Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Romance Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 06/13/2002
Updated: 04/02/2003
Words: 61,369
Chapters: 16
Hits: 24,736

War and Passion


Story Summary:
Harry tries to stay away from Ginny for her own safety, but the passion between them could prove to much to deny. ``Harry, Ron, and Hermione train as battle bound War Mages while trying to deal with their complex lives and deal with the complications of being teenagers in the war torn Wizarding world.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Harry tries to stay away from Ginny for her own safety, but the passion between them could prove to much to deny.

Chapter Four

Heart Breakers

Whoever said being in love was easy? Certainly not Ginny Weasley. She had spent the last two years wishing she could go and tell her eleven year-old self to stay the hell away from Harry Potter.

Ginny haphazardly threw all her belongings in her trunk as she stormed around the room deep in thought. Colin. Something had to be done about him. It just wasn’t working. She would never be able to love him. As much as she would like to believe she was over Harry, it just simply wasn’t true. Of course, Harry didn’t help matters. How dare he grow up to be so bloody sexy.

It was a problem Ginny knew she had to deal with before the start of the summer. Considering the summer started today, that left the train ride home to break it off with him. Not exactly the bravest thing to do. Still, it was better than breaking up with him by Owl Post. Colin definitely deserved better than that. He had been her shoulder, her friend for the past two years. It was her own fault she had let things go as far as they had. Her ego had been bruised, her heart broken. Now, she was going to be doing the same thing to him. Poor Colin. If only he had not walked up to her that night.


Harry Potter felt terrible. His body hurt from head to toe. He was wondering why on earth he had ever agreed to the War Mage training. He had never imagined it would be this much WORK! He had to get up at five in the morning and usually didn’t drop off to sleep until after midnight.

It was a small consolation that working his body to the bone, made it a little easier to keep his thoughts off of Ginny. He could hardly stand looking at her. Every time their eyes met, the hurt he saw in hers broke his heart.

He was also suffering from his withdrawal from her. His arms ached to hold her. His whole body seemed to hum with a need to be close to her. He hardly got any sleep and when he did, it was plagued with nightmares. Harry was so frustrated that he was walking around with a temper worse than Ron’s, and a bad attitude to match.

“It’s so unusual to see you without your glasses,” Hermione said as she looked up from the notes she was taking.

“Well, it’s pretty unusual to see you with no hair,” Harry said, sharper than he would have liked.

Ron smacked the back of his head. “Oi, Harry, what’s your problem? Her hair looks nice.”

“Thank You, Ron,” Hermione grinned at him then turned back to Harry. "You need to go talk to Ginny. You’re getting unbearable, Harry. Honestly.”

“This has nothing to do with her. I’m just sore.” Harry lied as he stretched one arm in front of him. He was sore, it just wasn’t the reason he was in a bad mood.

Hermione was about to reply when the sound of the portrait opening caught their attention. Harry groaned and turned back around, staring at his books. Ginny was walking determinedly towards them.

“Harry, I need to talk to you,” Ginny said from behind him.

“He’s working Ginny,” Ron said, giving his sister a warning look. Ron fully supported Harry’s attempts to stay away from his sister, even if Hermione didn’t.

“Well, I don’t really care *RON*, I need to talk to him. He owes me that.”

“Go away Ginny. We’re working!” Ron said standing up to face off with his sister.

“Are you his body guard?”


“Well, Mister Body Guard. The last I remember, Harry doesn’t need you to fight his battles for him.”

“Ron, let them talk,” Hermione urged from her seat.

“Stay out of this, Hermione,” Ron said in a snap.

“Look, Ron. How about this?You back off or I’ll tell Mum about what I heard a few Hufflepuff girls talking about in the Library yesterday,” Ginny said triumphantly.

Harry immediately turned his head to face Ron. He knew what Ron had been doing with a few of the Hufflepuff girls. Mrs. Weasley definitely wouldn’t approve. He watched Ron pale slightly, casting a glance at Hermione.

