Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Narcissa Malfoy
Action Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/13/2004
Updated: 12/22/2004
Words: 33,949
Chapters: 5
Hits: 3,225


Purple Phoenix

Story Summary:
Set in the sixth year after the events of OotP, Draco Malfoy witnesses a shocking event one week before the holiday end causing him to flee his family home for the safety of Hogwarts. Cursed with amnesia upon his arrival, he spends his days in turmoil trying to recall what he has forgotten. It’s up to Harry Potter to help him remember and fight the consequences thereof. H/D slash.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Set in the sixth year after the events of OotP, Draco Malfoy witnesses a shocking event one week before the holiday end causing him to flee his family home for the safety of Hogwarts. Suffering from amnesia, he spends his days in turmoil trying to recall what he has forgotten. It’s up to Harry Potter to help him remember and fight the consequences thereof. H/D slash.
Author's Note:
First off, MAJOR apologies for the delay! I really hadn’t intended to take this long in submitting this chapter! Damn muse *grumbles* Forgive me? Pwease? This chapter has to go to Christel, my fellow lostprophets nut. Aren’t you glad I converted you? Hehe! Seeing as my muse ditched me - along with time - while writing this chapter, it has to be dedicated to the two people who kept me going. So, Shan, this one’s for you too :) *wub*. All that aside, I can’t forget my awesome reviewers, you guys rock. Finally, my other beta, Invisibabe, *glomps*. What would I do without you? What a situation, a Brit requiring a Britpicker – tehe. Anyhow, on with the show…

Chapter 5 - Breaking The Habit

'I'm dreamin' about tomorrow

And I'm thinkin' of yesterday

I consume myself in sorrow

This moment in time is what I betray

I am searching for the answers

I look around and sometimes I get sad

'Cause I don't know which way to go

I look around and sometimes I get sad

'Cause my life is spinning out of control.'

- Papa Roach 'Sometimes'


Harry sat in a summer field, surrounded by buttercups and butterflies, with no one else in sight. He wasn't doing anything, but even in this inert position he was in a state of utter peace - a feeling he didn't remember ever having before. Slowly, he lay back among the flowers and watched the sparse clouds drift by, littering the otherwise empty deep blue sky. He wanted to do nothing more than stay there forever.

Abruptly, the scene changed. He was still on his back but now he saw a blood-red canopy above him and could feel that his hands and legs were tied at the wrists and ankles. Within him, he sensed fear, confusion and... glee? His body ached and his head pounded. There was an odd sensation, almost like the fluttering of wings against the inside of his skull. Harry tried to twist against the bonds but found he had no control over his body. Just as panic was setting in, he heard the sound of a door being opened to his left. He turned his head towards the sound and saw -

He was back in the field. Except now the sky was no longer clear and the flowers were no longer blossoming. Murky, ominous looking clouds rolled overhead and the buttercups were dry and brown, their heads drooping towards the ground. Scrambling to his feet quickly, breathing a sigh of relief when he found he could, Harry looked all around. Directly ahead, he could see something approaching, flying towards him at a great speed. As it drew closer, Harry tried to discern its shape but found he couldn't - all that he could ascertain was that it seemed both dark and light at the same time, a very odd way to perceive something. The object was moving faster now, whatever it was. He could see that it was ever changing, warping into, presumably, its final shape. He tried to run from whatever it was but found himself rooted to the spot.


Harry sat up straight in bed, gasping for breath. What a bizarre dream! Unsettled, Harry began to rearrange the bed sheets that had twisted around his naked form during the night. His skin was clammy with sweat and he was quite glad he hadn't worn his usual nightwear of boxers, for they would have stuck to him uncomfortably. Harry rarely got a chance to sleep in the altogether but preferred to do so at every opportunity he got.

Comfortable once more, Harry lay back down. What did the dream mean? He feared it was another projection by Voldemort to try and mess with his mind. But he had practiced his Occlumency dutifully before going to bed, hadn't he? Harry racked his brains, trying to remember the details of his dream. However, the more Harry thought, the less likely it seemed that Voldemort was behind it. After all, ever since Voldemort had attempted to possess his body back at the end of the previous school year, Harry had noticed that his connection with Voldemort was not as strong as it had been. Only in situations of heightened emotion within Voldemort could he feel the Dark Lord's presence in his mind. Also, he hadn't experienced another episode of viewing events through Voldemort's eyes like he had done when the snake had attacked Mr Weasley last year.

Somewhat relieved, Harry turned to his side and willed himself to fall asleep. He needed it; he would be returning to Hogwarts in the morning.


Draco wandered down a blank corridor. Well, not blank per se, but all the doors lining the hallway were locked and there was nothing else adorning the whiter-than-white walls. It was a tad disconcerting, but Draco wasn't worried. He strolled lazily down the long, almost endless, corridor and tested each door as he went. He noticed that some handles were elaborate fixtures, ornate and highly detailed, while others were plain and very stiff to operate. He didn't know how long he kept this up: stroll, stop, test.... stroll, stop, test. After what felt like hours, Draco came across a door with a gilded handle and when he tested it, the door swung easily inwards.


