Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Slash Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/13/2002
Updated: 10/19/2002
Words: 112,471
Chapters: 21
Hits: 19,516

Misguided Intentions

Piri Malfoy

Story Summary:
Start of 7th year. Voldemort is defeated so why isn't Harry happy?``When something happens that sends him to another time along with someone``he didn't expect, will it help him find what he needs? HP/DM, SS/RL,``SB/? (Will be set during the time of MWPP Year 1977 - 1978)

Chapter 17

Chapter Summary:
Start of 7th year. Voldemort is defeated so why isn't Harry happy? When something happens that sends him to another time along with someone he didn't expect, will it help him find what he needs? HP/DM, SS/RL, SB/? (Will be set during the time of MWPP Year 1977 - 1978)

"Hurry up we're late!"

"I'm trying...ouch...gerroff you're on my foot!"

"Oops, sorry bout that...are we there?"

Harry peeked out from underneath the invisibility cloak to double check they were indeed in the right spot. "Yeah, it's right. Remus and Severus should be here in a second." he said quietly and disappeared back underneath the cloak.

Harry had managed to get James to lend it to him under strict conditions that on the way back they'd stop off at the kitchens and bring back some food. Draco wasn't too thrilled with that idea, but Harry promised James anyway and with a minor delay they had left the commons at roughly 10:25 to meet up with Remus and Severus. Remus had already left an hour before to meet up with Severus at an unknown location.

"Your foot allright?" Draco asked Harry.

"It's fine dont worry. Where the bloody hell are they? It's already after 10:30!" Harry said worriedly. The castle's enchanted bells chimed once on the half hour, full strokes on the hour. From what he guessed it was a bit past 10:30 now since he'd heard the bells ring right before they had gotten to the gargoyle.

"Looking for us?" a voice said with a slight chuckle and seconds later a head of light brown hair was floating in midair.

Harry came round from underneath his cloak a bit surprized. "Since when did you get an invisibility cloak?" he said to Remus.

"It's mine actually, was my fathers. Draco here?" Severus said now coming out from underneath his cloak, Draco now in plain sight too. "Good everyone's here. We better hurry, we've alot to talk about." Severus said with a sigh.

After making a few guesses, the password of "Lemon Drops" finally gained them entrance into the spiraled staircase and they headed up to the headmaster's room. It was with much apprehensions and trepidations that the 4 boys finally opened the inner door to Dumbledore's office, though apparently they had been expected.

"Come in, come in no need to be afraid." Albus said looking up at the 4 of them as they finally did walk in. A smiling twinkle was in his blue eyes as he indicated for them to take a seat. "Late night walks seem to always mean something. What can I do for you then?" he said without any traces of reprimand that they were breaking several rules at the moment to be there.

"Well professor....it's like this..." Harry began, and for the next 10 minutes told Albus exactly what had transpired on the trainride going and coming that they had taken.

Albus listened without a single interruption, just nodding in some places, not even a word was said bout the fact there were indeed deatheater children running amuck in the school. The only thing Harry did not mention at the time for safety sake was the fact that Peter Pettigrew was one of the those known deatheaters now. Harry had a bad feeling about letting Severus know this fact, he hadn't in the original history until Harry was much older. It was too dangerous for him to know now as well, it could alter even more of a history he didn't want to keep changing.

"So that's where we stand professor. If he doesn't do this, people will die, simple as that. Truthfully, without his tip off to you I'll probably die before I'm supposed to." Harry said and got a few surprized glances from the other three. This was something he hadn't told them before, the truth bout what Severus had really done over Harry's summer which helped defeat Voldemort.

"Hmm, yes I can see where certain paradoxes will lie if things dont come to pass as they should. Had Severus not saved you're life, you couldn't be here now to help him. Though you say he would have joined anyway, which I believe. But then...the time line is a fluid thing, moving in past, present and future all at once. To change one changes all, whether we know it or not." Albus said almost more to himself than anyone in the room.

"Sir?" Draco said a bit confused at that statement.

"Never mind Mr. Malloy. The future has already been altered, this is just one more thing that has changed I'm sure. As it is this comes at a most opportune time actually, for I have revived a small group that is dedicated to help in the ongoing process of destroying the evils that is Voldemort." he said gazing over the boys head at something noone seemed to see.

