Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Slash Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/13/2002
Updated: 10/19/2002
Words: 112,471
Chapters: 21
Hits: 19,516

Misguided Intentions

Piri Malfoy

Story Summary:
Start of 7th year. Voldemort is defeated so why isn't Harry happy?``When something happens that sends him to another time along with someone``he didn't expect, will it help him find what he needs? HP/DM, SS/RL,``SB/? (Will be set during the time of MWPP Year 1977 - 1978)

Chapter 19


~~~~~~~Misguided Intentions~~~~~~~

~~~~CHAPTER NINETEEN: What Dreams May Come~~~~

10 o'clock. That's what time the tower bells were now chiming off, and today was a day in which everything would change forever. For three of the six people still lounging round the Gryffindor common room, only an hour now remained before their worlds would drastically be rewritten. When they would willing give up everything and make the ultimate sacrifices to be with the person they could no longer be without.

No one noticed how nervous Remus, Harry and Draco were that night thank Merlin. Not even Lily who was normally the most observant of them all. Tonight all she could do was feel reminiscent, even a bit depressed from the knowledge that come tomorrow morning, she and her schoolmates of 7 years would be leaving. The one place she had 'grown up' in, had found her friends at, and now was saying goodbye forever to it all.

"Oh come on Lily, cheer up lass! It's not like we wont be able to visit or anything. I'm sure Dumbledore will let you if you want. Besides, just think in a few months you'll have your wedding, you'll ride off on broomsticks into the sunset....have your 10 kids and dog and cat...and you'll be happy right?" Sirius said finally noticing how depressed Lily was looking.

Lily half smiled at Sirius sniffing back a few tears. "I suppose you're right Siri...it's just that it's so hard knowing I wont be seeing all of you everyday. Going to classes...learning stuff...I'm really going to miss it..." she said and a trickle of tears now cascaded down her cheeks.

"There, there Lils...you'll be allright. We'll come over often and visit...er...well that is if the Evanes let us. And when you two finally get married then we can come over all the time! So you see, it's not that bad!" Remus said putting a hand on Lily's shoulder and trying to comfort her.

Unfortunately that set off a new wave of tears and Lily tore herself away and ran to the Head Girl's room, leaving everyone a bit in shock.

"Was it something I said?" Remus said puzzled.

James sighed. "No Moony, not really. She's just having a hard time adjusting to leaving is all. I know she's excited to get married and all but..Hogwarts has been more of a home to her than anywhere's else for 7 years. She cant let it go...not yet anyway. I guess I'll go try to comfort her. Night all...see you at our last breakfast." he said getting up wearily.

"James?" Sirius said stopping him.

"Yeah?" James asked turning back.

"She's right you know. I"m going to miss you guys an awful lot. I feel like I'm losing my best friends and my whole childhood all in one blow." Sirius said sighing himself now.

James smiled sadly and nodded at Sirius. "Yeah, I feel the same way. Now that you know you're going to Porthcawl, once we do get to Godric's Hollow you can visit alot. It's not that far from there you know."

"Oi yeah, forgot bout that! Remember to tell that to Lils then allright? Maybe it will help to know we wont be as far away as she thinks." Sirius said with a smile.

"Sure, I'll do that. Night everyone." James said heading up to the Lily's room finally.

"Poor Lily. I hope she'll be allright." Peter said with a sigh.

"She will. She's strong stuff normally, hell she put up with us for 7 years right?" Sirius said grinning.

"Padfoot's right, she'll be fine. You know Peter...you never did say what you were planning for yourself after Hogwarts. Any ideas yet?" Remus said turning to Peter now questioningly.

Peter seemed to be thinking very quickly about what he was going to say. Finally he said, "You know, I don't know really...I was...that is...maybe I don't know...I'm going to live with my parents for a bit after school first....then go from there."

"Why not the Ministry? I bet you'd be great in some research department or something that needed a bookworm." Sirius said chuckling.

"Somehow I don't think the Ministry and Peter would agree with each other." Draco suddenly cut in with a drawl, and looked straight at Peter.

Peter drew back a bit surprised and cowered almost for a second. "Wh-what makes you say that Dray?" he said nervously.

"Oh I don't know....call it a hunch. You'd probably do better in the muggle world Peter. Maybe become a petshop owner or something....that's alot less stressful than a Ministry job would be, don't you think?" Draco said nonchalantly.