He hadn't expected that. With a cautious glance to his left and right, Draco slowly passed through the doorway and into an oddly familiar wildflower garden. Wildflowers? He didn't like wildflowers! Too... common. Not enough elegance. Quickly, he turned and passed through the still open door (which stood disconcertingly in the middle of the rather large garden) and back into the hallway. The door swung shut behind him, but magically, a doorstop had appeared that prevented it from closing fully. It remained slightly ajar.

Shrugging, Draco turned and continued down the corridor. He walked for a good while longer, until finally he saw a red door in the distance. Somehow, Draco knew that this red door signified an exit from the monotony he was currently experiencing. Picking up his pace, Draco approached the red door and turned the silver knob. The door swung open. He stepped through and found himself in the Great Hall at Hogwarts.


Harry sat staring moodily out of the window as motionless as is possible in a rocking train carriage. The trio and Ginny were on their way to Hogwarts together, but for the moment Harry was alone. Ron and Hermione had gone to the prefect's carriage while Ginny had wandered off in search of her boyfriend, Dean Thomas. Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood had come by to say hello and then bumbled off, evidently having something better to do than sit with Harry. Not that he minded, but it was a bit of an ominous start to the year wasn't it, if even Neville and Luna didn't want to sit with him? At least Malfoy wasn't around to sneer at him when he noticed Harry looking friendless.

Harry shifted uncomfortably; he could feel the harsh felt of the seat covers through the rips in his jeans. He had been forced to wear the same jeans he had tried on the day Hermione had gone shopping, because that Little Miss Interfering Busybody and her Evil Apprentice had taken it upon themselves to come into his room this morning. They had taken down the wards he had placed meticulously on the door, cleaned up for him, packed his trunk and laid his current outfit out ready for him. Then they snatched the sheets from his happily oblivious person. In his half-asleep state, he had merely groped around for his covers and when his hand closed on nothing but air, he had cracked one bleary eye open... and promptly fell off the bed in a mad haste to find cover.

Hermione and Ginny had been standing at the end of his bed, Hermione clutching the sheet and Ginny clutching Hermione's arm as they stared at his naked form, blatantly ogling. Their grip was so tight that he could see that their knuckles had gone white.

'Hermione! Ginny!' he hissed. 'What are you doing? I'm naked here!'

'Yes, we can see that,' smirked Hermione as she got her voice back.

'My, what a big boy you are, Harry!' Ginny continued. The two girls snickered in a very immature manner, which made Harry wonder for the second time in a week whether his best friend was running a fever. Harry flushed in embarrassment; he had been having a rather nice dream involving Oliver Wood, the Quidditch showers and a vat of... wait.

Oliver Wood?

But... Harry groaned low in his throat and fervently thought of old nuns. To his utmost relief, he felt his... excitement caused by the dream fade somewhat.

The two girls looked on as Harry scrambled to the opposite side of the bed to them and knelt on his knees as he used the bed to cover himself. Flushing still, Harry hid his hot face in the mattress. Hermione took a tentative step in Harry's direction when Remus walked in.

'Hurry up, Harry, you still - what in Merlin's name are you doing down there?'

Harry wondered if it was possible to die of mortification. If not, then could a conveniently placed hole open up underneath him? Please? 'I'm naked,' he mumbled into the mattress.

Remus frowned. Did Harry just say...? 'You're what?'

'I'm naked!' Harry burst as he lifted his head to face his audience. 'Those two evil... witches strode in here, happy-as-you-please and took my covers!' He pointed an accusing finger in Hermione and Ginny's direction. The two evil witches in question looked at each other and collapsed in giggles.

Remus looked at the flushed boy cowering behind the bed and began to smile. 'And?'

Harry sighed in frustration and rolled his eyes heavenward. 'I should have known better,' he muttered. 'I expected support from a guy who's naked every full moon.'

'Oh Harry, stop being so melodramatic!' said Hermione as she flung his sheet back at him. Grabbing it up he wrapped it quickly around his waist and stood up. Hands on hips, he glared at his three unwanted visitors.

Ginny took another look at his naked chest, eyed the area covered by the sheet, and blushed. 'Well Harry, nice as this has been, I still have some packing to do. Ciao!' She fluttered her fingers and strode out of his room with exaggerated nonchalance. Harry's glare followed her out of view.

'Want to explain why you're in my room, Hermione? Didn't the wards on the door suggest that maybe I didn't want anyone in here just now? I could have been...' Harry searched for the appropriate words, '...doing something!'

Remus blinked.

Hermione stared.

Harry flushed. What had he just insinuated?

Hermione was the first to find her voice, a few awkward moments of silence later. 'Uh, yes. Well. Harry, Mrs Weasley says breakfast will be ready shortly and our rides to Kings Cross will be here in just under two hours. I've packed your stuff for you and your clothes are over your chair. See you downstairs!' With a quick wave, Hermione exited his room. She never did answer his question.

Harry turned his attention to Remus, hands still on hips. The werewolf smirked in his direction and then followed Hermione, leaving Harry alone to his thoughts and mortification.

