Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Slash Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/13/2002
Updated: 10/19/2002
Words: 112,471
Chapters: 21
Hits: 19,516

Misguided Intentions

Piri Malfoy

Story Summary:
Start of 7th year. Voldemort is defeated so why isn't Harry happy?``When something happens that sends him to another time along with someone``he didn't expect, will it help him find what he needs? HP/DM, SS/RL,``SB/? (Will be set during the time of MWPP Year 1977 - 1978)

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Start of 7th year. Voldemort is defeated so why isn't Harry happy? When something happens that sends him to another time along with someone he didn't expect, will it help him find what he needs? HP/DM, SS/RL, SB/? (Will be set during the time of MWPP Year 1977 - 1978)
Author's Note:
This is not exactly an AU, nor is it quite out of 'canon' either. The people and places for the most part are in the HP world (a few extras here and there for fillins.) The only thing different is that it's not going to take place just in one time or another...but you'll find out what I mean soon enough.

"Dont put the bat wings in yet you git, it'll boil over!" Draco's voice hissed into Harry's ear and grabbing Harry's hand back just in time.

Harry didn't say anything just sighed, this potions class had to be one of the worst so far. What they were learning today was nothing more then a simple healing potion, something they had learned over a year ago in their own time, and he found himself quite bored at this point. "Sorry, this is just boring me to death..." Harry whispered back dejectedly.

"I agree but atleast try not to look stupid here, we've done this potion it's way too easy. Just concentrate allready will you or are you too busy looking at Pettigrew?" Draco whispered back sullenly.

"I allready told you I"m not interested in Peter like that allright? Sheesh take the hint Draco, I like girls!" Harry hissed back.

"Unless you two have something to add to the class, I suggest you start finishing your potion boys. Everyone else is almost done." Professor Sierra said walking up to Harry and Draco with a stern look on her face. "2 points from Gryffindor and see that it does not happen again." she said quickly and continued prowling round the room.

Harry and Draco were mortified by this, their first real day and allready they were losing points for their house? Harry looked away then embarrassed but James caught his eye with a smile and a nod, apparently this was a common thing to lose points in potions so atleast Harry felt a bit better.

"Okay add the bat's wings in now, and dont screw it up!" Draco said then in a surely voice, keeping his eye on the potion.

Harry didn't say anything just added in the bat's wings. Sure enough moments later the potion turned the normal milky colour it was supposed to, and stayed from boiling over to his relief.

"Well, it seems despite being from Beauxbatons you boys can make a potion. Now put it in the vials and clean up the cauldron and your work area. Everyone else is done now." Professor Sierra said with a sniff. Apparently like Snape in the future, she was biased against Gryffindors, or any other house but her own Slytherins.

"Very good Severus, you're potion was perfect. I see you have been practising like I asked you too. I"ll use your batch to take to Madam Pomfrey as it's the best of the lot." Sierra said coming up behind Severus now and giving him a smile. "5 points to Slytherin for this." she said nodding.

Severus nearly double over he was so happy. Potions was his favourite class of all time, but for some reason until recently he wasn't really that good at it. Giving a sideways glance to someone in the corner, the joy was clearly written on his face when he got a smile returned from that person. Whistling then he bottled up his potion carefully for Professor Sierra and cleaned up his work station and cauldron, he just couldn't believe he'd just earned not only praise from Sierra, but 5 whole house points! He'd never done that before!

Severus, Harry and Draco were the last one's to leave the potions classroom then, everyone else had headed out the moment the bell had rung. Since they had a half hour breather between classes they weren't atleast going to be late for Transfiguration, but they didn't want to take chances either. Harry and Draco sped out into the corridor, Harry knocking down a person standing out there.

"Ooof hey you allright? Sorry bout that I didn't..." Harry said standing up and brushing himself off then noticed who it was he'd just plowed down.

"No, it's my fault, sorry. I shouldn't have been standing there." Severus Snape said getting up and brushing himself off.

