Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/12/2003
Updated: 01/11/2005
Words: 28,235
Chapters: 7
Hits: 7,070

Fifteen Years


Story Summary:
Future ficlet. Draco reflects on fifteen years of marriage to the love of his life, Ginny. Major spoilers for "And Baby Makes Three."

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Future ficlet. Draco reflects on fifteen years of marriage to the love of his life, Ginny. Sequel of sorts for
Author's Note:
Thank you to nokomis305 for her fantastic beta. Thanks to annibug, gianfared, mynuet, lissanne and Sarea for all their support and pestering.

Fifteen Years - Part Four


Ginny carefully laid the last invitation atop the tall pile on her writing desk. She’d been planning Liam’s birthday party for months now. She wanted everything to be perfect - it was her way of trying to make amends with him. He’d been moody and occasionally distant since learning he was going to be a big brother once more. She blamed herself for his attitude change, well really, she blamed her husband, he was the reason she was in this predicament.

The last invitation was lavished with much attention. It was going to Sarea Okelani, the girl Liam acted like he didn’t care about, but watched every chance he got. She’d witnessed her son’s secretive glances on the train platform back in April. Gareth kept her informed of the on-going situation at Hogwarts. She was determined to do everything in her power to make sure her baby got what he wanted.

“What are you up to over there?” Draco asked, entering the study. “You’re grinning like the Cheshire Cat.”

She quickly tried to wipe the grin off her face. “Nothing.”

“Now I know you’re up to something.”

“I just finished the invitations for Liam’s birthday party.”

“Ah, I see,” he observed, crossing the room to admire her handiwork. He picked up the top invitation. “Sarea Okelani. How interesting.”

“She’s a friend of his at school,” Ginny said a little too defiantly.

“He wishes she was a friend of his.”

She decided it was best to keep her plans to herself, giving her husband the most innocent of smiles.

“Ginny, please do not meddle in this. It can only turn out badly.”

“I’m not meddling, I promise.” She crossed her heart. “I’m only presenting an opportunity.”

Draco gave her a dubious look. “Meddling in the affairs of our son will only end badly. Don’t come crying to me when he stops speaking to you.”

“I’m not meddling,” she said softly, reiterating her innocence, knowing her plan was going to work. She rubbed the full swell of her stomach giving her the means for a subject change. “Your daughter is starving.”

“Our son can not possibly be hungry, you just ate an hour ago.”

“She wants what she wants and she wants mashed potatoes.”

He rolled his eyes. “Of course, it’s mashed potatoes. Like you’d ever want anything else. You are a potato and it’s a good thing I like potatoes.”

“I love you, too,” she said with smug satisfaction that she distracted him so easily. Men really were easily distracted. If she could do this to her husband, how hard would it be to manipulate Liam?

She started mentally planning a grand garden wedding for her baby as she trailed out of the room after her husband in search of mashed potatoes.

Yes, they’d all be thanking her for her ‘meddling’ in the very near future.


“So, when is this baby due again,” Harry asked, knowing full and well the answer to the question.

“The end of July.” Draco knew Potter was trying to goad him, so he did the only thing he knew to do which was to give him the patented Malfoy scowl.

“What day again, exactly?”

“You know what day, Potter, so sod off,” he grumbled, wondering just where in the bloody hell was the Hogwarts Express.

“I just like to hear you say it,” Harry said with a chuckle. “Besides, I think it makes a fantastic birthday present.”

The baby’s due date had been the running joke in the Weasley family from the very moment Ginny had made the announcement at a family gathering. Draco had begged her not to tell anyone the exact date, but she went and did it anyway. It wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t had the annoying habit of delivering on her due date. She was two for two thus far, so there was no reason not to expect anything different this time. July thirty-first - the gods must hate him; it was honestly the only explanation he could think of for this horrible twist of fate.

“Harry, stop,” Hermione implored firmly, immediately shifting into peacemaker mode.

“Remember the last time you tried this? I had to repair your glasses.”

“Yeah, Potter, listen to your wife. Remember the last time she had to repair your glasses,” Draco smirked.

“Merlin, I can’t believe my sister is having another baby with you,” Ron complained, rolling his eyes. “I would have thought she’d have wised up by now.”

“Ron, I beg you to stop before you’re coughing up slugs,” Hermione warned. “I can never remember the counter-spell.”

“No, Granger,” Draco drawled. “There won’t be any slugs - I’ll just withhold his use of my top box Quidditch tickets for his impertinence.” He knew how much his brother-in-law enjoyed his subscription tickets and all the perks that went along with the luxury box. It was the perfect trump card in any argument with him, although Draco was very careful never to overplay it, lest it lose its sting.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Ron exclaimed in utter disbelief.

“That’s right, Weasley, I’ll hit you were it really hurts!” he sneered.

“Ron! Open your mouth again and I’ll kill you!” Harry quickly interceded. “Remember - Cannons verses Harpies next week!”

Draco rubbed his hands gleefully. “Yes, yes, Craply plays the Harpies…wouldn’t want to miss that now would you?”

“Alright, alright, I give up! You win, ferret, but remember I hate you,” Ron said, grinning cheekily by the time he finished.

“And you best not forget it either.”

Harry snorted. “Don’t worry, I think we remember quite well.”

Hermione groaned in frustration, muttering something about grown men acting like twelve year old spoilt brats under her breath.

Luckily, the Hogwart’s Express rounded the last bend before entering station at that moment silencing any further bickering, at least until they all ended up in the same general vicinity again.

Some things never change.


30th June


“Mother,” Liam breathed low, under his breath. “You didn’t.”

“Didn’t what, sweetheart?” she asked absentmindedly as she watched guests arriving for the party.

“Invite her.”

“Invite who?” She glanced around until her eyes lighted upon the lovely young witch who was wearing burnt gold colored robes and was the object of her son’s affections. “I see Sarea was able to attend,” she said with a smile. “And isn’t that a beautiful robe she’s wearing?”

“How could you?” he demanded, his ears turning slightly red with his irritation.

“How could I what, sweetheart? I invited your friends, just as you asked.”

