Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Slash Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/13/2002
Updated: 10/19/2002
Words: 112,471
Chapters: 21
Hits: 19,516

Misguided Intentions

Piri Malfoy

Story Summary:
Start of 7th year. Voldemort is defeated so why isn't Harry happy?``When something happens that sends him to another time along with someone``he didn't expect, will it help him find what he needs? HP/DM, SS/RL,``SB/? (Will be set during the time of MWPP Year 1977 - 1978)

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Start of 7th year. Voldemort is defeated so why isn't Harry happy? When something happens that sends him to another time along with someone he didn't expect, will it help him find what he needs? HP/DM, SS/RL, SB/? (Will be set during the time of MWPP Year 1977 - 1978)
Author's Note:
This is not exactly an AU, nor is it quite out of 'canon' either. The people and places for the most part are in the HP world (a few extras here and there for fillins.) The only thing different is that it's not going to take place just in one time or another...but you'll find out what I mean soon enough.

Harry awoke the next morning feeling a bit strange. He remembered having a strange sort of dream, but he wasn't quite sure what at this point. His head hurt slightly but not enough to warrant a visit to Madam Pomfrey luckily, he hated going to hospital these days unless it was really needed. The next he knew he heard a slight sound by his bed and was being poked gently in the ribs but he didn't feel like getting up just yet.

"Quit it Ron, that's annoying." Harry said turning over now away from the poker and covering himself back up. Unfortunately Ron apparently didn't get the message and continued poking him in the back now a bit more urgently. "I said sod off already Ron, I"m not getting up yet!" he said a bit more forcefully this time, and turned over to glare at Ron now. Except it wasn't Ron he was looking at, it was someone he thought was just from his dream.

"Bout time. I've been poking you for 5 minutes allready. Get up wont you, breakfast is in an hour and everyone's already long up, including you're friend. Who's Ron anyway?" the small boy said while slightly smiling at Harry.

"P-Pettigrew?" Harry said then quite astonished. *I'm still dreaming...that's all...it just cant be Peter Pettigrew standing there can it?* Harry thought to himself, and just kept staring at Peter in shock.

"Something on me face Harry?" Peter said then glancing towards the mirror by Harry's bedside. "Honestly, do get up allready unless you're skipping your shower this morning cause Sirius is known for really long showers." he said going over to finish dressing himself in a bed right next to Harry's. "Hey, how did you know my name anyway?"

"Your...your name?" Harry said sitting up now and blinking, finally realizing this wasn't a dream.

Peter nodded. "Yeah, me name. You did just call me by me last name Harry. Oh, you're friend, Draco right? Well he said to give you this when you finally woke up. Said he'd meet you down by the gargoyle or something like that in oh, half an hour more, he wanted to go explore before breakfast. He's been up for like an hour now." Peter said then handing Harry a piece of parchment folded up.

"Oh, I err...umm...saw you name on your trunk that's all, when I came upstairs last night." Harry said glancing at Peter's trunk which thankfully did have both his first and last name on it. "So Malf...err...Draco told you to give this to me?" he said now glancing down at the parchment.

Peter nodded again, "Yeah, said it was important." Peter said sounding happier then he probably should have been. "I usually get all the boring stuff to do round here so it was pretty nice of him to give it to me for you." he said slightly blushing.

"Ah, right. Thanks um..Peter." Harry said a bit stiffly but semi smiled at Peter. It was definitely odd seeing the person you knew was responsible for your parents death 12 years into the future acting well....normal, even a bit shy at that. Harry watched Peter finish getting dressed and take up his books into his rucksack almost meticulously, and Harry wondred what would make this seemingly nice person now turn into the deatheater that he would become.

Then again, Harry's mind wandered for a moment to the lad he now knew for sure was Severus Snape. Incredible that the man who would make his life so miserable, the potions master that was so tough and obnoxious and rude in the future, was such a small scared little child here in the past. Granted Snape had turned back to the side of good, but he had been a deatheater before that, and now he remembered snippets of the conversation last night as well. Something bout Lucius Malfoy...beating up Snape? That was something he might just have to look into if possible anyway.

