Ginny Weasley
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/05/2003
Updated: 09/12/2004
Words: 181,356
Chapters: 34
Hits: 75,719

Broken Fate


Story Summary:
In a future world ruled by Voldemort and his Death Eaters, the next generation travels back in time in an attempt to change fate. SPOILER WARNING: Takes place after Order of the Phoenix

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
The future: where Voldemort and his Death Eaters rule. In a desperate act, the children of the Trio, Ginny, and Neville travel back in time in an attempt to stop something that changed everything for the worse. SPOILER WARNING: Takes place after Order of the Phoenix!
Author's Note:
I want to thank

Chapter Three ~ A Close Encounter

Ginny picked up a Reciprocated Mirror and turned it over, looking at the price marked on the back. She sighed and looked over at Ron. "One galleon. And we both need one."

Ron glanced over his shoulder to make sure Hermione was out of earshot. Harry was down the street at Quality Quidditch Supplies.

"Plus the books we have to get. I know that The Dark Arts: How to Defend Against the Expected and Unexpected was just published. We won't be able to get it used," Ginny continued. True, while their father had been in a better standing since the Ministry accepted that Voldemort was back, he still wasn't making very much money. That, along with his pressing duties with the Order, made for their usual lack of funds.

"Ronniekins! Gin!" a voice interrupted Ginny's diatribe.

"Hey, Fred!" Ron grinned.

Ginny grinned and spun around. "Fred!" She threw herself on her brother, the Mirror still in her hand. "I haven't seen you all summer! How's business?"

"Business is great," Fred grinned. "Aside from a few...er...tests gone awry--you'll notice the result of one of the tests when you see George."

Ginny raised her eyebrows, but chose not to comment.

Fred glanced over where Ron was studying a Reciprocated Mirror, then looked down at the one in Ginny's hand. "What're those for?"

"Dunno. We need them for school, though."

"Oh, good," Fred said cheerfully, taking the mirror from Ginny. "George and I were going to get you guys some of your school junk." He walked forward and held out his hand to Ron. "Here, I'll go buy them for you."

Ron narrowed his eyes. Ginny willed him to stay silent. She knew that he hated being poor--all right, so did she, but she could accept help. It was harder for Ron.

Still, he did know when to give in, whether he wanted to or not--some of the time. He handed over the Reciprocated Mirror. "Anything else you need here?" Fred asked.

Ron shook his head.

"Right, then." Fred took the Mirrors to the counter to pay.

"Look what I found!" Hermione reappeared beside them, holding a small, round metal ball. "It's a Gourl! You know what this does, don't you? It--" She broke off when she saw Fred walking toward them, a bag with the Mirrors in one hand. "Fred! We were just going to come visit your shop!"

"Hey, Hermione. I'll walk back there with you. George and Lee are manning it right now," Fred said, handing Ginny the bag and leading the way out of the store.

Hermione poked Ron, who looked a bit glum. "What's wrong, Ron?"

"Nothing," Ron said shortly. He walked quickly out the door after Fred, leaving Hermione and Ginny to trail after them.

"What's he all bothered about this time?" Hermione sighed, looking at Ginny.

"Life," Ginny replied, feeling that in this case, she shouldn't tell Hermione what Ron was upset about.

They continued on up Diagon Alley, greeting or waving to people they knew. Some people, Ginny noticed, had multi-colored bits of something that looked rather sticky in their hair. Ron had caught up to Fred and was talking to him. Hermione called a greeting to Dean Thomas, who was standing outside of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. "How are you two doing? Are you still...together?" Hermione asked Ginny.

Ginny made a face. "Nope. Lasted for all of two weeks. We just realized we're too different for that kind of relationship."

Hermione smiled, and Ginny was a bit suspicious at the knowing look on her face. She wondered if Hermione had something figured out that she didn't--which wouldn't surprise her; Hermione always seemed to know everything.

Fred and Ron stopped in front of a small shop sandwiched between a tiny apothecary and a small shop that sold wizard music and music supplies. A sign that flashed brilliant colors read: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Ginny and Hermione halted beside Fred and Ron. "Behold! Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!" Fred waved at the building with flourish. He grinned and led them into the shop. Ginny noticed a sign in the window that said, Owned and Operated by Fred and George Weasley. We are not Liable for any Injuries Incurred Within. Enter at Your Own Risk!

Ginny was the last one in. Instead of a bell signaling entry, a loud BANG! sounded, and Ginny jumped. The next moment, her head was showered with something gooey. She raised her eyebrows, touching her hair, and something brightly colored came off. She looked at Fred, Ron, and Hermione, who all sported the same colored goop. Well, that explains people out in Diagon Alley who had colored hair, Ginny thought with amusement, wiping her hand on her robe.

Lee Jordan, the twins' longtime best friend, was sitting on the counter. "Hey, all!" he greeted, grinning.

