Hogwarts OverExposed - Salazar's Return


Story Summary:
Third Book in the Hogwarts Exposed Series. It seems Harry and Hermione will never get to live a normal life.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Third book in the Hogwarts series

"Lance, are you a faggot? 'Cause if you are, how 'bout suckin' my dick," the first of the boys to speak responded. "Pete, what is the name of our club?"

"The 'Chasers', Art. And you're our president," answered the boy who had commented about Jamie.

"And what do the "Chasers" do, Phil?" Art asked, his voice sounding as if he were extremely intoxicated.

"We're tit-and-pussy chasers. Phil answered, laughing raucously as he stepped from the shadows and was soon joined by his compatriots.

As the gang closed their circle on the girls, the one referred to as Art, snapped open a long switch knife and waved it menacingly.

Jamie whispered softly to the girls, "Wands on three. One... Two... Three...



But, as if knowing what to expect, each boy leapt toward a different girl on the count of three, knocking his respective target to the hard asphalt covered ground. Art had targeted Jamie and held her menacingly against the ground, his knife at her throat. "If you try anything like that again, I'll slit you in two from your skinny neck right down to your cunt. Get the message?"

"Art, something is weird about these girls," Phil said, holding out Caitlin's wand to Art. "These three were all carrying sticks like this in holsters attached to their leg."

"Where is your little stick Miss Big Tits? "Art asked as, without warning, he lifted Jamie's skirt above her waist. Momentarily he froze; then as he rubbed his fingers over her mound said, "You and I are going to have lots of fun."

"Guys, check out this bitch!" Art yelled as he forced Jamie to her feet, her skirt still gathered to her waist. "No panties and not even a trace of stubble anywhere on her pussy or ass."

"These two don't either," yelled Phil and Pete.

"This one is a smooth as a baby," voiced Lance.

Kim stared at the severely pockmarked Lance. Other than knocking her to the ground, he hadn't touched her and had no way of knowing what he had just declared.

"Gentlemen, we are about to have a party," Art declared, "but not here. Let's take these ladies across the street to the parking garage where we can see them better."

"What about the sticks they were carrying?" Phil inquired.

"Just toss them," Art instructed. "They're probably some new type of stunner or spray. I don't intend to fuck up my night with them. You guys lead the way with your lady friends.

"And ladies... don't try anything. I'll have my knife at 'Miss Big Tits' back the entire time. One mistake on your part and she'll be making a visit to the morgue."

_ _ _ _ _ _

"Tell the girls we'll be there in ten minutes," Hermione said as Sam, Timmy and Ron held on to their Portkey tightly.

"Three..." muttered Harry, with one eye on his watch, "two...one..."

They were gone.

"We better get ready," Harry said tentatively. "You're positive that Poppy said it was safe for Ben to use a Portkey."

"Harry, you had me check and double check with her five times," Hermione answered. "He'll be fine in the chest harness as long as we keep our arms and legs entwined. Obviously he'll cry, but that's to be expected with all the twisting and jerking."

_ _ _ _ _ _

"Again, again! Let's do it again." Timmy squealed as Ron and Sam both staggered, but managed to maintain their balance and keep from falling over.

Sam looked about as her dizziness subsided. "Who the hell picked this filthy alley as an arrival point?" she questioned.

"Don't know," Ron said, shaking his head in repulsion. "Probably some overpaid pencil pusher that never leaves his office. I'm not surprised the girls didn't wait for us at this point. They're probably just around the corner on the main street."

"Good thinking on their part," Sam said, thinking twice about whether to hold Timmy or let him walk. "No telling what sort of vermin might be lurking in here."

Timmy was squirming to get out of Sam's arms, but as she went to deposit him on the ground, she saw something that made her change her mind and instead clutch him closely to her chest.

"Ron! There on the ground! Just in front of the trash bin," she shouted breathlessly.

Ron turned in the direction Sam was pointing and suddenly his face turned white. "Wands!" he said unbelievingly. "They have to belong to.... But what would their wands be doing.... Oh my God! How much longer before Harry and Hermione will arrive?"

"Just a couple of minutes," Sam answered, trying to stifle her imminent tears.

"Hurry!" Ron yelled in panic, as he picked up the girls' wands. "Let's run out to the main street and see if we can get gather any clues as to what happened to them before Harry and Hermione get here."

* * * * * *

Emily had never felt so scared and vulnerable in her entire life. As they crossed the street, a number of automobiles sped by, but the drivers evidently were in too much of a rush to notice the terror on her face. A taxi slowed down, but Art waved the driver on.

When they reached the garage, Phil yanked open a metal door leading upstairs. Caitlin screamed, as his hand reached out and prodded her. He shoved her face first into the cement steps. "Scream again bitch and you've had it," he threatened.