Back in the train carriage, Harry moved on his seat again, wincing as the rough seat cover once more chafed the tender underside of his thigh. These jeans had been nothing but trouble from the moment he had set eyes on them. His arrival at platform nine and three quarters this morning had heralded a minor riot - Lavendar and Parvati and other sixth and seventh year female students had burst into high pitched giggles, many lower years (male and female alike) had fainted while the others had goggled, Justin Finch-Fletchley had dropped like a stone and the Slytherins had shot him daggers.

And that was just the students.

'Guess what, Harry!'

Harry half jumped out of his seat in fright as the door to the cabin came crashing open. Ron burst through it, shattering the quiet.

'Harry, guess who wasn't in the prefect's coach!' Ron was positively bursting with excitement, as he impatiently hopped from one foot to the other waiting to bestow his great news.

'Ron, must you be so childish?' admonished Hermione as she followed Ron at a more sedate pace.

'C'mon, Harry!' Ron went on as if Hermione hadn't spoken.

Harry, having had a chance to slow his heartbeat down again, smiled indulgently at his best friend. Eyes focused on the redhead, Harry said, 'Hermione, who is the ginger freak bopping up and down in front of me? He reminds me of Ron a bit...'

Ron swatted Harry on the shoulder while Hermione laughed. 'Harry!'

Harry put his hands up in mock defeat. 'Okay, okay. Seeing as you're all over the moon about it, I suppose it can only be the great Draco Malfoy you are talking about - unless you've developed a rather large and incredibly alarming crush on Pansy Parkinson. If so, then I don't want to know!'

'Pansy Park- eww! Harry!' Ron began to pummel Harry's arms, wanting revenge for the outrageous idea. 'Pug Face? Puh-lease! I'd rather kiss Hermione than that evil bint!' Ron went on as he continued to rain light punches on a laughing Harry.

'Thanks, Ron,' said Hermione, an odd look on her face. 'It's always good to know what my boyfriend thinks of me. I'm going to change.' Turning quickly, Hermione exited the cabin. Harry saw her rub a hand over her heart as she left.

'Wha-?' Ron stopped his assault on Harry to stare after Hermione's retreating back. 'What did I do now?' he asked Harry in bewilderment.

'You're not half dumb, are you, Ron?' Harry said mildly. 'If you can't figure it out, don't expect me to tell you!'

'All I said was that I'd rather kiss Hermione than Pansy! I mean, I kiss her anyway -'

'Yes I know that's what you said; that's exactly the problem!' Harry sighed, as Ron looked as puzzled as ever. 'Never mind. Let's get changed quick before Hermione gets back. I'm dying to get out of this getup.'


Draco lay fully clothed on his bed, staring desolately at the emerald green canopy. He had woken this morning unable to remember his dream but with a niggling feeling that it was vital that he try to recall it. But no matter how hard he tried to focus, his thoughts kept returning to the fact that today was indeed the day the school officially opened its doors to the student body. By the evening, all of his housemates along with the rest of the school would be back and Draco was no closer to remembering any of the events that he had blocked out. The teachers had been steadily arriving over the last week, each giving him a sympathy-filled gaze when they heard of his predicament. It was starting to get on Draco's nerves. The next person to ask him how he felt was going to get it. In the balls. Male or female, that part of the anatomy still hurt like hell when hit, right?

No doubt, all of the sixth year Slytherins would be on his back as soon as they returned, demanding to know why he hadn't been on the train and why he had come to Hogwarts in advance. Draco narrowed his eyes. Those whose parents were Death Eaters might have already heard about his dramatic escape from the Manor, which was the last thing Draco wanted. Then again, Lucius was not likely to advertise the fact that his sole heir had fled from the family home to take refuge at Hogwarts, the enemy ground. Breathing a short sigh of relief at that, Draco wondered what plausible lie to tell them. Something along the lines of Snape collecting him from the Manor personally because his Father had requested it, perhaps? It sounded believable... ish.

It was the best he had.

Draco got up and after a quick glance in the mirror, exited the room in search of Dumbledore or Snape. Now that school was officially back in session, Draco presumed he was to be moved into the Slytherin dorms, unless Dumbledore had other plans. He rather hoped that the old codger did have plans, as he had rapidly grown to like his room, and having his own portrait hole was pretty nifty too. He could see it coming handy in tight situations, especially where Pansy Parkinson was concerned. Honestly, you'd have thought with the number of blatant brush-offs Draco had given the girl she'd have gotten the hint. But no, she was dumb as a doornail and ugly to boot.

'Draco,' greeted Snape as he approached the youth from behind, startling him. 'Accompany me to my office.' With a short glance at Draco to confirm compliance, Snape surged ahead, leaving the mildly perturbed blond to follow in his wake.

'Where's the 'please'?' Draco muttered under his breath. His Head of House really needed lessons in manners. That, or an incredibly good masseuse. Even so, he followed the Potions Master to his office, which was adjacent to the teaching labs in the dungeon.