"Well I'm off then, see you at breakfast eh? If you are going to shower I'd hurry up though Sirius might have used all the hot water now, and it will take a bit before the spell to warm it up reactivates. Ta!" Peter said waving at Harry and walked out of the room.

Now that Harry was alone he had a chance to read what Draco had written to him. For a second he grabbed for his glasses, but remembered then he didn't need them, and had put them safely away in a draw in his sidedresser. Something caught his eye then by the end of his bed, and leaning over he realized Dumbledore had indeed come through, and there was now a black trunk with the name "Harry Dursley" printed on it in gold lettering. Harry hoped Dumbledore would remember more then just books and a cloak for school, but knowing Dumbledore as he did, it was most likely that he had.

Opening the post now he saw that Draco's writing was not unlike his personality, a bit formal and uptight, but atleast readable unlike Harry's normal scrawls.

* * * * *


* * * * *

Harry read the note and nearly choked when he got the postscript. *Oh bloody hell....Pettigrew 'likes' me? What the hell does that mean? I'm going to kill you Malfoy, just wait!* Harry muttered in his mind. Of all things to say, really! Crumpling up the note and whispering an 'inflamare' spell to get rid of it, Harry quickly got up and went to the trunk. Atleast Draco was right, everything he would need was there down to the y-fronts, and he quickly got dressed, throwing his robe and tie on just barely before heading down to the commons.

"Morning Harry, bout time you got up." James said smiling up at him from the chair he was sitting in. Next to him was a girl with long red hair, and Harry stopped short and stared at her intently when he saw her.

"S-Sorry James, didn't..know..it was..so..late.." Harry stammered while keeping his eyes on the girl.

James noticed this and gave a chuckle. "Harry meet Lily Evans, pride of Gryffindor, and Head Girl. Lils, this is Harry Dursley, transfer student from Beauxbatons. He and another bloke came in late last night after dinner."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Harry." Lily said smiling and offered him her hand. "Welcome to Hogwarts. I do hope you'll like it here."

Harry took her hand almost in a daze, and smiled back. "Ah...thank you...um...Lily. Nice to meet you too." he said.

"Well I have to get going Jamesie, see you at breakfast allright?" Lily said then leaning over and giving James a kiss on the lips and smiling again towards Harry.

"Not the library again is it love? I swear you spend more time there then with you're own boyfriend!" James said in a mock growl and looked over at her with this big brown puppy dog eyes.

Lily rolled her eyes and slightly smacked him on the arm with a grin. "Someone has to do the dirty work around here!" she said laughing, then with a wave headed out the portrait hole.

James gave a slight sigh. "If it wasn't that I know for fact I love her so much I'd be extremely jealous of those books." he said sniffing.

Harry actually grinned at that, it was so gratifying to know atleast one relationship was solid and where it was supposed to be at. "Well I'd say you have nothing to worry bout in the future James, she looks really in love with you too." he said with a smile.

James looked over at Harry a bit surprized, then grinned. "Think so?"

"Let's just say I know these things. Trust me, she does." Harry said grinning and nodded to James, a very warm feeling in his heart at seeing his mum and dad so happy and carefree. Just seeing them even at all was almost enough, if it wasn't for the fact that he knew where it all ended 13 years from now. "Um anyway, I've got to go find Draco. See you at breakfast then."

"See you!" James said back as Harry headed over to the portrait hole and headed out.

Harry headed out though he wasn't sure exactly where he should go, or rather where someone like Draco would go if. Since he still had a bit of time he decided to head out towards the Quidditch pitch, though after getting there he was almost sorry he had come here. With a sigh he just sat there looking out at the one place he could have been free in his time, but now...well now it wasn't going to be that way.

"Figured you'd head out this way Po-Harry." a voice behind him said quietly.

Harry sighed again, but didnt turn round to face Draco, he wasn't sure he could even. He just kept staring out at the pitch, hoping this wasn't really happening.

"It's different up there...isn't it. Noone to bother you, noone to make you do things you dont want to. Just freedom and peace....you and wind and the broom...nothing else..." Draco said softly standing now next to Harry and gazing up as well.

