Cho Chang
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 07/07/2003
Updated: 09/01/2003
Words: 118,658
Chapters: 30
Hits: 19,709

Harry Potter and the Ancient Order


Story Summary:
Picks up after GoF. Harry is learning to deal with Cedric's death with aid seen and unforeseen. In the midst of it all, Ron seeks to escape from the shadow of his successful brothers and his best friends. An international Quidditch tournament gives Hogwarts a sense of excitement, but is it really a good idea to open the doors of Hogwarts to so many strangers? A new student guides Harry through his search for answers and acceptance, but is he truly trustworthy? And how does Cho Chang fit into the big picture? Rated 'R' for language and more mature humor.

Harry Potter and the Ancient Order 04 - 05

Chapter Summary:
Hogwarts gets a new student... who is he? Plus, the new DADA teacher, and a special Quidditch announcement.
Author's Note:
mmmm... Buffalo Wings... ::slobbers on self:: Gotta luv Fred & George, don'tcha? And isn't that Draco just mean? Thanks for reading... next up, classes begin, how will the new guy fit in? (hey, that rhymed...)

Chpt. 4. Hogwarts' New Prefects

The remainder of Harry's stay at The Burrow was relaxing and enjoyable. The day before term started, Fred and George confided in Harry a few of their new inventions, which Harry made a mental note to keep an eye on the twins all year. They made a hat that made the wearer think he was naked (with the tagline "so comfortable it's like you're wearing nothing at all!"), coffee beans that made you so hyper it was impossible for you to sit down for two hours, a goblet that drank whatever beverage you put in it before you could drink it, and chewing gum that made you drool nonstop for ten minutes. It made Harry happy to see that his donation hadn't gone to waste.

"A Switching Spell can make it look like whatever hat your victim is already wearing," George said excitedly as be brandished the hat.

"And this," Fred said dramatically, "is our pride and joy. We're not releasing it until we've had the time to properly test it-"

"Slytherins," George coughed.

"They look like normal school robes to me," Ron said.

Fred made a face. "Normal school robes," he said as if the words hurt his mouth. "These, my brother, will change the art of practical joking forever. Put them on."

"Not a chance in hell," Ron said backing away.

"Then don't insult our art," George snapped.

"What do they do?" Harry asked, making dead sure not to come within an arms length of the robes.

"To the wearer, they're normal," Fred explained. "For everyone else, they can see whatever the victim is wearing underneath."

"Wicked!" Ron gasped.

"Gross," Hermione wrinkled her nose.

"You can apologize when we expose Draco Malfoy for the pink-thong-wearing wuss he is," Fred said in a condescending tone.

"Dammit! Fred! George!" Mrs. Weasleys' angry voice carried upstairs.

"Another satisfied customer!" they said simultaneously.

"What'd you two do?" Hermione asked.

"The Polish Tea Kettle," George answered. "When put over a flame, the water freezes."

The twins high-tailed it out of Ron's room as Mrs. Weasley stomped upstairs, and Harry felt it wise to stay out of sight for the remainder of the day. Instead, he chose to hide out in the orchard with Ron and Hermione, talking about his nightmares that had been plaguing him for two months.

"And when I summon the Cup like my Dad told me to, I wake up," Harry finished.

"And that's exactly what happened that night?" Hermione asked after several minutes of silence.

"No," Harry shook his head. "Cedric is different in my nightmares. That night, he asked me to return his body to his parents. In my dream, he says, 'It's the least you can do for killing me.'" Ron had avoided eye contact with Harry throughout his recount, which at first annoyed Harry, but now that the corners of his eyes were itching, he was thankful for.

"But you didn't kill him," Ron finally said, still staring at a tree. "You-Know-Who did."

"He was there because of me," Harry whispered. "If I hadn't told him to take the Cup with me, he'd still be alive."

"You had no way of knowing!" Hermione practically shouted. "You had no idea the Cup was a Portkey. It was supposed to end the Tournament, not send you to You-Know-Who!"