"Err...yeah...sure Draco...m-maybe you're right..." Peter said breaking eye contact with Draco now and looking down, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hey! You know that's not a half bad idea Peter! I can see you actually as a pet shop owner...yeah that would work great for you, you know how much you love pets!" Sirius said oblivious to the tensions in the room between Draco and Peter.

Peter looked up at Sirius and suddenly gave him a half smile. "You really think so Sirius?"

Sirius nodded, "Yeah, I do. You've a great rapport with animals Peter, better than anyone I've ever seen 'cept maybe Hagrid...I think you'd do good at it."

"I'll consider it then!" Peter said smiling, and forgetting Draco's words for the moment. "It's getting late, shouldn't we be heading up now? I think I heard the clock chime 10 a bit ago."

Remus seemed to whole heartedly agree with Peter. With a yawn he said, "Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Don't you think so Harry?" he said giving Harry a meaningful glance.

"Oh right...sure Remus." Harry said faking a yawn even to show how tired he was. He was still a bit peeved at what Draco had just said to Peter, but he could worry bout that later. "We have a big day tomorrow, we should turn in."

"Hmm yeah, guess you're right. Actually I'm pretty beat. I still cant believe that we let the whole day go and didn't pull a single farewell prank. So many people were disappointed." Sirius said with a sigh.

The other 4 boys laughed now and Remus said, "Guess it just wasn't meant to be Padfoot. Oh well, we can always come back, sneak in next year and pull something if we have to!" he said grinning.

Sirius chuckled, "Hey yeah, we'll have to talk bout that one! Anyway, come on Pete, lets go. I'm actually tired." A yawn did escape his mouth then showing just how tired he was. "Night everyone, see you at breakfast. Coming Peter?" he said heading towards the stairs.

"Night everyone..." Peter said then ran and caught up to Sirius as he got to the stairs. Harry, Remus and Draco watched as Sirius put his arm round Peter's waist, and then they both headed upstairs to the dorms. By now it was no secret that Sirius Black, the school's most eligible bachelor had chosen the little heavyset Peter Pettigrew as his bedmate. Alot of the girls, and most of the boys had been heartbroken, but Sirius didn't care. Since the Yule holidays Sirius and Peter had been happy together, though their sleeping together had actually only been recent.

It was Harry and Draco who actually gave them the idea really. Once they saw that Harry and Draco were sleeping in each others beds, Sirius one night about a month after Yule got up and pulled Peter into his bed. From that moment on, Peter hadn't once slept in his own bed, and on some nights, the closed curtains and silencing charms placed skillfully round by Sirius, no one had to guess what went on behind them. And over all, no one really cared.

Harry and Draco realized that if Sirius and Peter could get away with it, they could too, and gave up their little room in Middle Tower to Severus and Remus fully. Severus was thrilled with the turn of events, and Remus spent nearly every night he possibly could now there, snuggled up in his mate's arms. As long as Remus was back before dawn no one was the wiser for his little ventures, and though Remus kept up his downtrodden appearances, inside he was happier then he ever thought possible.

When the common room had finally cleared out, only 20 minutes remained till the 3 boys had to be at the Headmaster's office. With a last double check to make sure Peter and Sirius were indeed occupied (and it was clear as to exactly what they were occupied with since the curtains were shut), the three of them headed out the portrait hole.

"I have to meet Sev first so you two go on without me allright? We'll meet up in 10 minutes at the gargoyle." Remus said in a whisper. With a nod from Harry and Draco, he was gone in the swift and silent way he usually was able to be.

Harry and Draco started to head off to Dumbledore's themselves when Harry stopped short for a moment, remembering something he just had to ask. "What was that all bout back there Draco?" he said quietly.

Draco raised an eyebrow at Harry but realized what he was talking bout. "Oh nothing really. Call it a bit of baiting. I suppose I needed to know for sure that Peter really is on the other side is all." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Baiting? Odd way of baiting Dray. How would you have been able to tell anyway?" Harry asked but he continued to walk now.

"Easy. Didn't you notice when I was asking him those things that he crossed his arms?"

"Yeah so? What bout it?" Harry said still puzzled.

"Oi Harry, sometimes you can be so dense!" Draco said wearily. "He was doing that to hide the fact he was rubbing his left arm...his left arm Harry...and though I believed you that he had the mark, I had to know for myself. Even talking bout the future seems to trigger something in him that he subconsciously goes to the mark. Just like my father does." he said sighing.