'Have a seat,' invited Snape, gesturing to a small chair as he rounded his desk to sit on the plush leather seat on the other side. Draco complied as his professor leaned forward and propped his elbows on the desk in front of him. Interlacing his fingers, Snape rested his chin on his hands and regarded his pupil with a blank but probing gaze.

All at once Draco felt a presence in his head, invading his thoughts. Without thought, he smacked a hand to the side of his head in a lame attempt to dislodge the intruder. Noticing Snape's piercing look, Draco understood what was happening. Mentally bracing himself against the intrusion, he also whipped his wand out of his robes and let fly a stinging hex at his professor.

'What in Salazar's Hell are you doing?' Draco demanded as soon as he felt the mental fingers leave, a furious look on his face.

Rubbing the welt appearing on his left wrist with a bit of salve from his desk drawer, Snape said mildly, 'May I remind you, Mister Malfoy, attacking a teacher is a punishable offence?'

'You were messing with my head! Doing Legilimency no doubt, trying to read my mind!'

'Yes. And that is why I shall let your offence slide.' Snape began, ignoring Draco's anger. 'I was merely trying to see whether I had access to your misplaced memories through Legilimency.'

'And?' Draco sneered.

'And I do not. Watch your tone, Mister Malfoy, I am not one of your underlings to be sneered at.'

Draco remained mute. Not only did his professor enter his thoughts without permission, but he didn't get anything useful out of it.

'Before we discuss your living arrangements for the year, I must ask, have you remembered anything at all?' asked Snape. When Draco remained silent, Snape gained the sullen boy's attention by rapping on his desk sharply.

'Mister Malfoy, I have no intention of sitting here with you longer than needs must. So kindly answer my question and then we can both be on our way!'

'I have not,' Draco mumbled, eyes downcast. He could feel the red flush of shame creeping up his neck and willed it down. He was a Malfoy, Malfoy's did not feel shame.

Then again, Malfoy's don't run away from a situation with their tail between their legs.

'In that case, the Headmaster wishes you to stay where you are. Tell Hesper that she is to be in her portrait at all times during school hours and any time she does take out must be cleared with either Dumbledore or myself first. That is all. Good day to you, I shall see you at the Sorting Feast this evening.' With a curt nod, the Potions professor dismissed Draco from his office.


On the Hogwarts Express, the three Gryffindors were spending the remaining part of their journey in a familiar bubble of companionship. For the first time in a long while, Harry felt somewhat normal with his friends. Relieved to be finally returning to Hogwarts, he had put aside any ill feelings and concentrated only on enjoying being with his friends. They ate snacks from the trolley, listened to Hermione's excited spiel about the upcoming NEWTs and Ron's even more excited babble about the possible causes for Malfoy's no-show. Harry felt a twinge of guilt as he listened to his friend's theories continue into the extreme since he knew the real reason behind Malfoy's absence but felt an odd sort of... protectiveness that prevented him from telling his best friends the truth.

Harry frowned at thought. Protective of Draco Malfoy? Potters were not meant to be protective of Malfoys! Alarmed at the idea, Harry changed his mind. He began to rectify the situation he found himself in by telling his friends the truth - only to find that they had arrived at Hogsmeade, meaning that Ron and Hermione had to go and perform prefect duty once more. With a quick wave goodbye, his friends left the cabin promising to meet up in the Great Hall for the Sorting Feast. Harry himself had no such duties to perform and so took his time gathering his belongings and exiting the train.

'Hiya, Harry! Over here!'

From the top step of the carriage doorway, Harry looked in the direction of the exuberant call to find his dorm mate Seamus Finnigan gesturing to him wildly. With him stood Dean Thomas and Ginny. Harry made his way over, though Dean and Ginny didn't notice his arrival seeing as they were too busy exchanging saliva.

'Hey Harry, had a good summer?' began Seamus in his thick Irish accent. 'I went to the Causeway this year! I love that place, haven't had a chance to go in a long time, wait til I tell Hagrid!'

'Tell me what?' Hagrid came up behind them. 'Ow yeh doin' there, 'Arry? 'Ope the Dursleys treated yeh right!'

'Hello, Hagrid.' Harry and Seamus greeted in unison.

'Guess what, Hagrid!' continued Seamus. 'I went to the Giant's Causeway! There were these huge rock formations over centuries old! Have you ever seen it?'

'I 'ave but I can't talk about it now, Seamus. I'll talk to yeh tomorrow.' Hagrid turned to Harry. ''Arry, come by an' see me when yeh get a chance.' Harry nodded at the half giant. 'I 'ave to be off now, firs' years waitin'!' Hagrid clomped off, his heavy boots thudding dully with every step he took.

'Poor first years, having to go by boat. We were just like them once!' Seamus continued his chatter while Harry's wandering gaze fixed onto the Thestrals. They were harnessed to the carriages waiting to take them to the school. Seeing them standing there broke Harry's heart, as he remembered that the first time he had been able to see them was after Cedric's death. No doubt had he not seen them then, he'd have seen them now, after Sirius... after Sirius had fallen through the veil earlier this year.

