Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 10/24/2002
Updated: 03/24/2003
Words: 114,429
Chapters: 31
Hits: 27,135

Elementals of Magic: Prophecy of Lies


Story Summary:
A seventh year contest causes Harry & Draco to bond, setting off a prophecy long ago stopped by Sirius Black. A prophecy that told of Voldemort's destruction.

Elementals of Magic 23

Chapter Summary:
A 7th Year contest causes Harry and Draco to bond, setting off a prophecy long ago stopped by the interference of Sirius Black. A prophecy that told of Voldemort's destruction. H/D slash.
Author's Note:
Notes are at the bottom, and I recommend all readers to read them today as they explain why I've been gone so long!

Chapter 23

Hidden Ally

Harry watched Draco stare after Pansy´s retreating back. He called out to his lover.

"Draco, get under here before Filch finds us!"

Draco promptly walked in Harry´s direction. The Gryffindor met him halfway and drew Draco under his Invisibility Cloak, covering the soft fabric over them both.

Moments later, echoing footsteps rang through the hall as Filch walked towards where he had previously heard noises. The two boys watched the caretaker step into the light, then freeze. He quickly walked away.

Soon, two sets of footsteps resounded through the corridor, and Professor McGonagall, along with Filch, appeared. The woman´s lips became a very thin line, and she spoke curtly.

"Argus, get her. We´re going to the Hospital Wing. Stop staring, and pick her up!" she snapped, as Filch had been ogling Turpin´s appendages. Turpin might have been the school slut, but even she was not desperate enough to seduce the nasty caretaker.

Draco and Harry followed the entourage and carefully crept into the Hospital Wing. Filch had laid Turpin down and was currently being ushered away from Turpin´s appealing assets. Madame Pomfrey´s mouth was pursed as she diagnosed the Ravenclaw.

Professor McGonagall led Dumbledore in moments later, the two stopping at the foot of the bed, looking on as Madame Pomfrey flurried about, paying no heed to the other two. Harry saw that the Headmaster´s light blue eyes held no twinkle within them. This was bad.

Madame Pomfrey turned to the two after she completed her diagnosis.

"How is she, Poppy?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

"She´s in a really bad shape, Albus. Most of her alveoli have collapsed, and she can barely breathe. The ones that have not are functioning at a minimum. Her blood vessels have clotted, and there´s hardly any blood circulating through her body. And that´s not all. Would you like me to continue?"

"Yes, please," Dumbledore replied.

"Three of the valves in her heart have stopped, contributing to the inadequate amount of blood. Her windpipe has almost been completely worn away, along with her esophagus. Her stomach walls are almost completely covered in ulcers, and there are quite a few different parasites in her intestines. Her liver tissue has almost been completely converted into scar tissue, rendering the organ useless. Her--"

McGonagall interrupted.

"We understand. Her condition is critical," she said in a taut voice. "Who would do such a thing? I haven´t seen such gruesomeness and heartlessness since Lucius Malfoy cursed Alexandra Zabini and sent her to St. Mungo´s! The best Medi-Wizards and Witches had been hired to cure her, and she is still in there to this day!"

"Now, Minerva, we have no evidence that it was Lucius Malfoy who did such a terrible thing," Dumbledore said in a placating voice, though Harry thought that the Headmaster didn´t believe it himself from the expression in his eyes. And Harry believed that Lucius did curse Alexandra Zabini, from what Draco had said. Lucius was the type of cruel person who would do such a thing, obliterating any obstacles in his path that obstructed him from claiming what he wanted. In that case, his prize had been Narcissa.

"No evidence!" McGonagall shrieked, completely losing her self-control. "You know that Lucius Malfoy joined the Death Eaters in Fourth Year! And you know how unfortunate it had been when Narcissa Moore fell in love with him. She was such a lovely girl, with great promises. Then, she went and fell in love with one of the most deadly enemies! No doubt he brewed a Love Potion! How could she voluntarily fall in love with a Death Eater? Even if she didn´t know, she would have known before the end of her Sixth Year!"

"Minerva, you know how love is! Love can cause enemies to turn into friends, friends into enemies, and--"

"I understand what you mean, Albus," McGonagall replied a bit more calmly, apparently recovered from her outburst. "But surely, Narcissa would have wanted to uphold her family name?"

"Narcissa made a choice. She decided to marry Lucius instead of making her family proud. She chose what she believed to be the better choice, and if she´s happy, then so be it." Harry, however, believed that Dumbledore thought that Narcissa made the wrong decision, again, from the expression in his eyes.

"Headmaster, what do you propose we do?" Pomfrey cut in, ending the discussion about Narcissa Malfoy.

"Minerva, contact St. Mungo´s immediately and alert them of the present situation. I hope that," the light blue eyes flickered over to where Harry and Draco were, "anyone who know anything will step forward."

