"

Ron didn't answer, lost in thought.

Hermione stared at him, unsure if she should break his concentration.

"Ron!" came Ginny's slightly perturbed voice.

"Hmm?" Ron asked, coming out of his daze.

Ginny, followed by Luna, approached them.

"Did Percy send you a letter?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah." Ron nodded. "Are we meeting him?"

"I think we have to," Ginny said. "But I, erm, need to talk to you. In private."

"What is it?" Ron asked with a frown.

"Come on," Ginny insisted.

Ron nodded, and then turned to Hermione.

"Give Harry his schedule if he comes in."

Hermione agreed, and the two took off. Hermione and Luna were left pondering what was going on.


"What do you mean, play with me?" Harry asked. "Who told you this?"

"I told you already; people." Draco stated. "But yes, we're supposed to be on some sort of team effort in this. Sounds incredibly lame, but that's how it is."

"I'm not going to do Dark Magic to play a game with you!" Harry exclaimed. "No way, Malfoy."

"Well, I'm not that keen to play the game with you either, Potter!" Draco said. "But there's something in it for both of us."

"What exactly is in it for me?" Harry asked.

"A prize."

"What sort of prize?"

"Well, not the actual game prize. That prize has to mutual between the two winners. But I, as you say it, do have something for you," Draco admitted, blank-faced.

"And what's that?"

"I can't tell you until you agree to the game."

"You're a cunning bastard, you know that?"

"I know that." Draco grinned. "Well, what do you say?"

"Can you tell me what the prize contains or anything?" Harry asked.

Draco thought for a moment.

"It's sort of a thing to do with communication. That's all I can tell you."

"Communication?" Harry sighed.

That doesn't help.


"What's in this game for you?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Well, apart from the end prize, I don't want to tell you," Draco said snippily.

"What exactly do you think the prize is that we could possibly agree on?"

Draco just smiled.

"Damn you, Malfoy!" Harry said angrily. "You're so annoying."

Draco nodded, and then frowned.

"So, why were you back here in the first place?"

"I wanted to think about some stuff," Harry said shortly.

"Important life or death stuff?"

"Some of it. Why?"

"I don't know. You looked more spastic then usual."

"Spastic?" Harry asked, rolling his eyes. "What does that mean?"

"You always look funny when you're upset and thinking. It's quite amusing, really."

"I'm glad I'm entertaining for you, Malfoy."

"Me too. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother with you at all."

"Well, you could leave me alone and I wouldn't much care."

"I think you'd miss me, Potter."

"I very much doubt it."

"Sure you would. You'd miss my crazy antics," Draco joked.

"What in the world are you on, Malfoy?"

Draco grinned.

"I'm on nothing, Potter. I just felt like riling you up a bit. It's very easy to do."

"Whatever, Malfoy. Go away."

"Are you in or out?"

"I have to think about it," Harry said.

"Of course you do. Couldn't do anything spontaneous in your life, now could you?"

"Shut it! I like to be prepared."

"Fine, think on it. But do it quickly; this game is going to take all year if you take too damn long."

"How long is the game?"

"No clue. Why don't you look it up?" Draco asked coolly as he brushed past Harry and went downstairs.

Maybe I will, Harry thought before he pulled out the letter from his robes. Now what can this possibly be about?


Ginny took Ron towards an empty classroom, and when she secured the door, she turned to him.

"Ron, can I trust you to keep a secret?"

Ron stared, taken aback.

"What sort of secret?"

"It's about something I did."

"Did with whom?" Ron asked suspiciously. "Not with a boy, right? You didn't do anything with a boy?"

"No, Ron! I didn't do anything that would warrant a secret label with a boy."

"Oh, good," Ron said, relived. "Then what?"

"You have to promise me you won't say anything to Percy when he comes!"

"What did you do?"

"Promise, Ron."

"Gin, I can't do that unless I know what you did."

"I'm your sister. Can't you make a promise to your sister without knowing what it's about?"


"Please. Just promise me?"

"Alright, alright, I promise."

"Thank you," Ginny smiled. "I, erm, took something from Percy."

"What did you take?"

"The Prophecy book."

"You did what? Why?" Ron asked, mouth open.

"To read up in it," Ginny explained. "I needed to know more. Just because you were satisfied with that crappy translation doesn't mean we all were."

"Do the others know?"

