Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Luna Lovegood
Drama Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 06/21/2005
Updated: 09/08/2005
Words: 84,923
Chapters: 14
Hits: 20,554



Story Summary:
Hogwarts through the eyes of many of the characters as Harry loses his mind, Draco becomes bitter, Luna gleefully stalks everyone, and Ron and Hermione wonder what's going on. Eventual H/D.

Chapter 01

Hogwarts through the eyes of many of the characters as Harry loses his mind, Draco becomes bitter, Luna gleefully stalks everyone, and Ron and Hermione wonder what's going on. Eventual H/D.

Words: 3,655
Hits: 4,490
Chapter 02

Harry and Draco argue over family values, invisibility cloaks, and the possible existence of a pureblood breeding program. Luna continues to observe, and wonders vaguely if her stalkerish tendencies should worry her.

Words: 9,706
Hits: 1,759
Chapter 03

A rather Slytherin take on Harry's fourth year. Harry and Draco bicker over war, family, and loyalties, and the world changes around them.

Words: 6,687
Hits: 1,459
Chapter 04

Fifth year. Harry and Draco begin to grow up very quickly, as the adults around them work on their own plans for defeating Voldemort.

Words: 8,811
Hits: 1,250
Chapter 05

Letters between Harry and Draco the summer after Fifth year. A little bit of support and a lot of mockery.

Words: 2,381
Hits: 1,206
Chapter 06

Because no one can be oblivious forever. . .Ron and Hermione note that Something Strange is going on with Harry and Draco, and Harry and Draco are forced to develop new plans.

Words: 5,477
Hits: 1,224
Chapter 07

Sixth year continues, and Harry and Draco plot furiously. Harry tries to make all of his friends just get along, with mixed and varied results. H/D people? This chapter's for you.

Words: 7,672
Hits: 1,133
Chapter 08

Several of Harry's plans go seriously awry, and Draco is left to pick up the pieces. An alternative to events in HBP. Well, for the most part.

Words: 5,361
Hits: 1,196
Chapter 09

Draco works to keep Harry's mind intact after the Very Serious Mistakes of the previous chapter.

Words: 5,787
Hits: 991
Chapter 10

Draco continues to try to fix the brokenness that is Harry, and they both begin to take an active interest in Luna's life. Rather to her dismay.

Words: 7,717
Hits: 1,255
Chapter 11

After their several and painful failures, Harry and Draco begin madly researching with Hermione, and try to come up with a cunning plan. For once.

Words: 3,553
Hits: 1,068
Chapter 12

In which Harry, Draco, and Luna try very hard to behave in an inoffensive manner, and everything goes to pieces anyway.

Words: 6,945
Hits: 994
Chapter 13

Harry, Draco, Luna and Dean are imprisoned and the war begins. Fred and George, being generally unconcerned by all of this, insist that they have the whole situation well under control.

Words: 8,251
Hits: 1,138
Refraction Epilogue

Harry, Draco, Luna, and others recover after the war. Told through letters.

Words: 2,920
Hits: 1,265