Hermione's cold logic was the last thing Harry wanted to hear right now. He knew she meant nothing but well, but he had heard her exact words too many times by now. They stood in silence for several more minutes before Ron again broke the silence.

"What did Mr. And Mrs. Diggory say. You know, when they talked to you that day," he asked.

Harry had trouble answering. It was the first time anyone, including Sirius, had asked him this. Since it was Ron, Harry wasn't offended, but had anyone else pried so deeply Harry would have cursed them six ways sideways.

"They didn't blame me at all," Harry managed. "In fact, they thanked me for bringing his body back."

"Well, there you have it. They know you didn't do it on purpose. Dumbledore knows you didn't. So does Sirius. And you know that we know," Ron said, finally looking at Harry.

"You can't keep beating yourself up over it," Hermione added, dropping her usual know-it-all logic and returning to I'm-your-friend-of-course-I'm-on-your-side logic. "Anyone who keeps dwelling on something like that would drive themselves nuts."

"You weren't there," Harry said stubbornly. "You didn't see it. For no reason, Wormtail just-" He cut himself off here, unable to continue.

"Look," Hermione said, placing a hand softly on Harry's shoulder. "We're really glad that you know you can trust us enough to talk about this. And you know that we'll always be here to listen. All we're asking is that you let us be your friends."

Harry look up and smiled at Ron and Hermione, but couldn't bring himself to speak anymore about it. He wasn't sure if the talk did him harm or good, but he was certain that it did help to break another piece off the wall he had mentally built around his ability to speak about that night. After dinner, they finished up their holiday by playing round-robin chess. Or it would have been round-robin, but neither of the two could manage to beat Ron.

The morning of September first was as frantic as ever, as another of Fred and George's inventions accidentally found their way into the daily lives of the Weasleys. An alarm clock that played serenading music to keep the user asleep somehow found its way into Mr. and Mrs. Weasleys' bedroom, making Mr. Weasley late for work, and they were in foul moods that morning to say the least. To make matters worse, the twins packed an extra trunk full of their beta products and had quite an argument with their mother over taking them to school. To say the least, nobody was talking when the Muggle taxis pulled into King's Cross at 11:30 that morning.

"Girls, you first," Mrs. Weasley said a bit stiffly as they arrived at Platform 9 ¾. Hermione and Ginny silently obeyed, casually leaning on the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10 before disappearing from sight.

"Ron, Harry, you next. You two," she was now staring at the twins, "will be going through with me."

Mimicking Hermione and Ginny, Harry and Ron passed through in silence. The noise and chatter once they passed through was a welcome change. The sight of the steam-powered Hogwarts Express never failed to bring a smile to Harry's face. Seeing Neville Longbottom, an amazingly accident-prone and fellow fifth year boy, drop his school trunk on his foot, Harry and Ron helped him heave it up onto the luggage compartment along with their own.

"Thanks," Neville breathed, still hoping slightly on his one uninjured foot. "I'd have been here all day."

"Need help with anything else?" Ron asked. "Sure that's all you got?"

"No, I'm good," Neville answered. "I've got-" His eyes widened in horror as he slapped his head. "My O.W.L. Study Guide!" he exclaimed, and clambered after his Grandmother, falling over a crack in the floor on the way.

Fred and George had somehow managed to convince Mrs. Weasley to let them bring their extra trunk, and hurried off to find their friend Lee Jordan, excited to try out their new chewing gum. Mrs. Weasley called the rest over before they boarded the train.

"Do try and have a normal term this year," she said. "And remember, Hermione's position is not to be taken advantage of," she snapped, speaking loudly so Fred and George could hear. They scowled over their shoulders. "Good luck on your tryouts, Ron." She pulled Ron in what was meant to be a tight hug, but ended up being more of a half-nelson as Ron attempted to dodge it.

"Thanks for everything, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said as she gave him a small hug.

"And tell Mr. Weasley the same," Hermione added.

"No problem, dears," Mrs. Weasley waved them off. "Have a nice term."

The trio boarded the train and traveled the length before finding and empty compartment. Ginny had left them and gone in the other direction as soon as they boarded, resulting in Harry raising his eyebrows.

