The Crux of the Matter


Story Summary:
A Post-HBP tale of Harry's efforts to prepare to face Voldemort for the final time. His quest spans the globe as he acquires the skills and objects he needs to finish off Voldemort for good. He learns that he is not alone and true friends are worth their weight in gold. Rated to be safe. Several character deaths.

Chapter 03 - Chapter Three


Chapter Three

The next morning, the four teens, Remus, Tonks, Bill and Fleur Flooed to the Leaky Cauldron. From there they spread out in Diagon Alley. Harry headed straight to the shop that sold the watch he wanted. Five minutes later he rejoined the others. Hermione, for once was eager to get to Quality Quidditch Supplies. She was interested in some of the customizing features for the broom Harry had ordered a days few ago. After picking up an enhanced stability package and a set of charmed saddlebags they moved out to the next stop on their list. The luggage shop was closed when they got to it. The sign said "Owl orders only, until further notice." Disappointed they headed towards the twin's shop. A quick visit to the backroom supplied them with a number of very useful items. They were about to leave when Ginny reminded Harry of the water balloons. After hearing what was being planned for the balloons Fred did a few quick waves of his wand over the box.

"I just removed most of the safeties. Now they will follow the target nearly forever or until they hit it, which ever comes first. Also now they will hold at least twice as much liquid as before."

"Thanks Gred," said Harry taking the box back off of him.

The final stop of the morning was Flourish and Blotts. Hermione quickly pointing out which books she thought were needed. After stowing all the latest purchases in an enchanted backpack, the group headed out to Muggle London. The effects of the Dementors were evident everywhere as the whole of London seemed to be depressed. Everyone they passed was either surly or gloomy, some were both. A quick ride on the Underground and a short walk later they arrived at a large mall. Hermione quickly led the group to a large sporting goods store. Harry was surprised to find some of the items that were for sale. He noticed a rather interesting looking bow and asked the salesman about it.

"That is a match grade compound bow. It is a sixty-five pound draw and has the latest allowed sites. It is a carbon fiber composite limbs with milled titanium riser. The string is both stretch free and waterproof. It has a twenty nine inch draw."

"That is some bow," said Bill, walking over to Harry.

"Yeah, I like it. Too bad I can't learn how to use it in about a week," said Harry.

"Well, that depends on how well you want to be able to use it. It is a fairly easy bow to shoot, with the amount of let off and all. You should be able to shoot well enough for most things by the end of the week, if you practice every day with it."


"Also we offer instructions with all the bows well sell."

"I'm only in London for the day," said Harry. "But I'm living out in the country, throw in a few of those targets and a couple of dozen arrows. I will probably go through them learning how to shoot. I haven't used a bow since we had a few weeks worth in primary school and those were those lightweight 'youth bows'."

"Yes, that is the experience of most of our customers. We are having a lesson in about an hour. If you want you can stay for that lesson, and then decide on the bow after it. I mean, you really shouldn't be making a nearly 700 Pound purchase without trying it out, should you?"

Harry laughed, "No, I guess you're right. We'll be back in an hour."

The group spent most of the hour in the sporting goods store. Harry found a very comfortable pair of hiking boots that Bill agreed to charm. Hermione was also interested in them, so Harry decided that each of them should get a pair. Ron, being himself, found it rather difficult to quietly accept the boots, until Harry pointed out that they fell under the heading of things needed to get the job done. At one point Bill was ready to take Ron out to the nearest secluded spot and hex his mouth off or at least apply a long lasting variant of the Silencing charm. Ron was able to finally swallow his pride and be quiet about it when Harry explained the deal in terms of Quidditch, wondering loudly if Ron would complain about the Cannons buying all his gear if he made the team.

As the time for the lesson drew near, Harry ran into an elderly gentleman who looked at the bow he was handling, "Lad you may be able to shoot with that fancy contraption, but you really should get yourself a real bow."

"What do you mean?"

