Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/02/2003
Updated: 07/05/2006
Words: 297,039
Chapters: 31
Hits: 36,730

Harry Potter and the Prophecy of the Strinx

Moon Weasley

Story Summary:
Not even in his wildest dreams did Harry Potter think that his fifth year at Hogwarts would be as complex and nerveracking as the previous. But when Hermione stumbles across an old and incomplete prophecy that seems to hold the answer to Voldemort's downfall the trio once again find themselves drawn into a whirlwind of trouble and mystery that will change their lives forever. Add to this a rapidly growing workload, new teachers, old enemies, his two best friends' annoying love/hate relationship as well as the general troubles of being fifteen. First in the Strinx-trilogy

Chapter 17

Chapter Summary:
Not even in his wildest dreams did Harry Potter think that his fifth year at Hogwarts would be as complex and nerveracking as the previous. But when Hermione stumbles across an old and incomplete prophecy that seems to hold the answer to Voldemort's downfall the trio once again find themselves drawn into a whirlwind of trouble and mystery that will change their lives forever. Add to this a rapidly growing workload, new teachers, old enemies, his two best friends' annoying love/hate relationship as well as the general troubles of being fifteen and you’ll see why poor Harry’s head is spinning.
Author's Note:

Harry Potter and the Prophecy of the Strinx

By Moon Weasley

Chapter Seventeen:

It's raining on prom night

The Great Hall had never looked more enchanting Hermione concluded. She had thought the decorations at last year's Yule Ball had been breathtaking and magnificent, but compared to this year's extravaganza that memory paled to look quite common and almost boring in comparison. Her compliments went to Professor Flitwick who'd clearly outdone himself this time.

The walls had been bewitched to create the feeling of dining in a winter wonderland. Frosty snow-white decorations with hints of silver adorned the hall and the twelve impressively sized Christmas trees that were placed around the Hall seemed to be covered in millions of stars. To top it all off a myriad of fairies floated gracefully above them creating a most romantic atmosphere.

Just too bad romance was far from what she was experiencing at the moment Hermione thought with a scowl towards the dance floor where he was currently twirling Lavender in a slow waltz.

Hermione closed her eyes and fought back the tears she felt welling up. Pursing her lips she inhaled deeply while trying to tame her beating heart to a somewhat normal pace. Don't let it bother you, she instructed herself intently. Ron was nothing but a stupid, shallow twit, blinded by good looks and therefore simply not worth smothering her perfectly applied make-up.

Sitting alone and abandoned at a table in the Great Hall, Hermione let her thoughts wander back to the Christmas holiday she'd spent at home with her parents. It hadn't really been the jolly break she'd envisioned that was certain, something which had been entirely her own doing seeing as she'd spent huge parts of it sulking in her room.

It was safe to say that no carolling had taken place under the Granger roof this year, at least not with Hermione in the room. In retrospect she felt horrendously guilty about her behaviour but at the time she'd been unable to fight off her black mood. Locked up in her room for most of the time, Hermione had totally neglected her homework and instead spent hour upon hour, pouring her heartbroken thoughts into her diary. Unfortunately it hadn't helped much.

At first it felt like a relief being away from Hogwarts, Gryffindor tower and everything else that painfully reminded her of Ron. But just like many before her, Hermione had discovered that absence really did make the heart grow fonder. Although she'd heartily tried not to she couldn't resist the temptation of looking through her wizard photo album and reminisce about Ron. After a few days she had actually managed to fall deeper into her heartbroken stupor, an accomplishment she didn't think possible.

Her mother had repeatedly tried to coax her into talking about what was bothering her, but Hermione had insisted that there was nothing wrong, really. She was just exhausted from studying for her OWLs and nothing more.

Naturally she hadn't managed to fool her mother, but after a few fruitless attempts she had thankfully given up, probably hoping that Hermione would come to her after a few days. She hadn't though, although it had been tempting to unburden her heartache on someone. Putting it mildly it hadn't been the merriest of Christmases Hermione had ever experienced.

Shaking off the depressing memories of Christmas, Hermione let her eyes move across the Great Hall surveying the couples dancing. She easily spotted Fred and Angelina following up their smashing success from last year dancing "creatively" all over the room. She stifled a giggle as she watched Fred hoist his date up in his arms before twirling her around. They look so cute together, Hermione thought wistfully and couldn't help put feel a hint of jealously slowly seeping into her blood.

Moving on she caught sight of the other half of the most mischievous duo to ever wander Gryffindor tower, George, dancing a tad less vigorously with his date for the evening, Alicia. He'd finally made up his mind about who to ask - Alicia or Katie, after tormenting his fellow Gryffindors with his list of pros and cons about the two females in question for days on end.

Hermione smiled knowingly thinking that he'd made the right choice. Katie would perhaps have said yes if asked but Hermione knew she was head-over-heels in love with Oliver Wood and had been exchanging endless amounts of letters with him since he'd left school two years ago. How this fact had eluded George's attention was beyond her.

Slowly sipping her Butterbeer Hermione watched the numerous couples dancing (most of them rather awkwardly) to the up-and-coming Wizard-band "Engorgement" that Dumbledore had hired for the occasion. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a tinge of red and her eyes immediately turned elsewhere.

Where could Harry have disappeared to, she wondered desperately? It was actually quite embarrassing sitting cooped up at a table all alone like some wallflower for long stretches of time while Harry was off to god knows where, doing god knows what.

He'd been gone for more than twenty minutes now and if he didn't return soon people might think she was dateless! The mere thought made her cringe. As if on cue she spotted the insufferable Malfoy foxtrotting effortlessly with Pansy "pugface" Parkinson not far from her table and braced herself for a taunting when she noticed someone dumping down in the chair beside her.

"Finally, Harry. Where have you been? I can't imagine going to the bathroom takes almost twenty minutes, whatever did you do? Wander into Myrtle's bathroom again, did you?"

She turned towards Harry - or rather what she'd assumed was Harry only to find someone completely different.


Hermione stared disbelievingly at the bespectacled, red-haired former Headboy that was balancing a drink in one hand and with the other firmly stretched out towards her. He smiled smugly (that was his trademark) and then grabbed her hand and shook it formally.

"Well hello Hermione," he said sounding oddly like an old aristocrat and certainly not like a nineteen-year-old boy. "I'm sure you're positively bursting with curiosity as to why I'm here tonight."