"She's off in a hurry," Harry observed.

"She's been acting a little off all summer," Ron said thoughtfully. "Almost like Percy when he met Penelope Clearwater."

"You don't think..." Hermione trailed off as the settled themselves into their seats.

"Couldn't be," Ron said automatically. "She still blushes whenever Harry's around," he said with a wink, causing Harry to smack him on the shoulder.

"You just don't want to think about your sister dating a guy," Hermione snapped.

"Why should she? She's too young," Ron said, his irritation rising.

This comment seemed to annoy Hermione even more. "Too young?" she asked, her voice rising. "Excuse me, Ronald, but she's only a year younger than you. Wasn't it just last year you were all ga-ga over what's-her-name from Beauxbatons?"

"What's that got to do with anything?" Ron nearly shouted, his ears going red. Thankfully, Seamus Finnegan poked his head into the compartment.

"C'mon, Hermione, there's a Prefect Meeting up front," he said in a friendly tone.

"Seamus? You got Prefect?" Harry asked in awe. "Congratulations!" Seamus smiled before exiting the compartment, Hermione in tow.

"Don't know what's gotten up her butt," Ron muttered sourly.

"I'd say it was you if I didn't know better," a cold voice drawled behind Harry and Ron. They turned around, immediately drawing their wands at the all-too-familiar but never-welcome voice of Draco Malfoy. He was leaning on the doorway of the opposite compartment, a twisted sort of smile on his face.

"Shove off, ferret-boy," Ron said, waving his wand in Malfoy's face.

"And what're you gonna do, weasel?" Malfoy returned non-chalantly, pointing to the silver badge on his chest that read "prefect".

"You?" Harry asked in amazement. "No way! Snape's not that stupid."

"What, jealous you didn't get one?" Malfoy sneered. "Famous Harry Potter's not good enough to be a school prefect? Just burns you, doesn't it?"

"What, did Daddy buy your badge for you?" Harry retorted.

"Sorry, Potter," Malfoy said, losing his cool demeanor and speaking Harry's name like it was a poison Malfoy was anxious to get off his lips. "But just because I still have my father doesn't mean you have to be bitter to me."

"You've got six seconds to leave," Harry said threateningly, pointing his wand right in Malfoy's eye.

Malfoy continued as if he didn't hear or see Harry. "Of course, I'm not surprised you're not a Prefect. I mean, I don't think they should reward people for killing fellow students..."

Something inside Harry snapped. He dropped his wand and lunged bare-handed at Malfoy, reaching for his throat. Ron was forced to grab Harry by the arms and pull him onto the floor. Malfoy stood there laughing.

"Get a move on, Malfoy," Angelina snapped from behind. She was wearing a Head Girl badge. "The meeting's up front. You two," she said to Harry and Ron, "stop fooling around before I have to tell McGonagall."

Angelina stormed off after Malfoy, who sniggered the whole way across the compartment. Harry was still trying to throw Ron off his back when Angelina shut the door behind her.

"I swear I'm gonna get that son of a- Get off me! I'm fine!" Harry said loudly. He struggled for a few more seconds before Ron finally released him. He stewed for much of the remainder of the afternoon, and when Hermione returned from her meeting, Ron filled her in on what happened.

"It's a good thing, though, that Ron stopped you," Hermione said. "Fighting with a Prefect will get you detention like that," she said, snapping her fingers.

"You're not doing a very good job of cheering me up," Harry said stiffly.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better," Hermione continued, "He's going to have his badge taken away from him."

"What?" Harry and Ron chorused.

"He was acting like a total prat, trying to take points away from houses anytime someone said something he didn't like," Hermione informed them. "Angelina sent an owl ahead telling Professor McGonagall about it. At the very least, he'll be suspended from Prefect duties for a week."

This breaking news, coupled with a nice snack off the lunch trolley (He could've sworn he saw a few Ton-Tongue Toffee's on the tray) took Harry's mind off Malfoy. They were discussing the upcoming O.W.L. exams when Harry saw a familiar dark-haired head through the compartment door. He instantly froze, watching Cho Chang talk to her friends next door.