The man picked up a traditional wooden bow. "Something like this. Fine English yew. Nearly six feet in length. This bow has more than prooven itself."

"The longbow, yes, I remember studying about it, but I'm not quite sure I'd want to use it. I wouldn't be comfortable with it."

"Wood always is more comfortable than plastic and metal, my boy. Always. You should give it a try. Especially after trying that thing."

Harry nodded and followed a few other customers to the indoor range. The man followed along. Harry was rather surprised when the old man stepped to the front of the room.

"I'm Robert Locksley and no, I am not, to the best of my knowledge, related to that other Locksley."

Harry frowned, not knowing who the old man was talking about, especially when there were a couple of other snickers from around the room.

"You are all here because you are interested in buying a bow. For some the bow you are looking at is a bit more than you really need, for others it is completely wrong. Most of you, inside a year will either give up or switch to a different bow. That is normal. Just don't come crying to me that you wasted your hard earned quid on a piece of trash. Over the next hour I hope to fix that problem before it occurs."

Harry and Bill spent the next hour learning the basics of archery, from safe bow handling to the fundamentals of shooting. When the time came to actually shoot, Harry was surprised at how well the bow handled. He also surprised himself by consistently hitting the target. While not hitting the center on any of his shots, he did get close a couple of times, all his shots were well grouped near the bull's eye. He also found the act of shooting the bow strangely relaxing.

"You did well, young man. All you need is a bit of practice and you'll be a pretty fair shot in no time at all. I still think you should give that modern contraption up and go with a real bow. You've got a bit of Welsh in your ancestry? They aren't known as Welsh longbows fer nuthin'."

"I really like this one, but I'll be willing to it a go. Anything different I need to do?" asked Harry, taking the bow the old man offered.

"Jes' stand there, like you're gonna shoot and I'll make the adjustments to yer stance."

When Harry grasped the bow he felt a strangle tingle as he drew it. He couldn't quite describe the feeling, but it was almost akin to picking up a wand. The old man pointed out several thins Harry needed to change in his stance and then told him to loose the arrow. Harry was shocked that the arrow hit dead center. Not quite willing to believe that the first shot wasn't a fluke, he quickly fired four more shots. All five arrows were bunched together in the center of the target, with not an inch spanning the distance between the outer edges of any of them.

Bill let out a low whistle. "That is some fine shooting. I kind of agree with Robert, you should switch to the longbow."

"Yeah, I think I'll take it. How much?"

"That there bow is one of my own, not one of the store's stock. We can haggle out a price over some tea after you take care of yer other business."

"Sounds fair. I think I'm still going to purchase the first one though, it shoots a bit faster and I think it is kind of fun."

"I thought you might, so just go up to Greg and he'll take care of you. I'll meet you out front in about fifteen minutes."

They met Robert in front of the store about fifteen minutes later, "So, Mr. Potter, whatcha gonna be huntin' with that thing?"

"Huh? How did you know my name?" said Harry, his hand inching toward his wand.

"No need to be grabbin' for that," said Robert, using the bowcase to point to Harry's hand. "I recognized yer scar. Plus I looked at the sales ticket. I'm a Squib and spent my life makin' and shootin' bows, mostly the old fashioned way."

"Okay," said Harry relaxing. "As to what I'm hunting, nothing right now. Let's go get some tea."

They rejoined the others and Robert agreed to meet with them at the Leaky Cauldron. The tube ride back to the Charring Cross platform was rather subdued and it gave Harry time to think.

"I figgered that you wouldn't really tell me, out among the Muggles," said Robert, once they were in a private dining room at the Cauldron. "But I'm guessing you are hopin' to stick an arrow in old Mouldie or one of his minions."

"Werewolf, actually."

"Ah, I see. Heard ol' Greyback is stirrin' up trouble again," he said, sipping a cup of tea. "Tell ya what, iffin' yer doin' that, I'll sell you that bow and two dozen arrows fer a 100 Galleons. Throw in a quiver too,"

Bill nodded.