“I gave you a list.”

“Yes, but I thought--”

“Liam,” his father interjected before the conversation could get out of control. “Is that Lucy Ann over there with Stephie? Why don’t you go say hello.”

He couldn’t help but notice the look his father gave his mother, effectively silencing any protest she might have had before he left their company to join his friends. She could be, so…meddlesome sometimes. It made him wonder how his father put up with it.

“Well, don’t you look like a frog pissed in your breakfast,” Stephie informed him.

Liam gave her his finest Malfoy sneer.

“Good Merlin mate, is that Sarea Okelani over there?” Murphy asked in utter disbelief. “She’s like the most beautiful witch at school!” His comment earned him a smack on the arm by Mere.

“That’s a gorgeous robe she’s wearing,” Stephie said. “I wish I could wear that color.”

“Me too,” Mere seconded. “I wish I could get my hair to stay up like that.”

“Isn’t that the cutest little handbag you’ve ever seen?” Lucy Ann threw in.

The brunette witch nodded as the other red-headed witch begrudgingly hissed, “Yes.”

“Isn’t that handbag so last year? I bet it isn’t even real dragon scales,” Murphy mocked in a high pitched voice earning himself three very pointed stares. “I need to find some male friends.”

“You should go over and talk to her, Liam,” Lucy Ann urged.

“No,” he pouted.

“Go on! She’s practically been gift wrapped and given to you.”

“Yeah,” Murphy chimed in. “It is your birthday. Who knows, it could be your lucky day!”

Liam was very glad he wasn’t on the receiving end of the slap Lucy Ann laid on his other best friend. “I’m sure she’s a perfectly nice witch,” she said coolly after turning her attention to the object of their discussion. “You should go talk to her.”

“You know you want to,” Mere seconded.

“You could get lucky,” Stephie smirked at Lucy Ann. “She does look the type, doesn’t she?”

“My mother invited her,” he groaned.

“Your mother is the best Mum in the world,” the other male of the group sighed. “And she’s so beautiful too.”

“And quite married and about to have a baby,” Mere informed him tartly while viciously pinching Murphy’s side. That led into a small slap fight between the two and giggles amongst their friends.

“I’ll put five Gaellons on Mere,” Lucy Ann said with a hearty laugh.

Liam gave her a hard look. “Please, I’ll see your five and raise you ten because he can so take her.”

“Fine, ten but if I win you have to go talk to Sarea.”

“I hate you.”

“No you don’t,” she admonished him while snaking her hand around his wrist. “Can we talk in private a minute?”

He allowed himself to be pulled in a small alcove by his best friend while ignoring the frenzied whispering among their friends. He could imagine what they were saying. Murphy had been pointing out some of Lucy Ann’s finer attributes over the past couple months. Liam didn’t think it right to think of her that way. She wasn’t a girl to be admired for her assets. He had more respect for her than that. She was his friend.

She started in on him immediately. “You need to go talk to Sarea.”

Liam crossed his arms. “Why?”

“Because you’ll regret it later if you don’t.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes, I do. I know you,” she said with a frustrated sigh. “You’ll brood and mope for weeks on end.”

“I neither brood nor mope.”

Lucy Ann rolled her eyes. “Please.”

“You can’t make me,” he said determinedly.

“Your mother invited Sarea didn’t she?” she asked with a sly grin.


“Just imagine what she would do if she didn’t see you go over to speak to her.”


Speaking to Sarea Okelani wasn’t nearly as bad as he had imagined it would be. She had a soft voice and she liked to laugh. Their conversation was an easy one - they discussed school, their friends, Quidditch. They actually had a lot in common. It also helped immensely that she was really very pretty. He would have to remember to thank Lucy Ann for this later.

“Isn’t that our transfiguration professor with your parents,” Sarea asked, nodding in the direction of the garden steps.

Liam turned to see his parents were indeed speaking with the new Transfiguration Professor, Angelica Threadgood. She was wearing her finest robes in plum over black with a very tall witches’ hat. Her blond hair pulled back in a tight bun that left her looking a bit on the stern side. She wasn’t a professor to take lightly. “Yes, I do believe it is.”

“I wonder what she’s doing here.”

“My little brother must have invited her. I think he has a crush on her.”

“That’s so sweet! Your little brother is just the cutest thing.”

“You wouldn’t say that if you really knew the annoying little bugger. Always following me around and butting into my business.”

“My sister Jade is the same exact way! You must be excited about the new baby!”

“Sure.” He wasn’t sure what to say to that. It wasn’t like he could tell her he was actually quite peeved about the whole thing really.

“Is the nursery cute?”

Ah yes, the nursery. What a bone of contention that had been between Mum and the rest of the family. They had all wanted it to stay the Quidditch Pitch theme. There were so many happy memories of playing in there after it’d been converted from a nursery to a playroom once it was obvious there would be no more babies. Only now, there was a baby after many, many years. He’d come home for summer hols to find the room a sunny garden complete with white picket fence and colorful flowers. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the bunnies and butterflies weren’t charmed.

“Would you like to see it?” he asked, thinking that spending some time with her out of sight of his friends just might be a good thing.

“I’d love to!”


“I think you’ve outdone yourself Gin,” Draco said after the new Transfiguration Professor walked away. “You look a bit worn.”

She smiled, but leaned against him when he wrapped his arms around her. “I’m all right.”

“I think you need to go rest up a bit.”

“I can’t. We have guests,” she protested.

He watched their guests below in the sunken gardens being efficiently taken care of by his wife’s army of sister-in-laws, all under the watchful eye of the eldest Weasley female. It never ceased to amaze him after all these years how the women in the family rallied around one another, especially when one was out temporarily out of commission. “I think your sisters have everything under control.”

“Oh, all right,” she sighed, giving in. “But only for a few minutes.”

“Do you want anything to eat or drink?” he asked as they made their way past the long buffet tables laden with all of Liam’s favorite foods, most of Honeydukes’ inventory and what was left of a birthday cake that had at one time resembled the Falmouth Falcon’s home pitch.

