James Potter/Lily Evans
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Published: 01/14/2006
Updated: 01/31/2007
Words: 35,993
Chapters: 30
Hits: 47,487

Legacy of the Marauders

Minerva Evenstar

Story Summary:
How can the Marauders cope with romance, Slytherins, blenders, wearing dresses, pick-up lines, holidays, N.E.W.T.'s, and more? Read and see!

Chapter 11 - Avoid Hangovers; Stay Drunk!

Chapter Summary:
The Gryffindors play "I Never," and Lily speaks to James.

Chapter Eleven Avoid Hangovers: Stay Drunk!

"I never," James replied.

"That's the name of the game?" questioned Lily.


"Are you going to tell us how to play?"

"Nah, I figured I'd make everyone do it without explaining it," said James, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Remus swiftly found a towel and cleaned up all the sarcasm that had dripped.

Before Lily could respond, Peter, who never ever understood sarcasm, suggested, "Then maybe Sirius should explain."

"Sirius is busy," Remus reminded him, wringing out the towel.

With a sound like a sucking plunger Sirius and Jessie stopped snogging and Sirius said, "It's okay. I'll do it."

"But I wanted to," James groused.

"You can hand out the supplies."


Sirius addressed the common room, "The way to play-"

"Haha! That rhymes," laughed Peter.

"-Is everyone gets a glass of alcohol. We take turns saying things that we never did and everyone that has done it has to take a sip," continued Sirius as if there had been no interruption. "Any questions?"

A few hands shot up. Sirius put on his most professor-like expression while he acknowledged and answered them one by one.

"Could you give us an example?"


"Will you give us an example?"

"Ya. If I say 'I never drove a car' anyone who has driven a car has to take a sip."

"Who wins?"

"The last one sober."

"Have you ever played before?"

"Course I have with the Marauders. Remus always wins."

"Could we start now?"


"Will we start now?"


James handed everyone a goblet filled to the brim with a curious rose coloured beverage. "I'll start," he said. "I never wore nail polish."

All of the girls and Peter had worn nail polish, thus they each took a sip. The liquid had a tangy, creamy taste that Lily had never tried before and she discovered that she liked it very much. Perhaps, too much.

"I never went a week since third year without snogging a girl," proclaimed Sirius proudly. Everyone sipped his or her goblets and Sirius laughed in triumph.

Olivia volunteered, "I never drank ink."

No one sipped.

Smirking at Sirius, Remus remarked, "I never hit on a teacher."

The dog animagus scowled at his lycanthropic mate as he raised his goblet to his lips.

"I never spend less four hours studying for a test," Sapphire supplied, causing everybody to drink.

Jessie commented, "I never enjoy spending time with my mum."

Sirius was the only individual that did not take a swig. Disliking their mothers was something he and Jessie had in common.

Lily informed, "I never sing in the shower."

It took James a moment to focus enough to drink along with almost everyone else in the common room because he had been imagining Lily in the shower.

Sapphire stood up and gaited clumsily towards the girls' staircase.

"Where are you going?" Jessie asked her older sister.

"Sleep," answered Sapphire. "I've had too much to drink already. I am going to bed before I say or do anything stupid." She kissed Remus lightly and went to her dorm.

The others saw the wisdom in her action and returned to their dormitouries as well. All except for James and Sirius, who remained behind to clean up. Remus offered to help them, however, transformation was tomorrow, so they insisted that he get rest.

"I think we did a swankified job making a last minute party," commented Sirius as he literally patted himself on the back.

"Swankified, indeed," nodded James.

"James, I need to talk to you," stated Lily reemerging from the girls' dorms.

"Okay," James told her. "Talk to me."

Lily's gaze wandered to Sirius. "Alone."

Sirius shrugged and strode up the boys' steps, knowing that he was leaving his best friend by himself in the common room at night with the girl of his dreams and a half empty bottle of alcohol. He hoped that James would have an exciting tale to tell the rest of the Marauders in the morning.

"Well?" James prompted.

"Look, um, remember how I said I needed time to think about that kiss?" Lily began awkwardly.

James nodded and silently prayed to every deity he had ever heard that her reaction would be positive.

"I decided that I, er, liked it...a lot, and that I like you too. I mean, you're not so arrogant that you disgust me anymore; you're just confident in an adorable way and you're funny and smart, so..." She cleared her throat, took a deep breath, and asked, "Will you go out with me?"

"Oui! Si! Ja! Etiam!" He picked Lily up and spun her around. "Yes!"

She laughed. "I think this calls for a celebration." She picked up two goblets and filled them with the unreasonably delicious alcohol that remained in the bottle. Raising her goblet she said, "Cheers to..."

"Cinderella's slipper," finished James. Lily must have looked as confused as she felt because he explained, "I have not been this happy since the prince found out Cinderella was his true love by having the slipper fit her foot." She shrugged and they hit their glasses together and drank deeply.

Minerva's Note: I got the idea for the title of this chapter from something my parents said, but I don't know where they got it from. For those of you that are unaware, the word "swankified" is from Wicked, the story of the Wicked Witch of the West. They based a broadway musical play on it in the States. I've never seen it, but I love the soundtrack! I based my fic No Good Deed Goes Unpunished about Voldemort on some songs from there. Anyway, I'm babbling now, so REVIEW!