Voldemort's Apprentice


Story Summary:
Read about Snape's time at Hogwarts. School influences everybody to becoming different people so where was the final straw that drove Snape into the arms of Voldemort. Was it pure evilness? Was it his parents? Or did it have something to do with a certain pretty red-haired witch?

Chapter 02 - Chapter Two: Moony

Author's Note:
Thanks to my friend in History who kindly beta-d this for me.

Chapter Two: Moony

Severus dreaded going back home for the holidays. His parents hadn't stopped arguing and only his potion books could block out the angry screaming coming from below.

That was a lie.

There were a few other spell books, belonging to his mother that could block out anything going on in the kitchen. Eileen had banned her son from reading the books when he was very small, but Severus figured he was old enough for them now. He already knew the most common spells in there, the Imperius, Cruciatus and Killing curse- all though he had been forbidden, by his mother, for revealing he knew them.

Another thing that worked was a daydream he had had ever since the Sorting Ceremony, but since it involved a witch with flowing red hair and muggle blood, he stopped sopped himself just in time, every time.

His third year was uneventful, save for an event at Easter.

James Potter and Severus Snape would never be friends. Snape's feelings included a dislike for his arrogance, a disgust at his mischief in class and- truth be told- jealousy for his talent in the classroom, on the Quidditch pitch and his looks.

There was also curiosity for where they went every month. It was common knowledge throughout the year that one of James' friends, Lupin, had some kind of health problem that meant he had to take time off from lessons. But Snape noticed that there was a pattern to his illness.

The day before the Easter Holidays began- a full moon night, Snape was approached by Sirius Black, James' best friend.

"We've seen you watching us," he hissed before potions.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Snape replied smoothly.

"Well maybe not all of us, but Moony, definitely."


Black pointed at Lupin.

"We know you like to be in the know, Severus, so here's the deal."

Snape bent down so Black could whisper in his ear.


Severus could taste excitement in the air. His mind was buzzing with possibilities of what he might find. Was Lupin attending meetings for some addiction? Was he conducting experiments for a new spell? Severus ran towards the Whomping Willow, a long stick in his hands. The knot was there, just as Black had said it would be. He pushed it with the stick. He kicked the tree, just to make sure that it was actually frozen like Black said. It was, so he made his way down beneath the roots.

It was very dark and there was a strange musty smell that he couldn't quite ignore. Whimpering seemed to be coming from a door at the end of the corridor and just as he was about to open the door, he could've sworn there were footsteps behind him.

The door opened and Snape looked straight down the throat of a hungry werewolf.

It looked down its snout at Snape. Snape blanched in terror. It couldn't be- a werewolf.

Lupin was a werewolf- it would explain why his nickname was Moony- he would only change at the full moon.

The monster reared back its head and howled. Severus watched it paw at the ground, then face him. Then it leapt.

Rope exploded from somewhere above Snape. It tightened around the werewolf's neck and Snape realised James Potter was at the other end.

"Get out!" Potter cried and Snape didn't wait to be told a second time.

Snape ran out of the Shack and into his dormitory. He pulled the bedclothes over him and lay there, shaking, partly out of fear, partly out of hatred.

How could Black do this to him? How dare he try and kill him? For that's what he did had Potter- Severus hated admitting it to himself- but had Potter not been there, Snape would have died. He would have been mauled by that- that thing and no one would have seen him again.


Severus was horrified to learn the next morning that Black had not been expelled. He spent all of History of Magic trying to figure out why Black had been sitting and laughing with his friends at the Gryffindor table instead of on the first train home- or better yet, rotting away in some cell in Azkaban.

Then he realised. Black was Bellatrix's cousin. They were from the house of Black, the oldest and most respected family in the magical world. No one in their right mind would expel him for attempting to kill a lowly half-blood.


Potter was talking to Lupin in the courtyard. Snape watched him. Lupin was getting whiter and whiter and as Snape came within earshot, he heard Potter say: "Lucky Sirius told me; otherwise he would've- you know- not survived..."

"I didn't need your help!" Snape burst out angrily. That was so like Potter, butting in, doing a quarter of the work and getting all the recognition. He, Severus, had just been about to kill the beast when Potter and arrived.

"Sorry for saving your life," Potter muttered. "I'm sorry, Remus and I are both going to kill Sirius for this, don't worry."

Snape saw Tom out of the corner of his eye and smiled. Sirius- whether the senior staff knew it or not- was a blood traitor. His end wasn't far off.

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