"For Christ's sake, leave her alone," Lance said. "Let's just grab their dough and get the hell out of here before someone tips off the cops."

"You are a fucking fag!" Pete declared. "Do you see any pocketbooks, shit-for-brains?"

"Don't worry," Lance whispered in Kim's ear, "I won't hurt you."

"But what about them?" Kim begged softly, her eyes glistening. "They're my friends. Please don't let them be hurt."

Lance looked helplessly at Kim, as she stared at Caitlin, who lay motionless on the stairs, blood trickling from a gash on her forehead where her head had made contact with the rigid cement.

Pete brandished a fifth of whiskey and after taking a swallow shoved it in Emily's face, slopping it all over her. "Stop wasting that stuff," Art yelled.

"What's the matter, think you're too good to party with me?" Pete grabbed Emily by the back of the neck. "Open your mouth," he hissed. Digging his fingers into her neck, he pulled her head back. Finally she gave in and opened her mouth. He poured the whiskey slopping it in her face and forcing her to swallow. Emily gagged, but resisted heaving.

Then, Pete let out a terrifying scream and grabbed his head with both hands. Blood was covering both sides of his face and his body was writhing in agony.

"What the fuck!?" Art yelled, no longer paying attention to his captive, Jamie. "What just fuckin' happened?"

Jamie now had the opportunity she had been waiting for. She hastily removed her wand from the invisible sheath she had been given by Mr. Ollivander for saving his shop. "STUPEFY! STUPEFY! STUPEFY!" she yelled in quick succession as she pointed her wand and shot red beams of light at Art, Phil and Pete in turn. But when she turned to Lance, Kim stepped in her path.

* * * * * *

"Harry, it's the girls!" Ron shouted, before Harry and Hermione had even regained their equilibrium. "They're gone; no sign of them; just their wands."

Harry glanced frantically around the filthy alley searching for any mark, any clue.

Hermione, however, didn't seem panicked in the least. Indeed, she appeared quite calm, almost in a trance. She just stood nodding her head, a look of relief on her face, as she tried to calm baby Benjamin who, unlike Timmy, had not enjoyed his Portkey experience.

"Their okay," she finally said. "It was touch and go for a bit, but everything is under control now."

Harry, Ron and Sam stared at her. "Caitlin?" Sam finally asked. "Did she just contact you telepathically?"

Hermione, nodded. "Her powers are unbelievable when she concentrates on using them. There is a parking garage across the street. They're on the top floor. We should try to get there before the magical reversal people arrive."

They hurried to the mouth of the alley and then practically ran across the street and up the stairs of the garage. When they reached the roof, they momentarily all froze as they absorbed the sight before them.

Kim was standing talking animatedly to a youth who was wearing what appeared to be a gang jacket. Three other youths, dressed similarly, were lying unconscious and tied securely. Jamie, Caitlin and Emily seemed to be reassuring each other, their clothes either partially on and torn or not on at all.

"MUM! DAD!" Emily shouted as she ran toward them. "IT WAS AWFUL!"

They kissed and hugged her, trying to set her mind at rest, but Emily couldn't seem to stop crying. "Dad! Please hold me!" she gasped. Harry scooped her into his arms and despite her size, cradled her, as he would have a new born.

Harry caught the scent of cheap liquor in the air. Jamie seemed to read his mind, as both she and Caitlin hugged Harry and Hermione. "They forced her to swallow it, and spilt it all over her in the process."

"I've never been so scared or felt so helpless," Jamie cried. "I still had my wand, but I couldn't get to it. He was going to have her and I was powerless to do anything, but watch. That is until Caitlin came through for us." Jamie put her arm around her 'sister' and drew her into a hug.

"What did you do, sweetheart?" Hermione asked, displaying a look of concern mixed with pride.

"Mum, I know it was wrong," Caitlin cried. "You warned me about using my Hyperempathic powers to injure, but I had no choice. He was about to rape her! I couldn't let that happen... she's my sister... I love her.

"They all thought I was unconscious, but I wasn't. I was concentrating, trying to reach you, but you hadn't arrived yet. He had getting ready to... oh god, you know... then I remembered the knife they were using. I visualized it slashing his face on both sides, and immediately he was screaming and blood was gushing from the slashes I had given him through my thoughts."

Hermione looked toward the boys to see which had been slashed. "He healed as soon as I stopped visualizing hurting him," Caitlin explained.

Hermione put her arm around Caitlin. "I know what you think you did was horrible, but listen. You have been given a gift, a powerful gift that is capable of both saving lives and taking them. Your choice to only hurt him when you could have just as easily killed him shows get strength of character. Your Dad and I are both very proud of you."

"I imagine that is your handiwork?" Harry asked Jamie as he studied the unconscious and bound gang members.

Jamie nodded her head. "Once Caitlin had them distracted, it was easy to get to my wand. Muggles don't stand a chance against magic."