She shook her head. “No, not unless you’re willing to go into Muggle London to get me a big bag of hot and salty chips from McDonalds. Consider it a late birthday present.”

“You don’t need anything salty,” he said sternly before smiling. “Besides, I already gave you your present. And I can’t. We have guests.” He quickly led her to his first floor study before she could protest. “I’ll move the chaise so you can watch the party below.”

He knew he was right. The downstairs study had a spectacular side view of the gardens where Ginny could oversee the party while getting off her feet for a little bit. He was worried she was trying to over do things, but he also knew that she’d wanted to do this for their eldest child. She felt she needed to mend some bridges with him over having another baby. And from the look of things, she’d been right. After Liam’s initial fit over Sarea attending, things had gone much smoother than he could have ever imagined.

It was turning out to be a good day after all.

Draco nuzzled the back of Ginny’s neck as she gazed out the window at the fruition of all her months of planning. “Remember the last time we ducked in here during a party?”

“Yes,” she purred, turning in his arms to kiss him, only she was having trouble trying to balance on her tip toes. “Well, damn.”

He chuckled at her failed attempt at being sexy before having mercy on her and kissing her lightly. Any attempts to continue were hampered by the awkward angle he was having to pursue “This isn’t working.”

“It’s because I’m so fat,” she said, voice trembling as if she were about to burst into tears.

“No, beautiful,” Draco said while lovingly caressing her rounded tummy. He wanted to cut the waterworks off before they even got started. He never could stand her tears. “I think you are absolutely lovely. But I do have an idea that might be more comfortable for the both of us.”

“Oh, what is that?”

“Here, let me show you.”


“Your parents have a beautiful home,” Sarea gushed as she took in the view of the atrium from the top of the stairs.

He’d shown her all around the house his parents called home. He showed her some of the most interesting rooms in the house like the Game Room, the Weapons Room, the upstairs Library and of course, the nursery.

Liam smiled. “Agecroft Hall is the ancestral Black family home.”

“Black? There aren’t any more Blacks right?”

“My father is the last of the Black males through his mother so he inherited everything directly.”

“So,” she said softly, casting her eyes down as she toyed with the silver dragon clasp on his robe, “that would make you and Gareth Blacks as well.”

He found himself mesmerized by her mouth. Her full lips were so soft and inviting and he found himself having a hard time refraining from leaning down to kiss her. He wondered idly if she still would still taste of the ice cream and cake they’d shared a bit earlier. “Did you say something?”

She gazed up at with her big doe eyes. “Would you like to kiss me?”

Liam’s heart nearly stopped. Murphy and Stephie were right - he was about to get lucky. He was about to kiss his first girl (Lucy Ann didn’t count because they were five and she was his friend) and not just any girl, but the most sought-after witch at Hogwarts. He wished every day could be his birthday if this was what was going to happen. “Sure, but not here.”

“Why not?” She sounded somewhat put out.

“I know a place a bit more private with a fantastic view of the gardens.”

“Oh,” she said brightly, allowing him to take her hand and lead quickly her down the stairs. He didn’t stop until he’d reached a heavy door just off the atrium. “What’s in here?”

“My father’s study,” he said, reaching for the doorknob. “It’s off limits during parties so we won’t be disturbed.”

Sarea pressed against him suggestively. “I like the sound of that.”

He swallowed hard, trying to regain his Malfoy composure. The boys at school were not going to believe this. Not only was he getting to go to Japan for the Quidditch World Cup Regions, but he scored Sarea Okelani. He pushed open the door, his eyes never leaving her petite frame. “After you.”

She ducked under his arm after giving him a sly smile. He took a moment to wipe the Cheshire catlike grin off his face before he turned to follow her. Today was his lucky day.

That was when he saw them. Right after he bumped into Sarea, nearly knocking her over.

His parents. In the study. On the desk.

Liam wanted to die at that moment, a quick, painless death.

His mother, his very pregnant mother, was sitting on the desk as his father stood over her between her long legs. His face was buried against her neck as his hand rode slowly up the thigh she had hooked around his hip, exposing an indecent amount of ivory skin from under her lavender robes. Her hands were tangled in hair as she was murmuring and urging him on.

Sarea slowly backed away from the scene before her, shaking her head in what he was sure was utter disbelief. He tried to corral her when she collided with him, feeling that he needed to talk to her, say anything really to distract her from what she’d just witnessed. But she was having none of that.

“I have to go,” she hissed, pushing past him. She wouldn’t even look at him.

“Liam?” his mother asked in disbelief as she tried to pull her robes down.

His father jumped back. “Fuck and damn it all.”

Liam closed his eyes and tried hard to pretend that his life hadn’t just ended. The girl of his dreams hadn’t just run out on him after they caught his parents in a compromising position. He cracked open an eye to see his mother trying to get off the desk, but was having a bit of difficulty. Nope, it was true. Every last bit of it was true. “Fuckity fuck.”

“Sweetheart, watch your language please. I think I should maybe go have a word with Sarea.” His Mum didn’t even have the decency to look ashamed for what she’d done!

“Yes,” his father said. “That might be wise.”

“No,” Liam said almost calmly. “I think you two have done enough damage for one day.”

“We haven’t done anything wrong,” his Mum insisted. “And I just want to talk to her about this little misunderstanding.”

“Anything wrong? Misunderstanding?” he cackled, his voice rising with each word. “Trust me, mother there was no misunderstanding what I saw!”

“Sweetheart, you’re blowing this out of pro-”

“Am I?” By this time Liam’s checks and ears had turned cherry red. “It’s embarrassing to see one’s very pregnant mother shagging one’s father on a desk. It’s my birthday party for Circe’s sake! Can’t you people keep your hands off one another for five fucking seconds?”

“Son, I’d advise you to calm down,” his father said sternly.

“I was not shagging your father!”

“Well, it sure looked like from where I was standing!”

“We were just snogging!”

“With his hand up your robes?”

“William Draco Malfoy, you will not talk to your mother like that!”

“I wish you weren’t my mother!” Liam sneered. “Then I wouldn’t have to be embarrassed all the time.”

