Astronomy Tower
Remus Lupin Nymphadora Tonks
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/13/2003
Updated: 09/22/2003
Words: 6,560
Chapters: 7
Hits: 3,556

Sunshine and Babies


Story Summary:
Sequel to Moonlight and Roses. The day has finally come, Remus and Tonks are getting married. Masses of Weasleys all converge on Potter Manor for the ceremony, and Remus has pre-wedding jitters.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Sequel to Moonlight and Roses. The day has finally come: Remus and Tonks are getting married. Masses of Weasleys all converge on Potter Manor for the ceremony, and Remus has pre-wedding jitters.

Harry and Remus finished their breakfast and put the plates in the sink. "I guess that we should head over to Ron's before the Weasley women descend on the house," Harry said, walking over and hugging each of the children. "We'll be back about an hour before everything starts. I'll be sure to send Charlie, Fred, George and your dad over to help set everything up," he said, kissing Ginny on the cheek.

"Just be sure that you and Remus go right to the guest house. We don't want you to see the bride before the wedding," she said, hugging Remus and kissing his cheek. "Everything will be ready on time, and there is nothing for you three to do. Everyone else has their assignments." She lifted each of the children out of their chairs and sent them into the playroom. "We have everything under control. This will be the talk of the wizarding world for years to come."

"Only because I'm a werewolf. If it wasn't for your father, Ginny, I wouldn't even be able to marry Tonks," he told her. "Arthur has changed everything for the better for those of us that had no rights. Even Hermione can't complain; the house elves now have a choice of who they serve."

"Tell me about it," Ginny said. "Dobby has been with us since my dad passed that law. He didn't really want to serve anyone but Harry," she laughed. "And for the first time, my mother has a full staff of house elves. They all wanted to work for the minister of magic."

Harry laughed, "Winky is so happy. Ever since she got to choose who she worked for, she hasn't taken a day off. If she and Dobby hadn't come to work for us, I don't think that our house would look nearly as neat as it does."

"Harry, we had better go before Tonks gets here. I don't want to jinx this wedding," Remus said, walking over to the fireplace and throwing a pinch of floo powder into the flames.

"Quite right, Remus. Molly would kill me if you saw Tonks before the wedding," he answered. Remus shouted his destination, quickly followed by Harry.

Ginny waved her wand and got the dishes washing themselves, then waved her wand at the stove and got the food started for the reception. She quickly looked in on the two children, who were playing what looked like Quidditch on their toy brooms. "Winky, could you please come up into the playroom," she called, walking toward the kitchen.

"Yes, Missus, what is you needing Winky to do?" the small house elf asked, popping up behind Ginny.

"Winky, could you please keep an eye on Lily and James. I have to go out and start decorating the yard for the wedding," she said, summoning the decorations for the yard. "And when my mother gets here, could you come out to the yard and help with the decorations. I want everything to be perfect."

"Yes Missus, Winky will watch the children, and when Missus Molly comes, Winky will come out and help Missus Ginny with the decorations. Winky will send Dobby to help Missus until Winky can help," she said, turning toward the children's playroom. With a loud pop, Dobby appeared in front of Ginny.

"Does Missus Ginny need Dobby's help?" he asked, looking around the room.

"Yes, Dobby, could you help me decorate the yard for the wedding?" Ginny asked, walking toward the back door. She opened the door and headed out to the yard. "We need to get the chairs set up, and get all of the decorations up. The flowers need to be put around, and everything needs to be perfect, Dobby. It's Remus' wedding, and he is family to Harry," she told him, pointing out where she wanted the chairs and the flowers.

"Dobby will take care of it, Missus. Missus should go inside and finish what she has to do. Dobby will decorate. Not to worry Missus, Dobby will make Master Remus' wedding perfect for Missus Ginny," Dobby told her, pushing her toward the kitchen door. "Dobby will fix the yard, and Winky will help when she is done with young Miss Lily and Master James."

Ginny put her hand on the doorknob and heard a crash from inside. Ginny quickly opened the door and ran inside.

"I'm sorry, Ginny, I didn't mean to knock over the plates. I tripped over the chair leg," Tonks said sheepishly.

"It's okay. I'm just glad that it was you making the noise, not my children," Ginny told her, waving her wand at the pile of broken plates on the floor. "When I went out back, the kids were playing Quidditch on their toy brooms. I was just afraid that one of them had gotten away from Winky and was flying around the house, destroying everything in their path."

Tonks laughed and got up from the floor, pulling her dress bag out of the fireplace. "At least I had them put the dress in a bag. Coming through the floo network it would have been black instead of white."

"Well, everyone else should be here soon, so maybe you should sit down and have something to eat, then pick the color your hair will be today," Ginny told her, waving her wand at the stove and starting some bacon for Tonks.

"I can't eat anything, Ginny. My stomach hurts when I drink tea. Are you sure that Remus wants to marry me? I'm clumsy and I can't even floo into the house without falling on my face," Tonks told her, brushing the soot off of her robes.

"I've had this conversation once today. You and Remus are perfect for each other, and this wedding will be perfect. My mom is going to do the food because she is much better at it than me. Everyone else will be here to help you get ready and to finish decorating the yard. Harry, Ron, and Remus will be here right before the wedding starts, and you will make a beautiful bride," Ginny told her, patting her arm.

"If you say so, Ginny. You're the best. I guess that I should change my hair," Tonks said, scrunching her face up and changing the color of her hair.

Ginny stared at her friend, "Tonks, your hair is beautiful. What made you choose that color?" she asked, picking up a handful of her long, chocolate-brown hair.

"It's my real hair, and my real face. Remus thinks that I'm beautiful this way, so I figured that I would have my real hair and face today. He's marrying the real me, not the face I show to everyone else," she said, looking over at Ginny.

"He's right, you are beautiful. I don't see why you don't always keep the real you showing around us. We are family, Tonks," Ginny told her. "I think that we should go upstairs and let you start getting ready."