“What exactly, would the Hufflepuff girls be talking about, Ron?” Hermione said glaring.

“Ginny, you’re right. Let’s talk,” Harry said jumping up. He didn’t know what was going on between Ron and Hermione, but he was sure that having Ginny reveal what she had heard, wouldn’t be a good thing.

“Fine,” She said as she walked over to another corner of the common room. He glanced over at Ron and Hermione who were having a heated conversation.

“That really wasn’t nice, Ginny,” Harry said as he sat down on the sofa beside her.

“Are you giving nice lessons all of a sudden? Last time I checked, it wasn’t *nice* to tell someone you love them, then one day decide you’re never going to talk to them again,” Ginny said as she turned to yell at him. Her cheeks flushed, red hair flying around her. Harry had to suppress a groan. She looked more beautiful then he had ever seen her.

“I’m sorry Ginny. I explained why I can’t see you. You deserve so much more,” Harry said turning away.

“I think it’s up to *me* to decide what I deserve.”

Ginny put her hand on his shoulder to turn him towards her. Harry couldn’t suppress the shudder that went through him at her touch. She paused, then her palm made a slow trail down his arm, her nails barely grazing the skin below his sleeve. He could feel her eyes burning into him as another shudder seized him. God, why could she affect him like this. He should have never agreed to talk to her.

“You want me,” She breathed in wonder.

Harry immediately closed his eyes. He had been trying for weeks to prevent this from happening.

“That’s why you won’t talk to me. That’s it, isn’t it Harry?” She said as her nails trailed back up his arm, her breath inches from his ear. This time a low moan escaped him. He pushed her hand off his arm and leaned back. His head falling against the top of the sofa he glanced at the ceiling before he closed his eyes against the near painful need that was flowing through him. Hearing her breath you want me’ would guarantee him months of sleepless nights.

“Yes, I want you so bad it hurts,” He sighed. There was no point in denying it.

She had moved closer to him. Her hand laid on his chest as she leaned in and breathed against his ear again, “You could have me.”

His eyes flew open, his blood started pounding through his body the second the words had left her. He whipped his head around to face her. She had a devious smile on her face. Her lips were almost as red as her hair in the dying candle light of the common room.

“Gin?” He looked up to her eyes and gasped, “You’re serious.”

“Yes, I am. I love you. Nothing will ever change that. These weeks without you have been horrible. Do you think you’re the only one who feels this?” As she spoke her breath was hot on his neck. At the last statement her tongue darted out quickly against his ear. Harry was in serious trouble. He was forgetting every reason he had to stay away from her. He completely forgot Ron and Hermione still arguing in the corner. Voldemort was a distant memory. He’d felt every nerve ending in his body jump alive when her tongue had touched his ear. All his mind would recognize was Ginny breathing ‘you could have me , and the implications behind her statement.

“I don’t care who you shag Ron Weasley. . . As a matter a fact, why don’t you go SHAG YOURSELF, since you fancy it so much!”

Hermione yells filled the room and helped to clear Harry’s mind as he looked up to see Hermione running up the stairs to the girls dorm.

“Opps,” Ginny said in a regretful voice.

“Thanks a lot Ginny. I owe you for that one,” Ron growled as he walked over to where Harry and Ginny sat. His eyes narrowed as he spotted Ginny’s hand still lying on Harry’s chest.

“Come on Harry, let’s go. It’s nearly midnight, we need to get to bed,” Ron said as he roughly pulled Harry up. Harry really didn’t see the need to hurry to bed, since he knew sleep was going to be a very long time in coming.

“Night,” Harry mumbled with a last long look at Ginny.

“Thanks again. . . SIS” Ron hissed sarcastically as he pushed Harry up the stairs.

Harry stormed into his dorm. He pulled back the curtains and fell on his bed breathing heavy. He put both hands to his head, applying pressure. Where the curses from the previous summer had failed, Ginny Weasley was succeeding. He was going MAD.