"But who would do such a thing?" Madame Pomfrey asked sadly, shaking her head.

"You mean why." And once again, Harry was struck by the feeling that the Headmaster knew more than he let on.


"Do you think it might have been Pansy?" Harry asked.

"No," Draco replied in a sure tone.

"How are you so sure?"

"I know that Pansy doesn´t know any advanced charm that could wreak all that damage. And she would not have had enough time to cast the amount of spells needed to put Turpin into such a condition."

"But then, who could it be?" Harry questioned.

Draco didn´t reply, but he had a feeling that he knew who it was that saved him. It was most likely the same person that she had gone to the other time. But was his mother that powerful? And if she was, then how could Lucius not know of it?

Harry, taking his lover´s silence as a negative, changed the subject.

"Why did Pansy say, `I forgive you´?"

Draco shrugged.

"I don´t know."

This was just another thing to add onto the list of Pansy´s mysteries. Even though they had been friends at an early age, there had always been a part of Pansy that Draco couldn´t fathom. Like why she tore off the heads of Harry Potter dolls given to her by Peter. Maybe she had known, even at an early age, that Potter would steal from her what she valued most--him.

Harry stopped the xanthochroid from pondering any further about Pansy Parkinson by giving Draco a kiss, the first one that he could enjoy after these past few tumultuous days. What with Turpin´s threat, Draco had not been able to enjoy his time with Harry.

After meeting Turpin that night, he had gone to see Harry. And the Slytherin had told his lover about Turpin blackmailing him. Harry, of course, had been alarmed and talked about telling a professor. Draco had quickly convinced him out of the ridiculous notion. They could not tell anyone about their relationship.

In the end, they had decided that Draco would disagree. But they would not let Turpin walk away unharmed. Harry would be with Draco under his Invisibility Cloak, and he would curse Turpin with a Memory Charm at the same time as Draco. Their combined power should have been enough.

Little did they know, of course, about Pansy, who had been part of the whole ordeal. And just as they were about to curse Turpin, the Ravenclaw fell down mysteriously, hands clutching at her throat. Then, Pansy had appeared, with her maniacal laughter and cryptic words.

And now, the situation was even more complicated, especially once they discovered Turpin´s condition. Pansy had played a major part in it, it seemed. But exactly whom did she appeal to?

When at last, the two boys broke away, Draco decided that he might as well tell Harry about Pansy and Narcissa.

"Do you remember when I had a disagreement with Pansy?"

Harry nodded.

"Yeah. But what does that have to do with anything?"

"I never did tell you the reason for our conflict, did I?"

"No, but I thought that it had something to do with how she spoke to me that day after Herbology."

"That´s part of the reason. But...there´s more. Have you noticed that Blaise Zabini has been withdrawn?"

"Yeah," Harry replied, frowning. "But what does that have to do with anything?"

"Remember when we found Pansy crying? When he nearly raped her?" After a nod from Harry, Draco continued. "I told her that I would avenge her. But she, instead, took matters into her own hands. She owled my mother. And Mother, being who she is, had to do something about such a shocking scandal. So she sued the Zabinis. And because of the disgrace, they withdrew their son from Hogwarts."

Harry noted that except for the first time, Draco had avoided saying Blaise´s name.

"But what´s wrong with that?"

Draco looked at him hard, as if he couldn´t believe why Harry asked him.

"She talked to my mother about it without my knowledge," the Slytherin began slowly, "that´s why I was angry with her. Because she did not trust me enough. And I believe she´s done it again."

Harry gasped as comprehension appeared on his face.

"You´re saying that she discovered this and then owled your mother about it? But why would she do that?"

"She did not believe that she alone could help me. And because of my mother´s victory previously, she believed that Mother could once again help."

"She did the right thing, though, didn´t she? Turpin´s out of our way for good."

"Yes, but I don´t truly believe that Mother was responsible for her demise."

"Why not?"

"I don´t believe that Mother is powerful enough to do so. If she was, then Lucius would know about it, and their marriage would have been very different from what it currently is."

"But if your mother wasn´t responsible, then who is?"

"The best way is to ask my mother directly. She will answer truthfully."

Draco held out the book that Narcissa had given him. Harry reached out to touch it, though Draco quickly stopped him.

"Don´t ever touch this, love. Mother charmed them so that only she and I can touch them without receiving any harm, remember?"

Harry briefly recalled the warning Draco had given him when he had talked about his form of communication with his mother, the books. The Gryffindor nodded.

Draco took out silver ink and a quill and started writing.

Mother, was it you who saved me from Lisa Turpin and her blackmailing?



"Narcissa. Please sit down." Albus indicated a chair in front of his desk. Narcissa took the proffered seat.

"Why have you called me? Has Victoria contacted you?"

