Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger Severus Snape
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 10/17/2003
Updated: 10/08/2004
Words: 60,656
Chapters: 29
Hits: 24,490

Winter's Shadow


Story Summary:
What happens when Snape is forced to spend a summer with Granger? The summer before her seventh year does not begin the way she thought--"Granger, you can't kill your Potions Professor...even in the wizarding world."

Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
What happens when Snape is forced to spend a summer at the Grangers? Will he survive? Will Hermione survive? "You can't kill your Potions Professor, even in the wizarding world."
Author's Note:
I am so so so so sorry it has taken so long to update--this semester has been a busy one on top of my kids' so I am now on vacation. Updates will be more often now!

Chapter 15

Fifty Points

Harmony never stopped talking about Hermione's impending birthday. Walking toward potions, both Ophelia and Harmony were animatedly discussing possibilities for Hermione's birthday. Halfway to the dungeon Pansy crossed their path and began walking with Harmony and Ophelia, ignoring the fact that Hermione pretended not to see the Slytherin.

Tiring of hearing her friends plan her birthday without her input, Hermione spoke up in her usual I-am-Head-Girl-so-listen-up tone.

"Hogsmeade weekends do not start until October and we are not allowed anywhere else."

Behind her, Harry, Ron, and Draco looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"Hermione," Harry spoke up, "we could always ask about an outing."

She stopped and turned to look at Harry. All three boys stopped and stood still as if they were preparing for a reaming by Hermione.

"You, Harry? Mr. I'm-Not-Going-To-Dumbledore?"

"No!" Harry shook his head. Pushing his glasses back up he smiled. "I could always talk to Professor Lupin." He shrugged as they walked into the dungeon classroom.

Hermione's nerves seemed to crash down on her when she noticed Snape. Usually he chose to make an entrance for each class--this time he sat at his desk with quill and parchment in hand. He stopped writing when the trio, with their additions, walked in. He watched them through the shield of ebony hair hanging down in his face as he wrote.

Hermione sat down with Draco and Harry on either side of her. Ron sat behind them with Harmony and Ophelia. Hermione whispered, "Harry, Snape doesn't have to cast a spell to see our thoughts, does he?"

Harry crinkled up his forehead. He hated being reminded of his occlumency lessons with Snape in fifth year.

"No," offered Draco. "How do you think he always knows when any of us are guilty. The Dark Lord does it without casting a spell..."

"I expect all talking to cease--now." Snape's menacing voice halted their conversation, but not Hermione's plan. Thinking back to various other Potions classes throughout the years, it seemed Snape did indeed spontaneously read his students' thoughts on occasion.

Snape's eyes narrowed as he watched Hermione setting to work on her potion. She was up to something--he knew she was, but what?

Snape was in a foul mood and everyone already heard rumor of that. Hermione knew he was since she returned the necklace, but why should he be in such a foul mood? The way Hermione saw it, there was no sense in her keeping the onyx when its purpose was no longer needed. It's not as if the gem was bestowed upon her as some form of sentiment.

Hermione watched Snape prowl around the room looking in cauldrons and peering intently at students on the other side of the room. She knew this was the time he used to violate their thoughts--that's how he kept many more dangerous mistakes from happening. She closed her eyes momentarily and let the music fill her head. Snape looked from student to student....some thoughts he found more disturbing than others.

Ophelia--"hmmm....Ron is a little cutie when he's concentrating."

Pansy--"How do I get out like Draco did?"

Harry--"I wonder how good a seeker Ophelia is?"

Ron--"Snape, the great bat, why Hermione is crushing on him I'll never know."

Draco--"Gods, just look at Hermione! Snape is either stupid or blind...if she would give me a chance..."

Snape looked quickly from Draco. He found Draco's thought of Hermione to be heading to the disturbing side...or maybe they weren't, but he didn't want to find out. He glanced at Hermione and he felt the music she played in her head. Then...then the words filled his head.

"Sickness spilling through your eyes,

craving everything that you thought was alive,

stab me in my heart again

drag me through your wasted life

are you forever dead?

Do like I told you, stay away from me..."

Hermione looked up meeting his dark gaze. With a smile and a nod, she thought to herself... finding anything interesting, PROFESSOR?

No, nothing.

His answer filled her head shocking her. Even in her head his voice carried the same cold curt tone she was accustomed to hearing in the classroom. She shook her head, but continued her work until class ended.


"Well?" Professor Lupin looked at Harry expectantly. He knew that look because it was the same look James got whenever he was about to ask permission to do something--well, when he asked anyway. Remus smiled watching Harry. He shifted on his feet, mussed his hair, and pushed his glasses up on his face.

"Hermione's birthday is coming up and I know we are not allowed outside of bounds, but..."

Remus smiled. "You guys are wanting to go out for her birthday?"

Harry looked up from his foot and smiled with a nod, letting Remus know he was right on the money.

Remus chuckled. "Your father would never have asked. He would have just done it."

Harry looked at him confused. "So...what are you saying? I should have just done it the Slytherin way?"

"THAT is not what I said." Remus looked at Harry sternly. "I will speak with Dumbledore this evening." Harry smiled and hugged Remus before leaving his office.


Hermione was excited beyond belief when she got the news. Dumbledore approved of their outing, but he had to have a list of names the day prior to their outing and they would be chaperoned. Hermione had no problem with these conditions and rushed back to the Heads' common room to start a list of who she would invite along. She didn't plan on many--only those closest to her.

