Original Female Witch/Sirius Black
Harry Potter Original Female Witch Sirius Black
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 06/15/2003
Updated: 01/24/2004
Words: 54,163
Chapters: 18
Hits: 12,474

The Last Kiss


Story Summary:
Years after Sirius' death, Harry finds the one thing that can teach him more about his godfather than he ever dreamed, a simple flower. Full of love and loss, the violet's memory runs out before the true tale ends, leaving Harry to find someone to fill in the void. But can those who loved Sirius speak about it?

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
Sirius never told Harry about her, and probably never would have. When Harry discovers a small violet full of their memories, he learns more about his godfather than he ever bargained for. Why wouldn't Sirius have shared this part of his life with his dear godson? When the violet's memory runs out, will Harry be able to find someone to end the tale, or will he forever wonder what became of her?
Author's Note:
I am so, SO, sorry this update has taken so long. My beta has been busy and I've been on the road. I hope what I have for you was worth the wait.

Everything begins to fall apart...


Renae walked into the potions classroom, having run out of Wit-Sharpening Potion, Severus told her to stop by to pick up more. Thank Merlin I can still take this. Without it, she was finding it more and more difficult to think clearly in class; the pregnancy induced scatter-brainness had kicked in during the past week.

Severus looked up from a cauldron full of boiling yellow liquid. "I can see you need more potion, you were supposed to come an hour ago."

"Really?" She took a seat beside him, absent-mindedly putting her elbow on the table as she propped her head in her hand. "I'm sorry."

Without turning his head, his eyes rolled over to her before he chuckled. "You do realize you have just put your elbow in a tray of Bundimun secretion?"

"Oh, shit!" She lifted her elbow out of the thick liquid, only now feeling the burning sensation. "As if my week hasn't been bad enough!" Severus calmly walked into his office. "Ah, Severus..." her elbow felt like it was over a red hot flame, "think you could move a little faster?"

He came back carrying a bottle of green liquid, pouring some on a cloth and handing it to Renae. "Wipe it with this."

Quickly she wiped her elbow and immediately felt the cool relief. "Thanks!"

"So why has your week been bad?" he asked as he sat back down, resuming his task of cutting ginger root. As she went to put down the cloth, he added without taking his eyes off his work, "You'll want to keep that on for at least half an hour."

"Oh." Putting the cloth back on her elbow, she answered his question. "Well, I got behind on my grading, me sleeping so much lately. Sirius has been so bogged down at work, he's only had time to write to me once. Forget about seeing each other." Severus quietly nodded with each statement she made. Renae turned and put her hands in her lap. "Have you heard a single thing I've said?"

He didn't even look up. "Yes, Renae. Behind on grades...sleeping a lot...poor excuse for a wizard..." She nailed him in the arm. He slammed his knife down on the table. "I would prefer if you would refrain from assaulting me while I work!"

"Then don't insult Sirius." He quickly looked at her and back at his work, with no further comment. She had learned that that was his way of acknowledging his cooperation.

Severus quickly changed the subject. "Why don't you see Black tomorrow, it's a Saturday, surely he won't be working."

Renae remembered that tomorrow was the twenty-fourth; he would be with James and Lily casting the Fidelius Charm. "No, he's busy tomorrow."

Severus put some armadillo bile in the boiling cauldron, and then turned to face her. "Renae, you're running out of time. Next Saturday is Halloween, and you still haven't told Black you're carrying his child. I'm beginning to think you have no intention of informing him of your condition."

I am going to tell him. It's just...well... every chance I've had lately, something comes up, and I can't." The look on his face told her he didn't believe her. "I'm not making excuses, OKAY! Merlin, you can really be a pain in my ass."

He chuckled. "Fine." He stirred the contents of the cauldron. "I have your Wit-Sharpening Potion on my desk."

"Then, what's that?" Renae pointed to the cauldron.

"Wit-Sharpening Potion." She gave him a confused look. "I thought I had better have a good store of it, seeing as how badly you need it." Pulling back her fist, he had his wand out in the blink of an eye. With a sneer on his face he sang, "Renae..."

She huffed and lowered her fist. "You're no fun."