'Oh hey, Harry, didn't see you there! You okay mate?' Dean greeted him. His slight cockney accent had grown stronger over the holidays. Now that they had finished kissing, Ginny was holding Dean's hand and grinning at Harry.

'Aw Harry, you shouldn't have changed!' she teased.

Harry grinned, comfortable now that he was back in regulation robes. 'Ginny, you minx! I've not forgiven you by the way.'

'What's this then?' enquired a curious Seamus. 'Do tell!'

'Well, this morning, me and mmmph!' Ginny launched into her account of Harry's humiliation earlier in the day but was thwarted by Harry's hand over her mouth.

'Not a word, Ginny Weasley, or there will be consequences!' warned Harry, a teasing glint in his eye. He kept one hand over Ginny's mouth. Her eyes flashed with mischief at his threat. 'I'm serious! Promise me?'

Ginny looked at him with every intention of telling, but then reconsidered. She knew Harry would never forgive her if she did. Sighing, she nodded in agreement. Harry removed his hand with a quiet 'thanks'.

'Spoilsport,' she returned, a soft smile in place.

Harry smiled back, grateful she hadn't continued. But he knew full well that Dean and Seamus' interest had been piqued and they would not let up until they had found out exactly what he didn't want Ginny to tell.

'Come on, Harry, you can tell us!' began Seamus.

'Oh look, hadn't we better get a carriage before we get split up?' injected Ginny as she pointed over to the transport Harry had been looking at earlier. Various students from second year through to seventh were slowly climbing on board, waiting to be taken out of the mildly chilly September evening and into Hogwarts, ready for the Sorting Feast. Harry sent a grateful look in Ginny's direction and together, the four Gryffindors ran up the procession and managed to find an empty carriage. Settled in, Seamus launched into tales of his adventures over the summer past once more, while Dean and Ginny resumed their favourite pastime.

And Harry... Harry was in his own world, where only his thoughts could take him as he stared out of the window at the familiar landscape passing him by.


Draco looked in the mirror. He brushed a hand through his hair. He checked his teeth. Brushed another hand through his hair. Straightened his robes and removed some invisible lint. Checked his teeth again. Brushed a hand through his hair for a third time. Sighing at his behaviour, he steeled his nerves and headed out of his room.

He had spent the better part of the day, after having been so rudely dismissed from Snape's office, in his room, reading various books he had borrowed from the library, and the three he had brought himself. But now the time had come to face the rest of the school. Draco walked towards the Great Hall with a purposeful stride that belied the knot in his stomach and flung open the thick oak double doors with as much arrogance as he could muster. The rest of the school was already seated, waiting only for the first years to arrive from the lake ready to be sorted into their respective houses. Not surprisingly, every head turned in his direction when he made his entrance and a definite murmur went through the room, audible even over the immense noise the congregated clan was making. Smirking at this, Draco scanned the assembly insolently before moving to the head of the Slytherin table where Blaise Zabini currently sat. Seeing Draco walking in his direction, Blaise quickly got up and relocated to a chair further down the table next to Millicent Bulstrode. Coward thought Draco. Seating himself in the recently vacated seat, Draco echoed the pose Snape had struck earlier in his office - elbows on table, fingers interlaced, chin on hands - and surveyed the gawking Slytherin crowd.

'So,' he drawled.

'Draco! You're alright!' Draco sighed inwardly as Pansy's already high-pitched voice became almost impossibly shrill. In an attempt to get as close to him as possible, Pansy swapped places with Vincent Crabbe who sat on Draco's left. She placed a hand on Draco's thigh and another on his cheek when he turned to look at her pointedly.

'Pansy, dear, please remove your hands from their current location, or I shall remove them from you, as well as from me.' All this was said with the sweetest of fake smiles and in the mildest of tones. Pansy, after a quick pout, heeded his threat for once and removed her hands, only to stroke his shoulder. Draco rolled his eyes heavenward.

'Where were you, Malfoy?' called Blaise. 'We waited for you on the platform and then looked for you on the train. How did you get here?'

'My Father and I had some business to attend to this morning so I missed the train. I flooed into Hogsmeade and got a private carriage up to school.' Draco lied. He came up with his story on the spot, preferring this to the lame 'Professor Snape picked me up' idea he had thought of previously. 'Not that it's any of your concern,' he drawled as an afterthought.

Blaise shrugged and struck up a conversation with his neighbour, a pretty fifth year student. The other Slytherins continued with their previous conversations, with the exception of Pansy who continued to dote on him and stroke his arm. Ignoring her, Draco surveyed the table. No one was looking at him strangely, nor had anyone mentioned his extended stay at Hogwarts, By all accounts, it seemed as if the Slytherins thought he had just arrived, at which Draco breathed a sigh of relief.

Draco's wandering gaze swept the Hall and eventually came to rest upon Harry Potter. There was something about the messy haired Gryffindor that always made Draco search him out in a crowd. Just so I can avoid any nasty surprises, he told himself. However, Draco was certainly surprised to find that Potter was looking straight back at him. Usually, Draco was able to sense the very instant his rival's emerald gaze focused on him, but this time he had not realised it until he had looked in that direction himself. Startled by the piercing nature of the look, Draco raised one perfectly sculpted platinum eyebrow in query, to which Potter replied with a cool half smirk. What was Potter up to? Draco held unblinking eye contact with the other boy for the longest of moments, breaking the staring contest only when the first years were brought into the Hall.


