One To Battle, Two To Conquer

Mindy Potter

Story Summary:
Mindy Potter briskly started up the stone staircase. "Do you trust me?" Looking into steel gray eyes, she knew this would come. The more she longed to expose the truth, the more in danger she was. Being Harry Potter's twin wasn't easy. She had only found recently, living her normal Muggle life, in her normal Muggle family. But that wasn't even half of it; the other made living with this unbearable. She was living a lie, a big complex lie. She hated the fact that she may never be known as Potter, for now, she was Mindy, a sixth year Slytherin. There was a reason for this besides putting herself in mortal danger, considering that she was wanted by Voldemort. She cautiously spoke, "I trust you."

When the Order of the Phoenix arrives on Mindy's doorstep after reading five haunting books, she realizes her life is changing forever.

Words: 3,055
Hits: 290

Mindy's life is changing forever. Traveling to headquarters will teach her what being a Potter really means.

Words: 5,581
Hits: 233

Taking place during the last chapters of the Order of phoenix, Mindy experiments with her new wizarding life style, making potions, studing magic and such, while bonding with her godfather Sirius, along the way.

Words: 3,064
Hits: 197

After situations (modeled in the OoTP) Mindy is alone to figure things out for herself. Taking the lesson of loss first hand. When headquarders is moved back to the Borrow, Mindy meets a couple of people that she had been longing to meet since the beginning.

Words: 3,785
Hits: 238