"Is the mark really that powerful a bind Draco? I mean even thinking bout Voldemort?" Harry asked him. Despite all he knew bout Voldemort before he'd killed him and the Deatheaters by now, he never really understood the way it all had worked.

"Yeah Harry. The only way the mark can ever be fully destroyed is when Voldemort gets destroyed. They checked my father over after they brought him to St. Mungo's in our time, he didn't have a mark anymore. I'd assume neither did Severus after that." he said quietly. It still hurt him to know that Severus was now a Deatheater, even if he was working for the side of good.

"He'll be allright Draco, we both know that. Come on, we'll be late...and we don't want that now do we?" Harry said with a soft smile and took Draco's hand in his.

"Your right...what a night this will be eh?" Draco said grinning now and stepping in closer to Harry. "I cant believe you'll be my husband Harry. It seems too unreal...." he said softly.

Harry wrapped his arm now round Draco's waist while they walked. "No Draco, not unreal. It's very real...and all I could ever hope to want." he said just as softly.

They didn't say anything else because they finally arrived at the gargoyle. Dumbledore had given them the password days ago, so they quickly said it and went up the stairs, Remus and Severus already having arrived.

"Ah good! We were getting worried." Remus said smiling, though it was clear he was more then nervous.

"Sorry, got waylaid." Harry said smiling and giving Remus and Severus both hugs, Draco doing the same thing. "So...this is it huh?" he said with a grin, though it was clear he was as nervous as everyone else in the room. Everyone that was except Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

"Well, now that we've all arrived.." Albus began but Draco cut him off.

"Headmaster there's something I need to ask of you..." he began nervously.

Albus looked at Draco questioningly, though he didn't seem upset by Draco's sudden interruption. "Yes Draco? What is it?"

Draco looked at Harry and Remus for a moment and with a smile and nod from both he found the courage to go on. At that moment he couldn't have felt more like a Gryffindor which to him, was a mildly surprising feeling, and a good one actually. Only Severus hadn't been told yet of this change of plans, and he hoped he wouldn't mind.

"The thing is professor that...that after you're done marrying Remus and Severus...Harry and I want to be married as well." There. He'd said it. He was able to finally show the courage he never felt, and at the most important time of his life too. Marriage was a big step in one's life, it changed one's whole world...and in Draco's mind there was nothing else in the world he would have wanted changed right at that moment.

Albus oddly enough did not look surprised. His eyes did seem to twinkle brighter, and a smile came acrost his face, but he wasn't surprised as Harry and Draco thought he'd be. "I see. Is this what you wish as well Harry?" he said now turning to Harry.

Harry held his breath for a second then nodded and took Draco's hand in his. "Yes sir. More then anything else in the world." he said softly.

"Very well then. It shall be done." Albus said smiling at the both of them now. "Now, there is only one more detail we need to finish." he said and glanced towards the corner of the room for a moment. "If you would please?" he said to no one in particular.

Suddenly a tawny coloured oddly marked shape appeared from the corner and leaped onto Albus's desk, staring intently at the four boys standing there. The boys gasped, they knew all too well what this intruder was...or rather...who it was. After a moment the cat leaped off the desk, and transfigured itself into the persona of one Professor Minerva McGonagall.

"Wh-what's she doing here?" Severus said worriedly and stepped back away from her.

Minerva looked at Severus for a moment in her usual glaring way, then something strange happened....she began to smile. "Have no fear Mr. Snape, I am not here to harm this evening. You can say that I am a 'backup' witness, now that you're originally intended witnesses have made other plans." she said with a warmth in her voice.

"B-backup witness? Y-you mean..." Harry began looking at her oddly, then suddenly faced Dumbledore. "You knew? You knew Draco and I were going to ask to marry too?" he said slightly awed.

Albus chuckled, "I know many things Mr. Dursley. However in this case, shall we say I had my suspicions. As the case is since you cannot be witness for each other, Minerva will suit the purpose."

"Can we trust her though?" Draco said now recovering himself. He hadn't meant to be blunt like that but she had never shown much like to any of them whilst students.

Minerva actually wasn't put off by that though and chuckled. "I must admit, when Albus told me why he wanted me here tonight I was slightly shocked to say the least. I had wondered why he had done nothing that day Mr. Snape and Mr. Lupin had their little tryst in the Great Hall, now of course I understand." she said and turned to Severus now. "I can say in all honestly I am proud to have you as a member of the Order, and I know you will not betray our trust in you."

