Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger Severus Snape
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 10/17/2003
Updated: 10/08/2004
Words: 60,656
Chapters: 29
Hits: 24,490

Winter's Shadow


Story Summary:
What happens when Snape is forced to spend a summer with Granger? The summer before her seventh year does not begin the way she thought--"Granger, you can't kill your Potions Professor...even in the wizarding world."

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
What happens when Snape is forced to spend a summer with Hermione? Will they get through the summer without killing each other? "Granger, you can not kill your Potions Professor...even in the Wizarding World."

Chapter 1

The Summer Guest

Hermione's eyes fluttered open as the summer morning light beamed onto her bed. Closing her eyes again, she smiled to herself. This was going to be the best summer. Her father's anniversary gift to her mother was a cruise that went on all summer--Hermione was alone for the summer. She was looking forward to getting started on her summer homework. She wished she knew what books were required for seventh year so she could start her reading. Basically, she was looking for a nice calm Hermione Granger style summer.

Plenty had happened during her sixth year causing many strange changes. Voldemort, naturally, had been gathering more and more supporters--except for one. There was one boy that would not turn to Voldemort's side, which shocked everyone who heard. Draco Malfoy had refused to become a Death Eater. Harry, with his liking for playing the 'hero,' led the search for Draco. Together Harry, Hermione, Ron, and several DA members saved Draco from the tortures of his father. With nowhere to go, Dumbledore offered Draco a place to call home. Such a stubborn child, Draco refused the help. An idea came to Harry that Draco approved of. Draco now stayed at Number Twelve during his summer where he has pretty much become a child of The Order. There is always some member of The Order there to watch over the teenager and on occasion Dumbledore allows Harry to stay a few days to a week at the time. From what Hermione had recently heard, Draco would be going to the Dursley's to stay with Harry for a week. She could not wait for that letter to arrive. The oddest thing, however, was the letter Hermione received from Dumbledore asking her if she could host a guest for the summer. She readily agreed and whoever it was would be arriving today.

Quickly jumping out of bed, Hermione showered and planned what to do for the day as she waited for the arrival of her unknown guest.


"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself in my own home." Severus Snape stood in the Headmaster's office gritting his teeth. As soon as Snape was released from the clutches of Madam Pomfrey, he was summoned to Dumbledore's office. Snape had been through plenty in the last forty-eight hours and Dumbledore's idea was not improving his mood. Lucius Malfoy had uncovered Snape as one of Dumbledore's spies, so naturally Snape had begun to pay for that betrayal by the hands of Malfoy. Now the Headmaster wanted him to finish healing elsewhere--somewhere it would not be thought of to look.

"Severus, it is for your own good." McGonagall was imploring the Potions Master to be sensible.

With a wink at his Transfiguration Professor, Dumbledore continued explaining to Snape.

"Ms. Granger's parents have been contacted and have readily approved a guest to keep their daughter company for the summer..."

"What do you mean by 'keep her company?" Snape did not like the sound of this.

"Ms. Granger is spending the summer alone as her parents vacation for their anniversary." Snape inhaled deeply to remain calm and reasonable as he debated this plan.

"The Grangers are gone for the summer? So, I am to spend my summer baby sitting the know-it-all?" That was the straw that broke the camel's back as far as McGonagall was concerned. Hermione was her best student and she would not put up with such insolence regarding the girl.

"Severus Snape, Ms. Granger's maturity level is well beyond that of needing a babysitter! She is expecting a summer guest and you will go and you will allow her to care for you as needed!" Dumbledore raised his hand to calm the witch before things got out of hand.

"Now, Severus, we all wish to keep you safe from Voldemort or any other Death Eaters that may be sent for you. Staying at the Granger's will place you somewhere unsuspecting. I will be sending notice to Ms. Granger of the particulars that need to be arranged for your comfort." Snape had lost and he knew it. One never won when debating with Dumbledore--stubborn man. Snape bowed respectfully to the Headmaster.

"I shall go pack, Headmaster." Snape swept out of Dumbledore's office grumbling to him something about "that Golden Heroine of Gryffindor."


Every morning Hermione would eat a healthy breakfast, swim twenty laps and then sunbath by the pool. That was her morning routine and she had no intentions of varying this routine because of a guest. Yes, she would be a nice proper host, but she would not stop her routine. She had made certain that the guest room was prepared before she went to bed the night before, so she would not have that to throw her normal morning off track.

After her swim, Hermione lay in one of the lounge chairs. The warm sun beamed down warming the water that covered her skin. Soon, the water that soaked her body was nothing more than warm droplets clinging to her skin. As her hair began to dry in the sunlight, she began to think of who this guest could be. She then realized that Dumbledore did not inform her of how this person would be arriving. Curiosity getting the best of her, she decided to go inside for lunch and while she was inside she would floo Professor Dumbledore and ask him.

Gathering her things, Hermione walked into the house through the kitchen door. The moment she walked in there was an odd sensation surrounding her permeating the air she breathed. Something was not right. Stopping in her tracks, she heard something move in the living room. She slowly and silently walked closer to the swinging kitchen door to listen more closely. The heavy quick footsteps were headed in her direction. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as her body tried to decide whether to run for it or fight. On instinct, the moment she heard the footsteps rushing toward the kitchen door, Hermione shoved the door open as hard as she could. The door was physically stopped by whoever had entered the house uninvited. With the sound of a low groan, which could have been mistaken for a growl, the intruder's body was heard hitting the floor.


When Snape apparated to the Granger's he did not expect the house to be empty. Shouldn't the little book worm be waiting for him? Or perhaps it was better that she wasn't; he was exhausted as it was. Looking around the room he was in he ran into a table that was much too low in his opinion. That was when he heard a strange noise from the kitchen. At that moment worry filled Severus as to what was wrong or could be wrong for that matter. In one swift movement he swept from the living room moving toward the kitchen. He never got in the kitchen, however--the door flew open so fast he had no time to stop it so his face had to.

Hermione stepped out of the kitchen to see who this intruder was. Looking down on the floor she gasped and visibly turned pale. Laying there holding his face and cursing was a very pale sickly looking Professor Severus Snape.

Snape watched the girl come out of the kitchen; he had obviously frightened her with his sudden arrival, as she was not completely dressed. Immediately he could tell the girl had been spending her summer lounging outdoors, as her skin was not so pale anymore and her hair had developed a natural golden highlight.

"Oh, Professor Snape! I am so sorry--I didn't know!"

Standing up, Snape sneered at the worried Gryffindor.

"Well, then it would seem you DON'T know it all."