Harry sat at the Gryffindor table, wishing the Feast would hurry up and start already. To his right, Ron sat bemoaning his luck as Draco Malfoy had just made his dramatic entrance only moments before.

'Why me? Bloody sodding Malfoy, why couldn't he have dropped dead over the summer and done us all a favor? Typical prick, getting my hopes up by not travelling on the train with the rest of us...'

On his left, Seamus was demonstrating his newest water conversion spell to Neville. Even after six years at Hogwarts, Seamus was unable to turn water into rum without causing a mini explosion. Harry hoped Neville put a stop to Seamus' antics before this hap-

Too late.

Handing Seamus a clean napkin, Harry sat up in his seat, looked directly at his supposed school nemesis and wondered if Malfoy's memory had come back yet. As he looked on, he saw Pansy Parkinson pawing Malfoy and took great delight in watching the revulsion blossom on the blond's face before he managed to hide it behind his trademark sneer. Grinning at this, Harry kept his gaze trained firmly on the Slytherin table, in the hopes that Malfoy would turn around. Harry didn't question why he wanted the other boy to notice him, though in retrospect he should have. Seconds later, Harry got his wish as his rival slowly turned his head to look across the room and finally caught his eye. A startled expression flitted across Malfoy's face, so briefly that had Harry not been watching carefully he'd have missed it. Following this was the classic raising of an eyebrow in an insolent questioning manner. Not fooled by Malfoy's façade one bit, Harry replied with a half smirk and continued to hold the other's gaze.

The staring contest was brought to an end on his part when Ron jostled his elbow because the first years were being led into the Great Hall by Professor McGonagall, indicating the Sorting was due to begin. A stool had been placed in front of the staff table, and perched on it was the Sorting Hat. Harry could see its brim moving slightly, as if it were muttering to itself. The Hall began to buzz in quiet anticipation, as everyone recalled the dramatic song the Hat had sung the previous year. But before the Hat was allowed to take centre stage, Dumbledore rose from his place and waited for silence, a change from the normal order of things.

'Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. In these dark times, we welcome with open arms all our returning students as well as our newest additions. As always, the Forbidden Forest remains out of bounds to all students. Mr Filch would also like me to mention that the new and updated list of banned items of personal property is on a notice board outside of his office on the first floor. Recent additions, I believe, include a whole host of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes products,' Dumbledore paused as an audible wave of displeasure floated through the Hall, 'made by our very own Fred and George Weasley, who now own a very fine establishment in Diagon Alley. Lastly, before the Sorting begins, I'd like to introduce to you all Professor Starlight, your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. It took much pleading to bring the good Professor to Hogwarts and I hope you will all make her feel welcome.'

At Dumbledore's words, a slight but friendly looking woman rose from her place next to Hagrid at the Teacher's table and accepted her welcome applause with a smile and short wave. Harry wondered why he hadn't noticed her before, but then put it down to his preoccupation with Malfoy, not to mention the fact that she was such a small woman sitting next to a half giant. Looking at his timetable, he noted that he would not have a chance to see his new teacher in action until Wednesday, when classes were all due to begin officially. Another change in the normal way of things - the students had been given the whole of Tuesday as a rest day to settle back into the school. Before Harry could ponder more on the small changes currently occurring at Hogwarts, Dumbledore ordered the Sorting to commence and the Sorting Hat launched into its song.

"Here we are again,

Another school year has begun.

The Sorting is upon us,

Before the school song is sung.

Welcome to the old,

And welcome to the new,

Allow me to introduce myself,

To the gathered crew.

Little details aside,

To sort is my aim,

Four houses there are,

And no two the same.

Determined and brave,

Are Slytherin and Gryffindor,

True and intelligent,

Are Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

You may be placed in Slytherin,

Where dwell the ambitious,

Or perhaps Hufflepuff,

Where none are malicious.

Ravenclaw is third,

The home of the wise,

Lastly comes Gryffindor,

Where courage is prized.

Now that we are introduced,

Behold the Sorting Hat.

Come on up, hop on the stool,

And let us have a chat."

'Blimey, Harry, if that isn't a drastic change from last year's song, I don't know what is!' remarked Ron in Harry's ear once the song was over and the Hat had fallen silent once more.

'It's back to normal,' murmured Harry in reply. 'I wonder why?'

'It's obvious, isn't it?' whispered Hermione. 'Many students complained to their parents last year about the Sorting Hat's song, and in turn the parents complained to Dumbledore. He had to tell the Sorting Hat to tone the song down again.'

'Typical! I'll bet it was the Slytherins,' accused Ron, sending a death glare at the table of enemies.

'From what I heard, it was through all the houses, not just the Slytherins. Anyway, I hope we get some great new Gryffindors this year, I'm planning on setting up a study partnership with the new students and students from the other years; like a mentor programme. What do you think?' Hermione asked, visibly excited by her idea.