He really was a small lad back in this time, looking more 14 then 17. His hair oddly enough wasn't all that greasy and oily as it was in the 'future' time, but it was starting to get that way. His nose was still a bit hooked, but not as bad either, apparently somewhere in the future it would get worse, and he wasn't dressed all in black either. He was wearing a nice green pullover with grey trousers, and his robe and tie were actually skewed off instead of the normal neat and tidy the adult Snape kept things. His skin was pale, but not sallow, and his teeth were pearly white strangely, not a trace of yellow to be seen.

"Well umm, sorry again. You allright?" Harry said now making sure. Last thing he needed was Snape running off telling Sierra that he'd just been plowed down by a Gryffindor of all things.

Severus nodded. "Really, I'm fine. You're the new kids right? Harry and Draco?"

Harry and Draco nodded. "I'm Harry, this is Draco. You're Severus Snape right?"

Severus looked surprized at that but nodded slowly. "Yes that's right. How did you know?"

"Potions remember?" Draco said cutting in now and smiling at the young Severus. "Really good break on that potion, perfect job."

"Oh...oh thank you. I've been studying. I'm usually horrible at potions..." Severus said sighing.

Now it was Harry's turn to look surprized. "You? How could you ever be awful at potions?" but as soon as he said that he felt a nudge from Draco.

"Careful Harry, he may not have been good in this time, we dont know remember?" Draco said then in french, hoping the younger Severus didn't understand, and from the look on his face he clearly didn't.

"Oh wow, what language is that?" Severus said wideeyed.

"French actually. Um Harry maybe we should be getting along, we dont want to be late. Besides, we shouldn't be seen talking with him." Draco said then glancing off down the corridor making sure noone was coming.

Severus's face seemed to fall at that comment, and almost a scowl came over it. "Oh I see. I should have known since you're Gryffindor's you wouldn't want to talk to a Slytherin. You're probably best friends with Potter and Black too." he said darkly.

"Well hey...yeah we are but...that doesn't mean..." Harry began.

"Dont bother. Obviously you think that Slytherin's are nothing more then just stupid evil gits who are all going to be part of You-Know-Who's services, why would I be an exception." Severus muttered and started to turn and walk off.

Harry quickly stepped infront of him then, even though he was getting odd looks from Draco. He couldn't get the Snape in the future to ever like him most likely, but atleast he could try to get the one in the past to atleast accept him. "Listen Severus, we dont think that at all. Well I certainly dont. I think everyone has some good in them, except Voldemort that is..." Harry grinned slightly.

Severus seemed to recoil at Harry's words and his eye's grew round again. "You...you said...you said his name?!" he whispered backing away.

"Err...well...that is...ahh You-Know-Who I meant." Harry said quickly trying to cover his mistake.

"Wow, you can really say it though without any trouble, even the Slytherin's wont say his name! Impressive!" Severus said then stepping back towards Harry.

Harry blushed slightly. "Yeah well, dont tell anyone I said it okay? Dont need to start a riot or anything." he chuckled slightly. "Anyway the point is...I certainly dont think you're bad...and I'm beginning to realize there's more to Slytherin's then I thought myself.." Harry said stealing a quick glance at Draco who looked surprized at that.

"We're not you know, really we aren't. Only Gryffindor's think we're that bad, it's not fair. We've just got a bad reputation is all." Severus said sighing.

"Well Remus thinks the world of you so you cant be all that bad right? Remus is a great guy and..." Harry started but a look of fear came over Severus's face then and he back away again.

"Re-Remus? What...about...him?" Severus's stammered obviously scared now.

"Oh for chrissake Harry!" Draco said with a scowl. "We know about you and Lupin, and believe me, we of all people aren't going to say anything. To each his own, though personally I find it a bit strange." Draco said with a shrug.

"Why? What's wrong with Remus and I?" Severus said angry all of a sudden. He really wasn't too happy with Draco's attitude about all this.

"Dont mind Draco, he's a bit strange himself." Harry said glaring at Draco now who gave him a smirk. "Remus obviously is in love with you Severus and well...he's already had to fight James and Sirius cause of it that's all." Harry said with a sigh.

"Well he should. Potter and Black are prats if they cant understand. It's noone's business anyway." Severus said scowling.