His words had the desired effect all right. The sheer look of horror on his Mum’s face told him that he’d crossed the line this time. Firmly past the point-of-no-return if the murderous look upon his father’s unschooled features told him anything.

“I have guests I need to see to,” she said unsteadily. “Excuse me.”


The bedroom door slammed open with enough to startle the mirror awake. “Well, I never!” she huffed before seeing who so rudely awoke her and going completely dark.

“Lucy Ann, I think it’s time for you to leave,” his father said sternly from the doorway. “Murphy, go to your room!” Liam couldn’t remember a time his father had looked so angry.

She glanced at him with wide, questioning eyes. He nodded and whispered, “Just go.”

“Yes, sir,” she squeaked before slinking around the wizard standing just inside the doorway and beating a hasty path away from the brewing storm with Murphy right behind her.

“Good luck there, mate!” Murphy whispered just before shutting the door behind him.

“I thought I raised you better,” his father said in a dangerously low voice as he closed the space between them. Liam didn’t think he’d ever seen his father’s eyes nearly black before. “Your mother went out her way to make this a special day for you and what do you do? You shout at her. She is lying in bed right now crying!”

Liam swallowed hard.

“When is your mother’s birthday?”

“June twenty-seventh.”

“And when is your birthday?”

“June thirtieth.”

“Whose birthday do we always celebrate?”

“Mine,” Liam replied softly.

“Do you know why?”


“Because your mother didn’t want to take away from your special day, that’s why.”

Liam was finding it hard to breathe suddenly. He was torn between defending himself and proclaiming his innocence. Although he’d never really thought about it before - he couldn’t remember ever having a big celebration for her, figuring that women didn’t like to make a fuss over their age.

“And this year, she went above and beyond the call of duty when she shouldn’t have. You do realize that your mother is nine months pregnant, don’t you?”

Well, you can’t miss her belly that is for sure he wanted to yell, but thought the wiser of it. Now was not the time to bait a very angry Draco Malfoy.

“She saw to every detail personally. Wanted everything to be perfect for you. And do you know why?” his father continued on, his voice still liberally laced with his anger.

The ensuing silence stretched on for long minutes. Liam really didn’t want to know the answer to that question, but he knew he was going to be told anyway so he might as well get it over with soon rather than later. “No.”

“Because she felt guilty for having another baby. This was supposed to be a joyous time for this family, but you’ve done nothing but pout and whine the entire time! I thought Gareth would the one who took it hard, but he’s been surprisingly happy about it. You just couldn’t let your mother have this one thing could you? This had to be all about you and how awful your parents are that they still love each other! If you want to know about horrible parents why don’t you ask Murphy.”

Liam sat there with his mouth agape. He had never seen his father that furious before, at least not directed at him anyway.

He knew he had been boorish and maybe a bit testy, but had he really been that bad?

He was very thankful he didn’t have parents like his best friend. Parents who told each other how much they hated each other on a regular basis. Parents who couldn’t be bothered with their child while he was growing up except to shout at him and box his ears. Parents who sent him off to boarding school in another country, never once checking on his well being. They didn’t even seem to care that he spent his holidays somewhere else.

In light of all that, Draco and Ginny Malfoy were good parents. Above and beyond the call of duty, if truth be told. They loved him unconditionally, even when he did stupid stuff. Sure, his mother was meddlesome occasionally, but she only did it because she loved him and wanted him to be happy. His Da was the best father in the world - at least all his friends told him so.

Why couldn’t he see that until now?

His father bowed his head and took a deep breath. “It’s my fault really. I have failed you as a father. I spoilt you rotten. I never made you earn anything. I made you into a selfish, whining, egotistical arse. I made you into what I was at your age. I swore I’d not do that to my children, but I’ve been remiss as a father.”

If Da’s words had been intended to make him feel guilty, then his mission had been accomplished.

“I’m sorry, son,” his father said simply before turning and leaving. The haunted look his Da had made his head ache desperately.

The acknowledgement that he was a disappointment to his parents was almost more than he could bear. Liam paced the length of his room trying to think of a way to rectify the situation while ignoring the little house-elf that was running back and forth trying to keep up with him and offering suggestions.

Then it dawned on him - something he could do quickly that would please his mother to no end. It would at least break the ice with her. Show her that he was serious about changing for he knew he had to mend his ways. He spent the next half-hour scheming with Costa to win back his Mum’s good graces. It had to work, just had to.

“Mum?” he asked quietly, pushing open her bedchamber door a bit. He could hear her sniffle. “May I come in?”

“Of course. Can you help me please?” She sounded more tired than anything he thought as she held her hand out to him. With any luck she wasn’t nearly as angry as Da. He helped her up from the bed so she could shuffle over to the lounge chair in the window filled alcove. “I used to love to sit here in the early mornings with you when you were just a baby. Your father would still be asleep. I’d tell you stories about my family while you had your breakfast.”

He could fondly remember spending a lot of time playing there in the sunny windows when Gareth was a baby. “I don’t remember that,” he said, kneeling down beside her.

“I should hope not. You were just a wee thing.”

“Well, yeah.”

She tenderly ran her fingers through his thick blond hair before giving him a lopsided grin. “You cut your hair.”

“Yes ma’am, I did.”

“I like it. You truly do look like your father. Sometimes I have to remind myself that you’re my child too.”

Liam bowed his head. “He’s very angry with me.”

“Can you blame him?” she asked softly.

“Mummy, I can’t tell you how sorry I am for how I acted this afternoon!” he gushed out. “I’ve realized that you and Da aren’t the problem, it’s me. I’m the awful one! I don’t deserve parents like you, but I promise I will change. See look, I’ve already started by cutting my hair! Please don’t be angry with me anymore.”

“Shhh, sweetheart, it’s all right. There is nothing for me to forgive. I should have realized that you might not have been happy with me having another baby, but I was too blinded by what I wanted to realize what it’d do to you. Will you please forgive me?”

He couldn’t stop his jaw from trembling when he looked at her. “I love you, Mum! And I want a baby sister, really I do!”