The single worst mistake Harry had ever made, was letting Ginny know just how much she affected him. She used it against him every chance she got. He was corded so tight he felt like screaming. He had taken more cold showers in the past ten days then he had in his whole life. He was going to have to take another one after what had just happened.

*10 Minutes Ago*

Harry and Ron sat in a corner working by themselves. The few older Gryffindor’s left in the common room, knew enough to stay away. Harry and Ron had both been in terrible moods all week.

“She still won’t talk to me,” Ron said as he slammed his book closed and rubbed his temples.

“Well, she’s not talking to me either, and I didn’t even do anything. At least you got something out of it,” Harry said closing his own book and leaning back against the chair.

“Harry!” Ron glanced around to make sure Hermione was no where near.

“Well, you did! God, maybe I need to go visit the Hufflepuffs,” Harry said as he rubbed his neck.

“Oh, come on Harry. It can’t be as bad as all that. I mean she’s *Ginny*. I think most of your problem is all this extra work. It has us all tied in knots.”

“Trust me, Ron. My problem is Ginny.” Harry was still trying to work out the kink in his neck as he spoke.

“Speak of the Devil,” Ron said as he looked up in annoyance as his sister approached. He glanced back at Harry who had tensed up considerably.

“Hey, can I sit with you for a few?” Ginny said, not waiting for an answer as she pulled up a chair next to Harry.

“No Ginny, you can’t. Go do something,” Ron snipped.

“I can already hear the howler from Mum,” Ginny sighed leaning her head back against the chair her long red hair flowing behind it.

“It’s old, Ginny. Send your bloody note if you have to.” Ron was sick of being blackmailed, no matter what the consequence.

“Never mind. Besides, I didn’t come here to talk to you,” she said with a dismissive wave at Ron. “Say Harry, you want to take a break and go for a walk by the lake?” Ginny leaned into Harry as she said this, a breath away from his ear.

“No, Gin’, I don’t think so. We do have work to do.” Harry sighed.

“Too bad,” She whispered seductively. Low enough so the scowling Ron couldn’t hear.

“What are you saying to him?” Ron questioned as he watched a frantic Harry run a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath.

“Nothing,” She answered without even turning to acknowledge Ron.

Her hand drifted up Harry’s arm. "God, you’re tense,” Ginny said as she reached his neck and started to rub it lightly. Harry moaned in momentary defeat.

“I wonder why, Ginny?” Harry said as he looked at her.

“I wouldn’t know, Harry. Seems to me, like you enjoy being tense.” She got off the chair and began to rub his shoulders and neck.

Harry was in Heaven. Her hands rubbing against his aching muscles was driving him mad. He just couldn’t stop her; the pain in his neck began to rapidly slip away. Ron was here. She couldn’t do anything too outrageous. So, for the moment he gave into the temptation, as she slid her hands under the neckline of his robes at the base of his neck and began to massage the naked flesh there. Harry’s head dropped forward, eyes closed.

“I love the feel of your skin under my hands,” She breathed against his neck. His eyes flew open again. God, where does she come up with these things.

“GINNY!” yelled a now gaping Ron.

Harry turned to look at Ginny then. Her cheeks were a violent red. Harry had a feeling that she had forgotten Ron was sitting there. Harry had to get away. This was insane. All he wanted was for her to be safe. Yet, she was fighting him tooth and nail, and she fought dirty. She hit way below the belt. Harry jumped up and headed for his room.

Ron rounded on his sister as Harry stormed off. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into a corner of the common room where they would be unheard.

“I *heard* you, Ginny. I thought Harry was overreacting all this time. You have been deliberately pushing him,” Ron hissed at her, shock still plainly written on his face.

“So! He’s being a stupid prat. He loves me and I love him, we should be together. I’m *SICK* of this little game he insists on playing,” Ginny said hotly.