Ron and Harry exchanged glances. 'As long as you don't ask us!' cheeked Ron.

Hermione huffed. 'Hardly, seeing as you boys can barely keep your own studies together, never mind helping out another!'

Harry grinned. 'That reminds me, what NEWTs are you taking Hermione?'

'Advanced Runes, Advanced Arithmancy, Advanced Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms and Herbology.'

'What? But that's six!' Harry said. 'And what about Potions?' Please say yes, please say yes!

'I wanted to, I really did, but I couldn't decide which of the other subjects to give up! I had to work hard to get McGonagall to let me even take six...and I really don't want to have to use a time turner again,' informed Hermione in a whisper. While the trio were carrying out their conversation, the new first years were being sorted into their respective houses.

Darn it. 'So why Herbology?' queried Harry.

'Yeah, ask her mate, 'cause I don't get that one either!' Ron remarked.

Hermione sighed. 'Ron, I told you this before! I chose it because I wanted to study the use of herbs in medicine. I'm doing the new course, Medicinal Herbology which covers both magical and Muggle medicine.'

Harry frowned. Another new medicinal subject on top of Magical Maladies - what was Dumbledore up to? 'Who teaches that one then?'

'Professor Sprout, of course. The standard Herbology NEWT has been replaced by this one so they don't need to bring in a new teacher. I did hear though, that Snape may teach a few of the lessons, which could be interesting.'

'Only you would find Herbology with Snape interesting!' teased Ron. 'Wait, I take it back, so would the Ferret actually. Anything to do with Snape he seems to find interesting; it could make one think!'

'Well, that's alright for you then, Ron, 'cause thinking isn't exactly one of your strong suits now, is it?' Hermione shot back. Ron's earlier comment on the train apparently still grated a bit. Harry laughed at the surprised look on his friend's face. A minor argument was averted then as the final student was sorted (Zelda, Anita.. Gryffindor!) and the feast appeared on their table.

As Harry tucked into a chicken leg, he couldn't help but glance at the Slytherin table where Malfoy was holding court. Pansy was still hanging off him, but for once, this visibly annoyed Draco. Usually the Ice Prince of Slytherin was very good at hiding his feelings but today they were plain for all to read. Or just for Harry to read? Had he become better at judging his rival? After all, the old adage went 'know thy enemy.' But then again, Malfoy wasn't the enemy, merely a thorn in his side.

Harry pondered this as he took in the little details that had changed about Malfoy over the summer. Like, how the pale skin, which was still paler than most, was now covered in a light summer tan - the kind of tan that was so even, it made one wonder if it was an all-over affair. And how the platinum blond hair that just begged to have fingers run through it, had grown longer and now kissed the Slytherin's shoulders. And now he thought about it, how said shoulders appeared wider and more defined, along with the rest of his arms. Harry couldn't see the rest of the other boy as, unfortunately, school robes were terribly concealing in that depart- wait a second. Why am I noticing all of this? Merlin help me, I'm checking out Malfoy! For the second time in a day, Harry acknowledged the fact that he had been thinking about another boy in a frighteningly sexual manner.

Not liking this turn of events, Harry pulled his mind back from the gutter and pondered other, more pressing matters while the Gryffindor table buzzed with conversation and post-holiday but pre-school spirits all around him. Nearly Headless Nick was making his way up the table, introducing himself to the new pupils (using the old ghost through the table trick to scare them first) and greeting the students he already knew. Next to him, Ron and Hermione were having the minor argument that had been stalled earlier but Harry paid them no mind. His head was beginning to throb once more, pulling his attention back to the night before his rescue from Privet Drive. Again, he wondered if his and Malfoy's experiences were connected in some way and on the off chance that they were, should he tell Dumbledore? Even if they weren't, Harry wasn't sure he shouldn't tell Dumbledore anyway. He should surely ought to at least mention the heightened pain in his scar. Harry was used to it by now, but ever since his blackout the previous week, his scar had been hurting even more than usual. He had yet to forgive the Headmaster, but Harry knew that his own personal grudge shouldn't mean that he withheld potentially important information from Dumbledore. At least, not for long anyway. Deciding that he had put it off long enough, Harry made a mental note to approach the elderly wizard after the feast and then turned back to his friends and rejoined the conversation.


Draco sat at his place at the spearhead of the Slytherin table severely bored out of his wits. Even insulting his fellow Slytherins on the sly was getting old fast; he really needed a new hobby to occupy his enforced time in their company. Having endured more than an hour in his current position, he wanted nothing more than to go back to his room and collapse on his bed. Pansy had been insistent that she be touching him in some way throughout the entire meal, even at one point trying to feed him a carrot from her plate.

As if he couldn't feed himself. Honestly.

Besides, the thought of taking into his mouth anything that had previously been touched by Pansy was enough to put anyone off of their food, never mind wanting to vomit followed by a week's worth of voluntary fasting.

