Action Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/11/2004
Updated: 12/19/2004
Words: 46,894
Chapters: 15
Hits: 5,709

Twenty-Four Hours

Michelle Malfoy

Story Summary:
One minute, Harry Potter was playing Quidditch against Slytherin, the next; he’s being magically transported to Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Will Draco and his sister learn, in their quest to torture Harry as much as possible, exactly why those curses are Unforgivable, and why their use earns one a lifetime sentence in Azkaban? And could Harry come out of this with Draco Malfoy as his friend?

Chapter 01

One minute, Harry Potter was playing Quidditch against Slytherin, the next; he’s being magically transported to Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Will Draco and his sister learn, in their quest to torture Harry as much as possible, exactly why those curses are Unforgivable, and why their use earns one a lifetime sentence in Azkaban? And could Harry come out of this with Draco Malfoy as his friend?

Words: 3,330
Hits: 1,033

Harry wakes up and the Malfoy siblings taunt him some more. Michelle's boyfriend makes an appearance and Voldemort messes with Harry's mind. THIS IS A VERY VERY BIG CLIFFHANGER. BEWARE.

Words: 4,532
Hits: 653

More Harry torture along, a nice feast for the Death Eaters, and your daily dose of Unforgivables. Includes a slight MM/HP scene on the DE's orders.

Words: 3,806
Hits: 377
Chapter 04

Ron and Hermione show up and Lucius locks them up in a dungeon. Ron has a vision and Harry is very displeased with his position. VERY displeased.

Words: 4,776
Hits: 355
Chapter 05

A very unexpected character shows up and struts her stuff, and Draco suffers a bit. Well, he deserved it. He was evil. Oooh, I just love evil!Draco.

Words: 2,859
Hits: 374
Chapter 06

The turning point for Michelle, Rita Skeeter's 'wish list,' and chained-on-a-raised-platform!Harry with a pinch of very-sympathetic!Michelle

Words: 2,078
Hits: 373
Chapter 07

Well, this is it. Michelle finally starts acting pretty nice, Lucius stages the torturing ceremony, and Draco shows what side he's really on. Michelle, however, is another story...

Words: 2,931
Hits: 300
Chapter 08

This chapter: The Trio escapes and a LOT is revealed about Hermione and Ginny.

Words: 3,560
Hits: 212
Chapter 09

Here you go then, chapter nine. A secret about Michelle is revealed, and several more OC's introduce themselves.

Words: 1,913
Hits: 284
Chapter 10

The parselnists (as well as Harry, Ron, and our dear Draco) are faced with a challenge. A character dies. *Zips lips* I will say no more.

Words: 2,703
Hits: 310
Chapter 11

Draco, Michelle, Hermione, Ginny, and Harry learn a bit more about their situation.

Words: 2,185
Hits: 317
Chapter 12

Michelle has a secret...

Words: 2,674
Hits: 374
Chapter 13

Michelle has a huge secret, and will it finally come out?

Words: 4,365
Hits: 217
Chapter 14

The battle, at last... Harry's creepy dream comes true, and lots of Death Eaters die.

Words: 3,116
Hits: 279

It's all over... now, fifteen years later, the Potter, Weasley, and Malfoy children are on the train to Hogwarts. What might they uncover about their parents' past?

Words: 2,066
Hits: 251