“I don’t think Harry’s the one playing games, Ginny. He has a real good reason to stay away from you,” Ron’s hand briefly went up to touch the thin pink scar across his cheek bone. Ginny’s eyes softened at the pained look on her brother’s face.

“Ron, I‘m really sorry about what happened. You have no idea how much. But, I will not hide my feelings for him because of it. I love him. I will not be *hidden* away. How dare he. . .” Ginny was finding it hard to keep her voice down again.

“Look Ginny, I’m not going to argue with you. Stay AWAY from Harry. He has a lot going on right now. He doesn’t need you teasing him.” Ron’s voice had also risen.

“I will not. . . You can’t tell me what to do.” Ginny tried to jerk her arm out of his grasp. He held on.

“Fine, then know this. If I find out that you‘re still teasing Harry, I *will* write Mum. That’s not a threat, it’s a promise. He’s dealing with life and death shit here. I don’t care if you write Mum and tell her I’m shagging the whole bloody school. STAY AWAY FROM HARRY!” Ron let go of Ginny’s arm and stormed off, following his friend up the stairs.

Once Ron entered the room he found Harry sprawled across his bed. The palms of his hands pushed against his temples.

“You ok, mate?” Ron said as he closed the door.

Harry groaned “She’s torturing me.” He lifted his head and looked at Ron incredulously, “On purpose!”

“I can see that.” Ron sat down of his bed looking across at his friend, “Harry, exactly what did you do with my sister this summer?”

“I didn’t shag her, if that’s what you’re asking?” Harry’s head lay back on the bed, he was still massaging his temples.

“Well, she’s acting way out of character. I didn’t know she even knew about those things.”

“She knows. . .” Harry grated out, then suddenly jumped up. He had his broom in his hand in seconds, walking purposely towards the door. “I gotta get out for a while,” he said to Ron as he walked out the door.

Harry walked across the grounds towards the Quidditch Pitch. Flying was just what he needed. The crisp air blew his now shorter hair as he stomped purposely towards his goal. Once he arrived at the pitch, he looked up; the full moon cast an eerie glow over the hoops that stood erected on either side. Harry breathed in the scent of grass and flying. It was then, that he noticed a single flyer already out there. Her long black hair flying behind her as she soared above him. She slowed as she noticed Harry, then pulled around and landed next to him.

“Harry. . . I’ve been meaning to talk to you.” Cho Chang said as she walked up and placed a hand on his shoulder. Harry looked down at it for a while. His blood still pounding from Ginny’s most recent assault. Then he looked into the eyes of a girl he had spent two years wanting. He saw it. A loneliness. A need for human closeness. He didn’t even stop to think before he pulled her into his arms, her mouth opening to his as he kissed her harshly.

Ginny couldn’t sleep. It had been a week ago tonight that Ron had yelled at her, and she had stayed away from Harry. She knew it had been insensitive to tease him, she just couldn’t help it. He was addicting. Knowing that she could get such a reaction out of him drove her insane. She loved to watch his eyes turn to green fire, burning into her. When he looked at her she felt beautiful and sexy. It was wonderful and empowering, and GONE! She groaned as she rolled over in bed.

She hadn’t lied when she said she loved to feel his skin under her hands. It had just slipped out. Ginny had the horrible habit of saying exactly what she was feeling. Her mouth was always way ahead of her brain. How could she have forgotten Ron sitting right there?

Ginny realized, after a week of cooling off, that Harry really wasn’t going to change his mind. He was determined to stay away. God, save her from over protective men. She had put up with them her whole life. It killed her that Harry refused to be with her.

Now, after her behavior, Ginny realized that she could lose him as a friend too. That was something she wouldn’t accept. She would just have to apologize. Maybe, if she could convince him that she would behave, they could start to talk again. She missed their conversations.

She hurriedly dressed and headed for the common room. It was early yet, she was sure he was up. Once down there she spotted Ron and Hermione in a corner. They had obviously made up. Yet, another example of mouth before brain. ‘I really have to work on that’, Ginny thought to herself as she walked towards them.