"Look, you're right, it isn't. Just hang in there allright? I'll see what I can do maybe to make things easier...if this is what you really want...Remus I mean..." Harry said looking right into Severus's eyes.

Severus's glared at him a moment, but then saw Harry was being serious, and nodded slowly then sighed. "I dont know why I should be talking to you two bout this, since you're strangers and all, but somehow I think...well I hope you'll help. I really do like Remus, he's so kind and everything to me. He protects me from Lucius too when he can and..." Severus looked scared again now.

"Lucius? Lucius Malfoy?" Draco said now stepping back into the conversation. "What about him?" he said peering intently at Severus.

Severus took a step back from Draco a scared look in his eyes again. "No-nothing, nothing allright? Just...just forget I said that! Look, forget it, I dont need any help after all, I'll be fine...thanks anyway..." Severus said then turned and sprinted down the corridor at top speed, obviously very frightened.

"Just great Draco! You're scared the bloody hell out of him!" Harry muttered angrily.

"Well you're the one who had to start playing the Mr. Nice Guy Gryffindor. Geeze, what is your insistence on wanting him to like us? Like it really matters! It wasn't our business anyway, you heard him." Draco snapped back.

"Listen, Snape hates me because of something you dont even know about, something that's going to happen here soon. If I can maybe have that situation avoided somehow, it might make things a bit easier for me in our time allright?" Harry said almost in a whisper and began to walk down the corridor now.

"Dammit Harry you know the rules! We cant, repeat...can not change what happens in this time! Think of the consequences!" Draco said back in french instead of whispering and began to walk next to Harry.

Harry stopped walking then and his shoulders slumped. "You just dont get it do you. How hard this is for me....knowing that I have the chance to save everyone, to save my parents for chrissakes and maybe not have Peter betray them...to maybe not have Sirius end up in Azkaban...maybe have everything different so that...so that..." Harry said tears forming in his eyes.

Draco looked at Harry now with actually a saddened look and put his hand on his shoulder. "Believe it or not Harry, I do understand. Believe me when I tell you I know how hard this is on you...how much you want to change things...but if you did change so much think about what would happen in our time. Let's say you're parents were alive, you wouldn't be who you are now...the Boy Who Lived...you wouldn't have..."

"I wouldn't have what Draco? My scar? My 'Golden Boy' status? My god awful summers living with those awful Dursley's? Snape hating me for a stupid prank Sirius and my father will pull on him? What will I have Draco, tell me huh? Will it give me peace...happiness?" Harry spat back angrily.

Draco stared at him then, unsure of how to react. "I...I guess I never really knew how bad it was for you Harry, I"m sorry. I hate my parents, I wish they were dead half the time...but I couldn't imagine it if they were I suppose. You really hate who you are...dont you..." he said softly then.

Harry sighed deeply and nodded, the tears flowing freely now. "More then you could possibly know Draco....I'd give it all up, everything...if I could change even one thing..."

"You cant bring them back Harry...you know that. A change that drastic like Dumbledore said, could destroy our very time line. But....but perhaps a smaller change, one not so drastic...couldn't hurt..." Draco said looking at Harry with a small smile of understanding.

Harry's eye's lit up almost golden rather then the brown they usually were now with the change. "You...you think so? You'll help me then?" he said with a catch in his voice.

Draco chuckled and nodded. "Long as noone finds out we're doing this, fine I'll help. Hell if Snape can be a nicer person in the future that's worth a thousand detentions now!" he grinned causing Harry to laugh then. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up and get to class, I think we've got bout 10 minutes left now to get there, and you know how McGonagall is if we're late!" he said then with a grin and grabbed Harry's hand and they both sprinted back to the dorms to get ready.

Luckily noone else was in the commons to see the state Harry was in, and the rest of the day went considerably well actually. Harry and Draco had no problem turning a few mice into teapots, having covered that lesson the year before in transfiguration. It was during suppertime however, that things took another turn for the worse.

It started out allright enough, Harry and Draco were next to each other, whilst James, Lily and Sirius were off on Draco's side and Peter and Remus on Harry's. This time it was Peter who was next to Harry however and it was clear to Harry that Draco was not happy bout that at all.