"Sounds fair."

"Good, now I'll tell ya a little about that bow."

The story the old man wove about the finding of the particular tree and the history of the bow was fascinating. Harry wasn't surprised to find out that the wood came from a lightning struck yew tree in a cemetery in Little Hangleton. He even vaguely remembered seeing the tree, standing near a particular grave.

"After readin' about his return, I knew that I'd try to get my hands on some wood from that tree," said Robert, with a smug grin adorning his face. "I figgered that if nuthin' else a yew that old would make one helluva good bow. I think there is a little bit more to it than that, though. While I can't use a wand worth a damn, I can smell an enchantment a mile away and that there bow just reeks of 'em. And all good ones. I think in the right hands, that bow will never miss."

They spent another hour or so talking about various things before Flooing back to the Burrow. Harry stowed his bows in the tent. They were using it mostly for training purposes. Harry had set up a portal between the tent and Fred and George's old bedroom.

They spent the entirety of the next week finalizing their preparations. Tonks had informed them that the Ministry had put a priority on hunting down Greyback. The four teens were determined to finish their preparations early so they could have at least one day to relax before the full moon. Most of the week Harry and Bill spent at least two hours a day practicing with their bows. By Thursday, Harry was hitting about a six inch circle at forty yards with the compound and a one inch circle at seventy five yards with the longbow. Bill was firmly convinced that the longbow was charmed for accuracy, but couldn't find any overt charms on it. He was doing about a three inch circle at fifty yards, so was satisfied with their progress.

Harry spent the rest of the day on Thursday pouring over lunar charts. Bill, Hermione and Ron spent the day laying detection wards. Bill was rather irritable, but otherwise seemed fine. Ginny and Fleur were loading the balloons. When it was time for dinner, everyone collapsed in an exhausted heap at the table.

"You know, tomorrow is the perfect time for an attack. The moonrise is about forty five minutes before sunset," said Harry, rather glumly.

"I know," said Remus. "That is the same conditions as on the day I was attacked."

"Greyback needs to be put down," added Hermione. "I know that he is human and all that, but he is a monster, in every sense of the word. It is people like him that makes what Umbridge did so easy to do."

"Yeah, if he wasn't inciting so many werewolves to attack then it would be harder to find anything wrong with them," said Ron, around another helping of mashed potatoes.

"Also, what she did makes it easier for people like him to keep on doing what they do," said Hermione, slapping her hand on the table, surprising everyone. "She makes me so mad. The toad thinks that she is so damn superior and she is still at the Ministry. Bootlicker."

Molly put a stop to that line of talk by starting up on the wedding plans. The wedding was to be held the following Saturday, in a small chapel near the Delacour's home in France. Molly was upset that it wasn't being held in the clearing in the woods near the Burrow or the chapel in the village, but, at the same time, was happy to be able to visit France.

Friday dawned the hottest day of the summer, in fact is was the hottest day in over a year. The heat was mad more oppressive by the increased humidity brought about by the unnatural mist that had been hanging over the country for the same time. The threat of storms hung heavily in the air. By mid-afternoon, the second and most violent of the days storms blew through the area around the Burrow. Harry was wondering if there would be an attack this evening, because the storms looked to be keeping the choice targets indoors. During dinner the final storm of the made its presence felt. The evening hours, after the storm, before nightfall were cooler and much more comfortable than the rest of the day had been. A few minutes past eight, Bill Apparated away. Harry and the others grabbed their supplies and brooms before making their way to the paddock.

Checking his new watch, a pocket watch that also incorporated a Foe Glass in the cover, Harry announced fifteen minutes to moonrise. The teens, acting as bait, started a high volume game of Quodpot. They didn't normally play Quodpot, but Hermione had thought it would be better than a pick up game of Quidditch because they could disguise the water balloons as the exploding ball used in Quodpot.