"No. I was hoping she had contacted you. We need her soon. The final battle is approaching, and we must all be there. I believe that she has found the last two already."

"Has she found a replacement for Severus?"

"I do not know. Even if she did not yet, she would not ask for help. You know her better than the rest of us, I am sure. However, I have called you here to discuss something else."


"Why did you?"

"I don´t know what you are talking about," Narcissa replied stiffly.

"Narcissa, there´s no use denying it. Your magic has been found. Do you know the amount of damage she received? All her major organs have almost stopped functioning!"

"Wait. I only crushed her lungs," Narcissa said, frowning.

"But if you only..."

Stunned realization dawned upon them both, particularly Albus.

"Why, though?"

"Draco is important to her."

Albus knew that there was more, but he did not pressure Narcissa.

"She truly has not contacted you?"

"No. But she is back in Britain. She may have been here the whole time."

"Why would she not contact us? This is important to her."

"Do we ever know why she does anything? Albus, you do know that she is still a mystery to me, though I know her the best out of all of us. We don´t know enough about her, and she prefers it to be that way. She is stronger than all of us combined, probably Him, too. She does what she wants to, and none of us can stop her. She is the leader of us and the most powerful."

And once again, Albus was reminded of the fact that he was not in charge, not when it came to this game. Victoria was a wild card, even though she was on their side, or at least, she appeared to. With her bitter history, her loyalty was very uncertain, making her a very dangerous wild card. One that he would not want to offend. He could only accept her choices and hope for the best.

"I´m sorry for blaming you. I should have realized that I would not be able to detect her magic. Why, if she hadn´t come to me, then I would not be the "omniscient" Headmaster I am today."

"Your magic is the second strongest out of all of us, right below Vic. It enables you to know many things."

"Do not underestimate yourself, Narcissa. You´re the third."

"And what good has that done me?" asked Narcissa dryly.

"Narcissa, are you happy?" Albus asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Albus could sense the blonde claming up.

"Are you happy with Lucius?"

"Yes. Why would I not be?" Narcissa responded in a stiff manner.

"Does he love you?"

"This is none of your business, Albus. I am privileged to keep my personal life private." Narcissa rose and started for the door.

"I apologize for my intrusion, Narcissa. Good day, and please contact me if you hear anything from Victoria."

"I will."

And as Narcissa left, Albus felt compelled to ask one last question.

"Do you regret it?"

The answer floated faintly to Albus´s ears.

"It was my Test."

And Albus knew that even if it had not been, Narcissa would not have regretted her decision.


Tests, Tests, Tests, silly little things.

Dear Narcissa. Such a lovely girl, as McGonagall had phrased. A bit clingy but very strong when she needed to be.

Her Test was a bit too easy. Like she would really give up Lucius. Narcissa just wasn´t the kind of person who would give something up after persevering through a hard hunt, and especially not after Lucius cursed his fiancée to make way for her.

None of them knew the amount of magic Lucius possessed. Such a shame, really. He was underestimated by them all, even Voldemort and especially Narcissa and Albus. Not that Voldemort had anything to worry about, what with Apocalypse Magic. Still, Lucius was not a Wizard to be taken lightly, especially with his bloodline, though he could never measure up to Voldemort. But too many people would still make the mistake of underestimating Lucius Malfoy. Oh well. If they made such a little mistake, then it would be a blessing to relieve them of their ignorance, even if it was the last thing they ever learned.


"Ron, will you really?" squealed Hermione.

"Of course, ´Mione. When have I ever lied to you? Er, don´t answer that. But when have I ever let you down? Er, don´t answer that, either. When--"

"Ron, silly, don´t say anything."

And Hermione effectively stopped Ron from talking any further by placing her mouth over his.


When Harry entered the common room, he found Ron and Hermione waiting for him.

"Harry, Ron has something to say," Hermione informed him.

Ron fidgeted uncomfortably when Harry turned his gaze to him.

"Look, Harry, mate, I know that I´ve been a git recently, and...I just want to say that I´m sorry for abandoning you when you needed a best friend the most. So, friends?"

Harry sighed. This was just like Fourth year, and he knew that Ron was truly sorry. But these few weeks without his best friend, they had hurt, even though he had had Draco with him.

"Harry, please? If you won´t forgive Ron of your own accord, would you do it for me?" Hermione pleaded.

Harry turned to Ron.

"I forgive you, Ron. I was going to anyways, though I was going to make you suffer a few weeks before I accepted your apology. But since ´Mione here asked on your behalf, then I really had no choice but to forgive you here and now. If you ever do this again, though, Ron..." Harry left the rest unsaid.

Ron blinked, then burst into a grin.

"Glad to have you back, mate."


The meeting took place in one of the towers after curfew. Harry, Hermione, and Ron arrived in Harry´s Invisibility Cloak. When they arrived, they took off the Cloak and waited for Draco and his group to come.