Not quite, Hermione thought yawning mentally, but flashed him her brightest smile none the less. Percy stopped talking for a moment to scratch his left arm in a violent manner causing him to spill some of his drink on the table. He instantly blushed Weasley-red and frantically tried to wipe it off with a napkin. Hermione tried to hide a snigger but Percy cottoned on and restored the haughty expression before continuing talking as if nothing had happened.

"I'm attending the Ball on behalf of the Ministry, you see. They wanted someone to represent them, overseeing the arrangement so to speak, and seeing as I had the necessary experience with this sort of event I was an obvious choice."

"Naturally," Hermione replied unenthusiastically. Percy then trailed off into a long speech about his current responsibilities with the Ministry which she quite frankly found about as intriguing as watching slugs procreate. So while occasionally nodding and letting out an "aha" and "I see" she let him drone on. The resemblance to Professor Binns monotone mumbling was unnervingly accurate and soon her thoughts began to wander back to the events earlier that evening.

Gryffindor Tower - 18.52pm

Hermione had never felt as nervous in her life as the moment when she descended the stairs to the common room. Thankfully Ginny had been with her and without the youngest Weasley's death grip on her arm, she would probably have chickened out, turned around and run straight back to her bed upon seeing him.

Ginny, obviously sensing her intention to flee, had simply intensified her firm grip and purposely led her over to an awaiting Harry. Self-consciously Hermione tucked a misbehaving stray curl behind her ear and unnecessarily adjusted her new dress robe. But a quick look at Harry told her that she shouldn't have bothered.

Hermione was in fact quite certain she could have done the splits wearing nothing but Dobby's tea cosy and still Harry wouldn't have arched an eyebrow. He had been more or less oblivious to her presence as he'd been too busy gawking at Ginny to pay her any attention. Not that she cared much about that, but with him so obviously preoccupied she was forced to talk to - Ron.

Naturally Lavender was stalling up in the dormitory making Ron wait and he'd been standing beside Harry looking extremely dishy much to Hermione's dismay. He'd cut his hair during the holiday and it was now styled in a spiky fashion that was very becoming. He also had new dress robes in a very flattering midnight blue colour. Hermione's heart was beating like a small kettledrum and she had no idea what she was supposed to say to him. This was one of her best friends and for some reason just the sight of him made her completely tongue-tied these days.

Get over yourself and talk to him already, Hermione silently commanded sternly. Thank him for the Christmas present or something perfectly normal like that. There's nothing to it really.

She had finally found the courage to raise her eyes to him only to find him staring directly back at her. His sparkling blue eyes had been looking at her with something that looked like - adoration? It lasted for a split second before both withdrew their gaze and simultaneously began thanking each other for the gifts received.

Hermione couldn't remember ever experiencing such tension between them. None of their pointless arguments had ever left her feeling this strange in his company. If someone had pulled out a knife and started cutting the air between them Hermione was certain it could easily have been divided into even slices and served with tea, that's how thick it was.

On some level Hermione was almost grateful that Lavender chose that exact moment to grace them with her presence. She descended the staircase in a flurry of pink frills and silk with her make-up and hair styled to perfection. She looked nothing short of divine. Like the models in Ginny's Teen Witch magazines her robes fitted perfectly showing off her well-developed body and more precisely her two greatest assets. Hermione involuntarily frowned as she watched her throw herself at Ron, clutch his arm tightly and whisk him off through the portrait hole all the while giggling furiously.

As soon as the portrait shut close again, Hermione turned back to Harry. He was still gawking more or less openly at Ginny, who looked absolutely stunning in new dress robes in a slightly paler shade of green than Harry's. Max had by now joined her and the seventh year had instantly put his arm possessively around her waist. Hermione noticed Harry giving the German a less than friendly glare and had to fight to suppress a knowing smirk.

Harry was really starting to act quite obvious these days and luckily for him Ron was about as observant as a mole in daylight. Hermione was quite certain Ginny too had noticed the change in Harry's behaviour towards her, but she was a bit surprised at her reaction. While staying at the Burrow this summer Hermione had accidentally come across Ginny's diary one afternoon. She hated to admit it but she hadn't been able to resist taking a little peek at the open page and unsurprisingly the content had mostly been related to one specific topic namely Harry.

Lately however Ginny had seemed to be avoiding him to some extent and this puzzled Hermione. She'd briefly wondered if Max could be the reason but had quickly dismissed that notion. She was always nice to him but she doubted Ginny was interested in more than friendship from him. Harry on the other hand, didn't look equally convinced.

And while watching Harry send Ginny a longing stare as she disappeared out the portrait hole, she couldn't help but feel a teeny tiny bit guilty for persuading Harry to go with her, knowing that he wanted to ask Ginny. That had been selfish and she wowed to make it up to him - and her - later.

She and Harry had met up with Ginny, Max, Lavender and Ron outside the Great Hall minutes later. An excited crowd of students were gathered, a wave of anticipation in the air. A way further up the crowd Hermione spotted Seamus Finnigan with Hannah Abbot, a fellow fifth-year from Hufflepuff and standing beside him a very tense and fidgety looking Neville.

After practicing before the mirror for days on end Neville had finally managed to muster up the courage to ask Eloise Midgen to be his date and to his great surprise she had accepted. Neville clearly didn't think her nose was the slightest bit off-centre Hermione thought huffily remembering all too well Ron's tactless rating of girls the previous year. Ron however seemed to have forgotten all about any prior criticism of Eloise's facial parts, because Hermione could have sworn she saw him looking her up and down appreciatively.

Hermione couldn't help but snort loudly at Ron's double sets of morals and had vaguely considered reminding him of last years comments directed towards the poor girl but decided against it. Her unfeminine snort did however earn her a rather disgruntled stare from Harry, but Hermione simply ignored him. Shrugging he returned his attention back to - you guessed it - Ginny.

Knowing Harry was preoccupied with the youngest Weasley Hermione chanced a quick glance at Ron. Lavender appeared to be clinging to his arm like he was some sort of lifejacket and was positively beaming with undisguised pride. Apparently Ron was the stud of the month according to the Lavender/Parvati hunk-a-meter. And Ron was looking extremely handsome with his new haircut and dress robes Hermione unfortunately had to admit.