Harry sat up surprized, but he knew all too well what Albus Dumbledore was talking about at the moment. In a low voice he said before he could stop himself, "The Order of The Phoenix."

Albus wasn't even surprized that Harry seemed to know this and nodded slightly at him, the others however looked at Harry in surprize. "The what?" Remus said now confused.

"The Order of the Phoenix. A handpicked group of people that are privy to all the things needed to defeat Voldemort. An ancient group really, dating back to the times of the founders." Harry said remembering the speech he had received when he himself had been inducted into the Order back in his 5th year.

"It is my decision who joins the Order, and who does not. I believe you boys will adequately serve the purpose that is the foundations of the Order however. For the moment, what you have proposed to me is a dilemma, but one in which I have taken into consideration. I believe you did the right thing coming to me with this." Albus said nodding slightly at Severus.

"Sir? Lucius already has my answer. He came to me right after we got done with the feast tonight. I...I told him yes." Severus said slumping down in his seat almost embarrassed and holding Remus's hand for much needed support.

"So than the problem has presented itself. Severus Snape, you realize what you are putting yourself into by doing this?" Albus said gazing deep into Severus's eyes as if searching for something.

Severus sat up, almost proudly this time, and gazed back, his head held high and nodded at Dumbledore. "I do Headmaster. And I'm ready. I will not let him win, I will not lose the people I care about...Remus, Harry, Draco...and...and the future people that will need me." he said, his mind for a moment flittering to a particular photo he had seen. The thing that had made up his mind before he'd even gotten to Albus Dumbledore's office.

"You are prepared to put your life on the line for this friendship? To die if need be to protect the secrets of the Order and all it stands for?" he said quite seriously now.

"I am prepared. I may be a Slytherin Headmaster, but I am not like them. I will not sacrifice my morals and dreams to become a mere puppet on a string." he said with an unwavering voice.

Albus looked at him deeply, peering deep into the eyes of Severus Snape, and after a moment a smile came acrost his face and he nodded. Turning to Remus he now looked at him the same way, though Remus squirmed a bit at this. "And you Remus Lupin? Are you willing to use your powers as a dark creature to serve not the dark lord, but the light? To fight for what is good and just in this world?"

"M-me sir?" Remus said hesitantly, but a squeeze on his hand from Severus drew him out of his nervousness. He sat upright, proudly as well and responded, "Yes Headmaster, I will do whatever it takes to protect my friends...and the future." he said nodding.

"Though I dare say the rest of the people involved in this endeavor might be surprized at my choice, I now claim you for the Order of the Phoenix. Any information you need or have goes through me. As for you Severus, we will have to take certain precautions."

"Precautions Sir?" Harry said puzzled.

Albus nodded, "Yes. The Order is a secret organization, it's information is critical to winning this war, apparently now and in the future. Therefore the conscious secrets are locked away in one's memory, even if Voldemort were to use the Crucio Curse to try and make you speak, you could not unless the correct password was administer."

"Something then like...the Keeper's Charm?" Harry said suddenly.

"Very similar yes. In that charm one can be right infront of the people they are searching for, but unless the secret keeper revealed the location noone would know wiser. In this case, unless the information is unlocked by the password, the information could not be given even under the worst curses. It is part of the induction of the Order administered only under certain circumstances. I feel this is one of those circumstances."

Harry thought back a moment but somehow a nagging memory seemed to elude him. "I suppose that makes sense since Severus will be dealing with Voldemort on a regular basis. When I joined the order I remember one other person had to go through this, but I cant remember now who or why..." he said quietly, his memory suddenly playing even more tricks on him oddly enough.

Harry received surprized looks from the other 3 boys in the room. "You're in the Order too Harry?" Draco said a bit taken aback now.

Harry nodded. "Back in fifth year. I dont remember all the details, somehow now it's all fuzzy. But I am a member, that much I do know." he said quietly.

"That would be the effects of the Secrecy Charms at work Harry. It allows you to remember the Order and your membership, but nothing else, but nothing else till needed. Be that as it may, the two of you.." he said now turning back to Remus and Severus, "will need to be properly inducted. A meeting is being held here in 2 days time. I will contrive for you to be there."

"What bout Harry and I sir? Why cant we join?" Draco said suddenly. He was feeling a bit left out all of a sudden.