"That is why under normal circumstances it should never be used against them. I think, however, that in this case the use was certainly justified. What about him?" Harry asked, indicating the boy talking to Kim.

"He seems different from the others," Jamie answered. "He didn't touch Kim and even tried to talk the others into letting us go."

Lance was speaking in a soft voice to Kim. "I've never been with a girl, even on a date or anything. Girls won't have anything to do with me. I can't help my face; it's so ugly. But I wouldn't ever want a girl that didn't want me. Do you think a girl like you would ever want to go out with me?"

"Yes," Kim said. "If you were nice to her, and protected her, a girl would want to go out with you."

Lance stared at Kim for a minute, trying to decide if she meant it, or was just lying to make him feel better. What possessed her to do it, she'd never know, but Kim kissed him, and then ran to talk to Caitlin leaving the boy standing dumbfounded.

After a few minutes of conversation with Harry and Hermione, Kim returned to Lance with Caitlin by her side.

"Lance, my friend Caitlin has powers that are uncommon even among our people," Kim said. "I've asked her to try something, something that could change your life. Will you trust us?"

"Yeah," the youth said without hesitation. "I trust you."

"I've never tried to do anything like this," Caitlin said. "I have to touch you; actually run my hands across your face. It won't hurt. Whether I'm successful or not, it won't hurt."

Lance nodded his head. He wasn't sure what these girls had in mind. He was still trying to deal with the information that witches actually existed and that Kim and her friends actually were.

Caitlin began to run her fingers and palms against Lance's skin, akin to a sculptor working with clay. She missed not a spot as her fingers caressed his nose, ears, checks and neck, every part of his head. Then for the briefest time, hideous scares and pockmarks invaded her face. Subsequently, as fast as they came, they were gone.

"I think you'll find the girls quite eager to kiss you now," Kim said, gazing at Lance with appreciation. "Be careful though in your choices. You, better than anyone, should know that outer appearances don't necessarily portray the person within."

"What did you do?" Lance questioned.

"She gave you a second chance," Harry said. "One of the prime excuses you had for falling into the company of these scoundrels no longer exists. Leave now while you still can, with the memory of what has transpired intact. Remember what has happened, but tell no one, else you will be considered by them a liar and a fool. Now get out of here."

Lance looked in turn at Harry, then Caitlin and finally Kim. "I wish I were a part of your world," he said smiling. "I'll never forget you," he added as he turned and ran down the stairs.

The boy had barely disappeared from sight when two loud pops, announcing the arrival of members of the American Improper Use of Magic office disturbed the early morning quiet.

"What the hell happened here!?"

* * * * * *

"Ron, Sam, would you mind leaving Harry and me alone with the girls for a few minutes," Hermione asked after they finally got to the hotel.

"Not at all. We'll take a stroll," Sam suggested. "Perhaps have a cup of tea or coffee."

The American Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, once they arrived, had been quick to put everything back into its proper order. The three gang members had their memories adjusted, and were portkeyed to the scene of a staged robbery, where they were taken into custody and charged by Muggle police. Obviously, under the circumstances, it was impossible to charge them with the crimes they had actually committed against the girls, but this way they would at least serve deserved jail time.

Harry and Hermione were assured that the person responsible for programming their Portkeys to deposit them in such an undesirable location would be disciplined. All in all, the Americans seemed extremely embarrassed by what had transpired and were very apologetic. They also had dispatched a mediwitch who specialized in crisis counselling to the scene to console the girls.

Unfortunately the trauma that the girls had suffered would take a long time to heal. It had been a terrifying experience for them all, but especially for Emily, who had been inches away from being raped.

After such an experience, how could the girls possibly be up to going on a vacation, especially a naturist vacation?

"Girls, please have a seat," Harry said. "Hermione and I want to talk to you about what took place and get your feelings on how we should progress from here."

The room had two beds. Harry and Hermione sat on one; Jamie, Caitlin and Kim climbed on the other.

"Dad, will you hold me? May I sit on your lap? " Emily entreated.

Harry had no more than nodded his head than Emily threw herself on his lap, wrapped her arms around him and began to cry. "I've never been so... frightened... in my entire life," she sobbed. "I thought we were all going to die.... That I'd never see you or Mum again... and that I'd never be held like this again."

Hermione was holding Benjamin, so she couldn't embrace Emily. She could only lay a reassuring hand on her leg. "That's why Harry and I want to talk to you, all of you," she said. "The events of this morning had to be extremely traumatizing for all of you. Under the circumstances we thought that it might be best if we canceled the cruise."

"Do bloody what?" Emily said, jerking to a rigid position. "Why would you consider doing that? What does the cruise have to do with what occurred this morning?"

"It's just that your Mum and I thought that under the circumstances you might rather not be among a lot of strangers, especially nude," Harry suggested. "We thought it might make you feel even more vulnerable."