Naturally Ron chose that exact moment just as she was staring at him much like a lovesick puppy to turn his head towards her and their eyes met once again. A tumult suggesting something the size of Hagrid was bouncing merrily around in her stomach hit her with the force of a bludger and Hermione felt the replica of a real Weasley-blush spread across her cheeks. She quickly broke the gaze and linked her arm with Harry's. Harry looked mildly surprised but luckily he didn't object. Hermione feared that without the support of his body she would not be able to stand upright much longer as her knees seemed to have temporarily transformed into some sort of jelly.

The next moment the double doors leading into the Great Hall opened and the couples started to wander in to find their seats. The decorations were absolutely breathtaking and Hermione couldn't help but marvel. Harry and she, along with most of the other Gryffindor fifth-years and their dates sat down at a table together and after Dumbledore had said a selected few opening words ("Paddington, paddle, pool") menus appeared at the table and they all placed their orders.

The meal itself had gone surprisingly well much to Hermione's delight. The only exception had off course been Lavender who'd annoyingly batted her eyelashes and giggled madly at Ron's every word. Hermione couldn't help scowling into her plate. She was just so - thick!

Even Ron had at times looked slightly despaired at her obtuseness. Once Hermione even caught him and Harry rolling their eyes and yawning widely as Lavender bored them all with an everything but riveting tale of a broken nail, some cracked nail polish and a missing nail file. She was almost ashamed to admit it, but Hermione had taken immense pleasure in seeing her friends make fun of their fellow Gryffindor behind her back. Once she'd even snickered into her napkin as Harry with great likeliness mimicked Lavender reapplying her lipstick. Immediately Hermione had been overcome with guilt and regret, and had studiously resolved not to look at either Harry or Ron for the rest of the meal. Naturally this mental promise had been broken just three minutes later...

Luckily Lavender didn't catch the meaning behind some of the boys' more sarcastic remarks and kept on grinning happily throughout the meal. But if the rolling eyes and sarcastic comments Ron was making towards the make-up fanatic girl were anything to go by it appeared to Hermione that maybe he wasn't that interested in Lavender after all.

As soon as this thought entered her mind Hermione found her hopes rebuilding rapidly. Instantly it felt as though a heavy clamp had been removed from her heart. She felt lighter and happier somehow. Turning her head slightly Hermione caught Ginny's eyes and to her surprise she winked at her while tilting her head slightly in the direction of her brother. Hermione felt her cheeks heat up as Ginny discretely gave her the thumbs up. Hiding her flushed face in a napkin, she felt almost giddy with anticipation.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ron laugh heartily at something Harry had just said showing off his adorable dimples and she momentarily forgot how to breathe. Maybe with a bit of luck she'd be able to steal him away from Lavender for at least a dance before the night was over, she thought while watching the boy in question help himself to seconds.

The dinner progressed nicely from then on and by the time the last crumples of dessert had vanished from their plates, Hermione's hopes had been almost fully restored. But then she happened.

Dumbledore had once again risen from his chair and with a dramatic wave of his wand he'd announced the dance floor for open. A Wizard Band Hermione had never heard of entered the stage and some (in Hermione's opinion, pathetic) girls had immediately started screaming with joy. As the band launched into a lively dance beat, Fleur Delacour along with the Headmaster entered the dance floor for the opening dance.

Fleur looked nothing short of spectacular. Even Hermione had to admit that their potions master was absolutely stunning in her brilliant white robes, and she moved around the dance floor with such grace and elegance it almost looked as if she had wings. Every male in the hall appeared mesmerized and Ronald Weasley was by all means no exception.

Ron had certainly been drooling in Potions, but that was nothing compared to the state he was in now. Even Lavender was frowning. Harry seemed to have spotted the glazed trance Ron was in and were trying to nudge him back to reality, but unfortunately without much luck. There was no polite way to describe it really - Ron had gone completely bye-bye.

Even now, hours later, Hermione still had no clear idea of what possessed her to do it. She knew very well that Ron wasn't staring at the professor to deliberately hurt her, but still anger and annoyance flared up inside her. Even knowing that hardly any male she'd ever met had been as affected by Veela charm quite too Ron's degree hadn't helped matters in the slightest. Remembering the Quidditch World Cup the previous year Hermione distinctly recalled all the Weasley-men looking rather flushed as the Veelas had danced before the game. It was probably safe to assume that Ron was genetically challenged, she thought with a huff.

But watching saliva practically dripping from Ron's mouth had caused Hermione to forget all about possible genetic faults, and before she could rationalize herself out of it she had forcefully whacked Ron over the head with her hand. This action in return accomplished two things. One; she got him out of his "trance" and two; he completely lost his temper.

Ron, ignorant of the very annoyed-looking Hermione that was practically seething just inches away from him, had been in a very happy state when suddenly a hard whack around the ears had brought him crashing back to reality. He whirled around and had very little trouble identifying his attacker.

"What was that for?" he hissed angrily at a purple-faced Hermione who appeared to be shooting daggers at him for reasons beyond him. Honestly, what was her problem? he thought irritably while gingerly massaging his beaten head. Hermione didn't answer right away and instead kept glaring at him.

"What?" he prodded again. What reason could she possibly have for manhandling him like this, he mused? She had Harry the loverboy by her side and still she found time to pick on him. Honestly, she was getting weirder by the minute.

"Have you no shame, Ronald Weasley?" she asked in a low hiss obviously dying to lecture him about something or the other. "Show some respect, will you? She's a teacher you know, not something out of Playwizard magazine for you to drool at."

Whatever Ron had expected Hermione to say, that particular statement had been very far down on his list, if on it at all. Unable to hide his astonishment that Hermione (miss goody two shoes herself) had just referred to a dirty magazine Ron stared dumbfound at her for a split second while trying hard to imagine where she could have gotten information about such questionable reading material. For a split second he was afraid she'd discovered the large stack of magazines (inherited from Fred and George naturally) presently stored under his bed, but quickly dismissed it. If so the perfect prefect would probably have put him in detention by now.

"Besides," Hermione continued in a shrill whisper making Ron forget about the magazines, "she's way too old for you anyway. Honestly, chasing after an eighteen-year-old witch it's darn near pathetic..."

Hermione stopped her own rant in mid-sentence. She immediately realized her mistake as a look of utter triumph spread across Ron's face. She hid her face in her hands waiting for the inevitable. She had really walked straight into that one, no doubt about that.

"You do realize," Ron said smoothly savouring every moment of Hermione's obvious discomfort, "that by stating that Fleur is too old for me, you are at the same time backing up one of my strongest arguments against your liaison with the charming Krum..."