"Er, yes. Everyone but Bill."

"Why are you telling me this? I mean, wouldn't it have been better if I didn't know you had it when Percy comes to interrogate us? As that's what I assume he's here to do."

"Yes, it would have been, if I didn't need you to make up a story with me."

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to try and convince Percy that he left it at Harry's house, and assure him its safest there."

"Why, exactly?" Ron asked, confused.

"Because Percy wants the book back, but I think both of us know that it's better in our hands." Ginny paused as Ron nodded. "And no matter what Percy says, you have to promise me that you'll keep to the story."

Ron stared at her for a moment, before answering, "I promise, Ginny. But you know that I'm not the greatest at pretending things, or lying about things."

"I know, which is why I want you to say as little as possible. Mostly just agree with me if you can. I need to trust you Ron. Otherwise, you best not show up tomorrow." Ginny thought for a moment. "Actually, that might be best."

"Oh, shut it!" Ron said, annoyed. "I'll handle it. He'll just corner me alone if I don't deal with him immediately."

"Good point," Ginny nodded. "So you can handle this?"

"I can handle this," Ron assured.

At least, I think I can.

"Good, because I'm counting on you."


Harry opened the envelope, and found inside a pendant of a dragon on a golden chain. Harry pulled it out and examined it. It was silver in color with emeralds for eyes, was in the shape of a Hungarian Horntail with its mouth open and teeth bearing angrily. But unlike his model from the Tournament, it was not animated.

Reaching back into the envelope, Harry pulled out a letter and began to read.

Dear Harry Potter,

Welcome back to Hogwarts. I'm sure you're very curious to figure out who I am at this point. I'd like to assure you that you will not figure it out until I am ready for you to know.

The dragon pendant I have given you is for the ritual involved in summoning up the Games of the Dragon. Do not loose it. I trust enough in you to know that you have already spoken with Draco Malfoy and he has told you about the Games.

I'm sure you are still wary about the situation, but given the circumstances, you can't really lose out here. Remember what I told you in my first letter; the knowledge and prize you win here will be greatly beneficial to the war against Voldemort.

When you are sure about your position in the game, I will have another letter for you the next night, containing information on the items you will need.

Trust in me,

The Angel of Reason

Harry groaned.

Sure, just give me more questions and don't answer anything.

"Harry?" Hermione's voice came from behind him.

"Hermione?" he asked, turning around.

"You're going to be late for class. I had just about given up on looking for you," Hermione said, handing him his schedule.

"Oh, thanks," Harry muttered, his mind still on the letter. "Where are you going?"

"I was just checking in here for you. I'm on my way to Ancient Runes," Hermione said. "And you better go quickly. Class is going to start."

"Right." Harry nodded. "Did Aiyana have anything important to say?"

"No," Hermione said, looking at the letter in his hand. "I have to go Harry. I'll talk to you later, okay?"


Hermione quickly rushed out of the tower.

Harry glanced down at his schedule, then started to head towards Charms, while pulling the pendant over his head and tucking it in his shirt.



-A Dark Mansion-

-Two days before the wedding-

Pansy Parkinson stood outside the darkened Mansion. It was older, but still in decent shape. She knocked on the door twice, waited a moment, and then knocked again.

There was a hushed murmur from inside, and a black haired man opened the door. He was clearly a Death Eater.

"Parkinson, are you here to update your report for the Dark Lord?

"Yes, sir." Pansy nodded.

"Then enter," the Death Eater invited, stepping aside as Pansy stepped in. The door closed immediately after she entered.

"Follow me."

The man led her through the entrance room and into a small room with two couches.

"Have a seat, Miss Parkinson."

She did, and he sat across from her.

"How are you progressing in your plans?" the man asked.

"Oh, well, aren't I going to speak with-"

"You will speak to me and no one else until you have proved yourself. Now, please, explain what you have."

"Right," Pansy said awkwardly. "Well, I, erm, I talked to Millicent Bulstrode and Blaise Zabini. They're ready to do whatever you need. I also have made arrangements to get a few items we need for the spell. There's a wedding occurring soon, and that's when we plan to make our first move."

"Very well," the man said. "No problems, I hope?"

"None so far."

"Very good, Miss Parkinson. You just might make a decent Death Eater yet. You may see yourself out."

Thank you everyone who has read and reviewed. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. ^_^ And please tell me what ya think.