Cho Chang
Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Goblet of Fire
Published: 10/26/2005
Updated: 10/26/2005
Words: 1,211
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,324

Love Makes You Do Crazy Things


Story Summary:
They say love is blind, but what they don't mention is that it's crazy, too. Cho Chang's love life isn't exactly perfect. In fact, it's insane! So many break-ups have landed her in the nut house!

Author's Note:
Please don't read this fic if you haven't read book four.

Love Makes You Do Crazy Things

Maddie Herr

Part 1-

The thing about love is that it will always come back to bite you somewhere. No matter what you do, every relationship will end in disaster. Well, that's how it is for me anyway.

My name is Cho Chang and I have had plenty of broken hearts. Take my first boyfriend for example. Totally hot Quidditch player (like myself), but that's the thing: he would never stop talking about Quidditch. My friends say I ramble on about it!

"Oh sorry Cho, I can't help you study, I have to work on my strategy."

"Darn! I forgot about our plans at Hogsmead, I'm having my broom polished." On and on and on. It never stopped. Eventually, we just stopped seeing each other around campus.

One day, I see him sitting over by the lake without his broom (he carried it everywhere!) so I went over to him. There he was, sitting there without his broom, but he was with someone. They were locked in an embrace.

"Who the hell are you?" I shouted angrily.

"Excuse me, I'm his girlfriend," she snorted.

I looked at my "boyfriend" and he looked uncomfortable.

"So this is what you've been doing," I whispered.

"...Cho...I...er...um," he stammered.

"Save it," I said, walking away. I couldn't believe he had been cheating on me.

So that was my first broken heart, which was followed by many others. The only one that never seemed to mend was when I dated Cedric Diggory. He took me to the Yule Ball, and we had a great time. He was so nice, and so handsome. I thought that I had finally found my guy, but then Harry Potter came back from the third task of the Tri Wizard Tournament with Cedric's dead body. I thought I would never get over it; turns out I never did. I tried dating Harry for a while; he did try to save Cedric. I was still upset about his death, so it didn't work out. I hear he's going out with Ron's sister...Jenny or something.

Every day I go through my day only thinking of him. I focused less and less on schoolwork and more on how I could bring him back. I started going crazy with grief. Dumbledore sent me away to some mental hospital.

Part 2-

"Okay now, we're going to go around in a circle and everyone will share their names, okay?" At the hospital (or clinic some called it) there was a perky witch of about twenty-six or so with strawberry blonde hair in pigtails on the sides of her head. She was around five two and had the rosiest cheeks anyone had ever seen. Becky, if that was her real name, always wore a flawless smile that frightened some of the patients (including me).

"You'll get used to her," another patient told me.

We went around in a circle, like Becky told us to.

"My name is Mad-Eye Moody and I have no business here. There are Death Eaters everywhere!" After saying that, he leaped from his chair onto a former Death Eater, who was in rehab.

"Security!" Becky called onto her walkie-talkie. With that, he was pulled from the room by two macho guards in green uniforms.

"Next," Becky smiled as if nothing had happened.

"I'm Professor Trelawney, and...oh...my dear," she said, staring at Becky. "I'm afraid you have a grave future. What is your astrological sign? A Leo perhaps?"

Becky simply smiled and gestured for me to go next.

"I'm Cho Chang...I don't really know why I'm here," I said hesitantly.

"Denial is the first step toward acceptance," Becky said, smiling. I looked at her hesitantly. "Okay everyone, let's go to our rooms to get to know our roommates." She led us down a long hallway covered with pictures of former patients who had recovered. I looked at the wall and saw pictures of happy looking, normal people.

"She doesn't look insane," I said, pointing to a red-haired woman with flawless skin and a bright smile.

"She attempted suicide after killing a Muggle girl-scout troop. They kept harassing her about buying their cookies," Becky said cheerfully.

"Oh..." I said, taking a step back from the picture. We kept on walking and, every now and then, Becky directed a patient into a room. When everyone was gone, except for me, Becky gestured for me to follow her into what looked like a top-secret room.

Becky, for once, didn't look incredibly happy, but serious. She fiddled with a large ring of about forty keys. Finally, she came to a key that fit in the keyhole. She turned the knob. Inside was pitch black, I couldn't see anything. She lightly tapped my shoulder, signaling for me to step inside.

The room suddenly filled with light. Several torches burned on each corner of the room. In the center of this secretive chamber was a large chair with velvet cushions lining the seat. An unknown force compelled me to sit in the chair. Becky walked up behind me and opened another door leading into the room. A ministry worker came in wearing teal robes. He pulled something out of his pocket, but covered it with his long sleeves before I could get a good look at it.

"Are you quite sure this is necessary?" he asked Becky.

"Absolutely, it's the only way to help her," she replied.

The man knelt down in front of me. I looked deeply into his green eyes. He looked so grieved. He pulled the device out from under his sleeve and put it up toward my face.

It was a long yellow object with a red light on top. The light blinked several times and I fell asleep.

When I woke up I felt happier than I had ever felt before! I forgot all about...whatever that was I was sad about...and wanted more than anything to go back to school.

I sat up and looked around. I was lying on a cot in the secretary's office. It reeked of old cheese. I heard voices outside and went over to see whom they belonged to. Dumbledore was talking to Becky.

"So I take it the device worked?" Dumbledore asked.

"Indeed it-" Becky stopped and looked over at me. Wondering what she was looking at, Dumbledore looked at me too. He asked how I was feeling and all I could say was,

"Are you here to take me back to school?"

"If you are willing to go," he answered, smiling. Not a freaky smile like Becky, but a gentler smile, like when you are tearing with happiness.

He took my hand and we walked through the front gates.

"Just let me have a look at your palm!" we heard someone screech.

"My I add that we have a substitute for Divination?" he said, silently chuckling. We walked over to the fountain of a Centaur in front of the hospital. He grabbed my hand and we apparated back to Hogwarts.

Part 3-

I'm happier than I was before I left school, but I still can't get a decent date. Something in the corner of my mind tells me that I had the perfect boyfriend at one time. Must have just been a dream.

Author notes: Please write all comments down, i want to hear your reactions