Oh, the way he was enunciating every word with such evident joy was just so extremely infuriating. Ron trailed off into a long speech about how it was really just good for her to have to admit that she was wrong occasionally and Hermione cursed her decision to leave her wand in her dormitory. A well-placed hex would've served him right about now, the git. In the end she couldn't help but answer back and by the time Fleur and Dumbledore had finished the dance Ron and Hermione was engrossed in another blazing row.

Harry groaned. They were at it again.

They'd managed to keep a somewhat civil tone for nearly two hours despite large amounts of frowning, glares and jealous glances being exchanged across the table. Sure Harry had been busy studying the beauty of Ginny this evening, but that hadn't stopped him from noticing what was going on between his two friends.

And as Hermione threw herself into a long rant about the difference between her friendship with Viktor and Ron's gawking at Fleur Harry silently cursed himself for oversleeping and thereby missing his chance to sort things out with Ron before the ball. He was just contemplating whether he should take Ron aside and tell him now when his hot-tempered friend let out a loud despondent cry, leaned close to Hermione's face and muttered something that made her pale instantly, whereupon he grabbed hold of Lavender's hand and dragged her off to the dance floor.

Other couples soon followed Ron's example and within minutes the floor was filled with dancing couples showing off varying degrees of talent for rhythm and coordination of limbs. Harry stared from Hermione (who seemed rooted to the spot) and to Ron (who was leading Lavender expertly in a slow waltz) wondering what his next move should be. On the one side Hermione looked like she could use some comforting words right now but on the other hand talking to Ron as soon as possible would hopefully help speed up the process of pairing off his friends before they killed each other.

When push came to show Harry ended up choosing neither.

Sometime during his indecisiveness he caught sight of a most disturbing scene playing out across the hall. Butt-pain Max had once again slithered his slimy arm around Ginny's waist. His hand was resting dangerously low in Harry's opinion and he felt an overwhelming urge to go over there and pry them of her body. All thoughts of inappropriate hand placements were instantly forgotten however as he realized that the wanker was steering Ginny towards the rose garden. A vivid flashback of the rustling bushes and telltale moaning he'd witnesses last year came to mind and Harry immediately appointed himself Ginny's official chaperon and guardian for the evening. There was no way he was letting that prat Max get some snog-time with his Ginny!

Ignoring the fact that he'd just referred to Ginny as his, Harry made up his mind to follow them. And in what he hoped was an inconspicuous manner he began to worm his way across the dance floor towards the couple dead set on ruining whatever scheme Max had planned.

Twenty minutes later Harry was pleased to report that nothing even remotely compromising had taken place in the garden. They'd simply walked innocently around the paths the whole time without even so much as brushing a rose bush. Ginny had been talking animatedly and gesturing wildly (she looked adorable when she was excited) the entire time, hardly letting Max get a word in edgewise.

Harry had been lurking in the shadows at a safe distance and hadn't managed to snatch up the topic of the conversation. But whatever she'd been talking about Max had seemed to find it extremely tedious. Or perhaps he'd had his heart set on something other than talking Harry thought with a small laugh. He could make out the older boy's gloomy facial expression as he and Ginny was re-entering the Hall. Once inside they appeared to be heading towards the refreshment table and feeling quite certain that Ginny's virtue was safe, Harry decided to grace Hermione with his presence.

Glancing around the room he soon spotted her sitting by the same table they'd dined at, her head resting in her hand looking thoroughly bored, listening to - Percy? Harry frowned slightly while making his way towards the table. What was he doing here?

On his way over to the designated table Harry made sure to carefully remove any traces of telltale snow and twigs gained from his skulking around the rosebushes. He was definitely not in the mood for an in-depth discussion of his love life (or rather lack thereof) with Hermione, at least not tonight. Therefore all clues to his whereabouts the last half hour or so had to go.

Feeling confident that he'd ridded his hair and robes of said clues, Harry strode purposefully towards the table. As he approached them he caught parts of Percy's rants and immediately understood why Hermione appeared to have zoned out and was staring blissfully into space.

"...... and as I explained to the unfortunate old lady who'd come in the possession of the flying carpet, we at the Ministry do of course regard such an obvious magical Muggle artefact as strictly forbidden according to the superbly written law by my new superior. It only took him one day to realize what an extremely valuable asset I would be to his department. My latest report was met with great enthusiasm and high praise as should be expected. Tell me, have you given any thought as to what career path you want to pursue after Hogwarts? If you're interested I'd be happy to give you a few helpful pointers. After all I am, in my humble opinion (here Hermione let out a muffled snort) one of the more successful Headboys to graduate from Hogwarts the last couple of centuries..." Percy snapped out of his monologue when he noticed Harry approaching.

"Ah, there you are Harry, good to see you again." Percy jumped to his feet (spilling the remnants of his drink over his robes) and shook Harry's hand vigorously. Harry stifled a laugh. It never ceased to amaze him that Percy was related to the rest of the Weasleys. If it weren't for the giveaway colour of his hair Harry would have been inclined to think that Percy was Hermione's brother rather than Ron's. But not even Hermione came close to Percy's love for rigidly following rules and regulations.

"Hello Percy," Harry answered with slight amusement while trying to pull his hand out of Percy's firm handshake. "Fancy seeing you here old chap, taken a liking to fancy dances have you?"

Harry grinned as Percy pale complexion slowly began to colour. "Spot any nice looking gals you'd like to pursue yet?" At these words Percy blushed scarlet and gave him a very scandalized look. Behind him Harry could hear Hermione skilfully camouflaging her snicker into a cough.

"Really Harry," Percy exclaimed hotly and quickly withdrew his hand from Harry's (which really was his main objective). "You know perfectly well that I am forever faithful to my Penelope." His eyes frantically scanned the near proximity of their table as if to check that no one had overheard Harry's teasing comment.

"Take it easy, I was only joking," Harry said with a shrug hoping to calm the former Headboy down before he lapsed into old habits and began deducting points from Gryffindor for his cheeky comments. Thankfully his reassurance seemingly did the trick and within minutes Percy had picked up his "intriguing" story about life with the Ministry and Hermione now seemed close to a nervous breakdown.

Rolling her eyes and mouthing "save me from the dweeb" like a sick mantra she was quite a sight and for his own amusement Harry let her suffer for a while. It only took a few minutes before Hermione looked fit to kill and Harry decided it was time to act knightly and save the damsel in distress.