Shortly after moonrise there were screams heard in the distance, from the direction of the play park in the village. Sending Gabielle and Fleur back to the Burrow to prepare the defenses, Harry and the others, after being Disillusioned by Hermione, took off toward the source of the screams. Harry drew his bow from his enchanted pack and nocked and arrow while he flew.

A short flight brought them to the scene. There were several children huddled at the top of the slide or having clambered to the top of the swings. The lone adult in the park was lying on the ground, bleeding severely from a deep shoulder wound. There were three silver-gray forms slinking around the base of the slide and another two near the swings. A larger, more imposing form stood in the middle of the park. Swooping in, Hermione and Ginny banished several darts at the group around the slide. Two of the darts impacted the side of one of the wolves. A short while later, it collapsed. The other two immediately turned on it and began tearing it apart. One grabbed the incapcitated werewolf by the throat and bit down hard, a spray of blood spurting from between its teeth. The other proceeded to hamstring the dying wolf. Hermione felt her gorge rising and threw a balloon at each of the remaining wolves. Ron banished four darts at the two near the swings, and connected with both of them. Painful howls and whimpers erupted from the remaining two near the slide as the aconite laced liquid began affecting them.

Harry shot three arrows in quick succession at the lone form in the center of the park. Only the first arrow did any damage, and it was only a minor wound. He tried launch a balloon at it, but as the balloon was about to impact the creature it ducked under the slide and the balloon hit it instead. Before Harry could launch another, the wolf ran off into the neighboring woods.

With four of the wolves down and a fifth obviously dead, the teens landed. After cancelling the charm, they approached the half dozen children. The adult that was injured began moaning.

"Hermione, stun her. I don't know if she'll transform but I'd rather not have her awake right now," said Harry.

As they approached the slide several soft pops were heard.

"Wotcher! Harry."

"Tonks, over here." Tonks, Fred, George and Kingsley Shacklebolt all came running to the slide. Tonks sent George and Kingsley to assist Ron with the children at the swings.

"We have one wounded adult. I think Greyback got her," said Harry, indicating the elderly woman lying on the ground. She had a massive wound on her left shoulder and several claw marks on her face. "We also have four knocked-out werewolves over there. I don't know how long two of them are going to last, they were hit with a strong infusion of aconite. The other two were dosed with enough of a Muggle tranquilizer to knock out a raging elephant."

Tonks nodded and proceeded to bind all four of the downed werewolves. "Ewww, you didn't tell me about number five. What happened to him?"

"He was the first one to get hit with the tranquilizer, the other two tore him to shreds," said Ginny.

Harry hung his head, rubbing his forehead. "Greyback got away. I nearly had him, but I only grazed him."

Several more soft pops startled everyone, as a couple of Obliviators approached the scene.

"Auror Tonks, what is the situation?" asked one of them.

"Six Muggle children and one elderly Muggle woman were attacked by Greyback and part of his pack. None of the children were injured. The woman was severely injured and is now most likely infected. The children will need their memories altered."

"Mad dog attack?" asked the other.

"Yes. That is close enough to the truth not to arouse too much suspicion," said Kingsley, joining the group.

"We also have a couple of banishing charms to account for."

"We were Disillusioned when they were cast on these darts, so I don't think anyone saw much of where they came from," said Hermione.

The Obliviator nodded and began modifying the children's memories.

"I'm impressed," said Kingsley. "You lot did much better than any squad from the Ministry has done in the past twenty years or so."

"Well, could it be because the man who was running that department just happened to be a Death Eater?" spat Harry.

"I suppose. I always thought McNair was bad. Turns out I was right," said Shacklebolt.

Tonks had started wandering around the area where the fight had occurred while Harry and Kingsley were talking. "Over here!"

They all ran to where she was standing. She had crouched down and was examining a dark spot on the ground. "Blood spoor. Harry, you've marked him and he is leaving a trail. Kingsley, get Hagrid and that damn dog of his. We have a trail to follow."