There was minimal conversation atleast, mainly just asking to pass this or that to Harry and Draco's relief. Lily apparently had ended up having a talk with Remus at some point that morning for he seemed in better spirits and even risked a few glances at Severus when he thought noone was looking. Harry however had been, and seen almost a look of pure panic on Severus's face when he saw Harry was also looking at him. Harry made a note that as soon as possible he would have to have another chat with Severus to assure him he and Draco meant no harm to him nor Remus.

Right as supper ended though is when the worst of things happened. The 7 of them were standing at the tables discussing the next class when Lucius Malfoy made a point of coming up to Remus whispering something into his ear with a malicious grin.

"You scum Malfoy how dare you!" Remus didn't even bother to whisper back to him, just standing there looking at Lucius with malice.

"Suit yourself Lupin, just thought I'd let you know is all." Lucius said still grinning wickedly.

"Hey, what's going on here? What did you say Malfoy?" James said intervening between the two of them now, a glare headed right towards Lucius.

"Nothing that concerns you Potter." he said sneering at James now. Turning back to Remus he said then, "I meant what I said Lupin. Do well to keep it in mind, you might find the choice palatable after all." he said giving Remus a nod and walking away, a look of pure fury on Remus's face.

"You'll find me dead first Malfoy..." he snapped back as Lucius was leaving.

Lucius stopped though he didn't turn round. "As I said, suit yourself Lupin. The offer still stands." he said and then quickly headed out the doors of the hall, followed by Crabbe and Goyle who had been slightly behind him the whole time. "Come Severus, dont dally." he said then to the boy who had been trying to hide at that point.

Harry noticed a quick glance of fear from Severus towards Remus, who nodded at him to go with Lucius rather then create a scene now. It was almost as if that nod was a communication for Severus nodded back and headed out behind Lucius, holding his head up high showing he wasn't going to be afraid. Remus would protect him, he always did.

"What the hell was that about Remy?" Sirius said now watching Lucius and his goons, along with Severus, leave the hall.

"Nothing, it was nothing." Remus said in a voice that betrayed those words, anger flecking through his whole body causing him to shake.

"Nothing? Sure as hell looked like something to me!" James said turning Remus round now to face him.

"Since when do I have to answer to all of you hmm? I said it was nothing and I mean it!" Remus said angrily and turned to walk out then, however Sirius got round him before he could even take more then 2 steps.

"We're you're best friends dammit, if it's something that Malfoy's doing we have a right to know!" he said just as angrily.

Remus looked at him then with eyes nearly blackened from rage, almost as if he wasn't even seeing Sirius but someone totally different. Finally he registered what Sirius said to him, and he seemed to cool down a bit. "Best....friends?" he said slowly looking from Sirius to James and back to Sirius.

Sirius sighed and nodded. "Despite what you think Remy, we still are you're best friends. Just because we dont like what's going on....doesn't mean we're going to abandon you you stupid git."

"You mean that Siri? Honest to Merlin mean that?" Remus said giving Sirius a stare right into his eyes.

"Gods Remus, of course I mean it! You dont just stop loving a person like that...even when they dont return that love. You're my...our friend Remus...our brother even...hell we became...well you know...for you...doesn't that count for something?" he said with a catch in his voice.

All the anger finally seeped out of Remus then and a smile came acrost his face. Looking at James, Lily and Peter who were nodding at him as if telling him what Sirius was saying was more then true, it seemed to finally break him. Tears came forth and he soon found himself the object of hugs from everyone, even Harry stepped in and gave him a quick hug.

Remus wiped his tears away and sighed deeply. "Merlin, you guys...you're too much you know that? I really appreciate this, you have no idea what it means to me...I know you dont like what I'm doing exactly...but..."

"Moony we dont like it but...." James began and Remus looked up sharply at him, "But we're not going to deny you what you want. If he is who you really want right now then so be it. Just stop lying to us Remus, tell us what's really going on allright? We cant help if we dont know!" James said and the rest of the group, even Draco this time, nodded in agreement.

"Guys, whatever needs to be said I dont think should be said now though. We should go up to the commons and talk dont you think?" Draco said then and everyone finally realized where they were still at.