He got to his feet and bowed mockingly. "May I have this dance, milady?" he said in a striking imitation of Percy's smug voice. Hermione jumped to her feet so quickly you should have thought Fred and George had just set off some Filibuster's firework under her chair.

"About time you cottoned on," she whispered shrilly in Harry's ear as they hurried out of Percy's earshot towards the dance floor.

"I never knew it would be possible to die from boredom, but I swear Percy has the same effect on me as a Dementor. Five minutes into his appraisal of the wonderful delights of life as a ministry official and I seriously felt my will to live fade fast. Where have you been by the way?"

She gave him a piercing glare to show exactly what she thought of his disappearing act and Harry felt himself coil under her stare. It was a patented Hermione-glare that usually achieved the same result as a large sip of Veritaserum. But for some reason admitting that he had spent the last half hour hunched behind various types of shrubbery spying on his best friends' sister wasn't something Harry felt like sharing. It didn't matter one bit that Hermione seemed to know perfectly well how he felt about Ginny. Admitting it to her though- really just saying it out loud was just not something he was ready to do.

"Been to the loo," he lied badly, failing miserably to portray the nonchalant look he was aiming for. Hermione scowled at him and Harry winced. "Stomach was acting up," he continued digging himself deeper into his pitiful lie. "Didn't agree with the pudding or something I suppose."

"Ah, is that so?"

Hermione smirked at him and Harry felt a very unwelcome blush forming. "Ah, you poor thing," Hermione cooed in a mock-soothing voice. "It hit you rather sudden then I suppose," she continued with a mischievous gleam in her brown eyes. "Judging by the number of twigs and branches stuck to you robes I assume some of the bushes in the garden have been fertilized a bit early this year then..."

Harry felt his jaw drop and immediately started spluttering incoherently. Hermione continued to smirk broadly but didn't pursue the topic much to Harry's delight. They soon reached the dance floor and while Harry collected himself Hermione expertly positioned one of his arms around her waist and the other firmly in her hand. The band started playing and Harry awkwardly began copying Hermione's moves trying his best to stay in tune with the beat. Dancing with Hermione turned out to be a lot easier than it had been with Parvati. The absence of spotlights and hundreds of students ogling them also helped tremendously.

Halfway through the song Harry found that he wasn't paying much attention to what he was doing anyway. Hermione was clearly doing what supposedly was his job by leading but Harry found he didn't care. He was too preoccupied staring intently at a certain fourth year Gryffindor that was currently swaying to the music together with that smarmy foreign wanker.

Hermione was laughing silently and had to look down to hide yet another wide smirk. Harry was just so adorably obvious it was downright hilarious to watch. Right now he was scowling menacingly at Max and she honestly wished she had a camera with her to capture the sight. She scanned the Hall in search of Colin Creevey - he was never seen without a camera dangling around his neck, but sadly she couldn't spot him. Instead she caught sight of someone else completely. A red-haired freckled someone.

Ron was still dancing with Lavender. He seemed engrossed in his own world judging by the way he was staring into thin air. Probably smelling her hair or contemplating feeling up her bum, Hermione thought with a heavy heart and willed herself to look away. It was too painful to look at him with his long arms wrapped around someone else's waist.

Suddenly she felt Harry's body shaking against hers and she quickly looked up at his face. He seemed to be struggling with unleashed mirth, his green eyes filled with laughter. "What's so funny?" she asked and started to turn her head in the direction where Harry appeared to have found something uproarious.

Harry immediately tensed up and hurriedly pulled her into a hug to avoid her turning straight away. "Don't look just yet," he whispered in her ear. "I don't think Percy would like it very much if everyone started glaring at him at the same time." He chuckled mirthfully and Hermione's curiosity immediately rose to new levels.

"Ooooh I want to see! Tell me what is it?"

Harry smiled at his friend's eagerness to learn what embarrassment the person who'd just minutes before had been inches away from talking her into a bored coma. He knew he couldn't deprive her of this sight and started to sway to the music with Hermione tight in his arms so that she could peer over his shoulder. He revolved on the spot and as soon as they'd turned 180 degrees he felt her snigger into his dress robe.

"Priceless!" was all she managed to choke out before laughter overcame her. Hermione's sudden fit of laughter turned quite a few heads in their direction and soon half the dance floor had spotted the cause of their amusement. And there was no denying that it was rather funny Harry had to admit, as he watched the usually so composed and correct Percy Weasley desperately trying to fight off Millicent Bulstrode.

By the look of things Millicent obviously found the Weasley rather attractive. She was currently fawning over him batting her eyelashes and winking seductively. At least that was what Harry thought she was trying to accomplish. But seeing as the Slytherin-girl easily fitted into the category of "less attractive girls" (which in her case was a huge understatement) the whole display was nothing short of side-splittingly funny.

Being the victim of her flirting however was probably nauseating to say the least. Harry therefore felt nothing but sympathy for Percy as he watched him fight bravely to escape her clutches. He finally succeeded and dashed out of the Great Hall with such speed one would think several menacing Blast-Ended Skrewts was in his pursuit. His departure was followed by howling laughter mixed with Millicent's heartfelt sobs.

The sound of Hermione's soft and feminine laughter had also caught Ron's attention. He had long ago tuned Lavender's non-stop jabbering (what she was talking about he had no idea) out of his mind and switched his body on autopilot. He secretly sent a warm thought to his mother for forcing him (along with all his brothers mind you) to take dancing lessons when they were younger. Although it had been a much dreaded and hated ordeal at the time, (with aunt Betsy as dance partner what else could it be) he now had to acknowledge that it had its perks knowing how to swing a lady. That way he was able to lead his date effortlessly around the dance floor without putting to much energy into it. Lavender seemed happy enough though, but then again he was letting her do all the talking something he suspected she enjoyed immensely.

He'd noticed Hermione sitting alone at a table after he'd stormed away from their argument. She'd sat there all by her lonesome for quite some time (where Harry was hiding he had no idea) before she'd been joined by Prissy-Percy.

Seeing his older brother had made Ron groan loudly. Honestly, that was nearly as bad as having his mother chaperoning the dance. No, come to think of it Percy was probably worse. Ron made a mental note to avoid him at all cost for the rest of the night, and he sent a sympathetic thought to 'Mione who after only a few minutes seemed bored far beyond the level of a normal History of Magic lesson, which in itself was quite an achievement.