"Hi, Lee. Where's George?" Ginny asked, looking around the store. It was amazing. Here, within this building, was the result of years of Fred and George's work...years of sneaking behind their mother's back...years of working around the rules and dodging prefects...


"George!" Ginny spun around to see her brother, then stopped and gaped. "George?"

George Weasley was standing in a doorway behind the counter. He was completely bald and his skin was... "Um, George? You're green. And...hairless."

"Thanks for telling me, Gin. I never would have guessed." George grinned.

"This was the experiment gone awry, then?" Hermione asked wryly.

Fred, George, and Lee all grinned at her. She looked as if she were about to roll her eyes, but stopped herself. "This is an...interesting place you have."

Ron moved over to a rack of Puking Pastilles and said in an awed voice, "It's great."


"The Leaky Cauldron." Shay looked at the building squeezed between a record shop and a big book shop. Muggles didn't even see it as they walked by, carrying out their busy day.

He and Will had apparated here, while a very disgruntled Jamie stayed with Molly in a shelter they had located outside of Ottery St. Catchpole. It was a small, empty house that had a FOR SALE sign on it. Jamie had protested staying, saying that if she couldn't go to Hogwarts, the least she could do was see Diagon Alley. They had again reminded her of how many Hogwarts students would be shopping there and would recognize her for looking like Harry Potter. Shay knew that as much as Jamie blustered, she knew that safety and secrecy was of the utmost importance, and she would do whatever she had to to ensure that. Shay had concluded ages ago that she just blew a lot of hot air. It didn't help that Jamie said he was full of himself.

Shay had been to Diagon Alley before, but in their time, it had been one of Voldemort's playgrounds. It was full of people who scraped for any remnant of a magical item, looking for anything that would help them survive. It was constantly scoured by Death Eaters, so going there was an especially risky business.

Shay and Will exchanged glances, then stepped cautiously into the Leaky Cauldron. Shay had glanced over his shoulder before he realized he was doing it again. He had learned to always look over his shoulder, watching for people who might be following him. This isn't the future. This is the beginning of the future. The beginning of the darkness, he told himself. And it will be the end of it.

"Hello, boys!" a cheerful voice said from the bar in the Leaky Cauldron.

Shay studied the bartender with narrowed eyes, immediately assessing him to see how great a threat he might be. He was old, bald, and had a strange, toothless smile. Will smiled and said politely. "Hello. We're here to get school supplies."

"'Course you are. Can I get you anything before you head out to shop?"

"No, thank you," Will replied. "We'll just be on our way."

They headed out back, to the brick wall that guarded the entrance to Diagon Alley. Will tapped several bricks, and a small hole appeared, growing until it was a huge archway. Will slowly stepped through, followed closely by Shay.

They were immediately swept into a colorful world of bustling witches and wizards, calling out to each other, laughing, talking, hurrying children along... The boys stopped and stared in wonder for a moment. "Wow," Will said softly. "This sure is different."

"No kidding." Shay pulled out his school list. "We need to find a bookstore. Wasn't Flourish and Blotts a bookstore once?"

"Yeah, there were books here and there," Will replied.

They headed down Diagon Alley, twisting in and out of people, dodging owl cages and someone trying out a new broomstick, and keeping an eye out for anyone or anything suspicious.

Shay was the first one to spot it. "Will. Look." He nodded at a small shop squashed between two others. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

"It's my uncles' shop," Will said in awe. "I mean, I knew it would be here...but..."

"We should go," Shay prodded. He knew, of course, that they would run into the Weasleys at Hogwarts, but the longer they could avoid meeting them, the better, in his opinion.

"Right." Will reluctantly pulled his eyes away from the store. Shay continued on past him, but stopped when he heard two voices say, "Oof!" He spun around and froze. Will was helping a girl up--apparently, they had bumped into each other and the girl had fallen.

Not just any girl. This girl had bright red hair--covered in some kind of colored gunk--brown eyes, and a ton of freckles. Ginny Weasley. Will's aunt. Jamie's mother. Shay knew that Will wouldn't blow this meeting, but his mind raced furiously just the same.

Will seemed shocked, but recovered himself quickly. "I'm sorry about that," he said, smiling. It always amazed Shay how Will could smile no matter what the circumstances were. He was sure it was a learned art.

"Oh, no, it was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." Ginny returned his smile.

"Your, um, hair...it's very..." Will began, motioning at Ginny's hair.

"Oh," Ginny's smile widened to a grin. "My brothers own Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and they have a very interesting way of welcoming customers into their shop." She shook her head. "You'd have to know them." She stuck out her hand. "I'm Ginny Weasley."

"Will W...arren," Will returned, shaking Ginny's hand.

Now that Shay was positive the meeting was going pretty smoothly, he approached, nodding at Ginny.

"This is my friend, Shay Long," Will introduced. "Shay, Ginny Weasley."