"Draco's right, let's go to the commons." Lily said giving Draco a quick smile and ushered everyone off with a prod. "Let's get a move on slowpokes! Good thing we dont have class for a while yet, time to talk." she said giving everyone a stare and rushing out the doors first.

"Egads James, if that's what having a girlfriend is like...count me out!" Peter said with a roll of his eyes and promptly got a smack on the arm from James.

"Hey atleast I have someone Peter!" James shot back with a laugh causing Peter to blush and finally the tension was eased, the rest of them grinning as well and they all headed back out the doors to the commons then.

They arrived in the commons a few minutes later and settled themselves round the chairs and sofas by the fire. James and Lily on one sofa, Sirius, Remus and Peter in 3 separate chairs, and Harry and Draco on another sofa. It was a bit cooler outside then it should have been for this time of year, unlike in the 'future' when it was still pretty warm for early Winter, so the fire was still blazing nice and warm.

"Allright Moony spill it. What did Malfoy say to you to get you so upset?" James said then giving Remus a fixed stare.

Remus sighed a long drawn out sigh then. "Allright...just promise me one thing, whatever I tell you stays here and won't retaliate against Malfoy? If you did, Sev could take the brunt of it and I dont want that...do we have a deal?" he said looking first at James, then ending up with Harry and Draco. Everyone nodded then as if in agreement.

"Go head Remus, we promise." Sirius said then softly.

Remus nodded. "Malfoy told me that..." and he took a swift breath in, "that You-Know-Who has...has..." he closed his eyes then as if to give him the strength to say what he needed to. "Has noticed that I'm quite skilled in...well the Dark Arts..."

James and Sirius gave a sharp intake of breath in then. "And..that means...?" James said slowly letting out the breath of air.

"That means he want's to...that he is interested in my...abilities...for himself...and wants me to join him..." Remus said softly bowing down his head almost in disgrace.

"He what??? You're joking right? Has Malfoy gone mad? You...join..that evil, slimy bastard???" Sirius said jumping up in a rush.

"Sit down Sirius!" Lily said sharply giving him a glare, then turned back to Remus. "Christ Remy I mean...I can understand now when you said what you did to him. I'd rather be dead then...well...then do that..." she said giving Remus a look of sympathy.

Harry started at those words, they hit too close to home for him. "NO! No you wouldn't rather be dead Lily! You...you cant die...." he said giving Lily a look that surprized her.

"Harry!" Draco said quickly and gave him a sharp look. "Dont even try it!" he said in French then and glared at him.

Harry just stared at Draco for a second like he was ready to kill him, the rest of the group looking at the too of them as if they'd gone nutters. "Dammit this isn't fair Draco! This is where it started dont you get it? I can stop it...I can change everything..." he said back in french giving Draco a pitiful look.

"Harry we've gone over this, you cant stop what isn't meant to be stopped. We both know Remus wont go over to him, so why start something you cant finish? Just. Let. It. Go." He said back in french and took Harry's hand in his. "Please Harry...please?" he said softly giving Harry a pleading look.

Harry looked at Lily and James for a second a wistful expression in his eyes, then back to Draco and with a soft sigh nodded to him. Taking his hand from Draco's he realized that oddly enough holding Draco's hand was a comfort to him, something he hadn't expected, and actually he hadn't minded it at all. He knew though he couldn't bare to be round anyone right now, he needed time to think, and he saw Peter was giving him a strange look that he wasn't sure he really needed right at the moment. He quickly turned and ran up to the dorm, leaving behind some very confused people.

"What's wrong with him?" James said watching Harry practically flee up to the dorm.

"Err...he's missing home that's all. I wish there was a way he could go flying, that always did help him..." Draco said glancing towards the stairs worriedly. He wasn't going to admit this to anyone, but suddenly he was getting very worried bout Harry and his being here in the past. Not just being here, but in general, and he wasn't quite sure what to do bout it anymore.

"Flying? What do you mean?" Remus said then looking at Draco.