Ron had fought the urge to dump Lavender at the nearest table and run to rescue her from Mr. Sandman, but had eventually decided against it. That would be like admitting he was wrong earlier and there was no way he was letting her win that argument. Besides, shouldn't the loverboy dance with her soon?

Ron had no idea where Harry had gone or what he'd been doing but a quarter of an hour later he spotted him emerging from the garden and judging by the large amount of twigs and shit hanging from his robes he'd been lurking around in the bushes outside. That however made absolutely no sense at all since Hermione - his alleged girlfriend, had never left the room.

Ron frowned. There was something fishy going on, there was no doubt about that - but as the dense prat he was, he completely missed the scowling glances Harry kept giving the couple walking just a few meters in front of him.

Seconds later however Ron and Lavender were nearly run over by Fred and Angelina doing an energetic and positively life threatening Two-Step. While forced to concentrate on escaping this human tornado Ron forgot all about Harry's little garden adventure. An intense tugging on his sleeve also made him aware that Lavender was seeking his attention and reluctantly his eyes left Mione to concentrate on what Giggle-face was trying to say.

He was honestly getting tired of her rambling and his mind immediately started scheming for possible ways of escape. A few more or less impossible getaway-plans later (all of which had involved a flying carpet for some reason) Hermione's soft giggle caught his attention. As on instinct his stare instantly travelled to her and the sight greeting him caused his heart to crumble into a million small pieces.

Ron never did notice Millicent's desperate attempt to seduce Percy. He didn't notice his older brother fighting the Slytherin's greasy hands of his robes nor did he see him flee the hall. He was to busy watching Hermione and Harry.

Harry had his hands wrapped around her waist and her hands were resting on his shoulders. Her head leaned against his chest and she was laughing happily at something. Mistaking Hermione's laughter for contentment because of the position she was in, tightly held by Harry Ron felt he could never be happy again. She really was in love with him; there was no doubt in his mind.

Ron knew he was staring. He felt his face go pale and with his mouth hanging wide open he probably looked exactly like he felt. Like a bloody gaping idiot.

Harry was whispering something in her ear making her giggle even louder. Ron closed his eyes trying to erase the vision of his friends in their intimate embrace. But no matter how much he tried it was forever vividly implanted on his retina. Her soft laughter still rang in his ears and though he normally adored that sound it now felt oddly like torture to him. If Ron at that point had been give a choice between opening his eyes to watch the two lovebirds or being hit with the Crucatius Curse he'd probably chosen the latter. Somehow he doubted it would hurt as much as his broken heart did.

And although he wanted nothing more than to flee the room he soon found that he couldn't move. He stood rooted to the spot and when he finally opened his eyes again (for some reason he was unable to resist) Ron couldn't help but stare at the couple. Before he could will himself to look away his eyes met Hermione's and his entire body went scarlet. It felt as if she could see right through him, sensing what he was feeling. And that was the last thing Ron wanted. He wasn't looking for pity. Not from anybody and especially not from her.

What he needed, Ron mused decisively was to show her - and everybody else that he, Ronald Weasley, didn't care one bit that his two best friends were in love. And so without a second thought Ron whirled around, grabbed a startled-looking Lavender around the waist and pulled her towards him in one swift motion. She blushed deep crimson as he put a hand on her chin tilting her head towards his face. Then he leaned in and kissed her.

Loud gasps suddenly echoed from the crowds around the hall. That and an excited and penetrating shriek from Parvati led Harry's attention away from the Millicent-incident and towards the dance floor. What he saw made his jaw drop.

Ron was kissing Lavender! In the middle of the Great Hall - on the lips!

Ron's public display of affection didn't last for more than a split second but for Harry the whole flaunt seemed to drag on for hours. His mind had apparently also temporarily stopped working because he found himself unable to string together a single coherent thought while watching the disturbing scene play out in front of him.

A loud "that's the way to do it - you show them Ronniekins!" and "Wicked! Sweep her off her feet with that irresistible Weasley-charm! " announced that the twins had caught sight of their little brother's performance as well and were gleefully hopping around by the refreshment table threatening to knock the whole thing over with their extreme gestures.

Excited whispering and curious giggles soon broke loose, fingers pointing and heads turning. Ron had finally managed to achieve the one thing he'd envied Harry for so many years; having people point openly and gawk at him in public. But by the look of things he was now wishing he could just disapparate from the attention.

Upon breaking the kiss Ron's eyes immediately dropped to the floor and for several seconds he flat out refused to remove his stare from the tip of his shoes.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!

Of all the bloody insane things to do he had to go ahead and - he shuddered when remembering - kiss Lavender! A quick glance at her and he knew he was in trouble. She looked positively ecstatic. Big mistake, Weasley he scolded himself. Even if Professor Trelawney had strolled in (however unlikely that sounded) and declared Lavender the new queen of divination, Ron seriously doubted it would have evoked a larger grin than the one currently plastered all over her face.

Oh no, he groaned inwardly. How could he have missed that? Lavender really fancied him! He cursed his own denseness for not spotting that earlier. This could easily turn ugly, he concluded as she linked her hand in his squeezing it tightly while beaming at her audience. She was in heaven and he - well he was clearly in hell.

And as he stood there wallowing in self-pity, he suddenly became aware of a whirlwind of billowing robes running passed him and his heart instantly froze.


* * *

The minutes following the Snogging (as Harry in retrospect always would refer to it much to Ron's dismay) flew by in a daze for Harry. After Ron and Lavender had let go of their lip lock, the Great Hall had literally exploded with sound. Everyone was talking about it.

The twins had been patting Ron's back proudly informing him that he now finally could declare himself a man. Malfoy had firstly looked stunned (probably jealous that Ron had gotten some action before him, Harry assumed) but soon began telling everyone who'd listen that Lavender was only doing it because of a bet. Ginny had resumed a look much like the one Harry imagined himself sporting - mouth hanging open and gawking like Ron had just sprouted fangs or something equally nasty.

Hermione however had fled.

At first she hadn't reacted at all. She'd just stood frozen to the spot with her face completely unreadable. For a moment Harry vaguely wondered if she'd been Petrified again because not a muscle in her body seemed to be moving nor was she blinking or breathing. But suddenly she'd snapped out off it and sped out of the hall, the sound of her high heeled shoes echoing around the room before growing fainter and then disappearing completely.