Emily glanced from Caitlin to Jamie and then Kim. "The mediwitch really only talked to us individually. As a group we haven't discussed what happened today, so I don't know exactly what feelings went through the heads of the other girls. I only know how I felt, and I was scared to death. I don't know if I can get the vision... of that boy... out of my head. Maybe I never will.

"But I'm not about to allow those bastards to bugger up my life or turn me into a milksop. Hiding and crying in my room is certainly not going to cause the memories to die any sooner."

"I actually prayed to die rather than have them touch me," Jamie sobbed. "I didn't want to leave the shower after I finally got in. I felt like I could never wash the stench of him off my body. But now I realize I have to put it behind me. It's over. Concentrating on it will only soil the future and continue giving our attackers power over us."

"Never pray to die," Caitlin said, hugging Jamie. "That summer when Hooch attacked me and I was abandoned in the woods, I prayed for a fast death. God knew better and didn't answer my prayer. Now I have you, all of you." She looked from one to the other. "I have horrible memories in my past, but my present with all of you makes them bearable. You can never forget atrocious things like what happened today, but you have to go on and savour the positive things life offers."

Kim had sat quietly as everyone commented. Then as tears burst from her eyes, she spoke. "Maybe what happened today was for a greater purpose. I'd like to think it was to give a person a second chance at life. I'm hopeful that because of us, Lance's life will change.

"People can affect other people's lives, you know. You've all affected mine." She looked from person to person, her eyes finally stopping on Emily. "Before, I met you, I tried to kill myself three times. I was getting better at it. I think if I had tried one more time, I might have succeeded. But you stuck your nose into my life and turned it upside down, or maybe in my case, right side up."

Caitlin, Emily and Jamie stared thunderstruck at Kim, as did Harry and Hermione. She had never before revealed this information about herself to them. "Ruffians like we met today are no different than terrorists," Kim stated. "They are cowards that strike the innocent and defenseless. We can't let our lives be directed by such lowlifes."

"Am I to gather that you all still want to carry on on with the holiday," Harry asked amazed at the girls' determination to not allow what happened derail their holiday.

All four girls instantly nodded their heads.

"I guess that's settled then; I believe we can continue as planned," Harry said. "Is that okay with you 'Mione?"

"Yes," Hermione answered. "Even though you all have expressed a great deal of resolve to move on, I think we all need to seek counselling after our holiday, some of us for a longer term than others I imagine," she added gently. "The mediwitch told me that she could only do so much in a crisis situation and that longer-term counselling is needed to truly move on. Kim, I strongly recommend you see a therapist too, for your scars run deeper than just today's incident; we can help make arrangements for you if it is okay with you and your Mum first."

Kim nodded her approval.

"Honestly, I think therapy has been a long time coming for all of us. Nonetheless, I'm amazed, by your comments and determination," Hermione said, pride evident in both her voice and facial expression. "It would seem that Harry and I both underestimated you girls; you are all stronger and braver than we gave you credit for."

"We're also hungry," Emily announced. "Do you think this place has room service?"

* * * * * *

Although certainly not able to remove the morning's experience from their minds, the girls all left the hotel with a determination that they would not allow it to ruin the holiday they had looked so forward.

As they squeezed into two cabs for the short trip to the dock, Hermione shushed Emily when she suggested that perhaps her Mum should put an enlargement charm on the interior.

When they passed the parking garage, Caitlin and Jamie exchanged nervous looks and reached for each other's hand, sure that Emily and Kim in the other cab were sharing similar feelings.

* * * * * *

"Why did those two blokes look at us so strangely?" Ron asked as the two cabs pulled away.

"Think about it," Sam said. "The drivers were Muggles and they just transported ten people to a dock to go on a cruise."

"Yeah! So what's the problem?" Ron asked.

"I think they were rather confused by the fact that we had no luggage for a ten day cruise." Sam answered.

"Oh my!" exclaimed Hermione. "I should have thought about that." She looked carefully around. "Harry, you and Ron best enlarge our luggage before we board the ship. It might be a nudist cruise, but I'm sure it will seem very strange if we appear to have no luggage."

"Is that our ship?" Kim asked wide-eyed. "It's beautiful."

"That's it," Harry said. "The Sun Princess. It is ten years old, but as beautiful as the day it was launched."

"It is pretty," Emily agreed, "and extremely big. I can envision getting lost very easily."

"Are we all going to be in one room, like at the hotel?" Kim questioned.

"Not quite," Harry laughed. "That hotel room was only for us to sit and relax until we were able to board the ship. Not only wouldn't they allow ten people in one cabin, but also we would be on top of each other. I'm sure you girls will be pleased with your accommodations."

"Harry, instead of talking about the rooms. can we go on board and see them?" Hermione asked, the little girl in her showing.