"Fang?" asked Harry.

"No, not that one. He's worthless, I want Fluffy," said Tonks, in a very serious tone.

A soft popped announced his departure. Not more than two minutes later, Hagrid, Kingsley and Fluffy appeared. Fluffy was being held in Hagrid's left hand by a very stout looking chain; in his right he held his crossbow.

"Right. 'Ello there, Harry. What have we got?"

"Harry nicked Greyback with an arrow, we need Fluffy there to track him," said Tonks, pointing to the small puddle of blood on the ground.

Several soft pops announced the arrival of another squad of Aurors. The Obliviators had finished with the children and were ushering them back to their homes. The elderly woman was being tended to by a Healer from St. Mungo's.

One of the Aurors bent of the two were wolves by the slide. "This one's dead. The other doesn't look too long for this world." he pointed his wand at the dead one and muttered a spell. With a crack, two teeth fell out of the beast's mouth. He repeated the procedure on the other one, this time only taking one tooth. He picked up the teeth, placing one in a small vial and turning to the group, "Who do these belong to?"

Hermione turned and violently threw up.

"I guess they are hers," chuckled the Auror, to the rest of his squad. He also pulled two teeth from the werewolf that had been killed by his pack mates. Both of those went into another vial. After doing that he turned back to Harry. "If I were you, I'd cut some tail hair, for potions ingredients."

Harry nodded and collected some of the hair off the two tails. The Auror nodded and then levitated both bodies into a pile. He then muttered another spell and both vanished in a very bright flame. The other Aurors began banishing the pools of blood.

Hagrid and Fluffy had set off on the trail of Greyback, Tonks following on a broom. Ron was comforting Hermione, so Harry took the teeth from the Auror.

"That is a bit gross," said Ginny, pointing at the teeth in Harry's hand.

"I know, but still."


"Why don't you lot head back home?" said Kingsley. "Moody is probably there and he'll be foaming at the mouth if he doesn't hear from you all soon."

Harry nodded, "Let's walk. I don't think Hermione is up to flying and it isn't that far."

They stuffed everything into Harry's enchanted pack and headed off to the south. About half an hour later they walked through the door to the Burrow. Moody was taking a long pull from his hip flask as they walked in. Harry noticed a slightly fuming Bill pacing back and forth in front of the kitchen fireplace.

"So lad, I hear you bagged and tagged a couple?"

"I suppose so," answered Harry, dropping the two teeth onto the table.

"I take it these belong to Granger? She does look a little green," whispered Moody.


"So what else happened?"

"We drugged two more, they are now in custody. One got torn up by the pack and Greyback got away. I winged him, though."

"Winged Greyback?" asked Bill.

"Yeah. Hagrid and Fluffy are on his trail. Tonks is flying backup."

Moody chuckled. "I never thought I'd say this, but I pity ol' Fen if that dog gets ahold of 'im."

Bill turned over the teeth several times, "Do you think she'll want earrings or a necklace?" he asked.

"The way she is right now, neither, but I suppose a necklace would be better."

"You seem to be handling this pretty well, lad."

"They weren't people to me. Tonight they were just monsters. Monsters that needed to be put down like a mad dog."

"You're right. Not all werewolves are like Remus. Most of those that run with Greyback are monsters, whether it is the full moon or not. You know over in America if a child molestor gets put in prison with the rest of the prisoners he will most often be beaten or worse. Greyback's pack would end up like that. That is what they are. Murderers and child molestors and worse," said Moody, taking another pull from his flask, before passing it to Harry. Harry took a small sip and spluttered.

"Damn, that isn't Firewhiskey. What is it?"

"Single malt Scotch," said a grinning Moody, passing the flask to Bill.