Sirius wiped the sweat from his forehead as he stood in the shadows awaiting the signal from Tarlton, the Auror helping him on this capture. They had been following this Death Eater all week, and had not slept in two days. As he worked to keep his heavy eyelids open, his thoughts drifted to Renae.

How I miss you! He'd give anything to catch this bastard, haul him in and have time enough left over to go visit her, but he knew that wasn't about to happen. They could be there all night, as they had the night before. For now, the memory of her violet scented skin would have to be enough.


Getting up from the seat, Renae walked into his office and found the Wit-Sharpening Potion sitting on his desk for her. She picked up the bottle and walked back into the classroom. Upon seeing Severus, still working, she slapped herself on the forehead. "Damn it, I can't believe I forgot."

"Forgot what?" he asked, again not lifting his eyes.

"I found out about Aleanor's necklace." Dropping the knife on the table with a thud, Severus turned towards her, his eyes widening as she continued, "Her mother has it." His face dropped slightly. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"I knew it wouldn't be possible, but I was hoping there might be some chance I could get it back. I have nothing else to remember her by." Picking up the knife, his face resumed its usual hardness. "Thank you for your help."

Walking over, she stood in front of him, and held up the bottle of Wit-Sharpening Potion. "Thank you too."

A smile spread across his face as he quickly looked up at her. "I will return the favor one day."

"You just did."

"No. To me, a favor is when you must go beyond your normal routine. Since I make that particular potion fairly often, there was no special effort in giving it to you."

Leaning on the table, she replied with a grin, "What if I don't want a favor?"

A familiar devious grin spread across his face. "You will... one day."


It was Saturday night, and Sirius was finally home for the first time in days. He hadn't showered, slept, or even shaved, in that time. Since it was already ten o'clock, he knew the Fidelius Charm had already been cast, and Renae was in bed; so he decided to take a long, hot shower and sleep through Sunday.

Waking up, Sirius rolled over and groaned. It was seven in the morning, and he still felt exhausted. Don't tell me I only slept seven hours after going three days without sleep! He rolled back over, pulling the covers over his head to block out the light.


Not now...let me sleep!

"Sirius, are you there?"

He recognized James' voice. Pulling the covers off his face he shouted, "No! Now go away!"

"Sirius, get up and get over here where I can see you!"

Sirius slammed his fist on the mattress. "James, I haven't slept in three days, I don't have work today, so leave me alone!"

"You do have work today, Padfoot!"

He sat upright and threw off the covers as he scrambled to the fireplace. "What?"

James face was in the flames. "It's Monday. I wanted to talk to you before work, tell you how Saturday went."

Running a hand through his hair, he grabbed a shirt off the floor. "Alright, I'll be there in ten minutes."

Chuckling, James responded, "Then I'll expect you in twelve."

Sirius lifted the corner of his lip as James disappeared. Quickly he threw on his pants, robes, and grabbed a cloak on his way out.


Renae was nearing the end of her rope. All week she had tried to get together with Sirius, but he was always either at work, or not answering her owls. Mumbling to herself, she threw on a muggle coat and made her way to the Entrance Hall. As she was opening the great oak doors, Severus called to her from the stairs leading to the dungeons.

"Renae," he glided over to her, his black billowing robes always made his movements more dramatic. I'll bet that's why you wear them.

"Are you heading out to your appointment?"

"Yes, Severus, I am." She buttoned the heavy muggle coat before grabbing the handle to the door.

"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer a mid-witch?"

They had argued about it several times, each time it grated her nerves more and more. She knew he was only concerned about her, but his prejudice about muggle doctors was really upsetting her. "For the last time, NO! I'll be fine, I swear I will return in one piece." Rolling her eyes, she quickly opened the heavy door and closed it behind her before another argument could ensue.


Sirius was enjoying lunch with James, a rare treat as of late. This time, James brought the sandwiches, all with Munster. Finishing his second sandwich, Sirius emptied his glass of pumpkin juice.

"James, have you heard from Peter lately?"

James finished swallowing a bite before answering. "Now that you mention it, no. Why?"