As they approached the gangway, they all stared at the impressive ship in much the same way as tourists look up at the tall skyscrapers in New York City.

"I guess I've reached the point of no return," Ron said, squeezing Sam's hand as they walked up the gangway.

"Good afternoon and welcome aboard the Sun Princess," the greeter said. "Under what names is passage booked?"

"Potter and Weasley," Harry answered.

The girl checked the registration log and in a few moments produced computerized card keys. "The Weasleys are in cabin B309," she said handing two cards to Ron as he reached out his hand.

"Mr. and Mrs. Potter, you and your son are in B307." She was about to say 'your daughters are in B301 and B303', but hesitated after balancing the ages of the girls to Harry and Hermione's appearance. "The girls are in B301 and B303. All the rooms are on Baja deck. Bill will help you with your luggage and show you the way. A light welcoming buffet is now being served in the Horizon Court, located on the Lido deck. Please wait until the ship is well out of port before appearing on deck unclothed. During the cruise you should at all times carry a towel to sit on as a courtesy to the other passengers. Enjoy the cruise and thank you for sailing Princess Cruises."

As Bill guided them to the lift, Jamie pulled Hermione aside. "Just two of us to a room? Does that mean that Alex and I would have had our own room together for ten days if he had decided to come?"

Hermione gave Jamie an 'I'm sorry' smile and nodded her head.

Jamie shook her head. "I'm going to kill him. When I see Alex Ward in September, I'm going to literally kill him." She didn't mean it, but was just frustrated that they had missed this wonderful opportunity to be together.

On the way to their rooms, Bill explained what was on each level of the ship and how to easily get about. When they got to there accommodations, the girls practically fainted.

"I think I'll spend the entire cruise in my room," Kim said. "It's... oh wow!. Whom do I sleep with?"

They hadn't really discussed this, but Emily quickly suggested that they divide by houses, Slytherin and Gryffindor. Caitlin and Jamie went happily along with this proposal.

The rooms the girls had were identical. Each contained two beds, a sitting area with a desk, television, refrigerator, bath, a spacious closet and an ocean view balcony.

Ron and Sam had the same accommodation as Harry and Hermione. They were what the ship referred to as a mini-suite. There was a private bedroom with a queen-size bed, and a sitting room area with a sofa bed and a balcony for entertaining. The suite also had two TV's, a walk-in closest, plus a bath with tub and shower.

"Are we rich Dad?" Emily asked. "This must be costing a fortune."

"Didn't I tell you?" Harry joked. "You and Caitlin are paying for the trip. Don't expect any spending money for the next seventy-five years."

"Only one problem," Caitlin said, as she burst into the room. "I wish the rooms were all adjoining. It's going to be a pain running from room to room when we want to do something."

"Does something, include eating?" Emily asked. "I'm famished."

"Did I hear someone mention food?" Ron asked as he put his arm around Emily. "I could eat a hippogriff."

"You're lucky Buckbeak isn't here to hear you say that, or you'd be the lunch instead of eating it," Hermione said, warningly. "But I think that is a good idea. We are among the first to board. Let's have lunch and tour the ship. Then we can relax until it's time to set sail."

"I should have waited to tell Timmy this was a naturist cruise," Sam said as she and Hermione talked on the way up to the Lido deck. "We were barely in the suite, and he was out of his clothes. I had a devil of a time getting him to put them back on."

"What about Ron?" Hermione asked softly. "Do you think he'll participate?"

"If by participate, you mean parading around in his birthday suit? I'd say there is about as much chance of that happening as there is of it snowing in hell," Sam answered. "He is so self-conscious and then there is his erection problem."

"Problem? Oh! I'm sorry! Ron is so young to have that sort of problem. I've read about charms that can help induce erections," Hermione advised.

"No," Sam laughed. "You have it backwards. Ronnie gets a stiffy at the drop of a hat. Except immediately after we've had sex, it's rare that he is fully placid."

"Oh!" was Hermione only response.

"Will you get a load of that spread," Ron remarked, salivating as they entered the Horizon Court. "If that is what they refer to as a light buffet, I can't wait to see a full course meal."

Hermione and Sam exchanged worried glances, as they started selecting food from the buffet. "Everything looks so good," Hermione said. "Meals of this type will necessitate us spending half the cruise in the gym."

"Not me," Ron said trying to squeeze a few more items on his already chock-full plate. "I could stand a few more pounds. You'll still love me if I develop love handles, won't you, Sam?"

"We're on vacation, Ronnie, and I know you love food, so enjoy yourself," Sam said. "But I prefer your body just as it is. So, should you grow any additional appendages, you will be working them off."

"Sounds like the boss has spoken," Harry said, smiling and giving Ron a poke in the ribs.

"No problem, mate," Ron replied. "I have a good idea how she'd have me work off any extra pounds, and it's my favorite kind of exercise."