"Why don't you just go talk to her?" Hermione egged on. "She's really nice."

"Yeah, maybe," Harry murmured, with Ron, elbowing him in the ribs.

Several of Harry's friends joined them throughout the remainder of the train ride, including Neville, who had just realized he left his Hogsmeade permission slip home. Colin Creevey came in to say hello, and Harry had a hard time shaking him off until several of Colin's friends mentioned that they wanted to see what Fred and George had brought with them forced him to leave. Dean Thomas, another Gryffindor fifth year, kept going on about trying out for Quidditch this year, quickly irritating Ron, though he didn't say anything out loud. The group changed into their school robes (making dead sure Fred or George hadn't slipped them any trick ones first) just before they arrived at school.

It didn't take them long to find Hagrid, the Hogwarts Gamekeeper, since he was at least three times as tall as anyone else on the platform. Catching his eye, Harry called out, "Hey Hagrid!"

Hagrid walked up to them beaming, "All righ', you three?" he asked. Seeing the silver badge on Hermione's robes, Hagrid's smile broadened. "Lookin' good, Hermione!"

"Thanks, Hagrid!" Hermione blushed.

A slight disturbance was caused as a third year Slytherin began running around madly, screaming, "Where are my clothes! Don't look at me!" and tried to cover herself up. Harry and Ron sniggered loudly, recognizing Fred and George's trick hat on her head. Hermione tutted loudly, but couldn't help but smile a little. After several panicky moments, the hat fell off the Slytherin and she stood there completely embarrassed as the hat changed back to its original form. Hagrid set about gathering up all of the first years and took them up to the castle.

Ginny joined Harry, Ron, and Hermione in their carriage, and refused to quail under Ron's interrogation.

"How come you just ran off like that as soon as we got on the train?" he asked immediately.

"I just went to go visit some friends," she said. "Hey, did you guys hear that Hannah Abbot and Justin Finch-Fletchley are dating?"

"Don't change the subject," Ron said sternly. "I wanna know who you were so anxious to meet."

Ginny looked at Ron furiously. "If it were any of your business, you'd know," she said stiffly. "And if you must know, no, I'm not seeing any guys, thanks to you."

"Why me?" Ron asked, though he lost his irritated tone.

"Because word is that you threatened anyone who even talks to me," Ginny retorted.

"Hey, I only said that any guy who talks to you had better be good enough for you," Ron told her, trying to put his arm around his sister. Ginny shrugged him off.

"Yeah, right," Ginny said coldly, and sat silently as the horseless carriage took them up to Hogwarts. Hermione tried to whisper to Ginny that Ron was only trying to be a brother, but Ginny didn't answer.

There was a hold-up at the front doors when they arrived, and it took several minutes for Harry to figure out what was going on. Once he noticed, however, he was glad that he was near the back of the line. Peeves the Poltergeist was dive-bombing anyone who came near the front doors, and chucking his customary water balloons at anyone brave enough to touch the front steps. Only when Professor McGonagall came out the front doors and threatened him did peeves go back inside, though he looked very sour indeed and even tried to hit Professor McGonagall with the last of his balloons. Luckily, it broke three feet behind her where she couldn't notice.

Harry looked up, taking in the full view of the front of the castle. Finally, he felt like he was home. Maybe, he thought, the dreams will lighten up.

Chpt. 5. The Sorting Hat's Confusion

Harry, Ron, and Hermione entered the Great Hall in the midst of a minimal wave of students to their seats. Having left the train relatively late, most students were already seated and waiting for the sorting ceremony to commence. All new students to Hogwarts must be sorted into their respective houses before the term. A student will be placed in Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, or Slytherin, depending on each person's individual characteristics. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had all been placed in Gryffindor, and had all proven that the sorting hat chose wisely as Gryffindor house favored loyalty and bravery. Slytherin, however, housed many cunning and potentially evil wizards, having turned out more evil wizards that all three of the other houses combined. As the trio of friends began to settle into their seats, Professor McGonagall ushered in the first years, and at once everyone noticed a startling contrast to one of the students.