Harry watched Ron stare after her as if his life had just lost its meaning. And in many ways it probably had, Harry thought. He couldn't for the life of him understand what had caused Ron to do that just now but he had a sneaking suspicion that uncontrollable temper, insane jealousy and extreme denseness was key explanatory variables.

Their little talk was now way overdue!

* * *

But as fate would have it their talk never took place that night.

After fighting off Lavender and the twins (who seemed reluctant to leave Ron alone for some reason) Ron had done a runner. Harry couldn't really blame him for escaping the mayhem in the Great Hall. He knew all too well how uncomfortable it was to unwillingly be the centre of attention, and besides he mused, Ron was probably not susceptible to his explanation at this point. Better give it a rest till tomorrow Harry decided.

The next moment "Engorgement" struck up a catchy tune and most students began to dance again. Harry was now dateless and found he had no business standing in the middle of the dance floor like a freak and made his way towards the refreshment table feeling that a Butterbeer or two wouldn't go amiss about now.

After fetching himself a bottle of his favourite drink he started scanning the room for possible loners like himself. To his great distress Millicent seemed to have overcome the disappointment of having let Percy slip through her (large) fingers and was currently sending Harry sickeningly longing stares from across the room. Gulping Harry desperately searched for means of escape and spotting a large ice sculpture a few meters to his left he quickly hid behind it.

After wiping his forehead out of relief, he raised the bottle in a mock-salute. "Cheers Potter," he mumbled sarcastically. "This Ball is turning out worse than last year's - who'd thought it possible?"

"Talking to yourself Harry? What would Rita Skeeter make of this if she heard?" a voice next to him said, slight amusement detectable. Harry jerked his head towards the voice and felt his intestines rearrange themselves at will. Ginny was standing next to him, a playful look on her face, eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Hallo Gin," Harry managed to croak out. "Didn't think I had company in my hiding."

She arched an eyebrow. "You're hiding? Whatever from?"

Harry grimaced. "The lovely Millicent seemed to have lost interest for Percy. I spotted her blowing me kisses and suddenly the urge to flee to safety overcame me." He looked at the Weasley and she let out a small laugh at him explanation.

"You wouldn't be laughing like that, Ms. Weasley if it was you she was eyeing I can assure you as much." Harry crossed his arms and pretended to pout. This only made Ginny laugh harder. Harry didn't mind though. He loved her laugh.

They stood in silence for a while, drinking their Butterbeers and listening to the chattering and music that filled the hall. Finally Ginny broke the silence.

"I can't believe Ron did that."

Harry shook his head. "Me neither. I feel slightly guilty though." Ginny's eyes widened and she gave him a disbelieving stare.

"What?" she exclaimed loudly. "My idiotic brother makes a total prat of himself and you somehow wind up feeling guilty? Do tell me how your mind works?"

Now it was Ginny's turn to cross her arms. Harry quickly told her about the misunderstanding he (based on Seamus's statements) believed was the source of Ron asking Lavender to the Ball.

"Your brother's mind works in mysterious ways sometimes. I have no idea what possessed him to kiss her though," he finished lamely. Ginny stood sipping her Butterbeer pensively while fingering with a button on her dress robe. "I think I do," she finally said.

"You do?" Harry looked at her questionably and she smiled weakly.

"He probably saw you," she said in a tone implying this was evident. Harry however was not following her.

"Saw me doing what? Ginny rolled her eyes in a resigned fashion. "Not you as in just you, you prat. You and Hermione, naturally. And I'm thinking he saw you two dancing. You did look rather cosy and happy, you know."

"We were watching Percy being wooed by Millicent Bulstrode for crying out loud! Of course we looked happy! We were busy laughing our heads off!" Harry's voice had for some reason gone up a notch while talking. He was desperate to explain the situation, and not just because of how he knew Ron felt. What Ginny thought counted too. More than he was willing to admit actually....

But he had nothing to worry about there. Ginny was once again laughing merrily at him. "I know that, Harry," she said smiling broadly. "But Ron probably doesn't. Remember this is Ron we're talking about. Not only is he a tad denser than the average chap when it comes to matters of the heart, but he also has the self-confidence of a Squib. He probably thought he was watching the love of his life engrossed in the arms of the love of her life and to prove to the world that he didn't care - because Merlin forbid anyone should find out that he had feelings for anyone - he did the most stupid thing he could think of. He kissed Lavender."

Ginny stopped to draw her breath and Harry stared wide-eyed at her. What she was saying made sense in a twisted Ron Weasley sort of way he had to admit. To his surprise she giggled. "Bet he's regretting it profusely right now," she said with a huge grin.

"Oh don't look so shocked, Harry." Ginny giggled upon seeing his stunned look. "He's my brother and it's my sworn duty to make fun of him at his time of misery. It's a sacred part of the Weasley Family-code," she said serenely and Harry suppressed a smirk. Sometimes he forgot that she was just as much a Weasley as her brothers. And knowing just how teasing the Weasleys could be, Harry decided that for Ron's sake he should probably change the topic as quickly as possible.

"So Ms. Weasley to what do I owe the pleasure of your company behind this beautiful sculpture of," Harry turned his head to examine the figure, "an ogre?" he asked casually. She shrugged and sighed heavily.

"Just felt like a little break from Max, that's all. After listening to his bad English non-stop for three hours it almost makes me wish I knew a good deafening charm. It's rather straining in the long run, and I seized the opportunity to hide back here while he stepped out to the bathroom." She giggled softly. "Rather wicked of me isn't it. Not to mention juvenile..."

She didn't look the slightest bit guilty for abandoning her date like that though and Harry found himself grinning at her like a madman. She preferred his company to the barmy German! This was the best news he'd had in days! Harry felt like singing but restrained himself as he knew that would probably make her flee instantly. Instead he just shook his head pretending to be mortified by her action making her smile lopsidedly much like Ron often did.

After that they lapsed into silence again. Harry finished his Butterbeer and noticed that Ginny's bottle was almost empty too. He thought of asking if she wanted another one but then the wizard band started playing a slow ballad and he heard Ginny sigh dreamily beside him. She stood with her eyes closed swaying slightly on the spot. It was obviously a song she'd heard before and by the look of things it was one she liked rather well.

Without knowing where he got the courage Harry found himself tapping Ginny gingerly on the shoulder. She opened her eyes slowly meeting his.