Sam blushed, but Hermione laughed and then muttered to Sam. "That's my favorite type of workout, too."

"Have you guys been looking around the room?" Caitlin asked the other girls.

"Yeah!" Emily replied. "It looks like there are lots of families on this cruise and more teenagers than I expected."

Between bites, Kim was checking out a very handsome boy who had just joined the serving line. "We're here to have fun, right?" she said. "Let's make a pact that anything that happens the next ten days stays on the ship."

"Sounds to me like someone intends to cheat on Randy," Caitlin said kiddingly.

"Not so much cheat as have fun," Kim explained. "Randy would most likely get upset if he even knew I talked to another boy."

"Yeah!" Caitlin agreed. "Matt's the same way. He's really special to me, but he can be rather possessive at times."

"Does that mean that we're four single girls on the prowl for a good time this week?" Emily asked.

"Make that three girls," Jamie corrected. "And be careful how good a time you have. Remember you guys are all underage."

"Gee Sis! Get a grip," Emily said. "I didn't mean anything like that. I just meant swimming, dancing, fooling around. After what happened this morning, I'm sure none of us are thinking about sex."

"You got that right," Caitlin said, and Kim agreed.

"Sam!' Ron said, briefly taking a break from stuffing his face. "Did you notice that guy sitting near the railing has been staring a hole through you?"

"Yes! she replied. "But I'm not the only one being checked out. His wife, or girl friend, whichever she is, can't seem to take her eyes off you."

"Must be the gorgeous red hair," Ron said with a laugh, and then he went back to gorging himself.

"Harry, Benjamin's hungry. Do you think anyone will mind if I feed him here?" Hermione asked.

"Mione, tomorrow, at this time, all these people will be sitting someplace on this ship having lunch, completely nude," Harry said. "I don't think any of them are going to be offended by you exposing a breast and feeding our son."

"I guess your right," Hermione said, unbuttoning her blouse and revealing her breast. "It's just that this is the first time that I've ever been even partially nude in a public place when everyone else was fully dressed. It feels kind of weird. I'll be much more relaxed when everyone else is nude."

"Would you feel more comfortable if the girls and I removed our clothes?" Jamie asked genuinely. "The woman that checked us in only said no nudity topside. Since we're inside and this is, after all, a nudist cruise; I don't think anyone would mind."

"Would you?" Hermione asked, feeling ridiculous. "I know I'm probably just being silly, but I feel that everyone is staring at me. Since you don't have towels with you, maybe you should only take your tops off."

"We can sit on our skirts," Jamie said, jumping to her feet. "Caitlin, Emily, your Mum needs some diversionary tactics; strip."

Without question, they stood up and within seconds the three girls had shed their clothes. Both Kim and Sam sat watching dumfounded. Predictably, Ron stared at his plate, fearful to let his eyes wonder in any direction.

What happened next was remarkable. A number of other people rose to their feet and shed all or part of their clothing.

"It sort of looks like everyone was waiting for someone else to be first," Harry said with a laugh, giving Hermione a kiss on the cheek.

* * * * * *

"Will you guys hurry up?" Jamie urged. "It's traditional for all passengers to be topside when the ship casts off."

"Sounds like another stupid tradition to me," Emily complained. "Especially, since we have to get dressed to do it."

Jamie didn't make any further comment, but rather just stood tapping her foot as Emily took her time dressing.

After they had finished lunch and toured the ship, everyone had returned to their staterooms to relax until it was time to set sail. Kim was already dressed, having chosen to stay that way. Actually, Kim would be quite content to remain clothed the entire cruise. She was dreading dinner. It would be her first time nude in front of a bunch of strangers, and she was extremely nervous.

"Come on girls," Harry urged. "You don't want to miss the ship casting off and leaving port."

Emily shrugged her shoulders as she glanced at Kim. Although she loved Harry and Hermione with all her heart, she sometimes just didn't understand how they could get such a thrill out of things that were so mundane.

When the group reached the Promenade Deck, it was already crowded with passengers, and ship personnel were handing out something they referred to as party poppers.

"When you pull the string on the end," Kim explained, "they make a popping sound and little streamers and confetti come out."

"How thrilling," Emily said sarcastically. "Mum, can we get out our wands and show them how to do this send off thing properly?"

"Keep your voice down," Hermione admonished. "With the exception of our group, I would imagine everyone else on this cruise is a Muggle. I don't want any more talk about anything related to 'the M word' from any of you outside of our staterooms."

"What are you laughing about?" Hermione asked turning severely toward Harry.

"Nothing darling," Harry said apologetically. "It just that you saying 'the M word' reminded me of the Dursley's. I was never allowed to mention the word magic in their presence."

Hermione blushed. "It's just that we have to be careful not to raise any unnecessary attention. We have to appear to be Muggles."