Bill took a pull from the flask and passed it back. He then drew out a small length of silver chain, from a box on the table. He also took out two luminescent stones. He transfigured a couple of bails for the teeth and affixed a stone to each tooth. Then he threaded the teeth onto the chain; muttered a couple of incantations and then transfigured the ends of the chain into a clasp.

"What did you do?" asked Harry.

"Made an amulet. I could have made two of them, but since this is Greyback's pack I thought Hermione would appreciate the added protection. It protects against werewolf attacks," said Bill.

Harry nodded. "Moody, would you talk to her. I think she is all worked up about killing that werewolf and probably mortally wounding the other one. With all of her reading, I don't think that it has really sunk in that at this time there isn't really a person in there, unless they are on the potion. All she did was put down a mad dog and I don't think Ron is getting through to her."

"Yeah, lad. I'll give him a few more minutes and go give her my rookie's pep talk."

Werewolves on the Loose

Unnamed Ministry sources have confirmed, this morning, that there were several werewolf attacks last night, throughout Britain. The worst of these attacks was centered on the small Muggle village of Ottery St. Catchpole, in Eastdevon. There are unconfirmed reports that this attack was lead by none other than the infamous, Fenrir Greyback, himself. Fortunately, this attack was thwarted by, The Chosen One, Harry Potter and an unnamed group of assistants. The attack resulted in only one Muggle being wounded and most likely infected. Three werewolves were killed in the attack and two others captured by Aurors.

Also unconfirmed reports state that Potter injured Greyback and tracking dogs were brought in to give chase. At this time no further information is available. (related story: Pg 7 col 2)

Harry threw down the paper in disgust. A very dirty and tired looking Tonks stumbled into the kitchen.

"Can I get you anything, dear?" asked Molly from the stove.

"Coffee, please."

Fleur, Ginny and Hermione were all huddled at one end of the table. Harry, Ron and Bill at the other, Bill having picked up the paper that Harry had tossed down.

"Wotcher! Tonks," said Harry. "How did it go?"

"We tracked him to the top of Stoatshead Hill. Then he disappeared. Probably a Portkey. I didn't think there were any Death Eaters brave enough to hang around a transformed werewolf."

"Wormtail," breathed Harry. "That damn rat."


Harry nodded. "Ask Remus about it. He can fill you in. Pettigrew is an Animagus, so being around Greyback wouldn't phase him, he used to do it all the time."

Tonks gave Harry a puzzled look.

"Just ask Remus," said Harry taking a large sip of his coffee.

"Well, Hagrid didn't want to stop. Fluffy has the scent of Greyback now and Hagrid wants to try a sweep of the area, to see if he can find him again. Kingsley finally had to drag Hagrid home. I'm just done in. Molly, do you mind if I kip on the couch?"

"Not at all, dear, not at all. I invited Remus to lunch," answered Molly. "I'll just make sure that when thetwins get here they keep it outside."

Arthur Weasley came down the stairs just as Tonks was heading toward the couch. "I understand that all of you are being touted as heroes this morning."

"Whatever," said Harry. "I don't feel very heroic. I feel like I could sleep a week." The were several "Here, here's" from around the table.

"In any case, the Minister wants to meet with you on Monday. He is very impressed that four students have a better record in one night than the whole department charged with doing what you did, does in twenty years."

"Like I told Kingsley last night. It would have been different if it hadn't been run by a Death Eater for most of that time. I told Fudge a couple of years ago, McNair was a Death Eater. Did he replace him? No, he gave the man a promotion," said Harry, bitterly.

"And doubly impressed that it was done with only four Disillusionment and two banishment charms, all legally done."

"Well, we have Fred and George to thank for that. Without their balloons there would have been a lot more spells cast. Also it took two bloody long weeks of research to do what we did, only because we suspected that Greyback would not want to let Bill alone. Now we have to put up with this every month until one of us gets bitten or turns Greyback into a rug."

Arthur swallowed his tea hard when Harry said this, causing him to splutter before answering, "I won't say that you haven't made a real enemy here, but I don't think the picture is as bleak as you are painting it. Just talk to the Minister on Monday. And if anyone deserves a rug, it would be Remus."