Draco looked over at Remus thoughtfully then, deciding to bring back up the topic at hand. "What are you going to do now Remus? You're not going to go over to Vo-er...You-Know-Who's side are you?" he said.

"The day Remus turns evil is the day I'll turn to You-Know-Who." Sirius said with a vengeance, causing Remus to chuckle slightly, and Draco gave Sirius an odd glance.

"You dont have to worry bout me Draco, I'm never going to become one of those horrible things in the black cloaks, I promise you that. Even if it means never doing Dark Arts again." Remus said with a nod.

"I wouldn't go that far Remus, you might need those skills one day." Draco said giving Remus a small grin. Little did Remus know that those same Dark Arts skills would help bring about the very fall of Voldemort in the future, and Draco had to in everyway convince him not to give up in that field. "I'd say do alot more defense against those dark arts Remus, could save you're life one day." he said nodding to Remus.

Remus looked at him oddly but nodded. "I suppose you're right. Cant fight what you dont know eh?" he said grinning. "But now bout Harry...what's with the flying anyway?"

"Well now that we got things settled, I need to go to the library before class. We've only got an hour and I've got to get this report done yet. Remus, dont keep us in the dark anymore allright? We love you you silly git." she said standing up and stretching.

Remus grinned at her. "Promise Lils, I wont."

"Good, now be good boys and let me know how Harry's doing. He seems so sad all the time..." she said frowning. "Maybe I should introduce him to a few people I know are single, he just needs the proper 'motivations' I think.." she said grinning now.

Peter looked up at Lily then with a start. "Err...you mean..find him a..girlfriend?" he said.

"Well of course I mean a girlfriend Peter, what did you think I meant? Honestly!" she said rolling her eyes. "Unless..." she said now turning to Draco. "Is he interested in girls or guys Draco...you'd know right, you're his best friend." she said giving him a peering look.

"Best...friend...err..right..of course I am...um...but.." Draco stammered and searched for the right words. "Well ah..honestly I..ah...I dont know which he prefers. He's never really umm..dated you see at ah..Beauxbatons before..."

"Well then there you go, that's the problem! He doesn't know what he wants!" Lily said chuckling. "I'll find him a nice girl, and if it doesn't work out, then a nice guy. Leave it all up to me!" she said smiling sweetly and leaned in to give James a kiss.

"I dont think thats such a good idea Lily..." Peter began to say but was cut off.

"Nonsense Peter, it's a great idea! That's all Harry needs to stop being so sad and lonely, you'll see!" she said giving Remus and Sirius a hug now and waved to the rest. "See you in class!" she said over her shoulder and headed out of the portrait hole quicker then anyone could respond.

Peter put his head in his hands and groaned then. "She never listens does she." he said with a sigh.

"Nope, never has never will." James said with a grin. "She does have a point though, I noticed Harry has been looking at me and her a bit wistfully. Lad needs a few good snogs and he'll be right as rain..."

"You're impossible James honestly!" Sirius said then with a groan. "Snogging is not the only thing in life...what about love and affection eh? I know for fact you're not with Lils just for a few quickies in the Head Girls bedroom!" he said with a laugh.

Everyone groaned at that then. "Honestly Padfoot, like we needed a mental picture of that!" Remus said throwing a seat pillow at Sirius then. "But really, what bout flying now? You said Harry likes to fly?" he said turning back to Draco.

"Likes?" Draco said gazing up. "He loves flying. Noone can fly like Harry can. Back home he was the seeker for the Gr- er..our house team, and won every single game but one in the past 6 years." Draco said almost proudly. Even he had to admit noone moved in the air like Harry could.

"6 years? How could he have been on a house team for 6 years? You cant even join a house team before 2nd year everyone knows that!" Peter said staring at Draco.

'Harry did. He joined the house team in his 1st year, that's how good he is." Draco said definitely proud now of Harry.

"You're kidding right? If that's true then...he must be pretty damn incredible!" James said slightly awed now.

"James you know what? We are going to need a seeker this year incase you forgot..Turpin left last year and we've noone to replace him. What do you think, get Harry to try out for the team next week?" Sirius said thoughtfully.