Dumbledore looked over at Draco now thoughtfully for a few moments, gazing deep into his eyes. Draco didn't waver, but he did feel a bit uncomfortable by this. "Fawkes if you would?" Albus said now, and the phoenix came over to and rested on Draco's shoulder surprizingly.

For a moment nothing seemed to happen, but then a soft tune seemed to fill the air. As many times over the years as Harry had heard Fawke's song, it never ceased to amaze him how lovely it was. However the tune emanating from Fawkes now wasn't familiar...yet it was in an odd way. As he turned to Draco he realized something was going on, something that he'd seen before yet couldn't place.

After nearly a minute something indeed did happen to Draco, which elicited a gasp of surprize from the other 3 boys. A soft golden glow surrounded Draco's body now, patterns of white, blue, green, silver and gold twinkled round him, then fell into a swirling mist that covered his whole body. Draco felt so peaceful, he couldn't remember a time in which peace like this existed, not even in Harry's arms.

"There is no need to induct Mr. Malloy it seems...for he already is a member of the Order." Albus quietly said, and Fawkes returned to his perch, the lights fading from round Draco's body.

Draco looked up surprized, he certainly hadn't remembered joining the Order at anytime in either past or future. "Sir, how? I dont remember ever joining this Order that's for sure."

"The song Fawkes just sang is the Song of Protection Draco. It is the one true way to tell a member of the Order even if he is in other forms." Albus said with his eyes twinkling. "If you weren't a member in the future, then at some point in a nearby future you will become one and it will carry over."

"I dont understand. Are we actually being affected by the changes we're doing after all?" Harry said quite puzzled now.

"In a sense yes Harry, you are. Though actively your minds are not experiencing the changes taking place, the fact remains things are and have been changed. I truely believe that 3 months ago when you arrived had Fawkes sang that song for Draco he would not have shown his as a member." Albus said. "I warned you changing too much could lead to disastrous results if not careful."

"But this was going to happen anyway. It's not like we're changing something that wouldn't have happened." Draco said a bit worriedly.

"Yes, they would have, just not in the ways they are at the moment. I dont consider this a bad turn of events however, not at all. The Order is in much need of those who are willing to sacrifice everything to destroy the evils of the times. Even at the cost of one's life. Many can be considered for this, but few actually are worthy enough. It seems you 4 boys have been considered worthy enough." Albus said smiling.

Harry was thinking at the moment on what Albus had said moments ago bout Draco. Suddenly something clicked into place. It was with a heavy heart that Harry said now, "We're not going home...are we professor." He didn't say it with malice, or even sadness, just as fact.

Draco looked at Harry dumbfounded, this was the last thing he had expected to hear from him. "What do you mean Harry? Of course we're going home, we have to."

Harry looked at Draco and shook his head. "No Draco, I've been suspecting for weeks now that something major has changed. Something I hadn't planned on. Us." he said softly.

"Us?" Draco said totally confused now. "Granted it was a bit of surprize I admit but...what does the two of us being together have to do with anything? We both agreed that we were going home, end of discussion." Draco said firmly now.

"Whether or not you return to your own time remains to yet be seen boys. At the moment it is getting late, you need to return to your dorms before questions are raised. Remus, Severus I will contact the both of you shortly. In the meantime Severus, I ask you keep your eyes and ears open. As of now you work for me, and I have full faith in your abilities to do what is necessary." he said nodding at Severus.

"Of course sir, thank you. I will not let you down I swear it." Severus said nodding back and in a proud voice.

The boys said their goodnights and headed back downstairs, all of them had quite alot to think about. Things were going smoothly, and Harry knew that by their actions just now, much had been gained. Lives would be spared now, good would still triumph over evil, and in the end they would win.

"I'll be up in a few, I want to say goodnight to Sev allright?" Remus said cutting into Harry's thoughts.

Harry and Draco nodded, and said their goodnights to Severus. "Harry?" Severus said softly before he got back under his cloak.

"Yeah Severus?"

"Thank you. I know it's not much but...thank you." Severus said quietly.

Harry smiled, somehow it was actually strange hearing those words from the man who had made his life a living hell for 6 years in the future. "You're welcome Sev. I"m just glad it worked out. You're a good person Severus, never forget that allright?"

"I wont, promise." Severus said smiling back at Harry, and the 4 boys got under their cloaks and headed off in opposite directions.