As the feast drew to a close, Draco once more found his gaze wandering the Great Hall, looking for his own entertainment. As he looked past the High Table, he felt Dumbledore's twinkling gaze settle on him. Odd wasn't it, when for once he was able to feel Dumbledore's gaze and not Potter's? Looking back at the Headmaster, Draco was startled to see a small nod in his direction from the elderly wizard. Taking that as a sign that Dumbledore wanted to speak with him, Draco hung back after his housemates got up from the table to return to their dorms. Leaving Pansy to deal with the first years, Draco approached the front of the Hall.

During this time, the rest of the student body had also finished their meal and were taking their leave. Draco noted that by the time the Slytherins had cleared out of the Hall, the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables were completely empty and all that remained were the seventh year Gryffindors sans Granger and the Weasel, no doubt having only left because of prefect duty. Typical Gryffindors, making a party of everything, Draco mentally sneered. As he waited for Dumbledore to finish his conversation with Professor Snape, Draco watched the remaining Gryffindors rise from their seats and leave the hall in a very boisterous manner. That is, all but Harry Potter, who got up, called to his friends to carry on without him and approached the front of the Hall also.

'Malfoy,' acknowledged Potter as he drew close.

'Potter,' sneered Draco. So, this was it, the start of another long year for the two of them. But before Draco was given the opportunity to draw first blood, Dumbledore came over to the two boys. Meddlesome fool, couldn't even let Potter and I begin our dance. Draco was startled at his own thoughts, it seemed to him that he enjoyed the rivalry between the two of them more than he realised.

'Ah, Draco. How good of you to come and see me.' Dumbledore began before he turned to Potter. 'Harry, would you care to wait for me in my office? The password is Mint Mandarins.' With a short nod, the Gryffindor turned to exit the Hall. Without waiting to see Harry leave, Dumbledore turned back to the blond Slytherin before him. 'So, Draco, I trust Hesper is performing her duties well.' It wasn't a question.

'She hasn't been tested, sir, as there has been no one around except the teachers and yourself,' Draco replied evenly. Everything was a word game with the Headmaster.

'Possibly true; perhaps her test is about to begin. She's a very bright woman, Draco. It would do you good to listen to her,' Dumbledore hinted.

Always with the vague mumbo jumbo, Draco thought, exasperated. He had been playing this verbal game with Dumbledore for the last few days now, and wondered if this was going to continue throughout the school year, or at least until he got his memory back.

'Tell me, Draco, have your memories returned to you yet?'

'No, sir. Nor have I found much of interest in the library. Four days is hardly adequate time to read through all the relevant books,' Draco replied.

The headmaster hmmed. 'So, Draco, what can you tell me of the Replicater charm?'

Dumbledore's habit of using Draco's given name in every sentence was beginning to grate on the Slytherin's nerves. Gritting his teeth, Draco answered the question posed to him. 'It was once a very commonly used duplicating charm until its uses were limited in the sixteenth century by Philius Negiums, the Minister for Magic at the time.'

'Can you recall why it was limited, Draco?'

'It was discovered that when combined with certain types of magic, the Replicater charm had a tendency to produce Dark effects.' Draco proved his education had been thorough. 'I must ask, what relevance is this to anything?'

'Perhaps nothing, perhaps everything,' Dumbledore murmured. In a much louder tone: 'That will be all, Draco. Good night to you.' With that, the Headmaster swept past him and strode out of the Hall, his purple robes billowing behind him.

As Draco turned to follow Dumbledore's progress out of the Great Hall, he was startled to see that Potter hadn't gone to Headmaster's office as instructed, but instead had been sitting at the far end of the Gryffindor table and staring at the conversing pair as he waited for them to finish. Even as the elderly wizard walked by him, Potter continued to stare unwaveringly at the Slytherin. With one, last piercing glance at Draco, Potter rose from his seat and followed Dumbledore at a more sedate pace, leaving Draco alone under the enchanted ceiling, wondering what the hell the Gryffindor was up to.


Author notes: This chapter was written in two parts – the first 5 or so pages were written straight after my last exam last summer (the plot bunny having hit me while I was actually *in* the exam – talk about inappropriate!) and the rest much later, after an action-packed 5 months had passed - which included Andy Roddick loosing to Joachim Johansson in the quarter finals of the US Open *grumble*. So, if you spotted a change in the flow, I’m sorry!

Random injections of tennis aside, *sniff*, I seem to have very little to comment on about this chapter – shocking! The title is taken from Linkin Park and the lyrics from Papa Roach. Sorting Hat song is 100% mine. Okay, I take that back. It’s about 85% mine, 15% Invisibabe’s by the time she was through with her beta! Mint Mandarins are also made up, thank God. How gross do they sound? Tehe! Random characters you’ve never heard of before, including ancient Ministers of Magic, are also mine. Hesper isn’t though; she’s property of JK, WB and EA. Greedy lot.

Next chapter: The first proper meeting between the boys and some other stuff. Which I’m not sure of just yet. Ha!

Annnnnd, I’m done. Peace out.

PS. All LJ users are welcome to join me at my journal - find me at purplephoenix03. Unfortunately for non-LJ peeps, it is friends only, but there is a public post about my progress with Burn that I update regularly, so feel free to check that out!