Harry was surprized at Draco's words, that was definitely something he'd never heard from a Malfoy. What was stranger still was that Draco was talking as if he understood exactly what Harry felt when he was out there over the pitch and alone, and Draco's voice had held no sneers, no malice at all when he had said it either.

"Why would you care bout something like that Ma-Draco? What have you got to run from? Noone expects anything from you, noone forces you to be who you dont want to be..." Harry said quietly, though he really didn't mean to make what he said sound so harsh he knew it had come out that way somehow.

Draco turned to face Harry then and looked at him oddly for a moment. "I've got alot more to run from then you think I do." he said with a bit of edge in his voice now.

Harry turned to face Draco and ended up staring straight into Draco eyes. Grey eyes that once held nothing but contempt and coldness for him were now replaced by his altered blue eyes, and the expression in them now was one Harry had never seen before. Those ocean blue eyes weren't filled with malice, hate or anger towards him, but something else...something Harry wasn't sure he understood from someone like Draco of all people.

"We better go back, it's getting late. We still have to see Dumbledore before breakfast." was all he could say, and watched as a wall seemed to come up over Draco's eyes.

Draco didn't say anything just nodded, and both boys walked back to the castle in silence. Harry wasn't sure what was going on anymore, he was as confused as he could possibly be even at the moment. The past wasn't at all like he pictured it with his parents, Remus, Sirius and Peter, that was definitely a puzzle to him. And worse, Draco wasn't the person he thought he was, and not just in the new looks either. Glancing back over at Draco now he could almost feel a shield round Draco that hadn't been there before, though now wasn't the time to find out why.

They got to the gargoyle and gave the password (that still being 'Jelly Babies' thankfully), and headed up the stairs to meet up with Dumbledore. As they got to the door to the inner office they heard voices inside, and one of them the boys knew all too well. Knocking on the door then they were told to enter, and they had been spot on as to who the other person was in the room.

"Ah, come in boys, good timing. This is Professor McGonagall, head of Gryffindor House and the transfiguration professor. I was just telling her that due to unfortunate circumstances you were delayed in getting here which is why I didn't alert her last night of your arrival." he said with a twinkle in his eyes and a nod of his head.

"You never told me they were coming at all Dumbledore. I do appreciate being told such things when they concern my house!" Minerva said in a huff. She was exactly the same in the past as she was in the 'future', though just a bit less wrinkles. "As the case may be, since you were placed into Gryffindor I hope that you have been explained the rules of the house by now." she said giving Dumbledore a glance and looking very strictly at the boys.

"Yes Professor McGonagall, we have been told the rules." Harry said now nodding, Draco nodding as well.

"Hmph, we'll see just how well you have in the future. Now, Dumbledore tells me you need schedules for the classes. This curriculum might be a bit different from Beauxbatons, and if you have any trouble figuring out where to go or what you need you can come to me, understood?" she said in her clipped voice.

The boys nodded and took the schedules from her, glancing down to see what classes Dumbledore had scheduled them for. Harry groaned when he saw the one class he almost hoped he could have avoided here in the past, Draco nearly groaning as well. "Divination?" they said nearly at the same time.

Minerva gave them a sharp glare. "Is there a problem with Divination classes?" she said.

"Well, it's just that..." Harry began but was cut off by Draco.

"We hadn't had to take that class since 5th year at Beauxbatons. Is there anything else we could take instead?" Draco said hopefully.

"I believe was can accommodate something different for you boys. Minerva, what else is in that time slot that they could take?" Dumbledore said grinning.

"Let's see now....there is Muggle Studies with Professor Atlantis, Sierra is offering up extended potions labs for those who want to take it, and History of Magic with Professor Binns." she said.

After weighing the options for all of 10 seconds both boys said nearly at the same time, "Muggle Studies." and Harry turned to Draco almost surprized at his choice. Draco looked at him and shrugged back, obviously he didn't really want to take a muggle studies class but it certainly beat the other options, though Harry had thought Draco would jump for the extra potions class instead.