“Where’s Harry?” Ginny questioned them.

“Why?” Ron said looking up from his work, glaring at her.

“Relax Ron, I’m not going to attack your friend. I just want to apologize.”

“He’s down at the Quidditch field,” Hermione answered without looking up.

“HERMIONE!” Ron yelled with a look of panic.

“What?” Hermione finally looked up from her work with a bewildered glare at Ron.

Ron ignored her for a moment “Look Ginny, don’t go down there. He’ll be back in a while. You can apologize then,” Ron said frantically.

“No, Ron I want to do it now. I need to get it off my chest,” Ginny said as she turned towards the portrait.

“NO!” Ron ran up, grabbing her arm to stop her.

“I already said I would behave. Now, LET GO!” Ginny yelled jerking her arm out of his grasp.

Ron ran a hand through his hair taking a deep breath to calm himself. “Please don’t go, Ginny. He’ll be back soon,” Ron said, with a look of desperation on his face.

Ginny’s eyes narrowed at her brother “Why don’t you want me to go down there?” Ginny said with a deadly voice.

“I just think you should wait,” Ron said in a big sigh, avoiding her eyes.

“I’m going!” Ginny was out the portrait before Ron could catch her.

“GINNY DON’T!!!” Ron was yelling from the portrait entrance as she walked down the hallway. She didn’t even bother to look back.

Ginny was practically running across the grounds. She simply couldn’t believe what Ron’s actions implied. Harry would never do that to her. He may be a stupid prat for staying away, but he would never hurt her. Not like that. Ginny rounded the corner to the field and gasped!

There at the entrance to the locker room stood Harry and Cho Chang. Harry’s robes in his hand. His white shirt glowing in the moonlight. He had one hand in her hair, the other on the small of her back pressing her against him. His head falling back against the wall as Cho kissed his neck.

Ginny couldn’t move. She stood transfixed in horror at the sight in front of her. Ginny realized they weren’t just snogging, they were lovers. It couldn’t possibly be true, but it was!


In the space of a minute, which felt like a lifetime. Someone either Cho or Harry saw her across the field. They stopped and even from far away Ginny could see the pain in Harry’s face as he looked at her. As he started to walk towards her, Ginny took off. Blinded by tears as she ran.

“GINNY WAIT” Harry was yelling from behind her. Ginny had a good lead, but he was faster. She could hear him coming up behind her. She stumbled as he grabbed her arm.

“Let go of me,” She hissed, tears streaming down her face.

“No, Ginny listen. . .I never meant to. . .” Ginny could see unshed tears shining in his eyes as he spoke.

“But you did Harry. . . YOU DID!” She yelled.

“I still love you,” he whispered in a miserable voice.


The look on Harry’s face went from miserable to shocked as he reached up to the stinging red welt now forming on his face in the shape of Ginny’s hand.

“Don’t you ever say that again,” Ginny said in a deadly whisper.

“Gin, I’m sor--” Harry was interrupted.

“Don’t bother apologizing. . . I will never forgive you for this. Do you here me HARRY POTTER, NEVER!!!!” Ginny screamed.

“I hear you,” Harry sighed.

Ginny didn’t bother to respond. She ran back to the castle, leaving Harry where he stood. Harry had gotten his wish. She would stay away.

As she approached the hallway to Gryffindor Tower she stopped. She didn’t want to face anyone in there, especially Ron. She slid against the the wall until she sat crouched in the corner. Her face fell into her hands as she silently cried. She was so caught up in her misery she didn’t hear someone approach.

“Ginny, are you OK?” She heard a nervous voice say as he sat down beside her.

Ginny looked up into caring eyes. The eyes of a boy uncomplicated and loyal. He set a stack of pictures on the floor beside him as he reached up to gently pat her shoulder. The damn broke for Ginny.

“Oh, Colin,” she cried as she flung her arms around him and sobbed unrestrained into his shoulder.