Harry chuckled, "You're right. Okay, I'll talk to him. Maybe he'll listen to me instead using this to recruit me."

"Now we have to celebrate today. Bill didn't turn and I have a house full of werewolf hunters," Arthur said, picking up the paper.

Harry Side-along Apparated with Arthur to the Ministry on Monday morning. He had an appointment to speak with the Minister at nine. They arrived a few minutes before eight. This time, as they passed the Auror offices, several of the Aurors greeted Harry. One of them, the man who took the teeth stopped Harry and handed him another vial, containing a single tooth. Harry looked at it, sadly.

"He didn't make it. Whatever you lot did to them worked well. We'd...the whole department...would like it if you could tell us about it."

"What do you do with the other tooth?" asked Harry.

"We keep them on file. They are used for identification. At least those werewolves who have gone through the registry process."

"I thought as much. I need to be going. I have a meeting with the Minister at nine."

"If you ever need an Auror, call for me, Thadeus Hawkins."

Harry nodded and left the room to catch up with Arthur. His new office was on the same floor as the old one, but was much larger and there was an actual staff. At least two secretaries handed Arthur memos as he walked through the door.

Grabbing the parchments, Arthur led Harry into a comfortably appointed room. It looked like almost any office Harry had ever been in, except it was more comfortable; more homey.

"Have a seat. I know that you and the Minister have a disagreement, please try not to let that get to you during your meeting. He is trying and the death of Dumbledore has been a severe blow to all of us."

Harry sat in the office, reading from a book on the twentieth century achievements in the Muggle world. Harry was laughing at some of the conclusions in that book when Percy walked in the door.

"Potter, I am here to show you to your meeting. Follow me."

Harry rose and followed Percy, dying to ask him several questions, but put off by Percy's obvious lack of desire to speak. He showed Harry into a rather posh room. Sitting at the large mahogany desk in the center of the room sat the Minister. He rose to greet Harry.

"How are you today, Mr. Potter?"

"Fine," answered Harry, a little curtly.

"I want to know what happened the other night."

"Before I tell you, I want to say I haven't changed my mind. I am not going to be your poster boy."

"Fine, fine. I'll respect that. I know that we haven't really gotten along in the past, maybe we can start over?"


Percy bristled at Harry's less than courteous answers, but still remained silent.

"Before we begin, I want to say that I agree with you. When you first warned my predecessor about the return of He-Who-Must...Volde..Him."

"If you can't say Voldemort, at least call him by his given name, Tom."

"Fine, Tom's return I had McNair under close observation. There were many questionable practices in that department."

"Then you realize that all I did was some basic research into Greyback's habits and planned accordingly. I figured that an aerial assult would be the best idea. With a little help from my friends we came up with a way to attack a werewolf without much danger to us. The first part of our plan was to try to drug them into submission. That didn't work too well, because we didn't take into account that the rest of the pack would turn on their downed comrade. When they did that, we hit those two with enchanted water balloons filled with and aconite infusion. Those two were out of it pretty quickly. Another one of my friends attacked a second group of werewolves at the same time. He was able drug both of them at the same time."

The former Auror, now Minister nodded. "I assume you were attacking Greyback yourself?"

"Yes, I fired three arrows at him, in quick succession. He was only grazed by one."

"There are some who say that Greyback was never bitten by a werewolf, but rather endured many ancient and Dark rituals to become one. I don't know, but he is very powerful."

"I don't either, our research wasn't that thorough."

"Everything you have told me speaks of a well planned operation. If I were still head of the Aurors, I would be putting you in for a commendation. Now if you will tell me where you acquired those charmed balloons, I think that will be all."

"My brothers," muttered Percy.

Harry nodded and stood to leave.

"Are you sure I can't persuade you?"

"Positive," said Harry turning and walking out the door.