Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger Severus Snape
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 10/17/2003
Updated: 10/08/2004
Words: 60,656
Chapters: 29
Hits: 24,490

Winter's Shadow


Story Summary:
What happens when Snape is forced to spend a summer with Granger? The summer before her seventh year does not begin the way she thought--"Granger, you can't kill your Potions Professor...even in the wizarding world."

Winter's Shadow Epilogue

Chapter Summary:
What will happen when Severus has to spend the summer at the Grangers'? Will Hermione and Severus survive or kill each other first?
Author's Note:
Okay....the end is here...I hope you enjoyed it and look for my newest one "In the Shadows" This one will take a while to right as I am writing the way I normally do.


The story of Severus and Hermione become that of legend at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Severus' reputation as the sadistic potions master remained in tack luckily and students continued to fear him through the years.

The Headmaster sat in the middle chair of the head table with professors on both sides watching the first years walking in to be sorted. A nervous bunch as always. Whispers were going around the table and Dumbledore smiled and leaned over to whisper to Professor Snape and McGonagall.

"Put me in for ten sickles on Gryffindor."

Severus' snorted. Professor McGonagall stepped forward with the sorting hat and began calling names.

"Adams, Jacob."

A small boy stepped forward and waited for the hat to be placed on....


As children were sorted and went to sit at their house tables the professors looked at the remaining students...all oddly enough friends. Professor McGonagall began to call the names one at a time with a small smile playing on her lips. Silence echoed in the hall as all waited--these children were known because their parents were known and known quite well as major players in the Dark Lord's final defeat.

"Longbottom, Jeffery."

A plump young boy nervously walked to the stool and waited.


The boy smiled and sat at the appropriate table.

"Malfoy, Angelus."

It was weird...like father like son. Hermione watched from her seat at the head table as a boy who looked almost identical to Draco walk up to the stool. The confidence oozed from him just as it had his father that first year. Hermione smiled and rolled her eyes as she looked over at Draco--he was the DADA professor. No one really doubted where Draco's son would end up.


Angelus walked to the table he knew he would go to.

"Weasley, Phantom."

Hermione watched the girl slowly climb the steps to the stool. She was beautiful with Pansy's dark hair and Fred's light colored eyes.


Hermione stifled a laugh...just imagining what Mrs. Weasley would say...or Fred for that matter, but Pansy would be thrilled. Hermione always wondered why the twins were in Gryffindor.

"Weasley, Jake."

Ron and Lavender's son walked to the stool and sat waiting.


Hermione had no doubts that where he would end up.

"Weasley, Poetry."

Hermione watched George and Pavarti's daughter being sorted into Gryffindor. Then a bit more silence as the next name was called.

"Potter, Melancholy."

A red headed girl that looked exactly like Ginny Weasley stepped up to the hat. Everyone waited to see where the famous Harry Potter's daughter would go. Everyone knew that he and Ginny were both Gryffindor, but then you never know...


Hermione looked down the table at Draco laughing. Looking next to her she saw the smile forming on Severus' face. She elbowed him.

"Be nice." She whispered.

"Potter, Draven."

Everyone watched as Melancholy's twin brother took the stool. They were fraternal twins and thus Draven lacked the Weasley red hair and instead had Harry's hair. Both children had Lily's eyes.


Draco was rolling in laughter now.

One child remained. The one child everyone was betting on. Some said Gryffindor and some said Slytherin. The child stood out in a crowd. She had long ebony hair...pale skin...bright intelligent eyes...and a walk that was an odd combination of her father's aristocratic attitude and her mother's know it all attitude.

"Snape, Raven."

Everyone watched her walk up to the stool and take a seat. The hat was placed on her head and it took a moment...everyone seemed to hold their breath as they waited.


Hermione's mouth fell open. Dumbledore placed ten sickles in front of Severus as did Professor McGonagall and numerous others. Snape sat there with his usual smug smile. He turned to look at his wife who remained with her mouth open in shock. Severus gently placed a finger under her chin to close her mouth.

"Dear, do not gape like a fish."

Hermione turned to glare at her husband.

He leaned over to whisper something in her ear...everyone watched as she blushed a bright red.

"Well, dear," Severus started, "a bet is a bet and that was the deal. Its nothing you have never done before..."

And with that a new generation of Hogwarts began.