"Doesn't he seem a bit old to be a first year?" asked Ron. Before anyone could answer, Professor Dumbledore stood up and raised his hand, which immediately hushed the students in the hall. Dumbledore had always had the intangible quality of commanding the apt attention of an audience. Harry was relieved to see that despite the trouble in the wizarding world, Professor Dumbledore still had not lost that twinkle in his bright blue eyes.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts, or your first year as it may be." At this, he nodded to all the students at the top of the Hall. "I beg your indulgence for one moment before we begin. First, I would like to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Mr. Krum, if you would please join us at the Head Table..."

A near riot broke out at this, as Viktor Krum slouched his way up to the Head Table. He had gone unnoticed by the students in the hall, owing to the fact that he was partially hidden behind Hagrid's enormous frame. Harry always marveled at the fact that Viktor Krum, the internationally famous Quidditch player, could appear so clumsy on foot yet so agile on a broomstick.

"Krum!" cried Ron. "He's teaching? But he rarely talks if he can help it. Why didn't you tell us?" He glared at Hermione.

"He wanted everyone to believe that he got the job based on his merits, not because of his name. After all," shrugged Hermione, "he was the top student studying under a former Death Eater. Not many know more about the Dark Arts than Viktor. We're fortunate, really, that he's using his knowledge to teach rather than to gain power." Krum's former headmaster at Durmstrang, Igor Karkaroff, had disappeared at the end of last year, fearing Lord Voldemort's vengeance.

As the applause died down, Dumbledore continued. "Mr. Filch has asked me to inform you that this year, mucus-repelling tissues, (insert some funny stuff here once you think of it) have been added to the ever-growing list of banned items, bring the total amount to four hundred and forty." Dumbledore slightly chuckled at this last statement, seemingly adding to the ire of Mr. Filch, who was already on edge after noting Fred and George Weasley toss their (stuff) into the air in exasperation.

"Also," Dumbledore continued, "I would like to announce the arrival of a new transfer student from the United States. He has studied magic in four different countries, I believe, and is anxious to continue his studies at Hogwarts. He is the equivalent to a fifth year and will study as such, though he cannot perform magic. It is quite extraordinary that he has come to study with us and I expect that our students will do their best to make him feel at home and help him overcome his initial culture shock. He is quite skilled in the science that surrounds magic, and can do much to aid you all in your pursuit of excellence. Please offer a warm welcome to Alexander Majere."

Not knowing quite how to react to the news of a Muggle studying at Hogwarts, the Hall was in a stunned silence as Alexander stepped forward to acknowledge his introduction with a slight nod of his head. Once in clear view, however, the female student body seemed to overcome their initial shyness and catcalled rather loudly. He was quite attractive, with dazzling blue eyes and shoulder-length auburn hair that was brushed back behind his ears. He had a look of self-confidence about him that only added to his mystery. The Slytherin table, however, remained silent.

"Finally," finished Professor Dumbledore, "I would like to announce a wonderful addition to our sports curriculum this year. Many have felt a touch slighted at the fact that the Inter-house Quidditch Cup was cancelled last year in light of the Triwizard Tournament, so us as a staff have come to the conclusion that we owe you your lost year. Therefore, with the cooperation of several other schools, I have the esteemed pleasure of informing you that Hogwarts has been chosen to partake in the International Scholastic Quidditch Cup this year!"

Shocked would not be a strong enough term to describe the students' reaction. The Quidditch players of the lot looked as if heaven appeared on Earth. The rest shared in their excitement. Professor Dumbledore used the overpowering silence as an opportunity to continue.

"Allow me to explain our situation. The normal inter-house Cup will take place as usual, only on an abbreviated schedule. The Quidditch Cup will be awarded the last week of October. Whichever team is deemed worthy of the Quidditch Cup this year will have a one-months rest to recuperate before they take on a team composed of Hogwarts All-stars. The winner of this match will have the esteemed honor of representing Hogwarts at the International tournament, which will take place from early January or so through the middle of June. A semi-formal dance will be held in the honor of the Hogwarts representatives the evening of their crowning. I invite any and all students not on the House Cup championship team to try out for the Hogwarts All-stars, even if you are not a member of your House team."