"Pleased to meet you," Ginny shook Shay's hand. "Are you two going to Hogwarts? I've never see you before."

"We're new to Hogwarts. We'll be in Sixth Year," Will replied.

"Oh! My brother and his best friends are in Sixth Year. Here, I'll introduce you. They're coming out now--well, my brother and one of his friends are," Ginny waved at two people leaving Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

Will froze when he saw them, and Shay thought, oh, no. Meeting Ginny is one thing...meeting them is something entirely different.


Ginny waved at Ron and Hermione. They saw her and headed over. "Guys, I want you to meet Will and Shay. They'll be in Sixth Year at Hogwarts." Will was the shorter of the two--in fact, he was not much taller than Ginny. He had neat brown hair, brown eyes, and a spattering of freckles. She had to admit to herself that had she met Will and Shay together, and Will had not bumped into her, she might not have noticed him at all. He was rather plain looking, and Shay's looks shadowed his by far. Shay was tall, with blond hair and cool blue eyes--he looked very much like he could be a model for Witch Weekly. He had a tense look about him, though--almost like he was waiting for a grindylow to reach out and grab him.

Will, she noticed, had gone rather pale. His freckles stood out sharply on his face. Shay looked even tenser than he had moments before.

"Oh! How wonderful!" Hermione said, stopping beside Ginny. Ron stood on Hermione's other side. "Are you transferring? Did you move here?"

Shay spoke for the first time. "We're transferring from a private school in Norway."

"Really? Which one? You don't sound Norwegian; did you grow up in England?"

"Hermione, I doubt they want to answer a ton of questions," Ron said. "They're probably overwhelmed as it is."

"Oh, Ron, I was just trying to be nice, and find out about them! There are three Wizarding schools in Norway--two of them are private. There used to be only one, but when--"

"Hermione! They lived there; they don't need a history lesson, and I don't, either," Ron cut her off.

"I'm sorry," Will said suddenly, looking at his watch. "We have to go. We have to...be somewhere soon."

"Well, it was nice meeting you, and I expect we'll be seeing more of you," Ginny smiled.

Will smiled back, then he and Shay turned and walked away.

"A little bit strange, weren't they?" Ron commented.

"Ron! They're about to start a new school. They're surrounded by strangers." Hermione fixed Ron with a stern look. "You be nice to them. You--"

"Hermione, I'm a prefect, as you're so fond of telling me. I have to be nice to them. Even if I didn't, when have I been purposely mean? Besides to Draco and his gang, I mean?"

Ginny tuned them out. Ron and Hermione were always going at it, and it usually wasn't worth listening to.


"Will? What's wrong?" Jamie turned and watched her cousin run up the stairs of the house they were borrowing. She spun on Shay, who walked in the door next. "What did you do to him?"

Shay narrowed his blue eyes. "I didn't do anything to him," he said coolly.

"Then what's wrong? Why was he so upset?"

Jamie expected Shay to snap back at her, but he said somberly, "He met his parents."

All of the fire drained out of Jamie. "We knew that might happen at Diagon Alley, and that it would happen eventually," she whispered. Still, she could only imagine what it would be like. She had never really known her parents. They had died when she was almost too young to remember. Will, on the other hand, had known his parents until shortly after Molly was born. It hadn't been so long since he had seen them.

"We met your mother, too," Shay said.

Jamie blinked. "My...mother?"

Shay nodded, then turned and walked back outside.

Jamie checked to make sure Molly was all right--she was sitting on the floor, playing with a doll that Will had brought for her. Then she headed upstairs. Will was in the first bedroom, staring out the window.

"Hey," Jamie said quietly. She walked forward until she stood beside him. The window gave a view of the woods outside. She was silent for a moment, looking outside. "Shay told me what happened."

Will kept his face turned away. "Yeah." His voice sounded suspiciously teary.

Jamie desperately wanted to ask about her mother, but she knew it would be insensitive. "I'm sorry." Jamie squeezed Will's shoulder.

"I'm not sorry I got to see them. It was just...hard." Will finally turned his fact toward her and wiped his wet cheeks. Jamie always found it ironic that of the three of them, Will was the only one who had no shame in crying. He offered her his smile--the one that would brighten anyone's day.

Jamie knew him well enough to know that it wasn't quite a real smile, but it was better than nothing.

"I saw your mom first, though," Will said, smiling for real now. "She's beautiful, James. And she's so nice."

"I wish I had met her," Jamie said wistfully. If things went as planned, she knew she wouldn't ever meet Ginny Weasley. "I wish I could meet her without giving us away."

"Me, too," Will sighed, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "Me, too."

*Author's Note: I realize Shay has a 'model-type' appearance, and quite frankly, I can't stand model-types for original characters. However, I did not just blindly say, 'oh, I'm going to make one of my characters look perfect and stunning!' I have a reason for his looks, I promise!


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