Severus seemed almost proud to hear that coming from the person who was the hardest task master he'd ever known practically. With his head held high he nodded back to her saying, "I never will Professor McGonagall. And I'd be honoured to have you as our witness. For all of us that is." he said giving her a smile now.

"Well, now that settles that, may we begin?" Albus asked with a smile. "Severus, Remus, if you would come before me now." he said stepping round the desk as the two boys turned to face him.

"I realize this is a strange circumstance of events that lead to this union, nevertheless it is a joining in which proof, honestly, loyalty and love is to forever be a part of. You have both willingly chosen to fight for what you believe in, even at the cost of great personal risks. As one mind, body and soul even if the other should be torn from you grasp, you will always know that the love you share will remain strong." he said softly.

"Severus Snape, do you willingly give over your trust, loyalty, and life into the hands of Remus J. Lupin? Creating a bond that in the wizarding world can never be broken until death and perhaps even after?" Albus said now quite seriously whilst looked at Severus.

Severus swallowed for a moment, but nodded. "Yes sir, I do." Turning to Remus now he said softly, "You and I are one of a kind Remus. We both have had pain, anguish, hatreds in our lives. We probably always will because of what we have to do to survive. But I know that without you in my life now, I couldn't not continue to do what must be done. You are the other half of my soul, and let no one dare take that from me." Severus's eyes were a bit misty, but he smiled at Remus showing him just how much he loved him.

"Remus J. Lupin, do you willingly give over your trust, loyalty and life into the hands of Severus Silvius Snape? Creating a bond that in the wizarding world can never be broken until death and perhaps even after?" Albus said now turning to Remus.

"Yes sir, I do." he said softly, then turned to face Severus. "We started this life as enemies you and I. Until that fateful day I found you down by the lake, hurt and humiliated by Lucius. You didn't want comforting, but I did anyway. I could not bear to see even my enemy in such pain and torment. From that moment on you became a part of my life Severus Snape, a part in which now I could not live without. Should you die in the service of the good, I will follow you, for without you I cease to exist. You are the other half of my soul, and though we may have to be apart for perhaps a while, I shall know that you are still there at my side, and I shall know your love will remain constant, as will mine for you." he said softly, love radiating from his golden brown eyes.

Suddenly out of apparently thin air Albus produced two rings. Magic rings that were unlike anything any of the boys had ever seen. "These are bonding rings." Albus said in explanation. "No matter where you are in the world, they will always be able to let you know what the other is feeling. That they are safe, and if need be, to warn of dangers to the other. Should you need to find the other, it will lead your hearts to each other in any place." he said and now gave one to each of the boys.

"As you will place these rings on your fingers, you will feel a mild pulsing. This is the way it will create the bond in which you have now become a part of. It is my honour and privilege to know I have helped join together two people who are equally worthy of the other. You will never be far from each others sides with these rings, and I have faith that you will triumph over your adversities. I wish you both luck now, and in the future, and I will believe that somehow, someday, you can finally be free in your love." Albus said gently, and indicated for the boys to put their rings on.

Severus took Remus's hand and put the ring on him, then Remus did the same. For a moment they gasped as the rings did indeed pulse, and even glowed for a moment, before settling back into the plain gold band which now resided on each other's hand. Very gently they leaned into each other and kissed, sealing the ceremony in which had now come to an end.

Remus and Severus stepped back then, and now it was Harry and Draco's turn. Though nervous, there was nothing more in the world they wanted right now, and they no longer cared what the consequences would be should they ever return to their own time. This was the only reality they knew at the moment, and this is what the year had led them too.

Albus's eyes rested for a moment on the two boys, before making a decision to tell them something. "There is something I must warn you both of before you go through with this. Though somehow I feel it will not change the circumstances either way."

"Is..is something wrong professor?" Harry said worriedly. He hadn't expected any 'hitches' in the plans.

"No, not in the sense of what is right nor wrong. However I must warn you, in the wizarding world Harry, marriage is not the same as in the Muggle world. In this world it is a binding of the soul, once done cannot be unbroken. I will be honest in this, that I do not know how it will affect you when you return to where you came from. It may very well affect the entire hope of you're ever returning home, or it could bring it about. I have never dealt with bonds that transcend place as well as time, therefore I cannot honestly say I know what the repercussions will be. Are you still willing to go through with this?" he said quite seriously now and looked from one boy to the other.