Sirius leaned back in his chair. "I don't know. You told me about how well the casting went, but I wanted to talk to Peter about it. I've been too busy at work to try and reach him, although I did send him an short owl yesterday. It's just not like him to not send me a return owl."

Setting down an empty glass, James responded, "Remember too, he's gone into hiding. Perhaps he's being cautious about drawing attention to his location."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm probably just worrying too much. After all, everyone else still thinks I'm your Secret Keeper, and if they don't, I'm the one they would suspect anyways. I'll go and check on him tomorrow though, if only to put my mind at ease."

James nodded in agreement. "You know how much it means to us, how you were willing to be our Secret Keeper."

"But I'm not the one you should thank, that's Peter."


Fuming, Renae stomped down the corridor towards her room. Emergency, have to reschedule...and on a Sunday! Her face was red with fury. Drag myself all the way down there only to be told to come back later. Why couldn't they have their baby some other time! Not paying any attention to where she was going, she turned a corner and walked right into Severus.

"Why do I always seem to run into you?" She didn't mean for it to sounds so rude, but she was already really pissed off.

Severus crossed him arms. "What's wrong with you? You look ready to hex someone."

"I am," Renae growled.

"And why, pray tell?"

Taking a deep breath, she slowly let it out before ranting. "I got to the doctor's office, early, just in case. And I sit there for an hour, which my appointment was for one o'clock, but anyways...Finally, I'm told that another patient has gone into labor, so the doctor can't see me today, I have to go back Sunday; they won't be open on Halloween! Who the hell has ever heard of being closed on Halloween, but open on a Sunday?" Her chest rose and fell as her breathing grew rapid.

"You need to rest before you hyperventilate and pass out." Severus put a hand on her shoulder, leading her to the violet painting that opened to her room.


Sirius received an owl from Renae that morning, asking him to celebrate Halloween with her, but he had other things on his mind. Peter still hadn't answered any of his owls, so Sirius decided to visit him that day.

Though he hadn't seen Renae in days, he was feeling more and more anxious about Peter. She would have to wait, he had to see Peter and know he was fine, and the Potter's secret with him.


There was a tapping on Renae's window, and she walked over to let the school owl in. After relieving the bird of its letter, she gave it a treat and it flew back to the owlery. Finishing Sirius' letter, she slammed it down on her table.

"Something really important...really important? What am I? Dirt?" She paced the room, knocking over a chair and a vase in fury. "Damn it, Sirius, I have to see you!" Collapsing on the couch, she burst into tears.


He knew something was amiss, he was sure of it now. It was eight that evening, and Peter wasn't at his hiding place, and there was no sign of there having been a struggle. Peter had left on his own. A fear ran through him so fast, he felt as though ice water was pumping through his veins. No! He wouldn't! Sirius had to be sure.

Sirius steered his flying motorbike towards Godric's Hollow; he had a long ride ahead of him.


Severus was holding out another handkerchief. "Here."

Renae took the dry cloth. "Thanks." For the past five hours, he had sat with her, listening to her ranting, crying, and doing his damnedest to comfort her.

He gently rubbed her back as she leaned over and cried into his shoulder for the fourth time that evening. "I'm sure there is a good reason Black hasn't come to see you this week." Renae almost wanted to giggle when she heard him add under his breath, "I can't believe I'm defending that ridiculous prat."

Continuing to cry uncontrollably, she managed to utter between sobs, "H, he...never spent ...a...a whole week... without...sending me an owl... or something." She blew her nose in the handkerchief. "And finally...today...I get one...and, and he says he...can't see me because he has... something really important to do!"

"Renae," he pulled her face up to look in her eyes, "I don't know what to tell you. But I assure you that no matter what, I will be here for you."

His smile made her feel a little better. "I know, Severus, and I do appreciate it. It's just not the same." She lowered her face, taking another handkerchief from his hand. Where does he hide all these?

"I think you need some rest. It's after midnight, and you have your appointment tomorrow." Severus reached into his robes, producing a small vial. "Here, it's a sleeping potion. Don't worry, it's safe for you, I've already checked."

Taking the vial, she smiled. "Thanks again, Severus."