"Muggle Studies it is then." Dumbledore said and the schedules in the boy's hands now showed that class instead of Divinations. "Now, I will allow you to have some reign to be on your own to get to know the castle for a few days. Just make sure you do not wander off into places you know you dont belong." he said giving them both a little nod. It was clear to the boys that Dumbledore was referring to the corridor in which the Mirror of Erised was housed at the moment, though they didn't understand why they couldn't go there.

"Professor do you really think it is wise to allow new students to just wander off alone like that?" Minerva said with a frown.

"Come now Minerva, I dont think these two boys will be of any trouble to you, not at all. Isn't that right boys?" Dumbledore said with a knowing look in his eyes and the boys nodded.

"We promise we will behave sir. Thank you." Harry said smiling at him and Professor McGonagall to reassure them both.

"You're free to go then to breakfast. You're trunks have arrived as you probably know by now, and contain all the books you will need for your classes. I will instruct Professor Atlantis to provide you for the new change in Muggle Studies." Dumbledore said and Harry and Draco thanked him and headed back down the stairs to the corridor.

"Muggle Studies? Are you daft you hate muggles! Why didn't you choose potions?" Harry whispered to Draco when they got downstairs.

"Maybe because I didn't want to allright? Do I have to have your approval for everything I do now for chrissakes?" Draco half whispered back angrily and then walked on ahead towards the great hall, obviously not wanting to continue the conversation.

Harry caught up to him right before they went inside. "Sorry. Guess I was a bit surprized was all, I know you hate muggles so much." Harry said quietly.

"Maybe you dont know me as well as you thought you did then...Harry..." Draco said in a quiet voice back, then opened the door and headed inside the hall.

As the boys entered they got more then a few surprized looks from people who noticed them. As they were making their way over to the Gryffindor table, the hall actually became silent, and the boys realized they were the center of attention now. Harry nearly blushed when he saw more then a few girls look at them both with attentive interest, though Draco seemed to take no note of this at all and just kept walking.

"I think we've made quite the entrance Draco...those girls are staring at you like you were fresh meat..." Harry said whispering to Draco as they finally got to sit down.

"They're looking at you too you dolt, but no thanks not interested." Draco said keeping his eyes downcast to the table now and Harry was a bit surprized at that comment. He didn't get much more of a chance to think on it though as James, Lily, Peter, Remus and Sirius walked in behind them and quickly took seats right to both sides of Harry and Draco. Lily, James and Sirius on Draco's side, Remus and Peter on Harry's other side.

"Morning you two! Glad you found you're way to the hall for breakfast. Guess we dont need that search party after all eh Sirius?" James said with a grin nudging Sirius, though Sirius wasn't looking all that happy this morning.

Harry smiled back at James. "No we found it thanks. Wasn't easy to miss." he said chuckling.

At that moment however Dumbledore and McGonagall walked in and the hall was silent again as Dumbledore made the morning announcements.

"Good morning all I trust everyone is well this morning. Madam Pomfrey tells me however that certain people need reminding that if you are going to have your parents send you sweets, not to eat them all at one time." he said giving a glance over to a group at the Hufflepuff table who weren't looking all that well actually.

"Also this morning I am glad to welcome to Hogwarts two new students. Some of you have allready met them, they are currently going to be staying in the Gryffindor House. Please welcome Harry Dursley and Draco Malloy to our fine school." Dumbledore said pointing towards Harry and Draco, while most of the school applauded the new students. It was clear the females of the school were definitely interested in meeting these two very good looking and hopefully available men.

"Lastly, Mr. Filch our esteemed caretaker has asked me to remind you that mudslinging is not allowed in the hallways. Anyone caught with mud will be dealt with and serve his or her detention with Filch personally." and saying that he glanced over to where a sour looking group of Slytherin's were sitting. "And now....Oddsbodkins!" he said with a clap and the plates filled with all sorts of terrific breakfast items.

Surprizingly Harry and Draco didn't feel much like eating, though neither of them even noticed the other wasn't eating. Harry kept trying to steal glances at Lily and James, and Draco just kept his eyes down, only answering questions from those round him in monosyllables.

"So what's on today's schedule Lily? More library time hmm?" James said giving Lily a nudge in the arm.