When Harry and Draco got back to the commons, after a quick stop off at the kitchens, luckily only a few first years were milling round and didn't notice them even come in. Harry went up and put the cloak inside James's trunk, burying it in the usual place way at the bottom. He put the food he'd brought on James's bed, closing the curtains to keep any wandering eyes from seeing it, then headed back downstairs to where Draco was waiting on the sofa.

Harry sat down next to Draco and put his arms round him pulling him close. He didn't care anymore what people would say or think, Draco was his, and right now he needed him desperately. "What an odd night eh?" he said leaning his head back now against the back of the sofa.

Draco snuggled closer to Harry, sighing in happiness at his touch. "That's saying alot. He'll be allright wont he? Both of them I mean?" Draco said quietly.

"You've already seen they will be. Just as we will be Dray. Do you think...we've changed too much though?" Harry said in a whisper.

Draco thought for a moment and shook his head. "I think we changed exactly what we had to Harry. So the question remains now is...why aren't we home yet?"

Harry didn't say anything, just wrapped is arms round Draco tighter. "Dont worry bout it, there's still enough to do here yet maybe is all." he said lightly, but something in his voice made Draco want to turn and look at him.

He didn't however, for whatever Harry's meaning had been by that remark wasn't something Draco wanted to know just yet. If Harry did have something planned, he knew Harry would tell him when he was ready.

"Stay with me tonight Dray. I dont care what everyone else thinks anymore, I cant bear the thought of sleeping alone now." Harry whispered into Draco's ear.

Draco did turn then and looked at Harry in surprize. "Are you sure?"

Harry nodded slowly. "As sure as I've been in my entire life. I dont care who knows anymore, let them all know. We've spent two weeks never leaving each other's side, and I wont give that up." Harry said firmly.

Draco smiled up at Harry, a warm feeling running through his body. If Harry wasn't afraid then he wouldn't be either. "Allright Harry...as if I'd want to spend a night away from you. I love you." he said and reached up to gently place a kiss on Harry's lips.

Unfortunately it was at that moment that two other people came down the dorm stairs and saw them. "Ugh, will you two quit that? Yeesh!" a voice said with mock severity.

Harry and Draco broke apart and grinned up at the intruders, though Harry didn't let Draco move from his embrace. "Problems Padfoot?" he said mockingly.

Sirius laughed. "Only if you dont mind two more as company." he said, and sat down on the other sofa acrost from them, making room for the person he was with.

Peter glanced at Harry almost blushingly for a moment and sat down next to Sirius, blushing even harder when Sirius put his arm round Peter's shoulders. "So, where were you guys? We looked everywhere but you'd gone."

"Oh...we had to run an errand that's all. I take it things are going well with you two then?" Harry said grinning over at Sirius and Peter, who was now blushing profusely.

"You dont know what you gave up Flyer, that you dont." Sirius said positively beaming at Peter now and drawing him closer.

Harry laughed. "Better man won Siri that's all. You were meant for each other as much as Draco and I were. Where's James or do I need to even ask?" he said chuckling.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Where else? I dont blame him though, I mean honestly...spending two weeks at Lily's house and probably not even able to snog her once! The Evan's are pretty strict, I met them, they like James but Merlin they dont want their little angel to get into the 'wrong' ideas!" he said laughing.

Harry and Draco laughed at that as well. Suddenly the portrait opened and in walked the very two people they had been talking bout. "Well well, speak of the devil himself!" Draco said grinning.

James looked over at Draco and gave him a grin. "Take it you were talking bout me eh?" he said and him and Lily sat down on the sofa, James putting his arm round Lily as well.

"Just was wondring where you two were at that's all. Figured you'd be shagging senseless by now after two weeks apart." Sirius said winking at James. By now everyone was used to the way Sirius could be just that blunt.

"As it happens, the Evan's were actually not so bad this holiday." James said with a smirk.

"Oi, implying they're always bad Jamesie?" Lily said smacking him on the arm.

"No, of course not Lils! Just that...we'll you have to admit normally they wouldn't even let us sit next to each other at the dinner table. Thank Merlin for Petunia though!" James said rubbing his arm.

"P-Petunia?" Harry stammered. "What bout her?"

Lily gave Harry a strange look. "I told you about my sister?" she said.