Harry and Draco turned to look at each other, not sure really what to respond to this. "Sir? Does it mean we'll never get home then?" Harry asked.

"Again I do not know what could or might happen. This is a situation in the time line in which a crossroads has been reached. To go down one path leads to one opportunities you already know at this point, whilst the other path will result in something unexpected. Who's to say what might or could happen once you would place the rings upon your fingers. I know many things Mr. Dursley, but in this I admit defeat." he said with mild amusement actually.

Harry looked at Dumbledore for a second then turned back to Draco. "Draco?" he said softly.

"Yes Harry?"

"You still want to go through with it?" he said searching Draco's eyes now.

"Listen to me Harry. We've come this far, we've overcome so much here...and I'm not willing to give up what we have now. If it means never returning, so be it. If it means taking that unexpected path...then we travel it. Either way we'll be together. I told you that without you I would cease to be, and I meant that with all my heart." Draco said softly, his expression determined yet loving.

Harry turned back to Dumbledore, an equally determined look on his face. "This is what we want sir. Whatever happens we'll be ready." he said.

Albus nodded, the twinkle back in his eyes now. "Very well boys, we shall begin. There is only one other thing that I must tell you. I will marry you as you are now, not as you will be, do you understand? However even should you return home, the marriage bonds should remain strongly intact, or at least I shall hope so."

Harry and Draco nodded, they understood what Albus meant. They would be married under their false names here in the past, not their real ones. And honestly neither boy cared.

"Harry Dursley, do you vow to honour, respect and show your loyalty to Draco Malloy? To love him unconditionally under any circumstances in which might befall you both now and in the future?"

"I do sir." Harry said nodding.

"Draco Malloy, do you vow to honour, respect and show your loyalty to Harry Dursley? To love him unconditionally under any circumstances in which might befall you both now and in the future?"

"Yes sir, I do." Draco said nodding as well.

Again two rings appeared in Albus's hands, and he handed one to each. "These rings are a bit different in design from Severus's and Remus's. Though in concept they will react the same, I have altered them to hopefully be able to transcend the differences of time as well. This way should you return home, the rings shall still resonate towards each others emotions and needs. Since it's never been done before I make no guarantees, but I am going to believe it will work if the time comes of your departure." he said.

Harry and Draco nodded to him and each slipped the ring onto the others fingers. Like before Harry and Draco gasped a moment as the rings pulsed on their skin, glowed for a moment, then turned back into a normal looking gold band.

"For reasons I'm sure you understand I have not had the bands engraved. However should the time come, and the need to be hidden is no longer there, I will be more than happy to magically add on whatever saying you wish. I suggest for the moment however that none of you wear them until you have left this school, atleast not on your fingers. Once you leave here and are free to do what you must, you may return them to their rightful places, but as to now that might raise suspicions none of you want I'm sure." Albus said and the 4 boys heartily agreed.

Albus produced 4 neckchains then, handing one to each boy. "You can use these to wear them round your necks in the meantime. The properties of the rings will only work however once replaced on your fingers, so do try to return them to their natural places as soon as possible." he said smiling, and the boys removed the rings and put them on the chains, clasping them securely to their necks and hiding them under their collars.

"Goodness me...." the voice of Minerva broke in, and the boys found that oddly enough she was close to tears. "No, don't mind me. I'm just an old fool but I do wish the best for all of you boys." she said sniffing now and actually swept each of them into a hug.

"Now now Minerva, it's not as if we wont be seeing our young Severus come next term now is it." Albus said smiling broadly, his eyes twinkling like a thousand stars.

Severus stood where he was and gaped at his headmaster. Swallowing deeply he stammered, "Wh-what d-do y-you m-ean b-by th-that..sir?"

"Ah it seems I neglected to inform you then have I?" he said chuckling as if it was some sort of internal joke he just said. "As it is, Professor Sierra has decided to take leave. Her husband has been relocated to France, she will be joining him there and teaching at Beauxbatons instead."

"Married? Sierra's...married?" Harry said totally stunned now.

"Professor Sierra Harry, and yes. Is it so unheard of for a person to be married in this day and age?" he said grinning.

Harry blushed. "Er no sir..of course not but...well...married...I guess...I never really thought Hogwarts professors were married...I mean I knew you were married...er...had been married...err...that is..." Harry stammered and blushed harder.