When she entered she saw Draco sitting at the table they shared for homework with Pansy. Immediately Pansy began to gather her things and Draco watched quizzically. He watched as Hermione spoke to him not even acknowledging Pansy's presence.

"Dumbledore gave the okay!"

Pansy picked up her bag and looked at Draco. "I'll talk to you later." She started to leave, but paused at Hermione. "Look Granger, not all us Slytherins are little Death Eaters." Hermione looked at her and blinked not really knowing what to say or how to react. Her mind began working double to try to figure out where that comment came from. She knew where--Hermione ignored the girl on a continuous basis despite their common friends. Pansy sighed looking at her still. "Slytherins are people too."

The girls laughter filled the room. Hermione was gasping for air when she said, "Oh Merlin! That could be a bumper sticker!" She held her stomach as she laughed herself into pain. Pansy stopped laughing and her and Draco just looked at her.

"What's a bumper sticker?"

"I'll explain later, Draco. Pansy, I am sorry. Would you like to come with us to my birthday outing?"


Hermione stood in the Headmaster's office. It felt as if all the wind had been knocked out of her.

Professor Lupin, yes. But why Snape too?

Professor Lupin stood with a smile and Snape looked irate. Hermione could tell he was being forced into this outing.

"With all due respect, Headmaster, I do not see the need for me to accompany Professor Lupin with babysitting children he should be able to handle alone." Snape looked pointedly at Hermione when he said children. She glared in return and turned to the Headmaster.

"I have no problem with it, Professor Dumbledore, in fact, I think it is a grand idea that Professor Snape come out with us. It...well, it could be just like this summer." She turned an evil smile to Snape. Dumbledore smiled and thanking Hermione he dismissed her.

Snape was not sure if it was irritation or fear he felt.


Draco watched Hermione enter the common room and throw her bag on the sofa. She was grumbling and he thought he heard Snape's name, but based on past experience thought it best not to ask. Immediately she grabbed floo powder and threw it in the fireplace.

"Gryffindor tower!" Draco watched with a raised brow as the Head Girl got on her knees and put her head in the firplace. "Ginny! Get the other girls and get to the Heads' common room! Please!"

Ginny looked around. Everyone in the common room was looking at her. It wasn't every day the Head Girl's head appeared in the fireplace demanding someone's presence, but then this was Hermione Granger. Ginny looked at her brother and Harry and shrugged before getting up to gather the other girls that would be there on Hermione's birthday.

Draco watched Hermione stand up and brush any soot that was on her off.

"What the bloody hell is going on?"

She turned her glare to him and on instinct he backed up. Pointing a finger at him she began, "A lot. And if you utter one word about what will be happening you will wish I had hexed you back into a ferret. Got it?" He nodded his head yes as several girls walked in.

"First, Harmony, we each need one uniform to be...well...sexy."

Draco was picking up his books when he heard this and his head snapped up in their direction. Granger? What the bloody hell is she up to?


The day before Hermione's birthday outing they all had potions. Draco, who had witness some of what was going on, but without the "sexy" uniforms was sworn to secrecy and could not even tell Harry or Ron what was up. It was driving him mad.

Snape was in an unusually foul mood. He glared at the group he would be chaperoning the next evening when they walked in. He flicked his wand and instructions appeared on the board.

"Get started. Now!" Everyone scrambled for ingredients.

As class went on Hermione grew angrier and more impatient with Snape's cruelness and ridiculous house point deductions. Neville looked as if he would fall apart if breathed on. Suddenly a low rumbling sound was heard from Neville's cauldron. Being Head Girl Hermione could have quickly charmed the potion away before Snape noticed and taken a small amount of house points because Neville knew better than to add the Asphodel too soon. She didn't however and the moment the roaring became a loud booming and the class watched Neville's cauldron melt into a liquid puddle she knew she should have.

"Evanesco." Snape had his wand out. With narrow eyes he stood over Neville.

"Longbottom! It says to wait five minutes before adding the Asphodel, NOT three! I am sure your grandmother tires of buying you cauldrons due to your incompetence!"

Draco watched Hermione rocking in her seat with irritation.

"Fifty points from Gryffindor, Longbottom!"

That was it! Hermione had it! No more. Before anyone realized what she was saying or about to say her voice echoed in the deathly silent dungeon.

"Fifty points from Slytherin!"

Gasps were heard all around the room, but were quickly hushed as Snape turned to Hermione. He gave a new definition to death glare.

"What did you say, Miss Granger?" He asked her through gritted teeth.

"You heard me perfectly, Professor. I said fifty points from Slytherin."

"Hermione!" Draco felt a great unfairness being done to him by way of his house. He quickly backed down when Hermione turned to him with acid dripping from her voice. "I can easily make it 100 Malfoy." He quickly shut up.

The bell rang and Hermione continued staring Snape back in the eyes. His voice invaded her mind. Miss Granger, what makes you think you can take house points from me?

If you can take house points for a student's mistake then I can take house points for a professor's incompetent teaching skills being manifested into tyranny.

She grabbed her bag and followed the class out of the dungeon.

Whispers followed the Head Girl as she walked from the dungeons toward the Great Hall at dinner. Walking passed the hourglasses that held the points she smiled noticing the emeralds in the Slytherin hour glass--they were fifty points less.