Astronomy Tower
Angelina Johnson/Fred Weasley Angelina Johnson/Original Male Muggle
Angelina Johnson Fred Weasley Original Male Muggle
Adventure Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 02/04/2007
Updated: 02/04/2007
Words: 504
Chapters: 1
Hits: 324

The World of Disasters


Story Summary:
What happens when Angelina meets the American R&B hip-hop star Chris Brown? Well, Fred gets jealous and well, you'll have to see for yourselves!

Chapter 01 - The new kid

Chapter Summary:
If the new kid isn't a wizard then what is he?
Author's Note:
I dedicate this to the sexiest boy in the world, Chris Brown, luv ya boo!!!!

" Angelina!!!!!!" (A boy's voice was echoing down the halls.) "You can run, but you can't hide!"


(Angelina Johnson and her boyfriend Fred were in the common room eating pizza)

Angelina: "Wow! This American food is so good!"

Fred: (cheese dripping off his chin) "Yes, I agree."

Angelina: (laughing) "I can see that!"

(Ron, Harry and Hermione trudged into the common room looking like something the cat just dragged in)

Fred: "Um, Ron, I think you have a little smudge on your chin, right there."

Ron: "Like I didn't know that already!"

Harry: "Malfoy paid one of those Slytherins to let their pet cat attack us."

Angelina: "What the hell!!! Where is that snot-nosed brute!

Fred: "Angelina, don't get too out of control!"

(Angelina was already up from the couch going out the door.)

End of Flashback

(Malfoy was blasting at Angelina.)

Angelina: "Why did I have to go and be so stupid?"

(Angelina swerved around and went in a different direction down another hallway, but bumped into a boy on her way.)

Angelina: "Oh my, I'm so sorry."

Boy: "That's all right; do you know where I can get some fried chicken?"

Angelina: (laughing) "No, but I do know where you can get some great pumpkin juice."

Boy: "That sounds good, it's good that I bumped into you um...."

Angelina: "It's Angelina."

Boy: "That's a beautiful name, mines is Christopher, but you can call me Chris if you like."

Angelina: "Well hey Chris, are you new here?"

Chris: "Yea, but I'm what you call a 'Muggle'."

(Angelina stepped back a little.)

Angelina: "What, Muggles aren't supposed to be able to see the castle!"

Chris: "At birth I was supposed to be born a wizard, but something got mixed up and I lost all of my power."

Angelina: Oh my god, how does it feel knowing that you were born a wizard, but you can't feel or show it?

Chris: "It sucks so hard, but sometimes you can't always think about yourself and your problems."

Angelina: "You know what, I only knew you for a few minutes and you're already making me think about life."

Chris: "That's just how I do."

(Angelina didn't know why, but she had a certain urge to kiss Chris, but instead she decided to hug him. Fred came down the hall looking for Angelina and saw her hugging Chris so he cut in between them.)

Fred: " Well I see we have some fresh meat!

Angelina: "Oh Fred, this is my friend Chris, he's a muggle, but a wizard."

Fred: "What?"

Angelina: "He lost his powers at birth!"

Fred: "Oh?"

Chris: "It's really nice to meet you Fred, you have a great girlfriend."

(Angelina had left so then Fred decided to break down the rules to Chris.)

Fred: "There will be no kissing, starring or hugging between you and Angel, you got that new meat?"

Chris: "It's Chris."

Fred: "I said you got that new meat!"

Chris: "Yes Fred."

Fred: "Good, I like my new kids that way."

I hope you guys liked it, it'll be better in the next chapters, and if you think it was horrible, yall suck fish eggs!!!! LMAO not really but thats only your opinion