“It could be a boy, you know, as you father is so fond of reminding me.”

Liam could feel his heart sink right then. There was one little fly in his ointment of new found happiness. “Da is still rather naffed off with me.”

“Don’t worry,” she said, pulling his hand to an exact spot on her extended tummy so he could feel the baby kicking. “I know just how to handle him. Now what are we going to do about Sarea? I think I need to owl her.”

“I’ve sworn off girls, Mum. They are nothing but trouble.”

He wasn’t too sure he liked the sly smile she gave him. “Yes, girls are nothing but trouble.”


17th July


“Mum” Liam asked after watching his mother flinch slightly and bite her bottom lip again. “Are you all right?”

She nodded her head, but didn’t open her eyes. “I’ll be all right, just a spot of flatulence s’all.”

His eyes went wide at the prospect of the baby coming and him being the only one there. His father had taken Murphy and Gareth to Diagon Alley pick up a few last minute items that they needed for the trip to Japan for the Quidditch World Cup Regional Finals. Liam volunteered to stay home with her to show off his new found sense of responsibility. Da had forgiven him for his little outburst a couple weeks ago, but he would cast him a significant looks when Mum wasn’t paying attention. He knew he had to earn his way back in his father’s good graces. Besides, she wasn’t due for two weeks yet. “Are you positive?”

“Yes, yes, it’s nothing, sweetheart,” she reassured him. “It’s not my due date yet if that’s what you’re worried about. Here let me help you finish packing.” She slowly stood up from her perch on the edge of his bed, shuffling over to peer in his open case. “I think you might need another jumper.”

“Mum!” he whined as she summoned a deep ruby red cable knit jumper. “Not that one! It’s so Gryffindor!”

“I won’t be there to remind you to wear your jumper to keep warm,” she sniffled, folding the offending garment and placing it in the case.

“I’ll be with Charlie. I’ll be okay without you.” His stomach clinched into a tight knot at the sight of her shaking shoulders. “Mum?”

She wiped her eyes. “My baby doesn’t need me anymore!”

“Oh Mum!” he cried in exasperation.

“Just look at you, so tall and handsome, just like your father.” She gently caressed his cheek. “You’re going to make some girl so happy one day.”

“I’m going to Japan for a week. I’m not moving out! And I’ve given up on girls!”

“What about Lucy Ann?”

Liam wrinkled his nose. “She’s not a girl. She’s Lucy Ann.”

“You may feel differently in a few years.” She smiled while massaging her back with both hands.

“I don’t think so. She’s…she’s…Goosey is what she is.”

“What about Stephie? Mere? Adrienne? What do you think about them?”

“What I think is it is time for you to go lie down,” he suggested quickly, not wanting to pursue that conversation any longer than absolutely necessary. He took her by the hand and started towards the door. “You do look a little knackered.”

She frowned. “I could lie down for a bit, I suppose. I’ve had the worst pain down in my lower back all morning. It woke me up early.”

Liam slowly led her down the hall to the master bedchamber, stopping to help her out of her dressing gown and slippers. He thought it odd - Mum wasn’t one to lounge about all day not dressed. She hadn’t even taken her hair out of the loose braid she often wore at night. She simply wasn’t herself and it vexed him.

“Would you like some lunch?” he asked, growing more concerned by the minute after helping swing her legs up on the high bed and watching her try to adjust pillows to suit her aching back. “Something to drink?”

“No, no, I’m fine,” she said wearily. “I think I just want a nap.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I don’t feel like anything right now.”

“Are you going to be all right if I leave you alone?”

She reached for his hand. “Are you sure you packed enough underwear?”

“Mother!” Liam could feel his cheeks burning. If a passing Dementor wanted to suck his soul out, now would be the perfect time. No one knew how to embarrass him quite like his mother.

“You should pack a couple of extra pairs of boxers because you never know. I like to know my baby has clean underwear.”

“Mum, why don’t you just lay back and relax,” he said to steer the conversation back to safer ground. “Would you like me to pull the curtains?”

“Socks?” she said in a strained voice, her brows furrowed just as her lips thinned.

“I packed plenty of socks. Now lie back and have a little nap. I don’t want the blame when Da comes home to find you all knackered out.” He pulled the covers up for her then kissed her forehead lightly. “I’ll be in my room if you need me.”

He watched her nod before closing her eyes and snuggling back against a large pile of pillows. He didn’t know how his father put up with her. She could drive someone insane with her incessant nattering. Once he was sure that she was going to stay put, he retreated back to the quiet of his bedchamber.

If there was one thing he was certain of, being pregnant had made his Mum daft. Him interested in Lucy Ann? Lucy Goosey? He couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of that thought. She was his best friend. The thought of kissing her…the thought of kissing her…wasn’t grossing him out as much as he felt it should. It just wasn’t right.

He quickly quashed that notion with curse. That was not something to be dwelt upon so instead he busied him with finishing up his last bit of packing. He tossed in two extra pairs of boxers and four extra pairs of socks before shutting the case. Because you never know, just like Mum said.

After making sure all was quiet downstairs and down the hallway, Liam pulled a small, locked wooden chest from beneath is his bed. This was the first time he’d had a chance to peruse the gift his uncles Fred and George had given him on the sly. He’d been so busy with other things lately that he’d almost forgotten the plain brown bagged gift that was given to him with the warning, “Every boy your age needs a little debauchery, but we disavow any knowledge of said gift if your Mum finds out.”

With one more listen for the family, Liam pulled three glossy Playwizards from the wrapper as a huge grin broke out on his face. Thank Circe for uncles like Fred and George. They knew how to give the best gifts, ever.

Choosing the June issue and feeling a bit brave, no one was home and Mum was sleeping, he stretched out across his bed to enjoy the naughty things the centerfold, one Miss Gia Honeysuckle, was doing with a Firebolt XP. Who knew you could that with a broom? He was thoroughly impressed.