"Oh really Jamesie you're impossible! You know I just want to make sure I do good for the N.E.W.T.S exam, you're not even making an attempt at it. Atleast Remus is trying to study for it aren't you Remy?" she said giving Remus a smile over Harry's head.

Harry could almost feel the tension hit when Lily said Remus's name and both James and Sirius stiffened up but neither of them even glanced at Remus. Remus gave Lily a small nod, though no smile however, and went back to eating his food and Harry heard a small sigh come from him.

"I know we haven't really been introduced yet, I"m Harry...that's Draco over there. You're Remus Lupin right?" Harry said now turning to face Remus.

Remus looked up a bit startled that Harry had spoken to him but nodded. "Yes, I'm Remus. Nice to meet you Harry. You're from Beauxbaton's right? I thought I heard that mentioned last night after you and you're friend came in." he said looking up at Harry now.

"So umm...is something wrong? I heard you sighing so...well...if there's anything I can do I'll be happy to help." Harry said then.

Remus shook his head and sighed again. "Thanks mate but...there's nothing anyone can do to help. Sometimes people just cant understand." he said almost sadly.

"I know what you mean, believe me." Harry said stealing a glance over at Draco now, but Draco was still keeping his eyes also downturned to his plate. "Well, anytime you want to talk or something let me know okay?" he said back to Remus. He really hated seeing the person he considered like a second father looking so downtrodden. If the truth be told, Remus was more like a father to him then even Sirius had been in a way, since Harry had known Remus for all of 3rd year before he'd even met his godfather.

"I'll keep that in mind Harry, thanks. Look I have to get out of here, I'll see you in class okay?" Remus said and before Harry could even answer he stood up and headed out of the Great Hall.

Harry saw James watching Remus as he left and saw James was bout to get up to follow him when Sirius reached over and held his arm, shaking his head no. "Leave him James, if he wants to go let him go." Sirius said with a sigh and went back to eating his food.

"What's wrong with Remy, is he allright?" Lily asked James.

"Yeah, he's fine Lils. Dont worry bout it I'm sure he's probably just got alot on his mind lately is all." James said back to Lily and put his arm round her.

"You know, he has been looking a bit off lately, maybe I should talk to him." Lily said with a frown.

"Let him be Lils, he's got his own things to sort out now okay?" Sirius said taking a bite of toast and staring into the air. "He'll be fine, he just needs to figure out where his priorities lie is all."

Harry started at that comment, it sounded like something he'd all too often heard. "..she needs to sort out her priorities....when you figure out where you're loyalties lie...." Ghosted words of times long gone but yet still so vivid in his mind. He was so absorbed with his thoughts that he hadn't even noticed that Peter had slide over next to him and was watching him.

"You allright Harry? Look a bit lost there. Here, have some more toast." Peter said offering up Harry some of his own toast.

"Hmm? Oh..err sorry, umm..thanks, sure I'll take another piece of toast." Harry said smiling at Peter then and taking the offered slice. He noticed Peter nearly blushed as he did too, and he wondred if Draco had been right bout what he said in the note earlier.

Somehow he could almost feel Draco stiffen up as he took the toast though, so he glanced over to see what was wrong with him. Draco was staring now at Peter and Harry, again a strange look in his eyes that Harry didn't understand. "Draco? What's wrong?" he said then.

"Just have a piece of toast Harry....geeze...nice pick up line." Draco said not only in french but in a mocking tone.

"Sod off Draco, you wouldn't know a pick up line if it bit you now would you. Unless Pansy is good at that sort of thing, which I highly doubt since she allready hangs all over you anyway." Harry said back sarcastically, and in french as well.

"Forget it...Dursley, atleast I have a girlfriend..." Draco bit back in french with a smug look on his face.

"Hey, are you two fighting or something?" Peter asked now a bit hesitantly and looking between Harry and Draco.

"No, just telling Harry here that you two make a cute couple." Draco said with an innocent grin on his face and keeping his eyes level with Harry's.

"Wh-what? Oh...I mean...oh..." Peter said blushing and turned away, looking back down at his plate.

