Astronomy Tower
Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter Minerva McGonagall
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/10/2003
Updated: 08/10/2003
Words: 1,056
Chapters: 1
Hits: 954

Dumbledore's Best Memory


Story Summary:
When Dumbledore decides to give Harry Occlumency lessons, Harry is givenarare peek into the Headmaster's mind.


It was the Monday before Christmas vacation and Harry sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall halfheartedly listening to Ron and Hermoine bickering (like an old married couple) as per usual, when Hedwig dropped a letter in front of him. Harry immediately recognized the loopy purple handwriting as Professor Dumbledore's.


It is imperative that you continue your study of Occlumency, and seeing as Professor Snape is still unwilling to put his past with your father behind him, I shall be teaching you myself. Meet me in my office at eight o'clock Thursday night to begin your lessons.

-Professor Dumbledore

"Great," Harry said sarcastically. "I get to have extra lessons with the Headmaster, because sixteen years ago Voldemort chose me to be his nemesis instead of..."

"Instead of what? Harry are you keeping something from us," asked Hermoine with a piercing look, so reminiscent of Professor McGonagall that Harry turned away.

"Of course he's not, why would he lie to his best friends," Ron implored. Unable to answer him Hermoine turned back to her book. Ron rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Harry. "Hey, Harry at least you don't have to have extra lessons with Snape this year," Ron finished lamely.

"Yeah" said Harry with an attempted fake smile "I'll catch you two later, I've got stuff to do." Harry needed a chance to clear his head, he didn't want to admit it but he was afraid to have Dumbledore searching his mind. What if Voldemort tried to attack Dumbledore through Harry, he just did not want to think about the possibilities.

7:50 PM the night of the Occlumency lesson:

Harry, Ron and Hermoine were walking along a corridor back to the common room (from Hagrid's hut), when they ran into the Deputy Headmistress. She gave their snow-covered robes a disdainful look, before rounding on Harry. Her lips were pursed into a thin line and her eyes flashed ominously.

"Mr. Potter, I was under the impression that you were to have a lesson tonight, and unless I am quite mistaken you are about to be late." The latter was said with a mildly amused look on her face. However, Harry's eyes shot open and he darted off in the direction of the stone gargoyle. McGonagall turned her attention back to Ron and Hermoine.

"You two should go back to the common room, and get cleaned up before Mr. Filch discovers the mess that you made." With that McGonagall strode off in the direction of her office. Hermoine looked pointedly at Ron.

"Where do you suppose she was coming from," questioned Hermoine.

"Dunno, why," mumbled Ron.

"No reason, she looked slightly disheveled didn't she?"

"Yeah I guess so." With that they marched back to the common room.

Dumbledore's Office:

Harry approached the stone gargoyle that guarded Dumbledore's office, and said "Swedish Fish" before the gargoyle jumped aside allowing him to ascend the stairs. When Harry reached the top of the stairs, it was with much trepidation, that he knocked on the large Oak door. The door opened almost instantly, and Harry was greeted with the sight of Professor Dumbledore adding thoughts to his Pensieve.

"Come in, come in my dear boy. I trust that you are ready to begin."

Harry nodded gravely in response, and walked over to where Dumbledore was standing. Harry moved to pull out his wand, but Dumbledore assured him that he wouldn't need it if he used his head.

Dumbledore smiled and said "Legilimens!" Harry was immediately struck by Dumbledore's mental strength, he felt himself rapidly loosing control. The images were swirling through his mind. His years of serving the Dursleys their Christmas dinner... his four years of Hogwarts Christmas...last Christmas Mr. Weasley in St. Mungos, Gilderoy Lockhart, Sirius fighting with Snape...Cho moving closer to him in the room of requirement, tears streaming down her face, moving closer, much too close. Harry focused all of his energy into repelling the Headmaster, he could not let him see that private moment. All of a sudden Harry was sucked into Dumbledore's mind, it was to easy almost as if Dumbledore had lost focus.

Harry was in a warm living room inside of what looked like a cottage, it was snowing and dark outside. Harry suddenly noticed that there was music playing in the background, and turned to find a couple dancing in the center of the room. The woman immediately caught his attention, she was tall, thin and beautiful with long wavy black hair which fell below her waist, she was wearing a crimson bath robe, had thin facial features and gorgeous green eyes. She looked up at the man that she was dancing with, with an amorous expression on her face and she gently kissed him. Upon ending the kiss he bowed his head and kissed her cheek, then turned his head and nuzzled her neck. The woman giggled slightly at this and moved one hand to play with his beard, and occasionally trace his crooked nose. It was then that Harry's attention turned to the man, it was undoubtedly a younger Professor Dumbledore. His hair was still auburn, as it had been in Tom Riddle's diary. Dumbledore looked much happier then he had in the diary memory, infact he looked exceptionally happy, but who wouldn't be with such a beautiful woman in his arms. The woman had moved her hands to Dumbledore's forearms, which she was stroking, she then grasped his hands and moved in slowly towards his chest while muttering "Happy Christmas, Albus." He then swept her into a passionate kiss, and she leaned in more closely to him. With that both the Headmaster and Harry stumbled backwards sweating, and breathing raggedly. After several minutes had passed Dumbledore spoke.

"You did quite well tonight Harry, let's conclude our session there, I'll see you next week." Dumbledore still seemed lost in his memories when Harry left his office. While Harry walked back to the Gryffindor Tower he wondered, if Dumbledore had allowed Harry to see that memory on purpose or if Dumbledore had become to entranced with the memory to stop it. Harry also desperately wanted to know who the gorgeous brunette was. He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't notice a gray tabby cat pass him while making her way to the Headmasters office.