As his mind turned to mush, he began to ponder the girls he knew at school imagining each in turn with the glossy black Firebolt XP and the barely there bikini bottoms. He settled on Erin Wood, seventh year Gryffindor Chaser. Sure he hated her, but damn if she didn’t have the longest legs he’d ever seen. Her long honey brown hair was tousled and wind blown. She’d managed to lose her top somewhere, leaving her gloriously firm and round breasts bare for him to gaze upon. She kept running her hand up and down the length of the broom handle as she beckoned him over. She was reaching for the tie on her hip that was holding up the last scrap of material covering her….

“William Draco Malfoy,” his mother said loudly from the doorway where she was leaning heavily against the frame. “Didn’t you hear me calling you?”

Liam spluttered indignantly and bolted off the bed, dropping the Playwizard on the floor out of view. He mentally cursed his flaming cheeks and shaking hands. Oh holy Merlin, she’d caught him red handed. He was dead. So dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. There would be nothing of him left to find if he didn’t take the offensive. “Mother, you’re supposed to be resting!”

“What were you doing?” she asked, regarding him with knitted brow.

Nothing,” he said quickly. “We should get you back to bed.”

She looked like she didn’t believe him and wanted to further question him until her knees buckled slightly. “You need to Floo Stephanie, now,” she said, emphasizing the last word with a bit of a hiss.

Liam blinked at his mother. Why in the world would he need to Floo Stephanie Goyle now? She’d just been over the other day with her husband Greg to check on Mum since she was her mid-witch. Mum needed her mid-witch called now. Da wasn’t home. His heart stopped beating. “Oh fuck.”

“Language!” she scolded him. “Just do as I asked please.”

“No, no, no! It’s not time yet,” he tried to reason with himself as he fought a losing battle against the panic that was seizing his chest and making it difficult to breath. Denial is a good thing. It will just go away. “Da’s not home.”

“Liam, listen to me,” she commanded. “I’m in labor whether or not your Da is home. You need to help me.”

“All right,” he squeaked not liking the sound of any of this. Why couldn’t he have just gone with his Da like Grandmum had suggested this morning? But no, the call of Playwizard was just too much and just look where that had gotten him! That was it, he was swearing off girls and porn!

“I need you to Floo Stephanie then Grandmum.”

She sounded calm. How could she be so calm? Didn’t she realize that she was having a baby right now? Breathe, yes, breath. Draw air in, push air out, draw air in. That’s right. Where in the bloody hell was Da? “I can do that.”

“What did I just ask you to do?”

“Uhm,” he started, his brain failing him.

“Liam,” she groaned. “The baby won’t here for a while yet, now just please-”

“Floo Stephanie and Grandmum,” he finished for her.

“Yes, thank you. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going back to bed now.”

“Do you need some help?”

She shook her head before turning to shuffle slowly back down the hallway. Liam watched her a few moments to make sure she made it all right before he bound down the backstairs to do her bidding.

Stephanie Apparated in mid-sentence, ruffling his hair and giving him a peck on the cheek before heading upstairs. Grandmum Flooed right after she washed her hands - she had been making scones - and packed a basket of goodies for the boys to nibble on. Once she’d stepped through the Floo, she handed him a deep blue jumper she’s knitted just for his trip before she took control of the situation and began ordering Addison and house-elfs about.

There were no words to describe how enormously relieved he felt knowing that his mother was now in the good hands of her mid-witch and his grandmother. They knew all about this is baby business. He had followed the latter up to the sitting room adjacent to his parent’s bedchamber when she was finished giving orders. He could just sit back and relax and maybe even sneak a way for a bit more pleasure reading while everyone was preoccupied.

“Liam,” Stephanie called from the doorway. “Do you know where your father is?”

“He took Murphy and Gareth to Diagon Alley this morning after you said it was okay. You said it was okay!”

“Well, I need you to find him. Your Mum wants him. And be quick about it.”

He Flooed to the Leaky Cauldron from the study, tumbling clumsily out onto the floor. This was no time to worry about being graceful. He had to find his father and fast. A quick sweep of the pub before he exited into Diagon Alley proper yielded no Malfoy blond or Weasley red.

The noonday sun was shining brightly, illuminating the front window of Quality Quidditch Supplies where the new Firebolt XP stood on display surrounded by the newest in Falmouth Falcon gear. He stood there fixated by the fastest broom yet known to wizards. Oh how he wanted it - wanted it bad. If he closed his eyes he could just feel the long, slick handle in his hands as he urged it on to new heights. Faster and faster and faster. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

The sound of a crying baby brought his thoughts crashing back down. Right, yes, Mum, baby, now. Must find Da.

It didn’t take him long to find his father, Gareth and Murphy at Florean's Forteascue's Ice Cream Parlor sitting outside enjoying the warm afternoon with Stephie, Mere and Lucy Ann and apparently half the ice cream in the shop.

His eyes focused honed in on the little smear of ice cream from her strawberry and peanut butter sundae that was marring the corner of Lucy Ann’s mouth. The world seemed to fall away when he noticed how pretty her hair was in the sunlight. A dark, shiny red, not a blinding red that was so dominate on his mother’s side of the family.

He wondered why he’d never noticed that before…

“Liam?” his father asked loudly, his brows furrowed with concern, “is there something wrong?”

He shook his head to clear away those disturbing thoughts about Lucy Ann. He was here for something. What was that again? Oh yes! Mum! He had to tell Da without causing a panic.


“Mum! Baby! Now!”


Liam began to pace. What was taking so long? If he recalled correctly, Stephanie had said that third babies practically pop right out on their own. It’d been nearly three hours now. What the hell was the hold up?

He looked about the Game Room - Grandmum had sent them downstairs almost immediately after Da has arrived home. Gareth was lying on the sofa with Lilith, Mum’s little grey cat. Grandfather was reading the Evening Prophet while Murphy was playing Wizard’s Chess with Addison.

He’d tried to play Wizard’s Chess a few times, but he couldn’t seem to concentrate on the game. He lost four in a row in short order. All the words in Falmouth Falcons: Quidditch - Down and Dirty in the Grey and Black looked like they were all jumbled together into one big mess. Just looking at it gave him a headache. The only thing he could think to do was pace.

