The Dark Arts
Ginny Weasley Lily Evans
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/30/2004
Updated: 09/30/2004
Words: 1,147
Chapters: 1
Hits: 415

Feathers So Hollow


Story Summary:
Two women, a generation apart, seek asylum from the least likely of sources. How their request is handled greatly differs, and yet, Petunia cannot help but to think of the same person each time.

Author's Note:
This is the first time I've ever attempted to write a story like this, and I like the result, but I don't think I'll write another like this, it's very difficult for a descriptive person like me. Please leave me feedback, though, as I really appreciate it.

"Petunia, you have to help me. The Dark Lord is after my family!"

"Were you there when your kind murdered our parents?"

"No, but..."

"There are no buts. You never saw the agony they went through because of you and your husband's outspoken ways. I don't know how I escaped their notice, especially with my son screaming his head off, but I did. I lived through that, and you didn't even stop to ask me what it felt like. Why should I put my family at risk now, so that you might be safe for a few more days?"

"Because you're my sister. Don't you love me?"

"Love has nothing to do with us, and you know that, Lily. Any love I felt for you died when you received your letter from that school of yours."

"That's not true, Petunia, and you know it! You still love me, I know you do, I can feel the bond between us still."

"Just because you think you feel something doesn't always make it true. You abandoned me, plain and simple, when you went off to be with others like you."

"I never abandoned you, Petunia. I always planned on returning to you, living in both worlds..."

"Why did you never answer my letters then? Why was there always a gift for Mum and Da at Christmas, but never me? I always picked something you would like and sent it to you, but never once was there anything for me."

"Don't cry, Petunia. I didn't realise you'd want anything from my world. You seemed so against it at the time."

"Don't you touch me! I made myself harden against you long ago, Lily. You can't change that. Remember that first summer back, and you were trying to show me the meanings of stars in your world? What did I say to you then?"

"The brightest of the planets is Mars."

"That's right, I knew my mythology then, as well as now. Mars is the bringer of war, and he's still the brightest planet in the sky."

"Nia, don't believe that. Venus is the brightest tonight."

"Not to me. And stop using that silly nickname. I grew out of it years ago. But you wouldn't know that, seeing as how you were so wrapped up in your little world of magic. I went for normalcy, the big church wedding with the white limo, this house in Little Surrey, Vernon. Nothing here reminds me of you."

"I tried to protect you, and Mum and Da, but Dumbledore said there wasn't enough Aurors to protect us, let alone the Muggles we loved. I tried to put a protection spell over you all, like the one Albus put on Harry, but it didn't work."

"Damn right it didn't work - don't touch me! Look, I know you believe the things of your world would be over our heads in protection, but they were just false hopes. Our parents still died."

"I know, Nia. I never meant for that to happen."

"Is that what you told your husband? Or did you say to him, 'I wish it had been my sister and her son, and not my parents'?"

"Nia, I would never think anything like that!"

"Lily, don't lie to me. I don't know what side of you you've shown to other eyes, but you hated me for not accepting you as you were."

"That was for one year, Nia. Then I realised I couldn't live with hating you. You were my sophisticated older sister, how could I hate you?"

"I-I don't know Lil-lil."

"But, I can't stay here, can I? Vernon would never allow it."

"No, he wouldn't. He hates you more than I ever did. I hope you find your safe house amongst your people."

"I hope so too. May I?"

"You can't leave me without one. Good-bye, Lil-lil."

"Good-bye, Nia. I love you."


And that was the last that Petunia Dursley ever saw of her sister. She still had reserves of hate that she could call upon, especially after her death. James was the focus of it all, taking away her baby sister as he had. She lost her nephew from that hate, he had moved out after his sixth summer with them to live at that school permanently, the war his parents had started finally gearing up for the true last battle. The years of regret stretched behind Petunia, and she had no escape from them. Vernon and Dudley had died that year in a car accident, and she was now alone in the house on Privet Drive, left only with her memories of a happier time. Until one fateful day...


"Are you Petunia Dursley?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"Ginny Potter. May I come in?"


"I have something to tell you, and I'd rather not explain why I'm here on the stoop of your home."

"Fine, come in."

"Thank you. This is Rose, by the way. Your grand-niece."

"So you're Harry's wife, then?"

"His widow, actually. He died just after the last battle with the Dark Lord. Some Death Eater, bent on revenge for his Lord's falling killed him before we could protect him. There are still Death Eaters at large, which is why I've come to you today. Harry told me about the car accident, and how you lost Vernon and Dudley. We're both alone in the world, and we both need protection. The blood link is still there to keep Rose safe, just like Harry was kept safe while he lived here. May I stay with you?"

"I-I don't know..."

"It wouldn't be for long, I promise. Just until they've taken care of the rogue Death Eaters. Please, if not for my sake, then for Rose's. We could make our own family, the three of us."

"May I see Rose, first?"

"Certainly. She has the Weasley hair..."

"And Lily's eyes. Did you bring your things with you?"

"Yes, in the hope that you would accept us."

"Bring them in. I cannot refuse Lily twice. Welcome home, my child."


And after it was all over and every last Death Eater had been caught and tried, Ginny remained with Petunia. They had grown accustomed to each other, and the love each had for Rose bound them together.

When Rose's letter of acceptance to Hogwarts came, it was no surprise to them. Ginny had been expecting it all winter, hoping her daughter had inherited the strength of her father. It was hard seeing her go off to Hogwarts on a train that wasn't very full still, even after all these years, but off she went, leaving Ginny and Petunia together in the home on Privet Drive. And when Rose returned home for Christmas that year, the first person she hugged was her aunt Petunia.

"The brightest of the planets is Venus, Aunt Nia."

"Yes, my child, it is."