Albus chuckled, though it was a bit sadly. "Yes Harry, as you now know I was married, many years ago. Sadly my wife died after Aelana's father was born, and we had no other children. That is why Aelana is so special to me, as you know she is one of a kind and I love her dearly. My wife would have been proud of Aelana, sadly she never knew she was born."

"I'm...I'm sorry sir. She never told us that. But you're right, she is one of a kind." Harry said smiling now.

Albus smiled at Harry, and it was far less saddened now. "Be that as it may, Professor Sierra is leaving, which leaves me in an position to need a new potion's professor. Severus, I have watched your progress over the year, and I feel though young, you're abilities in this area are far superior than you lead yourself to believe. It is also for other reasons that I think you would do well to remain at the school at this time."

By the stressing of the word 'other' Severus understood exactly what Dumbledore was trying to say. Squaring his shoulders now and showing confidence he said, "I would be honoured sir to take up this position. I know I have alot to learn, but I will try my best, and I will make you proud."

Albus smiled at him. "I do believe you will young Severus. Now Remus, I believe you already have hired out that flat in Islington I suggested to you?"

Remus nodded. "Yes sir, the arraignments are set. The landlord doesn't know I'm a wizard, I told him I was just getting out of boarding school up north and he believed me. Thank you again for allowing me to portkey there a few days ago to complete the papers by the way."

"Of course. Now about your transformations....you have been practicing the apparation that I taught you?" he said giving Remus a long look.

Again Remus nodded. "Yes sir, I have. I haven't missed a mark in weeks now." he said practically beaming.

"Good good. I already have your papers filled out for the Ministry, and I told them I personally will administer the test. There should be no problems then on that issue. You will each month apparate to the shack in Hogsmeade for safety then correct?"

"Yes sir. Since it's a nonmagical flat I can apparate directly from the flat to the shack, no one will be the wiser. I will also magically enhance the locks on the doors for whilst I'm gone for the night." Remus said.

"You are both aware that there is to be no correspondence to each other even though Severus will be here. Anything you need to have delivered must come through me now." Albus said.

Severus and Remus nodded, though a look of pure sadness came acrost their faces. "Yes sir, we understand."

Albus sighed for a moment, he knew this was going to be difficult for both the boys. "I know is hard on you both, but I will promise you this. Somehow I will contrive a way for Severus to leave the grounds now and then, and taking strict precautions, I am sure I can arrange for the two of you to see each other in secret whenever possible."

The boys faces lit up at that. "You...you mean it sir? We could?" Severus said with a lilt in his voice.

Albus chuckled. "I am not such an old man yet that I don't realize how important it is for two married people to need their time together Severus. Of course it could not be too often, especially during the school terms but..."

"Any time at all with Sev would be good to me professor! Even if I have to wait only for holidays!" Remus said cutting him off and beaming at his husband who was nodding happily.

"Remy's right professor. As long as I know I can still see him, even if it's only for a few hours if need be, I'll be happier than the happiest person in the world!" he said gazing lovingly at his new husband.

"Well then, that's all settled with the two of you. However that now leaves us with two more issues." Albus said turning now to Harry and Draco.

"Issues sir?" Draco said a bit worriedly now.

"Well of course Mr. Malloy. Unless I miss my guess, neither of you has thought that you would still be here this long. I assume neither of you have give thought to what you will do once you are supposed to leave tomorrow?" Albus said.

"Err...that is to say...." Harry began a bit dazed but Draco cut him off.

"He means no, we haven't decided actually. Merlin how could we have been so stupid Harry? He's right...where on earth can we go? I guess we sort of both thought that once everyone else left....we...er...we would go home too..." Draco said a bit worried now.

"Since you are still here however Draco, now it is time to consider the options. I have myself been taking the possibilities of if you had still been here at this point into consideration. As it happens, I have an offer to extend to you both, if you are willing to listen to it." he said.

"Offer sir?" Harry said coming out of his daze.

"Yes Harry. As it happens, Professor Sierra is not the only professor that is going to be leaving this year. Professor Praite of Muggle Studies and Professor Philep of

Ancient Runes also will be leaving us for reasons I'd rather not go into. That leaves me in a position to need two new replacements."

"Surely...you're not suggesting...us for that are you professor?" Draco said a bit dumbstruck.