Nearly everyone began to chatter at once at this final announcement. Many of the students who have not been able to make their House team were incredibly excited at the chance to represent the school on the international stage. Many wondered what other nations would be competing. As the chatter died down, Professor McGonagall placed the three-legged stool and the sorting hat on the center of the stage and called for silence.

Professor McGonagall called forward the first student ("Allen, Brooke!") to be sorted as Harry leaned over to Ron and Hermione. "A Muggle, in Hogwarts? Doesn't that violate the Decree of Magical secrecy or something?" Harry could never seem to remember the proper name for wizard laws.

"Dunno," muttered Ron. "Doesn't Dumbledore always have his reasons for doing things like this?" Ron still seemed socked at the news of being instructed by Viktor Krum, wondering why he forsook a lucrative professional Quidditch career to teach, as well as the announcement of the Quidditch tournament.

"Oh, this is so exciting!" squealed Hermione, who never passed up a chance to learn. "Can you imagine what he can teach us about the Muggle point-of-view of magic? I wonder just how much he knows about the wizarding world," she said, as Barnes, Michael became the latest addition to Ravenclaw.

"Blaire, Anthony!"

"HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the Sorting Hat.

"Christian, Annabelle!"


"Hermione," started Ron, "Why is Krum teaching and not playing Quidditch? He could have made a fortune..."

"It's not all about the money, Ronald," said Hermione sharply. "Viktor was ashamed to have been taught by Karkaroff, and feels he needs to make amends for Durmstrang."

"Hermione, aren't there rules about teachers dating students?" asked Harry. He seemed just as disappointed about Krum retiring from Quidditch as Ron (Krum was such an exciting player, after all), but was taking the shocking news rather well.

"Well, that's why he invited me to stay with him for a few weeks over the summer holidays. He said that after learning about Karkaroff, he felt he had to restore Durmstrang's honor. So, we decided not to let our relationship go any farther." Ron's ears perked slightly at this bit of news, though Hermione didn't catch it, since she was speaking to Harry. At this point, the Hall went very silent as Alexander Majere sat on the stool to be sorted.

"They're sorting him?" asked Harry. Dumbledore, after all, stated that he would be a fifth year.

"Sure. All new students need to be sorted, don't they?" whispered Hermione, as the both of them were catching glares from several girls sitting nearby, who were quite peeved at the disturbance in their concentration on Alexander. He sat on the stool for a relatively long time. The sorting hat apparently didn't know what to do with him, as the top of it drooped down to the side in utter confusion.

"Can a Muggle be sorted?" asked Ron.

The hall started to quietly buzz with curiosity, and several teachers even looked questioningly at Dumbledore. Dumbledore, however, looked on as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Professor McGonagall waited several moments more, and with a frown stepped forward to remove the Sorting Hat from Alexander's head.

"Oh, how embarrassing," muttered Hermione. Many of the girls present agreed with Hermione, as they looked sympathetically at Alexander. Much of the Slytherin table didn't bother to hide their snickers. Professor McGonagall's hand nearly touched the hat when it rapidly shot straight up in the air, nearly flying off of Alexander's head. If a hat could ever be shocked, the Sorting Hat was. Professor McGonagall jumped slightly in fright at the unexpected twist, while several students allowed minor gasps to escape. The Sorting Hat opened its makeshift mouth, and proclaimed, "GRYFFINDOR!" with such conviction that its voice rebounded off every wall of the Great Hall. The whole of Gryffindor stood up and cheered madly, as Professor McGonagall removed the sorting hat from Alexander's head, allowing him to join his housemates. He found a seat very near Harry and offered his hand in introduction, which Harry took.

"Xander Majere," he said. It was more or less a statement rather than an introduction, much like one would say, "I like to eat peanuts."

"Harry Potter," answered Harry, not knowing if it was proper to smile at such an odd introduction. His handshake seemed friendly at least, although Xander's eyes studied Harry intently before turning his attention to Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown, who were eager to become acquainted with this intriguing and good-looking new student.