As Harry and Hermione were talking, Ron seemed to be intently checking out the other passengers. Finally he had to ask. "Are you sure everyone on this cruise is a naturist?" he inquired, looking both at Hermione and Harry. "I expected all faultless specimens like you two, but most of these people are far from perfect. Take that bloke over there." He indicated a man standing a distance from them. "That guy must weigh over three hundred pounds. He's most certainly not a nudist."

"I'm sure there are others such as yourself, that are here because of a spouse, but other than those few, I'm certain everyone else is a naturist," Hermione explained.

"That guy you were indicating is Simon Block," Harry added. "We meet him on holiday last year; very nice person. He's been a nudist his entire life."

"How can he do it?" Ron asked no one in particular.

* * * * * *

"May I have your attention please," the voice echoed over the public address system. "We have now cleared port. Although not required, except in the ship's four swimming pools, clothing is now optional in all areas of the ship. As long as you remain on board, clothing will not be required until our return to Fort Lauderdale. Anyone going ashore at our various ports of call will be required to dress appropriately."

Emily looked at her watch and then at Caitlin and Kim. "We have an hour until dinner; let's go for a stroll about the ship."

"Sounds like a plan," said Caitlin, who, like her sister had undressed upon returning to their quarters.

"Okay," agreed Kim, as she headed for the door.

"Didn't you forget something," Emily asked as Kim reached for the knob. "You're still dressed."

"Oh! Yeah! How dumb of me," Kim said nervously, as she hesitantly started to remove her clothes. The moment she had been dreading had actually come sooner than dinner. In a matter of less than a minute, Kim was ready. At least, she was physically ready. She doubted she would ever be truly ready for what she was about to do.

Without pause Caitlin opened the door and walked out into the corridor. Emily, bringing up the rear, practically pushed Kim through the door. As she heard the door click shut, Kim heart leapt to her throat. They were out in a public area and about to walk about the ship. Instinctively, one hand reached to cover her vagina and the other arm tried to cover her breasts.

"What are you doing?" Caitlin laughed. "This is a nudist cruise."

"She's right, Kim," Emily added. "All you're going to do by trying to cover yourself is draw more attention. Relax; we all have the same equipment."

Kim left her arms fall to her sides and tried to relax, but that was much easier to say than do.

Much to Kim's relief, they made it to the lift without running into any other passengers. 'Maybe everyone is in their staterooms getting ready for dinner,' she thought to herself, not sure exactly what it would be necessary for a nudist to do in order to prepare for dinner.

As the lift stopped at the Caribe deck and the doors open, Kim held her breath, but there was no one waiting to enter. Once again, she held her breath as they stopped at the Dolphin deck, only this time there was someone waiting to board the lift. It was the handsome boy that Kim had eyed in the serving line.

He was alone, but fully dressed and Kim automatically went to cover herself. Emily and Caitlin, as if reading her mind, were too fast for her, each grabbing a hand and holding it to her side.

"Hi," said the boy pleasantly. "You all certainly didn't waste anytime getting with the program. My name is Brian."

"I'm Emily, that's my sister Caitlin and this is our best friend Kim," Emily said.

"Nice meeting you," Brian said as the lift came to a halt at the Promenade deck and they all exited.

"I have to meet my parents now for dinner, but there is a teen social tonight. Hope to see, you and your friends there," he said, giving Kim a smile.

"Talk about working fast," Emily said, after Brian was out of earshot. "Not even an hour out of port and you've already landed the best looking guy on the ship."

Kim would have blushed, but she had turned scarlet the moment Brian had entered the lift and she still maintained her pinkish glow. "He was talking to all of us," Kim said defensively.

"He might have been talking to us all," Caitlin agreed, "but he was definitely chatting you up."

"I can't believe he saw me naked," Kim said, physically shaking.

"He's a nudist. I'm sure it was no big deal to him; he's probably seen hundreds of girls naked," Caitlin said reassuringly. "Besides it's a plus for you. Now that he's already seen you nude, you shouldn't be as nervous later tonight."

"You forget," Kim said, fretfully, "I'm not like you two. I'm the girl that actually likes to wear clothes."

* * * * * *

"I don't know if I can do this," Sam said tensely, as she and Ron waited for a knock on their door.

Any moment now, the Potters would be rapping on the door, prepared to go to dinner. Sam was ready, so was Ron, but ready had two entire different meanings. Ron was casually dressed; Sam was anxiously nude.

"It was so different, back at their quarters at Hogwarts," Sam declared. "I was relaxed and comfortable. Now I feel like I'm streaking or something."

"There's no need to put yourself through this anguish," Ron reminded her. "No one will blame you if you want to take this slow and decide to dress for dinner tonight."

A knocking at the door interrupted Sam's answerer. Once open, Ron found himself facing his first challenge of the evening. Six naked people stood there smiling, one was his best friend, Harry Potter.