Draco cut in this time. "Yeah, right before we left for holidays remember? Dont tell me you're getting senile allready!" Draco said with a faked mocking tone.

"Hardly likely." Lily said snorting at Draco. "Anyway...Harry you dont have any eer...well...muggle relatives do you?" she said turning to him now questioning.

Harry stiffened, he had a suspicion suddenly what was coming. Thinking quickly he nodded then and said, "Yeah actually, I do. Dont like to talk bout it you understand. The man is an honest nightmare, my parents hate him, my whole family hates him and I almost never see him."

"His name isn't Vernon by chance is it?" Lily said nodding at Harry.

Harry sighed internally, this was a moment he was dreading. "Yeah, that's the one. Vernon Dursley right? A muggle half the size of a whale and an attitude that could freeze hell."

Lily looked at Harry sharply then laughed and nodded. "That's him, on the nose! Anyway, seems Petunia's taking quite a fancy for him and apparently so has he. Hope it wont last though, he's downright horrible. Too overly sweet for my tastes, though my parents are eating it up. Yeech." Lily said making gagging noises now.

Internally Harry wished Lily had been right and it wouldn't last, but he knew all too well it would. "Well dont worry Lils, I dont think you'll have to deal with them much even if they do stay together."

"You got that right! I"m planning not to leave the wizarding world anyway when I get out of school...for...other reasons..." she said blushing and made a quick glance to something on her hand...something everyone now noticed.

"Lils? Honestly? James you sly dog you didn't!" Sirius said then jumping half off the sofa in joy.

Lily blushed and James beamed in proudness. "I did Padfoot, and cant say I regret it! The Evan's gave us a heck of a lecture but I didn't care. It was well worth it!" he said with a silly grin.

"Well congrats you two! When's the big day?" Sirius said beaming now, Peter as well.

"I"m hoping for a summer wedding. Maybe June....right after we graduate..." Lily said thoughtfully.

"July. It's got to be July, best time for that." Harry suddenly cut in, a huge grin on his face. *This is it, this is when it all started....this is how I get born!* his mind said reeling. And perhaps even.....

"Ohh..never even thought bout July, yes! Perfect! That sound good Jamesie?" Lily said excitedly.

James grinned. "Anything you want love. It'll be the biggest wedding of the century before we're though though. All the people we have to invite!" James said now groaning.

"Nah, dont worry mate, we'll help, right Peter?" Sirius said laughing, Peter nodding in agreement.

"Right James, Lily. We'll be glad to help!" Peter said happily. "So who's going to be your best man James?" Peter said curiously.

"Well...that is...I mean...I'd love it if you'd do the honours Sirius...would you be my best man?" James said hesitantly.

Sirius looked stunned for a moment and broke into another huge grin. Jumping off the sofa he grabbed James up in a hug. "Are you kidding? I'd love to! This is fantastic!" Sirius said letting James finally go and sat back down on the sofa.

"So, you two planning on kids then?" Draco said not even glancing at Harry.

"Kids? Egads...kids?" James said now half in shock.

"Yeah James, you know...the little versions of adults?" Draco said chuckling. "You do want 'em right?"

"Er...well...guess I never thought bout it really. What about it Lils? You want them?" James said gazing at Lily half blushing actually.

Lily chuckled. "Of course I do James! I want a whole houseful of them so you'll never feel lonely again lover. Boys mainly, but I'd love a girl to dress up too!" she said.

Harry suddenly felt like the world was bout to crash down on him but he didn't outwardly show it. Only Draco seemed to understand how he was feeling and took Harry's hand in his giving it a strong squeeze. Harry for a moment turned to Draco and half smiled, though in his eyes Draco could see the sadness at Lily's words. Harry would have had sisters and brothers if Lily and James hadn't died, Draco was sure of it.

"Egads Prongs, she's going to turn you into a breeding machine if you're not careful!" Sirius said laughing, cutting into Harry and Draco's thoughts.

"Oh honestly you!" Lily said half glaring at Sirius. "As long as their nothing like their father...well...only a little bit anyway. Can you really see Hogwarts having to survive more marauders in the future? It can barely handle you guys now!" she said laughing.

"She's got a point Prongs, though you better have some boys so we teach them the true art of pranking!" Sirius said with a hearty laugh.

"Did I hear the words 'pranks' and 'boys' in the same sentence? Did I miss something?" a voice said jovially now startling everyone.