James laughed then as he heard what was going on. "Awe come on Peter, not afraid of the other side are you? I thought you were interested in that Hufflepuff lad though eh? What happened with him?" he said with a grin on his face causing Peter to blush even more.

"Er well...he has a girlfriend I guess..." Peter said with a sigh. "Anyway doesn't matter, I mean I just met Harry so I really...well you know...dont know you now do I Harry?" Peter said turning to Harry pleadingly.

Harry nodded. "Err right Peter, we just met so...well...I mean...well...look dont we have to get to class soon? Potions right? We should get our books...come on Draco...now..." Harry said stammering and grabbing Draco by the arm got up.

Draco pulled his arm away but got up anyway. "Fine, let's get our books." he grumbled and headed out the door now, Harry trailing behind him.

They walked in silence until they got the portrait and saying the password they had gotten from James earlier, they headed up to the dorm to get their books. Harry however was bothered by what Draco had said earlier, this was not sitting well with him at all.

"That was pretty crude you know Draco, about Peter. Even if he did like me I would never be able to think of him like that." Harry said turning to face Draco.

"Oh why not? I'd think he'd be just your type since it's obvious you dont favor women." Draco said curtly.

"Wh-what even makes you think that? Besides you know what Peter did to me, how could I think any way of him even if he is nice at this point?" Harry said back a bit bothered.

"Oh come off it, you haven't dated anyone at any time. Everyone knew you had that little crush back in 4th year on Cho Chang, but not since then have you ever once dated. Makes people think you aren't interested in women, or maybe you're just not interested in anyone eh? Dont like guys or girls hmm?" Draco said with a smirk. "And besides, what did Pettigrew do to you that was so horrible?"

Harry stared at Draco like he'd never seen him before now. "I do like girls, I'll prove it to you, I swear that. And you dont know what he did, honestly you dont?" he said taken aback now.

"Yeah right you like girls, I'll believe that when I see it." Draco snorted. "And if I knew would I be bloody well asking you?"

Harry only shook his head in wonder. "Forget it, it doesn't matter anyway. Let's just get our books and get to class. Hopefully I wont get paired with you for Potions like usual." he muttered and picked up his books and headed out the door.

Draco looked at where Harry had just gone out the door, a thoughtful look on his face. *Touched a nerve have I Harry eh? Going to prove something you aren't...well this ought to be interesting then...but who will you prove it with Harry? Who are you going to choose I wonder....* Draco almost looked a bit wistful as he thought that, but thinking along those lines now wasn't going to get him anywhere.

He gathered up his books then and headed down to the commons as well, only to find Harry was there talking to Peter yet again. James was sitting with Lily on the sofa, and Remus and Sirius weren't even looking at each other and on different ends of the room practically. A tiny flicker of anger sparked when he saw Harry was so close to Peter, but he wasn't going to attempt to do anything bout it this time. It was clear Peter was reacting to Harry in certain ways, though how in such a short time was beyond Draco's thinking.

He didn't know what that tiny half scared, shy kid could possibly do to make Harry hate him or seem to hate him so much, but whatever it was he would somehow have to get Harry to tell him in time. As for Remus, it was obvious that he was more then a bit upset about what had happened last night, the tension between him and Sirius was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

James and Lily hadn't even noticed though, since they themselves were too wrapped up on the sofa in each other's arms to see anything past each other. Draco saw Harry give both Remus and Sirius quick glances, and knew Harry was really suffering at seeing the two people he cared for most in the world so hurt and alone. The look in Harry's eyes when he did look at Remus and Sirius was so sad, so hurt even that Draco couldn't help but notice.

As the clock chimed signalling the start of their first classes, and everyone got up to head off to class, Harry fell into queue next to Draco. Though they didn't say anything to each other it was clear that there was a determined look in Harry's eyes, a thirst almost that he was going to prove to Draco that he wasn't what Draco thought he was. Draco looked away now towards anything else but Harry and suddenly a strange thought came to him, one that scared even himself.

*I hope you make the right choice Harry...and I hope it wont be with Peter....or anyone else either....*

* * * * *