"Draco, you're work in Ancient Runes this year has been phenomenal. I will not ask you how you do know what you do, the fact is you do. I would say you would fit that position admirably. Harry, I know you have done quite well in Muggle Studies, in fact you tied with Lily Evans for 150% placement on your final exams, including the extra credit areas only the two of you managed to complete. Again, I think you would suit this position well."

"You're serious then? You...you really want us to do this?" Harry said coming out of his stupor a bit when he heard how well he had scored on his final exam, and feeling the tiniest bit proud now. He'd actually tied the spot with his own mum! Considering though his parents were both Head Boy and Girl, he knew where he got his intelligence from.

"Considering the lack of options available, I think it would be most admirable if you would accept the offers I presented, yes." Albus said smiling.

"Well...what do you think Sev? Mind working with a couple of Gryffindors?" Harry said and turned to grin at Severus now.

Severus chuckled. "Not at all my friend! Unfortunately I think it might be hard to be friends under the circumstances...will that be a problem?" he said a bit seriously now.

Draco shook his head. "Not at all Sev. You're right, you're still supposed to be hating us because of Remus. But maybe over time....who knows. Who knows how long we'll even be here anyway...sides I think somehow we can figure out a way to actually talk in private..." Draco said with a grin.

"Yes I believe where you have been meeting up till now might suffice for that." Albus said with a hint of mirth in his voice.

All four boys looked at Dumbledore now in complete shock. "You...you knew bout that?" they said pretty much at the same time.

"How did you think Alemni found out bout that place boys eh? I was young once too you know, believe it or not." he said laughing now, and even Minerva had the good sense to slightly grin at that.

"Albus, I think you've come up with wonderful ideas for the boys, however, how will you explain away why they will not be going back on the train tomorrow?" she said thoughtfully now.

"Ah, as for that, it is quite simple. They will go back on the train with the others. All of them. I will have Hagrid meet Harry, Draco and Severus at a prearranged time and place, and they will return to the school by portkey with him. Remus, you will of course have to head off to your flat in London, so you will have to say your goodbyes before Hagrid arrives. Remember, only Minerva and myself are aware of the circumstances surrounding your 'hatreds'."

"We understand sir. Um...sir?" Remus said now locking his hand in Severus's.

"Yes Remus?" Albus said.

"Can...can you at least give Sev and I a couple hours together...to...well I was thinking that since it's the last time maybe...could we have some time to go into Muggle London for a while? I want to get him a goodbye gift and...well we should be safe in Muggle London I think..." Remus said nervously.

Albus thought on this for a moment, then went to his desk and pulled out a small vial. "I believe I can accommodate that however, precautions again will have to be made. Remember boys, even the muggle world isn't safe from the likes of Voldemort, not these days. This vial however should give you enough time to do what you like without worries." he said and handed the vial to Severus. "Do you know what this is Severus?" he asked as if he was testing Severus's potions knowledge.

Severus swirled the liquid in the vial, then uncorked it and smelled it for a moment, finally replacing the cork. "Yes sir, I do. It's a Reforma Potion isn't it." he said, and he became mildly excited now.

"Very good, I knew you would pick that one up quickly. Yes it is a Reforma Potion, it's only enough to last for 2 hours. That's all I can give you. You must not be seen by the Muggles prior to it's wearing off however, so I suggest you time it just right."

"Sev...what's a Reforma Potion?" Remus asked puzzled now.

"Oh, we never learned it in school Remy, it's actually a restricted potion, a dark arts one even. Similar to the Polyjuice Potion only it doesn't actually need 'parts' from someone else to change ones appearance. It will randomly change hair, eyes, skin tones and colours, even if need be altering ones whole facial appearance. It wont change anything drastic like height or weight, or correct vision or erase scars, but it can alter ones appearances enough not to stand out. It's a brilliant potion, but restricted because of it's nature." Severus said almost as if reciting from a manual of dark arts potions.

"Wow, I never knew stuff like that existed! I'm going to start brushing up on my dark arts spells and stuff. Who knows, maybe it will come in handy one day eh?" Remus said grinning.

"Remus...I'd have to say that's a great idea!" Harry said grinning now. If only Remus Lupin knew just how much it would come in handy one day in the future...providing that would even still happen now...somehow Harry knew that now that the original version of the past had changed, Remus's DADA position might not ever even happen. Guess he wouldn't know until he got back now...or ever.