Moments later, the Slytherins came. Draco and Pansy shared his Invisibility Cloak, but Crabbe and Goyle had kindly declined Draco´s offer of his Merging Cloak and had, instead, came without any sort of cover. Draco had reluctantly agreed to take them after Pansy´s fierce persuasion of their loyalty to them.

The two groups regarded each other warily, especially Ron and Pansy. Harry broke the silence.

"Draco and I thought that we should call a truce between all of us." Ron snorted.

"Ron..." Harry warned. "I thought that we should all shake hands on it or something."

"You expect me to shake hands with Malfoy?" Ron asked, horrified.

"Ron, Draco hasn´t insulted you once tonight!"

"I agree, Harry," Draco cut in. "I do not wish to dirty my hands."

"Why you--" Ron snarled.

"Stop, Ron, Draco! Draco, you will be nice to Ron. Ron, you will not insult Draco. Understood?"

Ron gave a sullen nod, though he glared heatedly at Draco. Draco also gave his assent with a nod.

Pansy spoke unexpectedly.

"I´ll shake hands with Granger, and that will be the truce."

Harry turned and looked at Hermione, who nodded briskly.

The two girls stepped forward and shook hands briefly.

"Malfoy, if you ever hurt Harry, then I will personally hunt you down and kill you myself," Ron threatened. He still did not trust the Slytherin.

"Weasley, if you hurt Draco in any form or fashion, then I shall have no choice but to see to your death, and it will be a very painful one, Weasley," Pansy countered.

Harry and Draco exchanged helpless glances, then ushered their groups away, Pansy and Ron glaring daggers at each other as they left.

Harry and Draco met at their spot after seeing that their groups were safely inside their dorms.

"Well, that went as well as could be expected. I´m just surprised that Ron and Pansy didn´t start dueling right there and then. They really hate each other, don´t they?"

"I really can´t insult Weasley anymore, can I?" Draco asked sadly.

"You know what, love, you can insult him occasionally, as long as it´s not too malicious or too often."

"Really?" Draco laughed. "Do you regret choosing him over me now, Harry?" he asked slyly.

Harry pondered Draco´s question for a moment.

"You know, I think I do. If I had known that I could have had all this much earlier, then I would have chosen you. It´s just that, you seemed really arrogant, and you insulted Ron..." Draco had opened his mouth. "I know that he insulted you first now, love. But back then, well, Ron was the first person to actually be nice to me. You had been really snobby the first two times we met, so I chose him. If I had known it would make you hate me...Like you told me, it must have hurt when I chose your enemy over you, my first friend...And letting you insult him now and then is the least I could do to make it up to you."

Draco gave Harry a sweet kiss for confessing his feelings, pinning the Gryffindor underneath him with the sheer force and will of the kiss. He then went to retrieve his book.

"Has your mother replied yet?" Harry asked anxiously.

Malfoy Grey eyes scanned the response written in blue ink. Draco looked up from the book bewilderingly.

"I don´t understand. Why would she?"

Harry peered over Draco´s shoulder to read Narcissa´s response.

Draco, I am not responsible this time. Pansy did appeal to me, and yes, I did take action, but I was not the one who gave her the amount of damage she received. The person truly responsible for her condition is Victoria.

"Who´s Victoria?"

"Victoria is a cousin of Mother´s and Lucius´s. But what I don´t understand is how she would´ve known and why she would´ve helped me."

Draco penned a reply to his mother´s words.

Why would she help me, and how could she know?


I am back from my hiatus!! This chapter has been the hardest so far, as I had a severe roadblock after writing about Lisa Turpin´s condition. I just didn´t know what to write with Harry and Draco! But as you can see, I´ve gotten over that, and everything´s gonna be back on track now. The whole schedule has been pushed back, but Part 1 should be finished no later than April. I hope to finish before the one-year anniversary!

Thanks to:

Cerberis - Wow!!! Glad you think so!

Prophetess of Hearts - I think you´ll find all your wishes fulfilled by the end!

gotta B writin - This chap should clear all up!

araina - Too detailed with repetition? My beta says the same thing!

Talaquinn - You´re not the only one! I´ve had lots of people tell me that! I thought a Pansy perspective was in need, but that´ll probably be the only one ever, so you go back to enjoying H&D!!

kokopoko - Nope, nope, Pansy stays sane, at least for now. Might have a little surprise in Part 3, though I´m not supposed to mention it! Of course we had to have D choose H over Turpin, ya know! Just little subplot thingys!

ariesfire - You know now, don´t ya! Soon? Sorry about that, hiatus is really nice, though!

airbaggy1 - As fast as I can? You got lucky, you read this just as my hiatus ended! Everyone else has been waiting for almost a month with no luck! You get to know now!

Anonymous person

And all readers!