Sirius Black
Humor General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/18/2003
Updated: 05/18/2003
Words: 498
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,691

Harry Potter\\\'s First Report


Story Summary:
Another -- perhaps the most obvious -- of the end-of-year report series.

Author's Note:
Thanks once more to Anne for beta-reading this story.

Harry Potter's First Report

Name: Harry J. Potter
House: Gryffindor
Year: 1

Charms: B-
Mr Potter's skill with Charms is reasonable, but I would expect him to be able to improve. I fear that he may never be able to live up to the reputation that precedes him, though.
F. Flitwick

Transfiguration: B
Potter's abilities are quite good, but not outstanding.
M. McGonagall

Potions: A-
Potter appears to believe that fame is all, and that study is unimportant. Being placed in his house's Quidditch team has swollen his head further, and he is a disruptive influence on the class.
S. Snape

Herbology: B+
Potter has certainly improved during the course of the year, particularly since the beginning of November.
P. Sprout

Mr Potter's attitude and attention to the class were acceptable overall, but his role in the death of Professor Quirrell, while not generally to be encouraged, guarantees him the top mark for defending himself against You-Know-Who.
F. Grubbly-Plank (for the deceased Q. Quirrell)

History of Magic: B
Mr Potter is the only student I have ever taught who was already in the history books. His homework shows much promise.
V. Binns

Astronomy: A
A rising star in the class, though his work may be influenced by Miss Granger's.
S. Sinistra

Flying: A+
What can I say? He was only in my class for one lesson, and is now on the Quidditch team. I never even saw him fly in a lesson, just in the games I've refereed. I can hardly give him less than A+.
R. Hooch

General behaviour/study habits: B

Head of House's comments:
Harry appears determined to live up to his father's reputation (even before he knew what that reputation was), and has broken several of the school's rules. He also foiled You-Know-Who's plot to steal a very powerful object, which does much to redeem him. He appears to be almost unaware of his fame, and seems to have found little difficulty making friends, two of whom are especially close and loyal to him.
M. McGonagall

Headmaster's comments:
Harry's dedication to Defence Against the Dark Arts is clear, not just in class but also in many of his actions during the year. In addition to the other points noted, he and one friend also defeated a troll who had been brought into the school as part of the plot to steal the previously-mentioned powerful object.
A. Dumbledore

Parents/guardians are welcome to add their comments below:
This is all a load of rubbish. Crackpots teaching children pointless magic tricks -- why don't you teach proper subjects? He's going to wind up just like his wastrel father, completely unemployable.
V. Dursley

Added during Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts:
James' brother-in-law is a twit. I can't believe Lily actually had a sister stupid enough to marry him. After reading this report, all I can say is that James and Lily would be proud of him. (And Binns actually remembered Harry's name? Now, that's fame!)
S. Black