"Merlins beard Remus dont do that!" James said in a half growl. "Yeah you did miss something actually." he said grinning now as Remus sat down in one of the oversized chairs.

"Sorry had to do something. So what did I miss?" he said, and James, Sirius and Lily told him what had just been said.

Remus beamed. "Well congratulations mates! That's fantastic! Honestly it is. I can see it now, little Lily and James's running round on a front lawn...Lily cooking...you coming home from the Ministry...yup the perfect life...." Remus said though his tone of voice was actually a bit sad now.

Lily however picked that up right away. "Remy? What's wrong?"

Remus smiled at Lily gently and shook his head. "Nothing really...." he said though absentmindly at best.

Draco however noticed something different right away with Remus. He knew partly the reason behind Remus's mood, but he felt this had little do with that. "What is it Remus?" he said giving Remus a searching glance.

"Well...I'm not sure..I should spoil the mood...I mean this is Lily and James's moment and all..." he said hesitantly and glanced for half a second towards Sirius.

"Oh come on Remy! You can tell us, we're your best friends right?" Lily said though it really wasn't a question, more of a statement.

Remus looked at her for a moment, making a decision. He smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I have some news of my own actually...that is...well...you're not the only ones that err...are getting...umm....hitched as it were..." he said actually blushing himself now.

Everyone stared at Remus now, some in shock, some in complete surprize. Lily was the first to recover. "You mean...that is...you and Sn-err...Severus...are...."

Remus nodded. "Yeah. I asked him to marry me."

"When?" James said partially recovering.

Remus shifted in his chair nervously and glanced towards Harry and Draco for a second. "Tonight. Just now actually. I'd...well...it was sort of a last minute thing and err...well it seemed right....and..."

"Oh Remy! That's...well...that's really great. Honestly it is...if that's what makes you happy...even if it is with that..er...with Severus...than...I'm happy for you. Right James?" she said smiling at Remus and nudging James in the ribs. Though she hadn't really minded Remus being with Severus, marrying him was another thing totally.

"Err yeah Moony, that's ah...great. Well any idea for a date then?" James said half smiling now at Remus.

"Err..well we were thinking right after graduation. June actually...as soon as we can really. A really small wedding, we're going to ask Dumbledore to do the service. And...well...we'd really like it if all of you..." and he looked at Harry and Draco as well, "would come. Just you guys though, not even Severus's mother will know. And...we dont want anyone to know bout this allright? Keep it between ourselves...." Remus said lowing his voice now wearily.

Harry and Draco understood completely the need for Remus and Severus to keep this a secret. Now that Severus was going to be doing what he was doing, it was imperative noone knew that Severus Snape of all people was married to not only a Gryffindor, but if Voldemort found out Remus was a werewolf, that was more than trouble in the making. Suddenly Harry made a decision then, even if it meant things were going to be difficult for him and Draco.

"I think it's great Remus, and I'd love to be at your wedding." Harry said smiling fully at Remus now in reassurance.

"Really? You...you think you and Draco will be there?" Remus said knowing Harry would catch onto the reference.

Harry turned to Draco for a second, and saw Draco give him a slight nod and a smile. Turning back to Remus he said, "Yeah, we'll be there, dont worry. Wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"Harry..I...I talked it over with Sev and well...if you were going to be here still...would...would you be my best man? And Dray...would be Sev's?" he said hesitantly.

Harry and Draco blinked and they both nodded. "I'd love to Sev's best man, tell him that for me allright?" Draco said with a smile.

"Same here Moony...I'd love to." Harry said.

"Well geeze...only thing left to do is for us to get married now Peter...everyone else is practically! Harry and Draco too!" Sirius said actually grinning then and trying to lighten the mood.

Peter looked up quickly at Sirius with a dumbfounded expression. "You're not serious are you?" he said.

Sirius laughed. "At your service!" he said to a groan from everyone in the room. "Geeze cant even have a joke can I. Really though I'm joking Pete, dont worry. I'm in no way ready to settle down yet have no fear!" he said though he pulled Peter closer to him giving him a hug.

Peter seemed relieved by that, and only Harry and Draco knew why. If Peter married Sirius as he was now, a deatheater, that could be severe repercussions for him with his master. Peter wouldn't be able to do what he would have to do if he was married, and though a part of Harry was screaming at the injustices of that knowledge, there was nothing he could do bout it.