"Well, now that everything has been settled, I believe you should head back to your dorms now. I will meet with you one final time before you leave on the train in the morning to discuss the time and place you will meet up with Hagrid. Until then, get some sleep, tomorrow starts a new life for each of you, and I'm sure you don't want to be half asleep when it begins!" Albus said with a chuckle.

The boys grinned and nodded, and then said their goodnights to both Dumbledore and McGonagall. As they headed down the spiral staircase they stopped just before they headed into the corridor.

"Well, this is it I guess. It'll be a while before we get to really 'see' each other again as friends. I"m going to miss you guys." Remus said sadly.

"We'll never be far away Remy. I'm sure Dumbledore will let us visit with you too after a while. It'll probably even be easier to do since we're housemates and noone would suspect us." Harry said trying to brighten the mood.

"He's right Remy, it will be easier. I"m glad at least we'll have 2 hours before we have to say goodbye, that was a great idea." Severus said pulling Remus into his arms. "I still cant believe you're my husband Remus. Is it real?" he said quietly.

Remus chuckled and put a hand on Severus's face and nodded. "It's real love. We might not be together at nights in each others arms at the moment, but I'll be wishing for the day we can be. You know what would make me even more happy though love?" he said in half a whisper.

"No, what Remy?"

"To one day be able to have a child with you Sev. Someone I can hold and comfort and look at and know that it's yours...that you'll always be with me in a small way..." Remus said leaning into Sev's arms with a sigh.

"Remus J. Lupin-Snape...and yes in my mind that is who you are...my husband....listen and listen well....I know there's potions...charms...I've heard of them...somehow...some way...I will find them...and we will have that....something that is ours...together...I promise you that...I promise Remus I will find it..." he said and turned Remus's lips to his and for the next few moments nothing more was said.

A sigh from Draco broke them of their kiss however, although neither Remus nor Severus regretted doing it. "Sev?" Draco said quietly now in thought.

"Yeah Dray?" Severus asked.

"If...if you did find that way...and if Harry and I are still somehow here in the past...will you let us know too?" Draco said taking Harry's hand gently in his and looking him in the eye.

"Draco? You....you want that?" Harry said astonished now.

Draco smiled and nodded, "To have a child with you Harry Malloy, would be the single greatest thing other then you being my husband I can think of. So what do you say?" he said with a grin.

Harry looked at Draco with so much love it almost hurt. A smile spread acrost his face slowly, and his heart was melting at what Draco had asked. "Oh Dray....are you kidding? Of course I'd want that!" he said and in a single move swept Draco into his arms placing a gentle yet revealing kiss on his lips.

Tonight had been given over to so many surprises that none of the boys ever cared if tomorrow ever came. Not only had they both been married, but now they had jobs, a home, and who knows what was yet to come. Harry and Draco didn't care at the moment where they were, past or future, they were happier then they'd ever been in their entire life. Their love would see them through anything at this point, they felt confident of that.

And somewhere up in Harry's room, a photograph well hidden at the bottom of Harry's trunk glowed for a moment. When it was done glowing a new scene emerged, again similar yet not the same as it had just been, nor what it had originally been. And that wasn't the only thing that suddenly took on a mind of it's own that moment.

Somewhere in the future the Mirror of Wrongdoings was glowing as well. A wise old man shivered though it had been unusually warm for this time of season. He watched silently as two figures stepped out of the mirror, disoriented and dusty. The two figures didn't speak to each other, in fact they didn't even look at each other. One boy searched around and found something he was looking for and finally threw a scowl back to the other boy and headed back down the corridor.

The raven haired lad however that was left behind didn't move for a moment. He went over to the mirror and put his hand on it shaking his head from something, though he wasn't quite sure of what. A memory perhaps, distant and faint at best. So fleeting even that he wasn't sure it could even be real. With a sigh he remember he was supposed to be heading somewhere, and continued on with the journey he had started which seemed so long ago now.

A whistle from the corridor as the boy went down it told the old man watching that the lad had already forgotten the mirror. He himself now walked over to the mirror and gazed into it, only what he saw was quite different then what the lad had seen. He now saw the reflections of four young adults, two of brown hair, one of black hair, one of blonde hair. They were standing there smiling and nodding at the older man, who smiled and nodded back. Then the images paired off arm in arm, and turned and walked down the reflected corridor within the mirror, vanishing as they reached the end.