The girls were all either carrying their towels haphazardly or had them slung over their shoulders. Jamie actually had Benjamin, who she was carrying, bundled in her arms.

Never in his life had Ron maintained such resolute eye-to-eye contact with his friends as he did at that moment. Being in a room when the girls were naked was always difficult; when Hermione was nude it was torture, but this was pure hell.

Sam hugged Hermione. "I don't know if I'm up to this," Sam said, literally shaking.

"I'm a little nervous myself," Hermione confessed. "I'm afraid these," she indicated her breasts, "are going to draw unnecessary attention to me. I'm getting better, but I'll never be a confident as those three."

Hermione had only indicated Jamie, Caitlin and Emily because Kim was still not at ease.

"Sam, you can slip something on if you want," Harry said encouragingly. "It's only the first evening. I doubt very much that Ron will be the only one wearing clothes tonight."

"What do you want to do?" Hermione asked compassionately.

"I want to take the plunge," Sam answered, her voice trembling, "but I'm going to need help."

"That's what we're here for," Jamie said. Hermione took Sam's hand and guided her toward the door.

Caitlin and Emily did the same with Kim's hands as they began to walk off, both giving her a heartening squeeze.

Ron gave Harry a grave look as they brought up the rear. "Don't even think about holding my hand," he said in jest. Harry snickered.

"What about me?" Timmy asked, sounding hurt.

"You can hold my hand anytime, buddy," Ron said, but instead he scooped the boy into his arms as they headed for the lift.

* * * * * *

Kim kept her eyes glued straight ahead as they entered the large Regency Dinning Room and located their table. Although they weren't, she felt like every eye in the room was on her. Only when she was finally seated, did she dare to glance about the area. Harry had been correct, some passengers had opted to dress for the first evening's dinner, but they were a definite minority. Somehow looking around at the other tables put her slightly at ease.

Due to the size of their group, they filled an entire table. Depending on a personal viewpoint this was either an advantage or a disadvantage. On one hand, they weren't forced to sit with strangers and make conversation. On the other hand, they didn't get the opportunity to meet people and make new friends.

Jamie and Hermione took turns holding Benjamin through the course of dinner. Fortunately, he had decided to be on good behavior tonight and spent most of the meal sleeping or cooing contentedly.

With the exception of Ron, everyone else, including Emily, complained that the servings were too large and that they couldn't possible eat everything they were being served. Ron seemed to keep his eyes fixed on his dinner plate. It was impossible to tell whether this was because he was so engrossed in the meal or just that he was scared stiff to look around the room. .

The only time he looked up was when Sam mentioned that the same young couple was looking their way. Ron glanced at them quickly and then, for no explicable reason, waved at them. Much to both his and Sam's shock, the couple smiled broadly and waved back.

After dinner the adults returned to their rooms and decided to call it an early evening. Taking the time change into account, and all the emotional turmoil, it had been a long exhausting day. The girls, however, weren't sleepy and decided to check out the teen mixer that Brian had mentioned. Kim wanted to see Brian again, but was thwarted in her efforts to get the other girls to agree to slip on some clothing.

"The brochure says nudist cruise," Emily reminded Kim. "No one is stopping you from putting clothes on, but this girl isn't going to except when absolutely necessary."

"I'm sorry Kim. I'm with Emily," Caitlin said. "This is our holiday; our chance to be ourselves."

"Being Emily and Caitlin's best friend doesn't come with a requirement that you be a naturist," Jamie said, putting her arm around Kim. "If you'd be more comfortable wearing a little then by all means, do it. None of us is going to coerce you into practicing naturism."

Once more, Kim was faced with the decision to either dress or not. And once more, she halfheartedly chose to emulate her best friends.

"Remember, if at any time you change you're mind, its fine with us," Emily said. Caitlin agreed.

With that out of the way, the girls quickly headed for the teen center.

Although Kim still felt anxious, she at the same time felt somewhat relieved. This had been her decision and if worse came to worst; she knew she could wear clothes anytime during the cruise. She kept trying to convince herself that this was something she wanted to do.

When they reached the correct deck, it was easy to find the teen center. All they had to do was walk toward the blaring music. While there was a dance floor, no one was dancing; instead they were competing against the sound system and trying to hold conversations.

They had no more than entered the crowded room when Jamie waved excitedly. "Look! It's Chantal and Felicite," she shouted.

Jamie had met these two girls last summer at Cap d'Adge, and had become fine friends with them. After everyone said hello and introductions were made, Emily, Kim and Caitlin stood listening in awe as Jamie conversed with the two girls in fluent French.

For the most part, they didn't understand any of the conversation, only picking up on an occasional word here and there until Emily and Caitlin heard Felicite unmistakably say 'Roz' and point toward the far side of the room.

End of Chapter Two