"Hmm...I want to see what he can do first. Saying is one thing, seeing is believing though. Draco can you get Harry down to the pitch tonight after dinner so we can get a taste of what he can do? If he's that good hell...as captain I dont even need to have the opinions of the rest of the team, I can put him on. We've really got to get someone good in as seeker this year." James said half excitedly.

"Yeah, we've lost the Quidditch Cup 2 years in a row now to the Slytherins, stupid slimy gits...we've got to take it this year it's our final year!" Peter said with a sigh.

"You have any other positions open on the team James? I can fly pretty well, atleast so I've been told..." Draco said in rush. Why should Harry have all the fun he figured.

James thought bout that for a moment and then nodded. "We lost our seeker and one of our chasers this year too. Think you can go for chaser? I'm a chaser, and one of the best ever, even if we have a cruddy team." James said giving Sirius and Peter evil grins.

"Hey I resent that! Wasn't our fault we lost the last 2 years!" Sirius said with a growl.

"Yeah Sirius is right, we did our best." Peter said grumpily.

"Oh I"m just kidding guys, I know you did. Sirius and Peter are beaters for the team, so you know. So what bout it Dray, care to try out for chaser?" he said giving Draco a grin.

"Dray?" Draco said with a raised eyebrow at James.

James shrugged. "Everyone's got a nickname round here, so if you two are going to be on the team, figured you should have one too. I"m Prongs, Remy's Moony, Sirius is Padfoot, and Peter there is Wormtail. Dont like Dray?" he asked.

"It's..just that I've never had a nickname before." Draco said glancing down then.

"Well what did you're friends call you back at Beauxbatons? Didn't you guys ever have nicknames for yourselves?" Remus said now.

"Fr-friends?" Draco said suddenly. He realized then he never really had had any friends, Crabbe and Goyle he certainly wouldn't consider 'pals' by any means. Pansy he had never actually liked and apart from the fact his father expected him to associate with her and her family truth was he more then anything disliked her. Harry as of late, had actually been the closest thing he had to a real friend, if one could call being thrown through time friendship.

"Friends...you know..like what we all are. You are our friend now right?" James said giving Draco a smile.

Draco thought bout it then smiled back. "Sure James..friends. Dray's fine. And yes, I'd love to try out for chaser...and I know Harry will make a terrific seeker..but..well..."

"Well what? What now?" Sirius said.

"We dont have brooms exactly that's all. They must have gotten left at Beauxbatons..." Draco said almost sadly. Right now he really missed his new Firebolt, though Harry had yet again beat him out in getting one first, he knew he was really going to miss it all of a sudden.

"Oh geeze, that's not a problem mate! I"ll lend you and Harry some brooms. My family had tons of them lying round before they..." James started to say then a strangled look came over his face.

"Before they what James?" Draco said not realizing that Sirius and Remus and Peter were giving James looks of sympathy.

"Before they were killed..." James said softly and gazed down at the floor.

"Oh man...I'm...sorry James..I...I didn't know..." Draco said softly.

"It's allright. They were killed by...by...well you know..it's a long story...anyway I can always write to the caretaker at Godric's Hollow where our house is and he'll send a few brooms over I'm sure." James said looking back up now and giving Draco a feigned smile. "I"ll post a note off now so hopefully they can be here by dinnertime."

"Yeah, that's a good idea James. Come on Dray let's you, me, Remus and James head up to the owlry and post it off. Peter could you grab Harry and meet us up there? Dont say anything though, let it be a surprize okay?" Sirius said to Peter then and stood up.

"Err..sure Sirius, I promise I wont say a word. We'll meet you at the owlry then in a few minutes." Peter said nodding.

Draco wasn't too thrilled with the idea of leaving Peter alone with Harry all of a sudden, but he wasn't going to say anything infront of everyone else. After all, noone would have even thought Draco and Harry had anything going, from the looks of things all they really did was argue, so why would anyone think different? He watched then as Peter headed up the stairs to the dorms, and then followed the other boys out the portrait hole. In his mind he thought that he would personally rather have been the one to get Harry....and even moreso...to be alone with Harry...for suddenly that wasn't sounding like such a bad idea after all.

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