It came out like one long foreign-sounding word but Ginny seemed to know that language, because she nodded, grabbed his hand and Harry willingly followed her to the dance floor. Remembering how Hermione had placed one of his hands on her waist and the other in her hand he tried to do the same with Ginny. But before Harry knew what hit him Ginny had wrapped her arms around his neck leaving no space between their bodies whatsoever. The rampaging Hippogriff that often was found wrecking havoc in his stomach these days appeared to have returned behaving worse than ever. He was grateful that Ginny couldn't see his face as his cheeks had coloured considerably. Awkwardly and slowly he placed his own hands around her waist.

They were swaying slowly to the music barely moving at all. Ginny was humming silently along with the song and her breath felt intoxicating on his neck. And the smell of her hair! Harry suddenly remembered noticing the scent for the first time this summer and the same feeling washed over him. She was - lovely!

"Harry," Ginny's voice whispered inches from his ear and his body shivered. "You better watch out for rain later tonight."

What? Harry thought absentmindedly still to engrossed in smelling her hair to fully grasp what she was saying. The dazzling effect of having Ginny this close to him m ade his mind work slower than usual but he could have sworn she'd just warned him about rain. How bizarre?

Glancing down their eyes met. Harry's was filled with curiosity and questions, while Ginny's eyes very much portrayed - regret? She was biting her lower lip looking like she'd just said something she shouldn't have. Harry was dying to know what she'd meant but as fate would have it that question would never be asked.

Just as "Engorgement" was finishing the song to great and thundering applause Harry became aware of something small and odd-looking heading his way squeaking intensely in a very familiar high-pitched voice.

"Dobby?" Harry asked half to himself. A split second later his question was answered in the affirmative as Dobby the house elf skidded to a halt in front of him, his large yellow eyes wide with excitement. His tea cosy was hanging more crookedly than normally, the maroon Weasley jumper Ron had given him last Christmas was clashing horribly with the shockingly orange and pink socks (one of each colour) adorning his feet. The small creature was hopping up and down ecstatically and Harry thought the elf looked weirder than ever.

"Harry Potter, sir!" squeaked Dobby. "Dobby has important news for Harry Potter. Harry Potter has no idea what Dobby has seen and heard today."

He was shaking his head vigorously as to emphasize the importance of his discovery, whatever it was. Harry knew better than to dismiss what the elf had to say seeing as he had proven useful on more than one occasion in the past. Sure he was annoying as hell, but none the less useful. He owed it to him to listen.

"What is it, Dobby?" he asked curiously.

"Dobby shall tell Harry Potter everything, sir. He shall tell him everything that is what Dobby shall do. Dobby was on his way to get some clean towels from a linen closet when Dobby heard footsteps. House elves are not supposed to be seen and so Dobby hurriedly hid in an alcove. And that is when Dobby saw it!" His eyes widened further and he began pulling his ears nervously.

"What?" Harry asked again. Talking to Dobby was a strenuous affair at best times, but when anxious to get information from him it was down right frustrating.

"Bad wizard," Dobby said with fear in his voice. His small body shivered seemingly at the very thought of what he'd seen. Harry felt his body go cold. There was a bad wizard at Hogwarts?

"What do you mean by bad wizard, Dobby? Is there a dark wizard here at the school? A follower of Voldemort?"

Dobby visibly flinched at the mention of the Dark Lord's name. "Harry Potter shouldn't say that name," he said in a low voice, his large eyes looked at Harry pleadingly but he took no notice of it.

"You didn't answer my question?" Harry said slight irritation evident in his voice.

While Dobby was busy jumping anxiously up and down, gathering the courage to disclose his information, Harry became vaguely aware of movement above his head. But as objects often had a tendency to float around in midair at Hogwarts, he thought little of it. It wasn't until it had dropped directly on top of Dobby's head knocking the elf out cold that Harry realized it was an empty bottle of Butterbeer.

Brilliant, Harry thought sarcastically as he scooped the unconscious elf off the floor. "Is he all right?" Ginny asked worriedly looking at the lump body in Harry's arms.

"I believe he'll wake up tomorrow with a large bump on his head and a splitting headache," a voice said from behind them and they spun around to see Professor Dumbledore striding purposefully towards them.

"Did you hear what he said?" Harry asked the headmaster ignoring his medical diagnosis. Dumbledore gestured for Harry to follow him and they started walking towards the doors leading out to the Entrance hall. "Yes I did," he answered serenely with a quick glance at Harry. "I will look into it, as well as escort this poor elf to the infirmary. I'm confident Poppy will be able to do something about his head."

Dumbledore flicked his wand at Dobby's body and the elf instantly left Harry's arms to float in midair. "I urge you to head back to your tower, Harry. The Ball is just about finished anyway, and under no circumstance do I want to find you and your friends traipsing around the halls during the night trying to solve this puzzle."

And without waiting for Harry's reassurance he left the Entrance Hall.

Knowing that this was the headmaster's way of telling him to butt out, Harry decided to head back for Gryffindor Tower. It was close to midnight anyway and the ball would be ending soon, so there was little point in returning to the Great Hall. And since Dobby had never told him where he'd seen the bad wizard anyway, he had no idea where to start looking. Dumbledore was handling it and he could visit Dobby in the morning.

Suppressing a yawn Harry headed for the marble staircase thinking longingly about his bed. Before he'd come halfway through the hall though he heard a familiar cackling that could only belong to none other than Peeves the poltergeist.


Something wet had hit him on the head soaking him completely. With his hair plastered to his head and the robes heavy with water he glanced up and spotted Peeves hovering directly over him, several large water balloons floating beside him ready to be dropped on his next victim.

"Peeves, you bloody prat!" Harry yelled angrily. "What was that for?"

Peeves continued cackling, picked up another balloon and threw it at Harry. He narrowly missed and Harry broke into a run to avoid further attacks. Sprinting up the staircase he heard Peeves break into a shrill and piercing song:

Potter, you rotter

Now you're thoroughly soaked

Dripping with water

I'm sure you're provoked.

Such a shame and pity that no one did tell'ya

Never attend a ball without an umbrella.

He sang the song repeatedly, and it wasn't until Harry had climbed several stairs and dashed down a corridor that it vanished from his earshot. As he made his way towards the portrait of the Fat Lady his head was swimming with thoughts. It had been a very eventful evening with Ron kissing Lavender, Hermione leaving in tears, him dancing with Ginny and Dobby's sudden appearance.

But the thing that played most heavily on his mind as he climbed into bed was a small sentence whispered during a dance:

"You better watch out for rain later tonight."

To be continued...