“Liam,” his Grandfather addressed him without ever lowering the newspaper. “Calm down, these things take time.”

“How much time?” he asked.

Arthur Weasley lowered the paper then, his forehead creased as he pondered the question. “Well, I don’t rightfully know. You took your time in coming, put your Mum through some awful pain. Gareth practically fell out on his own. This one here is a bit like your Mum, methinks. In an awful hurry it seems, then changes her mind and decides to stay.”

Before he could respond his father appeared in the doorway looking slightly worse for the wear. “Liam, your mother sent me down here to speak to you about this afternoon. For the love of Merlin son, don’t read your Playwizards out in the open where your Mum can see you! That is all I am going to say on that subject.”

Liam spluttered for the second time that afternoon before wondering if it were possible to expire from embarrassment. “I-”

“Save it, I don’t want to hear it,” his Da said wearily. “I need to get back to your Mum.”

“How much longer?” his Grandfather asked.

“Not long according to Stephanie.”

“Is Mummy okay?” Gareth asked. His worry was quite evident in his voice.

“She’s fine, trust me. She’s fine enough to natter me to death about Liam’s choice in reading material for the past hour. Do you want to come up and see her?”

His little brother shook his head. “No, Grandmum said it was messy and no time for little boys to be hanging around.”


“I don’t think so.”

Murphy could barely contain himself once Da had left the room, but managed to hold out approximately twenty-three minutes before he nearly burst. “You had Playwizards and didn’t bother to tell me? I thought you were my best friend!”

Liam smirked. “You know good and well that Goose is my best friend.”

“Fine be that way!”

“I will!”

“What’s Playwizard?” Gareth asked quietly. “Is it about Wizarding games?”

The only sound in the room was Grandfather lowering the paper so he could gape at the youngest Malfoy.

“Good gods, I can’t believe he’s in Ravenclaw!” Murphy snickered.

“Leave him be,” Liam huffed in defense of his brother. “He can’t help it if Mum babies him.”

“I don’t think this is proper discussion at a time like this,” Grandfather cut in.

“Just tell me!” Gareth whined.

“It’s a naugh-”

“It’s a magazine that young men your brother’s age shouldn’t be looking at that is what it is.”

“What magazine shouldn’t a young man Liam’s age be reading?” asked the Weasley matriarch as she strode into the Game Room.

“Nothing,” came three male voices in unison.

Playwizard,” the youngest of the group stated plainly before seeking refuge in his grandmother’s arms.

“I see,” she said, patting Gareth’s back soothingly, “this seems like the handy work of a certain pair of uncles who are not going to live to see their next birthday once I get a hold of them. And never you mind what your brother is corrupting himself with - that goes for you too Murphy - you’re going to stay my sweet little boy forever aren’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He pulled back to look up at her. “Grandmum, is my Mummy all right?”

“Yes, my little pumpkin cake, your Mummy is just fine and so’s the baby. You can see the both of them in a little while.”

“The baby’s here?” Liam interjected.

“How’d it go Molls?” Arthur asked.

“Is it a boy or girl?” Murphy queried.

“Does she have red hair like me?” Gareth asked excitedly.

“Why didn’t you say that first?” Liam complained. “We’ve been worried!”

“One question at the time!” she said, plopping down in her husband’s recently vacated chair. “The baby is here and everything went fine. I’ve never seen anyone have such an easy go of it, practically no effort at all!”

“Really that easy? Well, she is a Weasley,” Arthur said proudly.

“Criminal, really. Stephanie had just stated it was time and the next thing I knew she was holding a baby. Ginny barely pushed at all.”

“Is it a girl?” Liam demanded in measured words, having grown impatient with all the talk about the process. He really only carried about the end result. “And for the record, Mum is a Malfoy.”

His grandmother smiled at him then. “You’ll have to wait until you see your Mum to see about the baby. She made me swear I wouldn’t spoil it.”

“You’ll tell me won’t you?” Gareth asked softly.

“No, sweetheart, your Mum wants that honor since she did all the hard work.”

“But you just said that she didn’t work hard at all.”

She ruffled his hair gently. “Why don’t we have a spot of supper? I think your Mum and Da need some quiet bonding time with the baby before we intrude.”


Ginny sat back comfortably against a pile of pillows having just polishing off a grilled chicken and rice supper while her husband counted the fingers and toes of the newest member of the family for the fifth time in the last half hour. She felt surprisingly good for just having a baby although she was sure that she’d be paying for it over the next couple days. “Honestly, Draco, I don’t think any of her fingers or toes have fallen off in the last five minutes.”

“I know,” he said softly, his eyes never leaving the baby, “but I just want to make sure she’s perfect.”

She smiled. “Of course she’s perfect, she’s a Malfoy isn’t she?”

“That’s right,” he cooed to the baby. “You’re a little Princess Malfoy aren’t you?”

“She’s going to be spoilt rotten by the time she’s a month old.”

“And she deserves to be. Don’t you Brett Ginevra?”


He looked up then at his wife. “No what?”

“That name.”

“What’s wrong with Brett Ginevra?”

“Besides the fact that’s ugly?”

“It’s not ugly. It’s a strong name.”

“I don’t like it.”

Draco looked crushed. “But…”

“I promised the boys that if we had a little girl they’d get to name her and you’d get to name the boy.”

“I bet they picked out an ugly name,” he pouted.

Ginny had to bite her bottom lip to keep from busting out laughing at her husband’s silliness. “Something tells me you’re going to like it very much.”

“What makes you think that?” he asked dubiously.

“I just know. Can I please hold her now?”

“Only if you tell me what name they picked.”

“I’m not ruining their moment of glory.”

“Well then, I’m not handing her over.”

“You’ll have to soon because she’ll be hungry.”

“I know how to fix a bottle, thank you very much,” he said with a wink.

“You have an answer for everything don’t you?” she asked haughtily, regarding him with a quirked eyebrow.

“Yes, I do.”

“You’d think I’d be allowed to hold my own child. I did give birth to her after all.”