A pair of twins, Mervin and Marvin Palone, became the newest Gryffindors when the hall quieted down once more. "Did you notice his eyes?" simpered Hermione. "Its as if there's more going on in his head than there is in the entire Hall..." She continued to study Xander, leaving little doubt that she wanted to be the one to figure out the mystery behind him.

As "Zambito, Blake" joined the Slytherin table and the Sorting Hat was removed (not without one last questioning glance from Professor McGonagall), Professor Dumbledore rose again and announced, "Bon appetite!" The empty plates in front of everyone magically filled with enticing meals of all sorts, including a large plate of -

"Buffalo-style chicken wings!" breathed Xander, who already seemed impressed at the method of service.

"Buffalo-style? What, from real buffaloes?" asked Ron.

"No, see the sauce? Notice the crispiness? Nobody outside Buffalo has been able to make them right." He took a small bite out of one, savoring the flavor of it in ecstasy. "The only thing missing is Bleu Cheese..." Xander jumped up slightly, as a bowl of bleu cheese appeared before him. A few people giggled at his excitement.

"Sweet!" cried Xander. "Damn fine service!"

"What do you mean, outside Buffalo?" asked Harry, not being knowledgeable of American geography.

"Buffalo is a city in America where I'm from. They practically invented the chicken wing. People come from all over to watch Buffalo's football games, just to taste a proper wing." He took another bite that looked to be nothing less than heaven for him.

"You follow football?" asked Dean Thomas excitedly. Dean was Muggle-born and well versed in Muggle sports. "What's your team called? I never heard of Buffalo having a team."

"American football, ... err, forgive me, I didn't catch your name..." He was politely embarrassed at this point, but was fitting in quite well with the Gryffindors despite his odd circumstances.

"Oh, Dean Thomas". Dean presented his hand, and received the same penetrating gaze from Xander as Harry did. Dean quickly looked for some other topic of discussion, feeling a little plussed at the silent interrogation. "I've heard of it, but could never really get into it."

As Dean and Xander continued their discussion of Muggle sports, Ron looked to Harry. "So who's the new Quidditch captain this year?"

"I dunno," said Harry. Their former captain, Oliver Wood, graduated Hogwarts two years ago and was now playing for the English National Team. "I've been wondering the same thing. We have a position open, you gonna go for it? Or wait for the All-star try-outs?"

"I'm not sure," said Ron. "I don't know if I'll ever be as good a keeper as Wood was. Maybe I'll try for Gryffindor first, then worry about the school team."

Discussions continued throughout the meal, and many girls from other houses made their way over to introduce themselves to Xander who was apparently not used to this type of attention and seemed taken aback by it. Harry did overhear him say, "No, I'm really 18, I only started to study magic when I turned 13." Xander's age had been a question of Harry's, noting his fit frame and stature compared to the rest of the fifth-years. An 18-year old muggle, studying at Hogwarts? What was Dumbledore playing at? As the plates magically wiped themselves clean, Dumbledore stood up again to announce...

"Rest, rest, rest. Kindly adjourn to your dormitories, and make yourselves alert for your lessons in the morning. Pleasant dreams."

Everyone stood to retreat to their dorms, or rather, the boys did. They were all busily predicting who might make the all-star team or talking of the possibilities of the Quidditch Cup champions. The majority of the girls stood on their benches in hopes of getting one last glance at Xander, possibly to catch his eye before he retired. Xander, however, looked to Harry with a minor look of pleading in his eyes.

"Harry?" asked Xander quietly with a light tap on his shoulder. Harry turned to face Xander, receiving many jealous stares from the female student body for his luck in being addressed directly by Xander. "I, erm, I mean, I don't know where the dorms are, and I need to go back and get my luggage..."