"Well then, what a night eh?" Lily said half yawning now. "I'm beat, I'm turning in. We've got plenty of time to talk on this over the next few months. I need sleep." she said now fully yawning. "Coming James or you staying at the dorm tonight?" she said giving James a look that everyone in the room seemed to understand.

"Err...right. Coming love. Night everyone see you at breakfast." he said to a few good nature ribbing comments as he was leaving. Pretty much everyone figured that no matter how tired Lily appeared, it would be a while yet before either of them really would get some sleep.

"Well I'm turning in too, was a long day." Remus said giving Harry and Draco meaningful glances. "Night everyone." he said then headed up the stairs to the dorm.

"Dropping like dung beetles they are, no stamina." Sirius said with a chuckle, then to his dismay yawned himself. "Err...well. Guess we should turn in too eh Peter?" he said standing up and pulling Peter up with him. "Night Harry, night Draco." he said.

"Night Harry, night Dray." Peter said as well.

"Night guys." Harry and Draco said back and watched as the two of them headed off themselves for the dorm.

Draco sighed and snuggled back into Harry's arms, a strange contentment filling him. "Harry?"


"Why were so adamant on them not getting married till July?" he said wondringly.

Harry leaned in and kissed the top of Draco's head, whispering in french to be safe, now that they were back in Hogwarts they would have to remember to use that. Especially in view of all that was going on with Remus and Severus now. "Because...I have a picture of when they got married Dray. And the date was...July 1st, 1978." Harry said thoughtfully. "Oh cripes Draco...you know what?" he said suddenly now sitting up sharply.

Draco blinked at the suddenness of Harry doing that and said, "No Harry, what?"

"I wonder....it's strange but...Draco, I"m the reason they chose that date! If I hadn't suggested it, then...."

Realization dawned on Draco too just then, and answering back in french he said with a grin, "You just started your own birth Harry. If they had picked June, you might not have been born in when you were....how ironic!" he said with a laugh.

"I wonder....it's strange but...Draco, if I"m the reason they chose that date...If I hadn't suggested it, then...."

"Then what?" Draco said yawning himself now.

"What if I got my name....because maybe I"m the one who suggests it to them in the future? What if...what if I'm the one who actually named...me?" he said in awe.

"Harry, you dont even know if we'll still be here when you're born. I mean...you're not seriously thinking of sticking round here that long are you? I dont mind staying for Remus and Severus's wedding but...that's pushing it. You were the one wanting to play for the Chudley Cannon's and see Granger and Weasley again...have you forgotten?" Draco said a bit concerned now.

Harry sighed, "I know, you're right. But Dray, it's not like we even know how long we'll be stuck here anyway. It's not like it's really up to us how long we're staying, maybe the mirror intends us to stay who knows? Maybe it's never planning on sending us back again...."

"Let's not even think like that Harry allright? Let's get some sleep, we can worry bout this another time. Besides, we have potions first class and if we're late again...I just cant stand doing a detention right after we get back!" Draco said muttering.

Harry chuckled at that, putting the rest out of his mind for the moment. "Yeah your right. Come on, let's get some sleep. You're still staying with me you know..." Harry said softly and pulled Draco off the sofa now into his arms.

"As if I had a choice?" Draco said with a soft chuckle and put his hand on Harry's face.

Harry gazed deep into Draco's eyes and saw how much love was within them. It still amazed him that this person was his. His arch enemy turned lover, and Harry knew that destiny was funny that way. Finding love in all the right places for the wrong people. But in the end Draco was his, and his alone, and nothing be it past, present or future, was going to change that.

Together the two boys went upstairs to the dorm, got into their pyjamas and headed into Harry's bed, arms wrapped round each other like back at the Harroby's. They closed the curtains round the bed to be safe, but after tonight probably noone would have cared where they slept anymore. They were happy, and didn't care who would know it anymore.

As they finally fell asleep, noone noticed a small black raven sitting on the outer ledge of the windowsill, nor that it's coal black eyes were intently studying a heavyset brownhaired lad who was whimpering a bit in his sleep. The raven watched for a little while longer then flew off, and the heavyset lad returned to a natural state of sleep, breathing calmly and normally, the dreams he had had now fading into darkness.

* * * * *