“But you’ve been holding her for the last nine months. I have a lot of time to make up for,” he said, adjusting the baby’s snow white blanket just so.

Ginny didn’t even bother to hold back her tears. There were no words to describe how much she loved the man she’d been married to for the past fifteen years. Even after so long, he could still surprise her when he showed his soft side. He was the most amazing husband and father and she felt like the luckiest witch alive.

“Oh Gin, don’t cry! You can hold her.” He had gotten up from the rocker to sit facing her on the edge of the bed.

“No, no,” she sniffled. “You keep her. I was just thinking about how much I love you.”

He leant forward to capture her mouth in the most tender of kisses that ended when the baby began to protest. “Please tell me you’re not going to be one of those are you? Because you’re going to have to go get use to the fact that I enjoying snogging your Mummy silly.”

“I have a couple of people here who would love to meet the newest member of the family,” Molly announced after knocking lightly on the nearly closed door.

Gareth bounded into the room, immediately crawling on the bed next to his mother. Liam sauntered into the room, carefully surveying the scene before him.

“Would you like to hold your new sister?” Draco offered.

The oldest Malfoy child smirked as he held his arms out. “I told you, Da, that it was a girl!” He gingerly cradled the small bundle. “She’s so red and wrinkly,” he said in an awed voice.

“I wanna see! I wanna see!” Gareth cried, excitedly bouncing next to his brother having quickly vacated the bed to follow the baby. He carefully pulled the blanket back that was covering her head to reveal wispy little curls. “She has red hair like me!”

Ginny couldn’t help but giggle at her sons’ very distinct, yet obvious approval of their sister. Her oldest, so cool and collected of an acceptance of the new little person. So much like his father. Too bad no one had really seen the state he’d been in earlier in the afternoon. And her now middle child, every inch the Weasley, nearly bursting at the seams in his excitement. He reminded her of Ron at Christmas - just like an over excited little puppy.

“She seems all right, I suppose,” Liam announced. “She can stay.”

Draco snorted. “Well, since she’s allowed to stay does she get to have a name?

“All right boys, tell your father the names you’ve picked out for your sister,” Ginny said with a broad smile.

Rauri,” Gareth stated proudly. “R-A-U-R-I not R-O-R-Y. It’s old Celt meaning ‘red-haired’.”

“Narcissa, for Grandmother Malfoy,” Liam added softly.

“Those are the names you picked?” the eldest Malfoy asked. “All by yourselves?”

“Yes,” Ginny said proudly. “They researched it and discussed it among themselves for a week before they told me.”

“Rauri Narcissa Malfoy,” her husband said slowly, like he was savoring the sound of the name as it rolled off his tongue. “You’re right, Gin, I do believe I like it better than Brett Ginevra.”


It was very late, the house was finally quiet and everyone was asleep. The family had just endured an exhausting day showing off Rauri to an amazing number of relatives and friends who all had wanted to meet the first female Malfoy in four hundred years. And everyone who met her was instantly in love with the little red haired baby girl.

Liam, however, couldn’t bring himself to sleep because he was too excited about his trip. His Mum had insisted he go to Japan after they’d had a long discussion about it earlier that morning. She didn’t want him to miss out on the bragging rights he’d have this fall when he returned to school. Rauri would still be a wee baby when he returned she’d promised, so he should just go. He didn’t need to be told twice.

Only now, he was feeling a little guilty for leaving his baby sister at the mercy of his family without a big, strong older brother to protect her for a week. That is how he found himself outside his parent’s bedchamber at 4am.

After listening to make sure everyone was sleeping soundly, Liam slipped quietly into the room and made his way to the ornately carved baby cradle on his mother’s side of the bed. He could see the baby sleeping nestled in the soft pink blanket Grandmum had knitted for her. Calliope Jane, the little white bunny and gift from Aunt Pansy, was watching over her from the foot of her bed.

He carefully gathered her up, trying his best not to disturb her lest she wake the whole house. He learned yesterday that just because she was a tiny little thing it didn’t mean she couldn’t scream down the walls. All Mum was trying to do was change her nappy. No, Rauri wasn’t the least bit afraid to let anyone know her displeasure. She was most definitely a Malfoy.

He made his way to the sitting adjacent to his parent’s room, leaving the door ajar so he could hear if his Mum woke up.

“Now, Rauri,” Liam said softly, settling down in the rocking chair and carefully putting his feet up. “You have to promise to go easy on Mum and Da while I’m away. They aren’t as young as they used to be, but they are good parents just the same. Da might seem a little scary at first, but it’s really Mum you have to watch out for when her temper flares. Just remember, I’ve always got your back.”

He rocked slowly, allowing Rauri to snuggle against his chest. “Gareth is sometimes a little slow, but that’s Mum’s fault because she babies him. But as far as brothers go, you couldn’t ask for a better one. And I’m telling you right now, young lady, you are not going to marry Murphy. I think he might have his sights set on you since Mum is already taken.

“And you’re just going to adore Lucy Ann. You’ll be seeing a lot of her. She’ll be like an auntie to you and you can call her Goosey. She doesn’t mind. Did you know that she’s going to marry me when I’m forty and alone because Mum scared off all my girlfriends? She just doesn’t know it yet.”

The baby yawned and stretched against him, acting as if she wanted to wake up. He tried not to panic because he didn’t want to startle her awake and make her cry. Mum was already tired enough as it was, she really didn’t need Rauri waking her up so soon after her middle of the night feeding.

So he carefully rubbed the wee hand that had managed to escape the blanket and made soft, reassuring noises to sooth her like he’d seen his Da do. She’d managed to latch a hold of his pinky and comfort herself by suckling lightly on it. He’d even relaxed enough after a while to finally get drowsy.

“Welcome to the family, Rauri. I think you’re going to like being a Malfoy,” Liam whispered to his little sister as he closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift off.


Author notes: Sorry that it has take so long to update this story, but I hope it was worth the wait. It's not quite finished. There will be a short epilogue to follow shortly.

[url http://www.livejournal.com/users/rainpuddle13/119759.html#cutid1] Click here if you want to see fanart that goes with this story! [/url]