"Oh, don't worry. Our luggage is brought to our rooms while we eat. It's waiting for you in the dorms already. Just follow us-"

"Someone brought my things up already?" Xander practically shouted. "Where? I need to make sure-"

"Calm down!" said Ron, eyebrows raised. "Everything is fine. Nobody can rifle through your things, Hogwarts has house-elves that bring them to the dorms, see..." This received a loud "Hmph!" from Hermione, who was very outspoken on her interpretation of the mistreatment of house-elves.

"But, my... that is, I have... very important things in there. Sentimental, if you will. I can't have just anyone handling them." Xander's anxiety only increased with every moment that passed outside the presence of his luggage.

"We're nearly there, just relax," said Harry reassuringly. Xander's sudden change in behavior startled Harry momentarily, but he just wrote it off as being unaccustomed to Hogwarts. When they reached to dorm that said "Fifth year students", Harry and Ron bid Hermione goodnight, as Xander rushed in and started to open his trunk. Dean, Seamus, and Neville filed in a moment later, pausing to observe the odd behavior with Harry and Ron. Only when he picked up a thick book that had "Xander Majere" inscribed in small gold lettering in the lower right hand corner of the red cover did he calm down. Harry thought the look of relief on Xander's face must have been quite like his own in the restroom on the Hogwarts Express. Noticing the quizzical looks from Harry and Ron, Xander succumbed to their unspoken questions.

"It's my family's journal. It gets passed through each generation to those who are deemed worthy. Each who has possession of it writes their thoughts, experiences, or whatever they want. You can imagine how priceless it is to me, having lasted through the last ten generations of my family. Forgive me if my behavior startled you." He was back to his calm demeanor, although he was clutching the journal more tightly than Harry thought necessary.

The boys changed for bed, commenting on the exciting prospect of being taught by the world-famous Viktor Krum, wondering of his abilities, and hoping he might actually play the casual game of Quidditch if prompted to. Even Xander joined in on the Quidditch talk, which surprised Harry for a moment until he recalled Dumbledore telling the school that he had studied magic in four different countries. Surely he would have picked up on Quidditch by now. It had taken Harry a matter of days to fall in love with the sport. Ron was now asking Xander if he could fly a broomstick, to which Xander looked shocked at the thought.

"Well, sure I can. Anybody can fly an enchanted object, not just wizards. I must admit, though, that it took several weeks to overcome my uneasiness with heights before I could fully enjoy flying. I've even played for a few school teams, and have become quite fond of playing Chaser. Reminds me of playing basketball." Harry smirked at this last comment, as it had been his initial reaction to Quidditch as well. Ron was wondering exactly what basketball was when Fred and George Weasley entered the room.

"Harry, we'll be meeting with the rest of the team this weekend for tryouts and voting a new captain. Don't make any plans for..." Fred had started, but trailed off when he noticed Xander watching him rather intently. "Something I can help you with?" Fred asked with a bit more resentment than he had intended.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to appear to be intruding," apologized Xander. "I was merely wondering if I may try out as well. I've become a fairly decent chaser in other schools." He had a certain excitement in his eyes, as though he could think of nothing better in this world than to engage in competition. Harry immediately began to warm to Xander, sharing in his passion for competing and looking forward to see just how good Xander really was.

"Sure, mate, come on out and we'll see what you got," responded George. He spoke in a somewhat amused voice, obviously not expected too much from the new addition. "We only have one spot open, mind, and that's for a Keeper. I'm sure we could use a few reserves, though, push us more in practice." These last sentences were spoken in a mildly condescending tone, much like a championship coach would speak to a benchwarmer. Even though he didn't agree with George's tone, Harry could hardly disagree with him. Gryffindor were defending Quidditch Cup champions and had six returning players from what was universally known to be the most talented team Hogwarts had seen in years.

Fred and George took their leave of the room as the sextet readied themselves for bed with more talk of the promising year. Ron looked at Harry quizzically as Xander propped himself up on his pillows and began to read his journal without so much as a "goodnight" to the rest of the roommates. It was almost as if he had forgotten that there were five other people in the dorm with him. Harry shrugged, figuring that Xander simply wasn't tired yet and had much to absorb before classes began in the morning. The boys fell asleep to Xander muttering to himself repeatedly, Harry unable to understand a word of it.