He walked towards the narrow passage leading to the corridor. "Your welcome, Renae." And with one last smile, he turned and left.


As Sirius flew closer to the Potter's, his heart began to pound ferociously. It looked as if their home was collapsed. Dear Merlin, NO! Landing, he found his worse fears confirmed; the Potter's home was now nothing more than a heap of rubble.

"Eh, Sirius Black, is 'at you?"

Sirius had his wand out and ready as Rubeus Hagrid, the giant man who had always been like a friend to him and James, stepped out of the shadows, a bundle of blankets in his arms. "Hagrid!" Sirius lowered his wand as tears welled up in his eyes. As the huge man stepped closer, Sirius noticed his eyes were dripping as well.

"I can't believe it...they're gone!" The towering, bearded man burst into hysterical tears, his gigantic body jolting with the violent sobs.

It was Peter...that bastard handed them over to Voldemort! That's why we haven't seen him! Feeling his blood boil, Sirius aimed his wand at a huge chunk of wall, sending it airborne into a nearby tree as he screamed in anger. Looking back at where the large piece had been, Sirius felt his heart climb into his throat. Lily.

Tears clouding his vision, he began searching for James. He couldn't stand the thought of his best friend's body being crushed under the heavy rubble. Hagrid watched, wiping away tears with his sleeve.

Finally finding James' body, Sirius collapsed on the heap, covering his face. If only I had been their Secret Keeper. It would be me, not them. They would still be alive!

He felt Hagrid's large hand on his shoulder. "I have ter get Harry out 'o here before the muggles show up."

Sirius jumped to his feet. "Harry? Where?" Hagrid leaned down, pulling back some of the blankets. Inside lay Harry, curled up, and sleeping, on his tiny forehead was a lightning bolt shaped cut. "He's alive!" His heart nearly skipped a beat; his godson had survived! "But how?"

Covering Harry back up, Hagrid answered, a tear running down his face as his voice wavered, "Dunno."

Sirius reached out for the bundle of blankets. "Give Harry to me, Hagrid. I'm his godfather, I'll look after him."

Hagrid lifted his arms, pulling Harry up out of Sirius' reach. "Sorry, Sirius, but I 'ave orders to take 'im to his aunt and uncle."

"Lily's sister? Are you serious? She turned her back on Lily because of what she was! What are you thinking, taking Harry there?"

"Dumbledore's orders."

Now Sirius knew the old man had gone mad, no one in their right mind would sentence Harry to live with those people. "Give him to me, Hagrid, I'll talk to Dumbledore."

Hagrid's once kind face hardened a bit. "No. Dumbledore insists I bring Harry right away," he looked down on Sirius, "you should know better than to go against Dumbledore's orders."

Suddenly, he realized what Dumbledore must be thinking; he thought Sirius was their Secret Keeper, he'd think he had turned James and Lily into Voldemort. I've got to find a way to talk to Dumbledore... and I'll drag Peter in with me!

Hagrid started to walk off. Quickly, Sirius called over to him, "Wait," he pointed to his motorcycle, "take my motorcycle, you'll get out of here faster. I won't need it anymore."

"Thanks," Hagrid replied, walking over to the bike and mounting it. With a great rumble the two of them rode off.


"Ms. Wallis."

Renae turned back around to the nurse as she put her hand on the door handle. "Yes?"

The nurse held out a brown plastic cylinder with a white cap. "You almost forgot your vitamins."

"Oh," she said, taking the pills, "thanks."

With a smile, the nurse walked back to her station as Renae opened the door and stepped out onto the stairs. As she descended and stepped out onto the muggle street, she noticed two muggles looking and pointing down the street behind her. Turning in the direction of their gazes, she realized there was a commotion further down the road.

Since it was too far down for her to see what was going on, she quickly climbed back up the stairs leading to the doctor's office, and discreetly pulled out her wand and an empty chocolate frog box. Transfiguring the box into a pair of binoculars, she lifted the side of her coat to cover half her head as she whispered a spell, pointing her wand at her ear. After doing the same to her other ear, she could hear what was being said down the road.

Quickly she shoved her wand into her pocket and lifted the binoculars to her eyes.

She gasped.